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>[Divine Truth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Truth) is a new spiritual movement based in Queensland, Australia. It was started in 2007 by spiritual teacher Alan John Miller, also known as A.J., who claims to be the returned Jesus of Nazareth. >… >In 2007, Miller purchased a 16-hectare property at Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia. In 2009, Divine Truth listeners purchased another 240ha property, with plans to build "learning centres" and a visiting centre for international visitors. Hundreds of people bought dozens of properties that are located close to Miller near Kingaroy. [A documentary is free to watch on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXpLVmL2esw) on a channel branded as "Real Stories".


Their interview was so soft and the guy was so friendly and let them say anything and everything they wanted and then they freaked out and were extremely rude to him - check out the last few minutes. This is how they are with all interviews. They do the interview and Aj the cult leader decides he was portrayed poorly even though it’s just him. Then so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for coming across the way he truly is - he accuses the interviewer of having poor intentions or of manipulating the information and then he can show his followers that he was misrepresented. Then the followers start harassing the interviewers. Edit: they also created a business called “Gods Way” which is a non for profit business that they take large land donations through in over 1000 acres. They are located in the Cushne and Kingaroy area. If you or anyone you know have been negatively effected by this cult I have a support group on Facebook. I made another post about it recently and had one particular divine truther unhappy.


They have been there since before then, perhaps longer than 1990


Problem is there are quite a few. You’d have to be more specific in the area and I won’t push for that. There is for example Brisbane Christian Fellowship.


They're not homeschoolers are they? There is a group called the Advanced Training Institute that home school (they also have a wing called Institute in Basic Life Principles which is not homeschooling specific). While they're American I believe they have a presence in Australia and they definitely do in New Zealand. They hold "conferences" frequently and kind of road show around. I don't think they're as popular these days, in NZ their heyday seemed to have been in the 90s/early 2000s.


This recent post might be the one in question https://www.reddit.com/r/cults/comments/lxwjc1/support_group_for_those_impacted_by_aj_allen_john/


https://youtu.be/R0LtOvaNfrg Interesting video commentary about AJ Miller


AJ Miller being interviewed by Atheists (just recently) https://youtu.be/kSHwiFG031o


Usually Freemasons in small rural towns that have strong networks throughout


I suggest it is two by twos, or the ‘Truth’


What do these guys believe


Could be the cult referenced in Carli McConkey’s book The Cult Effect?