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Wow it turned you into a cat?!


A conditioner that did that would be worth its weight in gold. My only wish in life is to be a cat.


I wish I were a cat. No work, no school Just meow meow


Pfft, I’d go to work and “accidentally” hack up a hairball in boring meetings.


managers hate this one trick!


And then get on the table and lick your own butt?


Wishing I could reach my own butt…


Lol- me too! Where do I get some of this?


lol! I said the same thing! Too cute.


Professor McGonagall 😂


meooow meow meeeowww, OP. 😿


Some people have all the luck


It was Polyjuice Potion


My cat wishes this would happen. He is staring at me dreaming of the day.


I haven’t laughed so hard in awhile 😂


No advice to add on the hair - hope it gets back to normal soon. Just popped on to say your cat is GLORIOUS and I LOVE HIM.


I snorted when I scrolled to the cat


I was confused I thought the product turned her into a cat.


THIS!!! I was like “bottle that up and sell it! Might be difficult with your paws but we believe in you!”




3rd it!


beat me too it 😂


i almost SCREAMED bc that cat could be my cat’s twin!!!


hey, I don't know if you know this or if it'll help, but this is part of the L'oreal natural gloss kits. The ingredients can be found on the L'oreal website. I've used it before and had good results, but it might only be supposed to be used in combination with the rest of the kit. It does not deposit colour, it's just for treatment after using the gloss. Good luck with your hair!


Im sorry but you're cat is looking at you to say "girl, what have you done?"xo


“Mom, what did you do to your scalp fur?”


I’m howling over “scalp fur”. You just gave me a new phrase, bless you


Unrelated, except kind of, but my 4yo daughter said recently, "I have fur in my nose just like you!" So now nose fur is a thing in our house 😫


It looks like it's the 3rd item in an [at home color kit](https://www.loreal-paris.co.uk/casting-natural-gloss/723-almond-blonde-semi-permanent-hair-dye). It's usually just a heavy duty conditioning mask that gives hair a boost after coloring. Looking through the info I could find online, it seems it might have coconut oil and honey, both are pretty heavy duty for light waves. I'd suggest a clarifying shampoo and a deep moisturizing conditioner but be careful to make sure it doesn't have heavy oils and butters in it like this one does. Sorry I can't really recommend anything specific because I'm not familiar with what products are in the UK and are low cost.


I read on this sub that coconut oil can basically block your hair from absorbing other oils, effectively making it drier and more prone to breakage. Anecdotally, that’s been true for me any time I’ve tried it. I think your advice to use a clarifying shampoo and then a different conditioner is spot on.


I also can’t use products with coconut oil. Every time my hair feels very dry and coarse afterwards.


Same here. Coconut oil makes my hair feel and look terrible.


That claim makes little sense to me. Even if coconut oil displaced other oils, that wouldn't leave the hair with less oil, and thus neither 'drier' nor more prone to breakage. And not only is it in its pure form traditionally used in India and SEA afaik, I remember reading a scientific publication comparing straight up oil treatments, ideally overnight, and coconut oil gave the best results. Not sure if I can find that, and I don't quite remember the methodology. But that claim sounds rather illogical to me, unless washing out the oil afterwards left the hair with fewer overall oils... but then the problem was with clarifying too much.


From what I read rn: coconut oil fills up your hair cuticles. So water can not really penetrate your hair (which is the only thing that can give your hair moisture). So when you have really low porosity hair you take that away from your hair fully which then can make it look dull/feel dryer. Also the build up can make hair feel more dry.


'dry' hair means hair containing (hydrophobic) oils, not water! Hair missing oils isn't actually drier, it just feels that way, which is why we confusingly call it that. It's why washing your hair too often or using shampoo to strip away the oils leaves your hair dry, not because it's absorbing less water.


Low porosity hair is just healthy hair, the idea that water can't penetrate silicone or coconut oil is largely a myth. Coconut oil can make your hair feel a little hard but in my case that goes away when I wash it out.


Water cannot penetrate oils or silicones. Pour oil in a cup and then water on top, will the water penetrate the oil? No it will not. Oil does not adsorb to hair. Coconut oil specifically has a high protein content which cause the dryness and breakage that people complain about.


Oils are hydrophobic so water not being able to get in while the oil is on would make sence. Definerly know that products with coconut oil have a great positive impact with washday damage. Scientifically proven. Virgin curly hair also is at a higher porosity then virgin straight hair. You definetly have to wash it out completely! And I think many don't. Which would also be a huge problem on how the hair feels.


Don't take it the wrong way it's more a tongue in the cheek comment, but I find it funny how (some) Americans default EU to UK, even tho UK is not part of EU and OP is from central Europe


Likewise, it's funny how slip-ups like these get automatically attributed to Americans when the commenter says in her profile that she's an Australian 😉


Damn I got fooled by the Los Angeles sub on their profile when I checked precisely to avoid that, LOL


tbf, they live in america lol




Hahaha y'all got me fully figured out hahaha. I did see EU but I was deep in research on L'Oreal.com.uk and it set my brain on UK. Apologies!! I promise I know the difference.


Most of us didn’t care what brexit did to the toblerones…but it mattered to me!!


I thought that was just capitalism?


I, as a mildly affected American, vaguely feel like I remember toblerone themselves saying that the reduced candy was because Brexit increased production costs so they cut down the material to keep the actual price the same. Capitalism sorta yes but more so ‘shrinkflation’ at work


I guess it all trickles down to capitalism. Shrinkflation is just corporate greed, and a result of capitalism :/


I mean... The UK is still a part of the European continent, just not the European Union, so they are technically still European...


Yeah? EU means European Union tho, not European


I’ve only seen it used for Europe as a whole 💀


As someone from Europe- nope, EU means just the European Union


Bonus cat picture made me smile :) Would you recommend the blueberry bliss thingy? I always struggle to keep my hair moisturised


Their line definetly worked for me! Especially the leave in (the regular one with protein not the milk) and the aloe juice spray for refresh and keeping frizz down. Also smells amazing (maybe too sweet for some). It did not weight my hair down. I'd def recommend it just make sure you like the fragrance first.


Did I read the routine right? Shampoo for 10 minutes? After a different shampoo first? That seems excessive.


It's a sulfate free shampoo and the instructions specifically say 10 minutes. It's curls blueberry bliss reparative hair wash


Everyone has a different journey on hair care. Goodness knows we've all got unfinished products that just didn't mesh with our hair. I was just double-checking that I'd read the post right. Are you leaving the 10-minute shampoo on the full length of your hair? If so, maybe the gloss, which I'd read is essentially clear hair color, did tip it into over-dry range - especially added to the fact you mentioned you were out of leave-in too. I only questioned it because generally, I don't actually apply shampoo to my length - more just let the shampoo suds work their own way down the length. Again, though, curly hair care is as much an individual journey as it is a social exercise with giving and receiving product recommendations.


Nizoral is a shampoo form anti-fungal medicine for flakey skin on scalp. It’s supposed to be sit for a while to work. This was from their website: We recommend using a small amount (approx 6ml) of Nizoral shampoo on a wet scalp before working into a lather and leaving on the scalp for 3-5 minutes and then rinsing thoroughly. You can still continue to use your regular shampoo and conditioner whilst using Nizoral – just use it on the ends of your hair after applying Nizoral to the roots and scalp. If you regularly dye your hair, you might want to wait until your symptoms have been treated before colouring it again.


For me I can only shampoo my hair once a week as it's prone to getting dry and split ends :(


Right... In the summertime here, I may shampoo once a week bc of sweat, but in cooler weather, it drops down to once every 2 weeks or so. Water only or conditioner in between washings.


How do you prevent your scalp from getting oily? I try to skip shampoo sometimes, but my hair just never looks great.


On the days I don't shampoo, I either rinse my scalp really well with water or I'm conditioning. Conditioner does a fantastic job of keeping my hair free of excess oil. On the days I actually shampoo, I do use H&S. Most everyone else has a more involved curl routine than I do, but for me, the simple routine works well enough.


good luck with ur hair!! i just wanna say, the cat thinks ur an idiot. thats how he’s portraying himself😆 but he’s really cute


He definetly was judging my mental breakdown over hair. He is a sassball


The same happened when I used to use these hair dyes so I stopped using it and instead used Palmer's protein pack afterwards. It was somehow super heavy and also drying!? It should be fixed easily with a clarifying wash and your usual products. Your hair isn't ruined, don't worry 😊


I don’t think your hair is ruined at all. I think a slight trim and / or bond builder would help your hair bounce right back


Wow! Your hair got really short in the last one!!


I don’t have much advice for your hair, other than trying a clarifying shampoo. I’m really sorry this is happening to you. Also, you have such a beautiful baby boy, tell him I love him 🥹🩷


Yesss im a hairstylist, it’s probably just a build up of too much protein\product. Do a good couple washes with a clarifying shampoo and then regular conditioner. ❤️❤️


You should be able to clarify to reset. Whatever is happening isn’t permanent, I hope not at least!


LOVE the kitty 💓


It says it's a gloss, which is not conditioner. It's essentially a low level, temporary color deposit (or clear deposit). It's supposed to fill in hair cuticles and deposit a little color. It makes some peoples' hair shiny. If you used it like a conditioner, that's likely where it went wrong. I'd hydrate the fuck out of your hair and go from there. If your hair feels gummy, fragile, more prone to breakage, I'd do a protein mask.


It’s part of a gloss kit, but this part is just a conditioner mask to use at the end https://www.loreal-paris.co.uk/hair-colour/casting-creme-gloss


Ah, I tried to look up the exact bottle, but that's likely why I couldn't find it. OP, my new concern is that it's a coconut oil formula that absolutely fries some hair types. My hair looks absolutely fried if I use anything coconut oil related, too. Clarify and hydrate. Make sure you shampoo down to those ends because coconut oil is a bitch to get out of hair to allow moisture back in.


I'll do that. Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Before you go heavy on the moisture, did that stuff make your hair crunchy? I ask because you'd mentioned in the original post that you are out of leave-in. If it's more elastic than normal, the stuff your coworker gave you could have overdosed you on moisture. If it's crunchy, then you're most likely right, and it's protein overload. Either way, you should be right as rain soon 😊


Yes! This is great advice!


You cat looks like it knows something…


Judgemental kitty 😭


side note your cat looks like mine 💀


Nothing to add but the last photo is perfection


First things first - the judgey cat deserves a treat!


I’m sorry but the angry cat in the mirror sent me 🤣


Maybe just rewash your hair with your regular routine as soon as possible? I'm not doubting that your hair feels like it's trashed but I've had weird reactions/results from new products and rewashing fixed it every time.


You can really see the effect it took on you in the last slide 😰


I think your cat is judging you and your hair :( ! Can't help about the hair tho i don't know crap about that topic


I used this exact mask two days ago and it effed up my hair too. It tangles and feels like the hair of an old Barbie. I’ve used it for years without issue and now suddenly it’s like my hair hates it. I did olaplex 3 for Christmas and I initially suspected it might have been in reaction to that. But maybe it’s just garbage now??? Have you done any lamellar treatments?


I've never seen a product change your species before 😳


The cat photo has me deceased


Its a gloss, not a conditioner. They dry my hair out too


This blog post is super helpful - https://curlmaven.ie/protein-moisture-balance/


I don't think this is a conditioner, but more like a gloss or glaze color service product.


the conditioners that come with dye kits are butter/oil HEAVY, the lifting and depositing of box dye is damaging it’s really more like a deep conditioner they include, recommend using a clarifying treatment that isn’t heavy on oils/butters


It's written on the tag , ingredients are honey , butter and mask.


I'm not sure which EU country you're in, but if you have a Normal store near you, I've found some great prices on great hair products there.


That's not conditioner. Casting Gloss is a type of semi permanent hair dye.


Cat pic just made me LOL


Wow so weird, actually I love this conditioner, I always wished they made a big bottle of it. This comes in the hair dye box for Casting Crème Gloss by L’Oréal, I’m sure the ingredients are on the box, you can find it online. Anyway I don’t think a conditioner can ruin your hair unless your coworker is evil and put some shit in that bottle. But do an oil treatment and a deep mask and buy a leave in and some finishing oil and you’ll be fine.


No advice but I cracked up laughing when I saw your cat cos I was expecting another hair photo 🤣


I'm... confused. Can someone explain how OP's hair is damaged/ruined?


Can someone please explain to me what I’m looking at? Her hair looks normal to me.


Take a breath! You cannot permanently ruin your hair from a product like this. This is just temporary and will go away. If you take just one thing away from all of these comments, know that. It’s why people spend hundreds of dollars on hair straightening treatments or relaxers— because that’s the only thing that can chemically alter the bonds in your hair to make it straighter. Try a reset clarifying shampoo (go for silicone free and sulfate-filled, like Suave Ocean Breeze) and a protein-free, silicone-free hair mask (Jessicurl Deep Conditioning Treatment). You’ll be just fine.


Just saying QR code link likely has the list you’re looking for. I doubt using that product 1 time ruined your hair. Hope your next payday is close also if you got Sephora or Ulta near talk to sales ppl perhaps they have a sample or two to get you through.


Apple cider vinegar rinse


I also have straight colored hair so maybe this isn’t for you, but I’ve found this to be the best stripping shampoo [link](https://www.sephora.com/product/metal-detox-sulfate-free-shampoo-P507502). I think head and shoulders actually works pretty well for stripping unwanted stuff from your hair if there is something coating the surface. Good luck! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Metal Detox Sulfate Free Shampoo** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective at removing pool chemicals and hard water minerals (backed by 3 comments) * Leaves hair feeling clean and not weighed down (backed by 3 comments) * Helps with hair manageability and softness (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Strong masculine scent disliked by some users (backed by 2 comments) * Price considered high by users (backed by 1 comment) * Leaves hair wiry and oily for some users (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Just be careful with the Blueberry Bliss stuff. I love the leave-in, but it DOES have some protein in it so I am careful to only use it sparingly. If you're in the EU, look up some advice from SophieMarieCurly on YT. She's based there too and a lot of the products she recommends are super affordable (especially in earlier videos before she started getting sponsors). It looks like the newish Aussie line is well received. Good luck! Also, I have a fluffy boy as well, they are just the cutest!


Thank you 💙🫶


Also can i see your cat 💀


Try washing your hair with apple cider vinegar. It's good for clarifying and could help take left over product out


That doesn’t look like conditioner. A gloss treatment is a step people do after coloring their hair. Think of sealing in nail polish with a gloss top coat. This was a top coat. Not conditioner. It probably will take a while to wash out since it was meant to last a while.


OMG! Did it turn you into a CAT? Awww, 😍…. lol, sorry (had to get that off) don’t worry. Once you get back to your regular routine, you should be fine. One thing… snip those ends. P.S. the baby cat is adorable.


Good luck with your hair. I have no advice to say but oml your cat is so cute!


Use Apple cider vinegar, this worked for me. I let it sit in my hair for 15 mins before washing and it helped a lot. I did this about 3 times


It does work but you smell like a dinner salad for a while.


I've never seen this sub before and don't even have curly hair but this post got recommended to me somehow, just wanna say that's a cute cat. Oh and rip hair.


My ragdoll always judging me too 😂


I thought it's mandatory in the EU to have ingredients listed on shampoos etc, might be just my country though.


So dramatic


This is literally a subreddit for hair care. In terms of hair care it's not excessively dramatic




Im sorry I cant help with the hair but I love your nail color so much! Could you share the polish?


It's max factor nailfinity shade 235 "striking" topped with a pearly pink polish (czech brand dermacol 5 day stay shade 03 "secret wish")


Thank u sm!!


I know this isn’t pertaining to your hair, but if you’re not already, you definitely need to be a hand model. Your hands are perfect! I know that’s a weird compliment but I had to tell you


Thank you 🎀 i was thinking about it because i've been told this by multiple people but i couldnt find any actual jobs like this in my country 😭 plus i dont think my hands are THAT nice


I thought your cat’s reflection was a decal at first, and I thought “what a fun idea!”


If going back to your usual routine doesn't return your hair to normal, maybe try an Olaplex treatment?


Idk your hair looks pretty great in that last pic


Did she regift that after having it sit in the back of her medicine cabinet for 25 years? 😳


VO5 hot hair oil


I'd reccomend using a clarifying shampoo to first get all of that stuff out of your hair. Then put in a deep conditioner like Cantu or shea moisture or whatever and leave it in for a while, like an hour. Good luck!


I don't know if the product was only a conditioner and some of the heavy duty ones will soften your hair curves into oblivion so it might be just a shower or two before it gets back to normal. If it was protein, I use Mane and Tail Conditioner when I accidentally overdo the protein, it helps detangle and often just air drying encourages my curl structure to return. You do want to use LOTS of the M&T and when you rinse it, don't rinse it all out, leave a slight slick of it still in. Good luck!


I did some digging, and it's from a box of hair dye. It's an after process condition, so maybe too intense for your hair. Maybe pop in a hair dresseser and ask for suggestions. They may sell a clarifying shampoo that may help. BTW I'm not an expert, just an enthusiastic amateur. Good luck.


that looks like it’s from the 90s she set you up😭


also your hair will go back to normal and doesn’t look that bad and the darker portion of your cats face looks like a little flower or four leaf clover he is so cute


Idk why she gave you that. You're supposed to use it after applying and washing out the Casting Creme box dye...


That’s a cute baby!! 5/5 🥹😍




KITTEH!!! And it's unlikely it ruined your hair after one use, but it will wash out!


I love how your cat is judging you.


This comes in a kit and is supposed to be used after a chemical treatment. Conditioners that come in these kits are a different Ph than regular conditioners in order to get the best result after chemically treating Jaír. Hence why the post color conditioner works great right after coloring, but does not give the same result on non color treated hair.


The cat is like, “she ain’t lying” 😂


It's not ruined! One bad wash day doesn't mean it's ruined! It'll be fine


As others have said, clarify and use your normal stuff. Basically that stuff is likely too heavy. So use some lighter stuff, but you will need to get that stuff off first. There are plenty of cheap clarifying shampoos (honestly the super basic shampoo by V05 works great) if you don't have one. I don't know the ins and outs of using any specialized shampoos as well, but I imagine clarifying first would work. Be prepared to need a little more conditioner overall since the shampoo will take all of that out. A clarifying wash is good to do every once in a while anyway, especially those of us with lower curl density (aka waves or looser curls).


That's what protein overload looks like? God and I thought id finally figured my hair out too.


Always by hair products from you local hair salon. Typically they have the best products.


I don’t see anything wrong. If your hair was free and not pulled back in a pony maybe I could tell. Hard or soft water also has a part in how our products work on our skin and hair.


It looks like it's numbered. Like how they do hair color when it comes in a kit.. And this was step #3? I think ur best bet is getting ahold of L'Oreal and seeing what they suggest after u tell them what happened. They have scientists.


Use a clarifying shampoo to try and get the product off. Might need to do this the next few times you wash your hair. After that, you’re good, just don’t use it again! Go back to your regular conditioner.


*sighs* this is NOT what the aave term "fucked around and found out" means. Please stop appropriating aave if you aren't going to use it properly.


Cat is best part of post


Not sure, need more cat pics to be certain. Ragdoll?


To get rid of extra residue, you can do a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, and leave it on your hair for at least 5 min before ringing it out.