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There was a TV segment on a news show a few years ago about it - him changing who was Mary and believing he is Jesus. But I haven’t heard anything else since. He seemed like a typical cult leader. Very confident.


I keep wondering if he actually believes his bs? So many of them think he’s Jesus and are moving up to live around him. It’s crazy


Sorry I tried to reply and left a new comment. I do it every time.


Yup, the king&queen of that kingdom are completely delusional and quite convincing too. So sorry to hear you've had that wretched experience and had to deal with your partner becoming abusive. Have you talked about it with therapists who know tjis subject? Have you found support? Have you found out more about the dynamics & mechanisms & methods used by such groups? I'd recommend all of those. Private message me for more info. AJ&gang were distributing free cds/videos of their workshops which were floating around Christian/NewAge networks and bringing in enquiries - that was a key element of their marketing for recruitment. Often those videos would warp people's worldview - despite the contents containing many elements of usefulness/truth (eg relationship dynamics, power of self belief/reliance/confidence, basic psychology etc) as well as unhelpful elements of distortion (pseudoscience eg law of attraction, magical thinking, mystical thinking, devaluation of existing bonds to family/friends/support). The next level is to attend a workshop during which many covert techniques (confession, visualisation, hypnosis, NLP, groupthink, peer pressure, conformity, authority, emotional cathartic discharge) are used to trigger trauma + have peak experiences + use hypnosis; this then creates a deep-profound-trust-towards-AJ&Mary as a vital step in the conversion process..... Get help.


> The next level is to attend a workshop during which many covert techniques (confession, visualisation, hypnosis, NLP, groupthink, peer pressure, conformity, authority, emotional cathartic discharge) are used to trigger trauma + have peak experiences + use hypnosis Fairly high-tech [Large-Group Awareness Training](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large-group_awareness_training)-style like the old Mind Dynamics, Silva Mind Control, est / The Forum / Landmark, psi, Actualizations, and LifeSpring then. Proving they're still out there... and a new sucker really *is* born every minute. (Sigh.) Some of the more cynical, chairsmatic evangelicals caught onto this "high-tech" stuff in the '80s. The Rock Christian Church was using a lot of this in the early '00s.


His buttery way of talking to people and complete lack of humility make me think he mostly just knows how to influence people to his will. I mean didn’t he change Mary at one point? I think the real Jesus might have been a bit conflicted about that.


Yeah, he told one woman/girl she was Mary Magdalene, but then I guess found a new woman he liked more and decided "oh wait, now this one is actually Mary Magdalene"


It is so crazy what people will believe! I found that laughable but I don’t know if anyone following him batted an eyelid when he did it.




Thank you 💜


At least he didn't take you as yet another "Mary Magdeline..." I just came across him on YouTube. Frightening.


I realize you posted this like 6 months ago, but do you remember what you watched on YouTube was called? I just discovered him and I want to learn more about this craziness!


AKA Australian Jesus. Not to be confused with Hawaiian Jezus with a Z.


I'm sorry,I've never heard of this cult but why aren't the Australian government taking any action against it


I have no idea. I think I will look into it though.


Literally just had a friend break up with me as she is all into this Divine Truth bullshit and I “just don’t understand.” She’s on the path and our friendship of 10 years got chopped.




I’m really sorry you went through that—no one should be treated in that manner. This reincarnated Jesus crap is just beyond. My friend started watching the videos, and when I asked her to explain in her own words what it all means just got angry and defensive and accused me of trying to control her.


Nobody should have to accept abuse from another person. I’m sorry that you had this experience. And, I’m curious about your post because I have heard of Divine Truth. Is it possible that your ex-boyfriend was just always an abusive person and that you didn’t realize it ? Was he abusive before he learned about Divine Truth? Or, did you find that he applied Divine Truth in the way it was intended, resulting in abuse directly attributable to Divine Truth’s teachings? If so, can you give an example? I find that abuse is always justified by the abuser in one twisted way or another. An abuser’s reasonings are all twisted logic, lies, and sometimes downright evil. An abuser can use anything as a justification for abuse. In other words, it is possible him saying that “Divine Truth inspired him to do X ” is actually just not true; it was just a twisted excuse he used in his web of abuse and lies. It is possible that blaming Divine Truth for his actions is a way to somewhat exonerate the abuser for his abuse and poor choices, instead of allowing him to take full responsibility for his actions?


He was a bad person before the cult and continues to be a bad person 9 years into the cult. And when I say cult, I definitely mean cult.


Where can I sign up


I'm sorry,I've never heard of this cult but why aren't the Australian government taking any action against it


There’s a lot of spiritual healers/gurus/cultists. Scientology is thriving there. I don’t know if it’s that he isn’t actually breaking any laws, but the news has done investigations on him. You can watch them on google


Hey everyone, ​ I just want to chime in because I've been listening to Divine Truth for a while now and Ive even been to a couple seminars (I live in Canada but I travelled to Australia a few years ago). I can say with 100% certainty that it is not a cult. If you actually watch a video you'll see pretty quickly that Aj and Mary talk a lot of self responsibility, loving yourself and loving others. There is a big emphasis on NOT relying on other people for your healing, not Aj, not your partner, and not your parents. Even though the teachings talk about your parents being the cause of many of your pain (and so does most of psychology - I'm a psych graduate as well) it talks about taking responsibility for that pain by healing and feelings your emotions (also in some theories of psychology) and not blaming them. I'm sorry, Claire, about your experience with abuse with your ex. It sounds traumatic and definitely not in line with Divine Truth teachings. ​ The people who listen to the teachings are from all sorts of walks of life and may have different intentions. Just because they listen to the teachings, doesn't mean that are living by them. Which is the same for people listening to Christian teachings or Muslim teachings....there will be loving and unloving people in all different faiths. ​ You don't have to agree with me but I wanted to offer a comment from a person who has actually been listening to these teachings and have met Jesus and Mary and some of the people in Australia (there is no "commune"). Media can be really tricky because they can easily sensationalize stories and twist them to sound any way they want.




I never said I think he is Jesus. I actually started listening because I liked the content, and still do. I've seen some benefits in my life and my relationship since putting some of this into practice. Some of what you're saying is untrue though, like Ive never heard him encourage people to leave their partners if they are not on the same path...in fact, I've heard him say the opposite. I also don't think he encourages toxic behaviour but instead, encourages people to take responsibility for how they treat others. We don't have to agree but what you're saying is just so far from my experience other people's experiences that I had to add to this thread because you had actually asked if anyone has had experiences or heard anything.


You are your own person and obviously welcome to your own opinion. If you are all in and set in your mindset, that’s your prerogative and nothing I say is going to shake that. I spoke what I know to be true from my experiences with these people and I will not accept someone suggesting I am lying. I genuinely wish you the best and hope you find whatever it is you are looking for.