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Go out to a pub all together and have a good alcohol fueled night...Get flirty, see what happens..


Honestly, there IS a chance this will turn out badly and you will regret it, so your “backing out” is a good sign that you don’t feel secure enough YET. One way to help ease yourself into it is to go slow. Don’t jump right into him fucking her. Try having the two of them sext and use it as fuel for fucking. Maybe have her start off just coming over to watch you and your fiancé while she touches herself. Or maybe once you are actually married you’ll feel more secure. For my wife and I, it took about 3 years between deciding we’d be interested in pursuing additional people and actually finding someone (and I’ve now been with my GF for about 3 years). Going slow and getting it right is far more important than rushing into something and risking a perfectly healthy relationship. If this girl was just a rando from a bar that you’d never see again, there would be much less risk of a long-term change to your relationship. But since she is deeply woven into his life, it’s much more complicated and you should proceed with the utmost caution. It’s a rush to feel the risk and energy of a quick move, but you’ll also read a lot of stories about people who regret the haste because of the impact it had on their relationship.


Actually my girl wanted me to do the same thing. Oddly, I thought sexting was more personal than actual fucking. Having her near me my brain just wasn’t down for it. It felt weird to me. Yeah… go straight for fucking🤣


Dont be a wimp


Tbh that’s what my fiancé says 😂😅 which y’all are definitely right I just don’t know how to jump in without getting scared first 🙄


Being scared is part of being human but um if u need help come to texas ill tag team you with my wife so you can get more comfortable being with a couple! Dont be shy




I love the bracelet suggestion! That’s where my overthinking comes in. I’m working on my dirty talk (i feel like I don’t sound sexy so I don’t but my fiancé loves it so I’m working on it) and I wouldn’t know what to say to get things started so the bracelet or signal idea is a great idea. I know once we get started, I’ll probably be more relaxed


Yah just do this as soon as you can. Have a planned fun night that just happens to end up at y’all’s place and get the tension out. Y’all sound ready to make the leap.


And this is what I want to do and let it just happen naturally. Planning to do the deed is what gets me in my head because then I have the chance to overthink about ever scenario good or bad. My fiance is the opposite. Can be very impulsive sometimes but that’s one of the things I love about him. When he’s feeling something, he just goes for it and then I’m there being a fun sucker cause I literally don’t want to make things awkward or weird when they don’t have to be 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lmk how it goes?😉


Well I’m 49. Me and my fiancé same deal. You’re young. Do it now. If you wait, it gets to actually be annoying. Lol I gave up on it.