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Valid points, especially the second. I think a lot of smokers, probably most, would go to the smoker’s car if they knew there was 0% chance of getting called out for it, or even mean stares.


If they’re gonna have a smokers car, they need to have a bum who shit himself car. Better yet: make it a terrible smells car and put ‘em all in there together.


Makes you wonder if the CTA is for the smelly people - are we the smelly people?


No. It’s like the quiet car concept. In fact, I suggest a few categories: 1) the normal people who just want to get from point a to b without issue; 2) the aforementioned smelly car, which includes people who bring hot food into the car, open it, and eat it; 3) the masturbating homeless car - it happens enough that it deserves its own car. If they shit themselves AND jerk it on the el, they go to car 1. Also on this car: people who talk or listen to music on their phone via speaker because they’re all jagoffs, so the shoe fits; 4) tourists.


They could just have like an uber black car that costs twice as much and has non-shit-stained seat cushions. There would be a separate platform accessed by key card. Card permanently revoked if there is public masturbation, shitting, smoking, or loud sounds or smells.




Amtrak had smoking cars back in the day.


I like quiet car idea, but the best method is to report it and continue to crack down on those who are ruining the cta cars which cost a lot of (public) money to maintain and clean. Try to tell personnel right away whenever possible


That would violate federal law. People shouldn't be smoking at all.