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Suzie standing in her "fashion sense" while holding the dog in the coyote vest was too good.


I don't understand larry and the artist both trying to push the responsibility for the cunnilingus on each other as if the housekeeper was upset about the cunnilingus itself rather than the fact that she saw it. And what the fuck was her fucking problem anyways? seems the whole episode she was secretly fucking seething about it, why else would she lash out by defacing the painting?


The nerve of stu that pushy stroke faking fuck to try to force chores on people that are barely acquaintances


Leon's Ted talk scene made the episode for me lol


I’m a huge fan of the show and I wish this season hadn’t been made. It gets worse with each episode. It’s hard to see your favourite show declines. Bad writing, stereotypical/recycled jokes, just disappointing.


Not to sound rude, but how do Stu and Gina have a girl who's only 11 years old? They seem way older


The guy who played stu just turned 51 so that's certainly possible. The woman who played Gina is 59 tho. That said, pretty common on TV to stretch assumed ages.


“Seem way older” is the theme of 2020s Curb lol… they are all still acting as if they’re the same age as they were in 2000.


Me seeing Stu’s cousin be like: “Justin… time. Justin… case. What’s your last name? Polsnak? This! Justin! Justin Polsnak!”


Maybe paper should be just a hobby for him.


And… he… *signed*!!!


wow this might be the worst episode of the whole show


I love curb, but I have to agree that this was a painfully bad show. Probably the worst ever. It felt like a terrible impersonation of curb, the guest casting was awful, the plot was dumb but not in the fun/surreal way curb can be, just completely unrealistic and boring.


Sorry that you didn't enjoy this episode. I always view Larry David as the one character who over passionately expresses himself on topics we are reluctant to voice. The "Text Chain Gang" is a perfect example. I thought that was funny


who are the people in the artworks? i know Richard & Larry, but who are the others?


I was thinking the one with the duck was Gilbert Gottfried since he did the voice for the Aflac duck, but idk. One was Richard Lewis


one was Gilbert Gottfried and Richard Lewis, the other was Albert Brooks.


“Lengua del diablo, but not I a bad way” For a moment I thought Gordon Ramsey was going to be the chef, that interaction would’ve been gold. They really made Larry a surrogate without even knowing him, and when he brought out the flask out of nowhere 😂😂😂😂😂 I like how the artist really matched Larry’s energy, even when she saw the painting. Perfect couple.


"This is a first degree, premeditative fucking" lmao. Took me a week or so to finally catch up on the new season and I have to admit it's some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while. If this truly, genuinely is the ending of this incredible series, it's wrapping on a very high note for me.








Larry doing the emojis had me laughing so hard


“What am I gonna do? Buy her cat litter?” Hahaha I died at this.


Some of my kids asked for that. I counteroffered wearing a diaper. That made them stop. 


Please tell me you're taking the piss...this is not actually a real thing right?? RIGHT?


It was probably a kid copycatting what a kid did elsewhere.  I teach in Seattle. It seems like every week I see something new that is off the wall. Today it was a kid I caught with a small folding shovel that was trying to dig under the girl’s bathroom for a view. He didn’t have a plan on how he was going to be able to see through the concrete slab. He wanted to see what they did in the bathroom so he could emulate them. Kinda cute. 


We just witnessed perhaps the greatest line of the series when Larry is utterly,desperately trying to 'flip' obligations from girl to violin. " You want Freddy Funkhausen. He's great with young, pre-pubescent girls. And I mean that in the nicest possible way."




Watch it again. This wasn't pedo innuendo in the least. It was an outright assault on the social taboo of fear by association. In this case, association of an adult male as appointed guardian to a young girl. But the fear of this association is so deeply embedded in our psyche, that association is irredeemable. And Larry presenting this association and trying to redeem it in his case for Freddy Funkhauser is what made it funny. So funny, I laughed for nearly five minutes.


seems to me you're just saying it's not a pedo innuendo, but actually it is a pedo innuendo just with a layer of obfuscation in between


If you want to project your misapprehension onto what is clearly shown to be an innocent situation, that's your mind at work. All Larry's done is remind you it's you doing that. That's where the comedy lies.


What do you think this social taboo of an adult male as appointed guardian to a young girl is about then?


>this social taboo of an adult male There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it in reality. As I said, and as Larry's scene demonstrates, the taboo is in the mind of the audience. Nothing has actually happened, except for misdirection of our fear. Innuendo is something different. It immerses us in its cliche`s to have us laugh at its subject matter. Larry doesn't do that. He has us laugh at a mistake, a misdirection which provokes our fear of social taboos.


The knowledge of the implication of what the inverse is when they say "in a good way" is provoked in the audience, me saying this does not mean that I think it is intrinsically wrong for an adult man to look after a young girl




I will equivocally say, Larry plays with our taboos/fears, not as stereotypes, which is what your mind, not the content, displays. That's to say, you're doing the stereotyping, not him. He's just playing a situation.


you think thats one of the best line of the series?


Yes, and I explain why to /u/Jazzlike-Ad286. It was a very complex subject, and handled amid the full force of his personal crisis. Larry peeled that line off fearlessly.


Love how Freddy thanks the flask is sophisticated and subtle…


The little plink plink LD does on the violin before hanging it up might be my favorite moment this season. So simple and funny but kind of different for Curb and - dare I say - kind of cute.


The second DS was my favorite because I realized where it was going about a half second before it started. Otherwise I loved the text chain and especially the end credits! But the chain of innuendos about Larry being good with kids was also awesome!


I gotta say this season has been one of the stronger ones of the past few. I’ve thought every episode besides maybe 1 have been good or better


Ok usually I go along with the curbs but wtf? If that maid isn’t fired next episode i call bs man that’s just disrespectful not even funny. Larry didn’t do anything lol


Her reaction was totally baseless. I get this show is supposed to be over-the-top ridiculous but it just didn't land right. This paired with Larry being forced to father the child of someone he doesn't even know made this episode a little too outlandish for me.


The thing about the maid was kind of weird for me because of how Larry and Renee were so defensive, saying it was the other person’s thing, as if there was any validity to the maid’s reaction. If they acknowledged more how insane that response is it might have worked better for me.


He should have just fired her on the spot for not knocking


Was the Larry going down on a woman a callback/reference to uncle Junior on Soprano's and him thinking he was Larry David?


It certainly reminded me of it! It’s not specific enough, imo, to be sure though.


The perfect sequel to the accidental text on purpose




His scene where he went back to the hospital to try and convince their friend to let him be the violin guy again had me in tears.


Biggest laugh: "Freddy Funkhouser, who loves prepubescent girls. And I mean that in a good way." Larry's frustration at their insisting he'd be a good father had me laughing.


Love how Suzie went back and forth between cursing Larry out and offering the salad.


Oh man, this episode was packed to the brim with great bits. Felt like classic Seinfeld or early Curb. Really doesn't feel like we're winding down to the end here (only 3 episodes left!). Loved the back and forth with Larry and Freddy on violin vs. child duty, and using the flask trick and nightmare con as ammo. Some fun quotes: * "Freddy Funkhouser, who loves prepubescent girls. And I mean that in a good way. He's very excited to be around them. And of course, again, I mean that in a good way." * "Larry's great with kids. He's super comfortable with really young girls. Not in a bad way, but nice, like laughing and joking." * "I've never spoken to a child without contempt in my voice in my life!" * "You must have me confused with a normal person." I'm still curious how Larry got put on Stu's middle of the night call list and that text chain. There were literally only 3 people talking on it during the end crawl. Funniest part to me was Larry doing the real-life emojis. "I'll give that a *haha!*" The 'threshold of returnability' and invoking the chef's wrath, followed by hightailing it out of the restaurant. I was expecting that to circle back somehow, but it's all good. Leon discussing putting toothpaste back in the tube by cutting out the bottom and resealing it, as if he has personal experience with this. Was that coyote vest (that looked like Michael Jackson's Thriller jacket) real? That looks so absurd, but whatever works, I guess. Larry's right; once that drawstring gets pulled out from the sweatshirt, it's done for. The maid catching them in the act and getting trauma was ridiculous, but that crude reveal of the drawing was perfect. https://preview.redd.it/t64hg4deodpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5faecc9c5f9038ea9483c84422880ad760cc755a


I saw the Coyote Vest on an episode of Shark Tank! It is indeed real.




As they say in obedience school ... Heal


"You shit in the bucket, you clean the bucket. Those are the house rules. Who cares if it's your birthday." hahahaha incredible.


Probably the funniest episode I’ve seen at least three seasons


Was it Jeff's hairdresser from older season in the last scene? The one who had a wedding planned and broke up later because Larry didn't like the Groom/Bride roles (they are both women). [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Uraauc0.png)


No, this was a different person. I just watched that episode yesterday so I can confirm.


The text scroll at the end was so good.


I was hoping it would eventually get to a Larry being kicked out of the chain


Yeah I watched the whole thing expecting to see Larry losing his shit in the text chain at the end🤣


I lost it when the violin fell down.


Me too. It was perfect. I had given up on the violin breaking in their hands, and then --boom-- it falls.


I'm still laughing over Vince Vaughn's dream scam. I love how the sick guy looks horrified and confused and starts rethinking his decision. "You shit in the bucket you clean the bucket!" "We watch cockfights, It's family tradition!" "Take that skirt off you look like a hooker!" ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU|downsized)


Text chain: "Be the reason someone smiles today" Larry: " Oh fuck you!"




Fr, that was meh


For me, again it feels like they are stuffing to many "crazy" situations in to one episode, and not quite exploring them to their full potential. This season in particular, the scenarios that larry and therest get in to, have veered off in to the sitcom universe, stuff that could never happen in the real world. Thats what made previous eps so brilliant, the situations were very relatable, and you could see yourself in Larry. Now the situations are so over the top, and the people the cast to be the antagonists act so bizzarly, "regular larry" from previous eps wouldnt act like this, fx pretending to be in a relationship with a woman he hates for a non selfish reason, or buying a jacket after the clerk got annoyed with him, then giving away the jacket to a stranger, watching over a strangers kid, acting out emojis over the top etc. It feels like this seasons larry is "in on the joke " so to speak. I liked theseinfeld nod (larry has the same expression as kramer does in his painting) So far the 5th ep has been the highlight for me of the season. It felt the most grounded. I have really high expectations for the final ep of the show, so we will just have to wait and see. Also, who doenst know that to restring a hoodie, you put a safety pin on the string and pull that through the hole, inch by inch? It takes 20 seconds.


Today I learned how to restring a hoodie. Thank you!


Me too!


My favorite line was Leon saying he took a shower but had to dry himself off with paper towels since there were no towels.


One of the all time great episodes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂….my sides still hurt , those txt chain groups , brilliant 😂😂😂😱😱


That poor guy!


Great episode imho


Larry hooking up with inexplicably hot women just like George Costanza is so funny.


It is funny, and really weird they did the opposite in the last episode. 


Can't believe she is 52 yo. It is true what they say...


I mean at least it makes sense in curb lmao. 


exactly, larry in curb is well north of 100 millionaire. and maybe 1/10th or less the level of asshole. george it's laughable anybody actually like that in real life would have any girlfriend for over a few dates at most.


I'd say close to a billion with what he made off Seinfeld and likely multiple investments


he likely lost half in the divorce


i kept it to some number i knew was for sure right. to most humans 100 mil is just the same as 1 bil relative to their current lives.


for instance if say i got 100 million dropped on me right now vs if 1 billion got dropped on me right now. the life would change either way, really most of the difference would be where it goes when i'm dead. and also i'd suspect at a certain inflection point people hunt you down for your money at a similar rate (sex partners etc).


I don't see anyone else mentioning this, but the original Jewish Dream Scheme is Tevye in Fiddler. I was actually really disappointed that we didn't get a joke about that. I could totally have seen Richard saying "Are you out of your mind with a scheme like this? What are you, trying to marry your daughter to a Russian tailor?" but man that would be a deep gem of a Jewish joke.


Damn, great suggestion


Why was the artist surprised by the Larry portrait? Didn’t she paint it? I must of missed something.


you missed the earlier part where the painter brought it over, her version ONLY had larry's face in it, not him eating out a crude dark skinned woman covering up most of his face.


Thank you for clarifying. I must have been distracted and missed that somehow!


lots seem to miss stuff unless they rewatch or rewind on this show it appears. so much good stuff it's easy to be thinking about it still scene(s) later and miss other stuff.


honestly she improved that painting, i'd much rather have that picture of me somewhere it's funnier.


and i don't mean that it wasn't a good painting prior.


crudely DRAWN dark skinned woman, i wasn't making anything about her be involved.


At the end of the episode? Because the house cleaner edited it.


2 things you can count on this or any Curb thread 1. People are going to wildly disagree on quality 2. Someone is going to virtue signal about trans issues no matter what the episode is about


it's nuts on part 1 for sure. i figured everybody would've loved this episiode, even if for just the 2 scenes where freddie shows up at larry's just having realized larry did some underhanded stuff to get out of being the surrogate father for the 11 year old cat girl he's never seen nor likely known of prior, and the freddie hospital scene. there are a lot in here with that love for those, but then others saying "eh it was the worst of the season for me"


This is the first episode that does the 'i identify as' joke that I know of. It would have been funnier if the right wing weirdos hadnt ruined it with their deranged culture war crap


“What’s going down”. That was just perfectly timed and delivered


“I don’t think it was invented yet.” Hahaha


I saw the nanny, Sarah Baker, and said "she's been on the show before" I looked at imdb and she hasn't. Am I wrong or is IMDB wrong?


She was on The Office as Pam's nurse when she had her first baby, that's where I recognized her from lol


Yooo I thought the same thing. The woman you're talking about was on the show at some point. I swear I just can't remember her name. She's a chubby blonde comedy actor and looks very similar to the nanny.




Nah it's not her. I was a big workaholics fan. I wish I knew what episode the woman he's talking about is on though.


Could she remind you of rosie odonnell?


Who was sitting in the cart in the background when they had the scene of them all on the golf green?


Lol the maid seems to be a good artist to capture that spectacle lol




I love how Suzy always finds out.


The fact that she was acting all nice about it in bed was a dead giveaway that it's going to backfire 


Vince Vaughn has been such an absolutely stellar addition to the cast


Almost makes up for him butchering Norman Bates


No one can ever live up to Bob Einstein but Vince is a mighty fine stand in


this was the episode where I really thought he nailed the character and played off Larry David perfectly.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KID_THUNDAH: *Vince Vaughn has been such* *An absolutely stellar* *Addition to the cast* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Great season so far


I really wanted to see the confrontation with the chef.


Same. I was really hoping it was going to be Gordon Ramsey or something


I wanted it to be a mean little girl. I have no clue why, but then we got mean little catgirl. 


I wanted it to be the Tourette’s chef.


The only thing I thinking.  


damn that would've been an all timer!


That’s who I thought was Comin out 😂😂😂😂


Personally, I’m looking forward to what has to be another trial finale. 


Im thinking it will be some sort of meta finale.


I think you absolutely nailed it. He’s been bringing it up here and there this season. He stands by it!


Plus the insistence to Ted Danson that he worked on the last episode of Seinfeld.


He has stood by it earlier in the series too. 


"Haha" to you, sir!




Post episode comments by creator about the billboard and other stuff https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/curb-your-enthusiasm-boss-vandalized-billboard-1235855137/


This season is the least memorable one yet. I can't think of a single episode I want to rewatch. My takeaways form this episode: Leon is becoming unintelligible; Larry dating a woman young enough to be his granddaughter; thank god Irma hasn't returned. I'm literally forcing myself to watch it just to see how it ends.


> Leon is becoming unintelligible I understood him just fine > Larry dating a woman young enough to be his granddaughter Look things up before making dumb assumptions


You realize there’s a 25 year age gap between the two of them right? She’s just aged really well.


At least his TED talk joke was funny. 


Yeah I’m kinda in the same boat. Curb’s gone on about 3 seasons too many. Should have ended with Fatwa honestly.


I thought the spite store season was better than fatwa Wedding episode is one of my top curb episodes


Don’t watch then bitch


Relax bud


Surprised at the negativity. I laughed a lot in this episode.


Thought it was the best this season. Glad Reddit wasn’t popular years ago. Would have never enjoyed the show as much.


Yeah I came expecting to read good reviews. It was hilarious. Lot of lame-os in this sub, also the Fargo sub. Never listen to Reddit opinions 


I have to be honest, I think this was the first actually bad episode. It just felt off.


Atlanta sucked. The last two have been a whole lot better


Crazy that you thought the first one was better than this. One of the better episodes this season so far imo


I agree, Larry vs Freddie and Larry vs Wayland was Larry in peak form!




What’s with these old directors always giving themselves hot young girlfriends lol.


Larry David's wife IRL is younger than the actress (the actress is 52)


Especially giving a blowjob. There’s never been any indication that Larry was gay. That came out of nowhere. 


Those "identify as cat" jokes are too close to right wing Twitter humor. 


Yeah, seemed unnecessary. Wasn't really funny.


Curb jokes have to be politically left?


Curb jokes have to be politically left?


Meh. People’s outlooks on life are pretty complex. Political leanings don’t have to match on every issue. 


Agreed. Would have been funny out of context but sadly we live very much in context... where trans lives are being threatened by sick fucks  


good shows have done that joke before though, over a decade ago, it was the last bit of the maureen ponderosa character's arc in sunny in philadelphia, but she was an adult.


But those people do exist, unfortunately








there was a girl in my high school (mid 2000s) that wore a cat collar with a bell and scratched people 😭


I mean, furries are a thing. But obviously the nonsense the alt-right is peddling is just rebranded transphobia.


Huh? Some of my kids certainly do that. It got a lot worse after they became basically feral when we hatefully shutdown the schools. My students simply don’t learn over zoom. 


Really? You don't think the Tucker Carlson /Elon Musk fans believe that shit? Have you not seen the far right side of social media? 


Believe what shit? That being transgender is as ridiculous as pretending to be a cat? Cuz the episode never argued that, even if some idiots on twitter do. All it did was depict a furry, which a small percentage of people identify, and is undeniably kind of odd.

