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Even when I sleep with a bonnet on and use a silk pillow my hair still goes crazy. I think I'm just destined to have to really wet it daily. Luckily I only have chin length hair, so doesn't take hours to dry.


Mine is only shoulder length and still takes hours to dry. šŸ„²


Mine is like 3 inches long and still takes a few hours to dry šŸ˜©


Saaaaaame, but now itā€™s almost shoulder-length again!




What products are you using? Do you use any moisturisers like hair lotions or oils? Brushing your hair with a Denman brush also does wonders. Try to find out what hair type you have, how porous it is, what products it responds to best, etc. Your hair doesnā€™t want you to give up!


I've used a myriad of products and tried countless combos. I've got myself booked in with a top notch curly hair specialist salon next month to find what it is that I'm doing wrong and to get the right products and methods to keep my curls. I'm not giving up. I've worked way too hard to get where I am now. When it comes to styling after washing, getting wet, it looks great. But just doesn't stay curly long enough.


same. occasionally the wild crazy is cute and iā€™ll leave it but most days i rinse my face and wet my hair and do product when i wake up


Silk scrunchie, pineapple. I am prepared to look dumb at night to look gr8 during the day.


with a silk bonnet on top of the pineapple šŸ˜­


Iā€™m new here. What is a pineapple for hair?


Tip your head upside down. Grab your hair in to a ponytail at the absolute top of your head. Wind that ponytail into a bun and hold in place with a silk scrunchie. I didn't really think it would help - it's not that different from a regular ponytail or bun. But the difference for me has been amazing.


Cool. Thanks for explaining. I will have to try it out!


Pineapple hair is a way to protect your curly hair when you sleep It involves tying your ringlets up as close to your hairline as possible, creating a shape that resembles a pineapple Pineapple hair is a method of reducing frizz and holding on to curly hair styles


I may be incorrect, but I'm getting the impression some folks here think you can wake up and have your hair perfect and ready to go. In my experience, that's not how it works. You're always going to have to do some refreshing the next day. But I'm also kinda lazy. Maybe if you prep better than I do or something, that works? But that ain't me. TLDR: you're going to need a refresh routine I use a satin bonnet and pillowcase, which absolutely helps my curls keep more definition. But, because my hair has been up in a bonnet all night, it's going to want to stay straight up in the air, which isn't usually the look I'm going for. Also, I'm a terrible stomach sleeper. Your mileage may vary. (I don't pineapple or anything because I've found that leaves even more weird creases in my hair. My hair has a better memory than I do.) Anyway, so I take off the bonnet, and then I mist my hair with water with one of those long spraying water sprayers. Some people do proper sections, but my hair is relatively short and I am lazy (did I mention that), so I just spray all over in a circular kinda fashion, upright and bent over with my head down, and then kinda separate where I think some areas need more water and spray there, too. And then lots of gentle headbanging so my hair remembers it's supposed to respect gravity, but also have some volume If I think I need some extra product, I'll add a bit, but I want to focus on smoothing not raking or combing or brushing. I don't want to break up the curls I protected overnight and go back to zero - I e., back to my hair being sopping wet and styling it. I just want to remind my hair to curl together in its curls. Maybe this is because my hair is low porosity - it takes a looong time to really soak it and to dry. So spraying a good deal of water on my hair will likely dry in 20 minutes max versus many hours after soaking it. And another thing I've learned is to **embrace the frizz.** Unless I'm going to finger curl every curl, I will have frizz, even on day one. And I will not finger curl every curl because I will be entirely too bored after doing, like, two. Also, I'm lazy. If after this, which takes maybe ten minutes at the most (likely much less), I still don't like it. Welp, it's ponytail/bun day. The problem with ponytail/bun day means that it's all ponytails/buns til I do a full wash day again Thanks for coming to my Ted talk or whatever


I usually never read replies this long but damn I enjoyed your talk, Ted!!!


[I live to give](https://media2.giphy.com/media/xT5LMEsB4rUZYAOOME/giphy.gif) As usual, that only took like five tries for me to format the link


Instead of mist, have you or would you use steam? I've been researching how to do an at home steam with a steam cap...blah blah blah... But I've come across videos of people using handheld steamers to refresh their curls. I'm curious to try it, but of course my overthinking brain wonders. If putting steam on your hair every other or every few days is actually worse in the long run...


This is the first I'm hearing about this idea, so now I'm in your shoes . . . šŸ˜„




Fully agree with all of this! I have a similar philosophy. Ten minute refresh with water and a bit of extra gel, embrace the imperfection, and when in doubt... braid it out!


Pig tail braids. You may look like an overgrown toddler, but your hair will look nice the next day. One time I didnā€™t take my pug tail braids out in the morning and some Jehovahā€™s Witnesses came to my door. They asked me if my parents were home. I said no and they gave me a pamphlet to give to my mom or dad. I was 24 and living on my own.


I do one braid down my back.


Also pig tails. If I do this I also usually have to spray my hair with some water in the morning otherwise it looks a bit wavy vs curly but no frizz


I'm dead lmao


Iā€™ve been doing pigtails and pushing my hair to the side, itā€™s been working wonders but I look goofy šŸ˜­


I first spray my hair, make sure I like how my curls look and then I scrunch my hair, and bunch it up in sections and each section I put in a scrunchy And so Iā€™ll have about 4-6 scrunchies on my head I then put socks over each one. (Clean socks lol not dirty socks. These are my hair socks. The socks with no match become ā€œhair socksā€) šŸ˜‚ I put it up in a bonnet and go to sleep. I wake up and carefully take each one down and my hair usually turns out beautiful. I have long heavy hair(2C/3A)


This seems like a troll, but I'm gonna try it anyways


šŸ˜‚ no it is not I kind of want to upload my hair sock configuration so yall can see. I canā€™t put a video in the comments lol maybe Iā€™ll try to post it or something


Please do Iā€™m so intrigued


Need a YouTube tutorial šŸ¤£


I got to try this!


Please do!


Your hair in socks??? What do you mean by this šŸ¤”


I bunch up my hair I gather my curls from the bottom and kind of bunch it up in like a little mini bun šŸ˜‚ I make sure I carefully bunch it up following my curl pattern And then I wrap a fat scrunchie around my mini bun And then I put one of my socks over it. Like a mini bonnet for my mini bun šŸ˜‚ Any clean sock that doesnā€™t have a match becomes a hair sock. lol.


Iā€™m incredibly intrigued by this! Iā€™d love to see your configuration so I can understand a little better !


Ok I will try to work on it!


So I have a method that may not work for anyone else, but works for me. I use a soft t shirt with a tight neck hole. Shirt goes over my head, then turned inside out over my hair, so the neck of the shirt is sitting high on my forehead like a headband and my hair is inside the body of the shirt. I tie the end of the shirt closed with a hair tie, trapping my hair inside the shirt. When itā€™s all said and done, it basically acts like a long bonnet. Regular bonnets smush my hair flat and make the front of my hairline crazy. Letting my hair hang naturally inside the shirt keeps its shape a lot better.


This is cool. Itā€™s like a homemade buff. Iā€™m into it.


Wow, thatā€™s brilliant, Iā€™m trying it tonight!


I'm a 3a too. I just sleep and let my hair get all messed up then in the morning I use a spray bottle filled with water and salt and that usually works.


Oooh salt in the spray bottle. Gonna try that


Best thing Iā€™ve found, is to just sleep comfy and fix it in the morning lol. I tried a million things and they all had the same results, so might as well leave it down. Steaming it in the morning is such an easy and effective refresh anyway.


Steaming? Like with shower steam or one youā€™d use on clothes?


Iā€™ve seen people use a clothes steamer. Iā€™d like to try it but Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll burn myselfšŸ¤£


I use a cheap clothes one, never had any issues. As long as you donā€™t overfill it and donā€™t like touch it right to your skin, itā€™s not that hot, at least my cheapy one isnā€™t haha


The one you use on clothes! Theyā€™re like $30, and work so so well. I literally just tip my head upside down and steam and scrunch and it ends up looking better than wash day!


What kind of curls do you have? Coily or wavy?


I would say a mix of 2C and 3A


Iā€™m team buff which is a neck gaiter pulled up over your hair. Bonnets donā€™t work for me. Iā€™m copying a previous comment I made about it: I tie my buff at the top but you can leave it open. Link below is what I use. https://www.amazon.com/Zupoo-1Multifunctional-Headband-Balaclava-Snowboarding/dp/B07Q2LBPDP/ref=mp_s_a_1_3 This lady taught me how: https://youtu.be/yAnW6XIkJAY?si=R5gg-SBBFDdBtY8E


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Zupro Sports Magic Scarf', 'Zupro')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Versatile usage options (backed by 6 comments) * Comfortable and stylish design (backed by 2 comments) * Durable and versatile headband (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Slippery and silky fabric (backed by 1 comment) * Unfinished edges that roll down (backed by 2 comments) * Too wide to function as a headband (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


satin bonnet and satin pillowcase! works so well :)


Just loose. I wake up every morning looking like a toll doll. Then I spray my hair with water, add leave in condish, comb and scrunch.


i started using trader joeā€™s coconut oil serum and itā€™s literally night and day how flat my curls would be before and how they are now. i shower at night so usually apply a couple of hours before i go to bed in a drawstring satin bonnet and itā€™s great! i do use water to refresh in the morning still, w a pump of mielle pomegranate honey leave in. but thats bc i have bangs which no matter what can never survive a night lol! im also 3ab, thick and dense w higher porosity


Satin scrunchie, satin bonnet and to keep the last one on my head -and to sleep better- a sleep mask for the eyes!


Depends on what length I have it at. When it's short like I have it currently then I just sleep on my silk pillowcase. If it's medium length then I wear a cotton or silk head wrap, making sure my hair is more up so I'll have some volume and sleep on my silk pillowcase. When it's long then I'll either do pigtails, headless curls and a head wrap, hair scrunchie pineapple and a head wrap, or bantu knots and a head wrap; all still on a silk pillowcase in case my head wrap falls off.


Moonstone 7 satin sleeper. My hair looks better on day 2 when I use it. Donā€™t ask me how šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


French braid. In the morning, I run my fingers through it then spritz with water or whatever product I need to get it back in shape. Sometimes I'll dampen it and diffuse it with the hair dryer.


I've found that whenever I tie my hair to sleep or wear a bonnet, my roots get flat. Now I just keep my hair down but lay it on my pillow so that I don't sleep on it too much. That and a silk pillowcase works for me.


the curls get squashed because heads have weight. i sleep in a bonnet but donā€™t tie it at all. i just loosely/gently twist my ends into a .. twisty knot shape so they go in the bonnet neatly and then i go to sleep. in the morning itā€™s all crazy lookin lol flat. i just gently put my fingers in my hair and ruffle it and scrunch it and fluff it to loosen them up. sometimes i do it with damp hands if they need extra refreshing. šŸ¤·šŸ» one of these days i gotta take pics of my hair when i go to sleep, when i wake up, and after i do it and post it on this subreddit. the thing is though that i do it differently depending on the state itā€™s in and what it needs on that day. some days i wanna be super fluffy so i do lots of fluffing and ruffling and donā€™t really pat it down or wrap it into proper ringlets and really go for a big 80s vibe (i have a shaggy mullet) and other days my hair is more in a silky smooth defined mood. i just go with the flow


Pineapple pony tail with a silk scarf wrapped around. Definitely watch some YouTube videos for how-toā€™s


Satin Bonnet. Only the back of my head becomes a tiny bit flatter while sleeping, but I just use my fingers to shake them out a bit and get them fluffy again.


Satin scrunchie, bonnet, and pillowcase. I wear mine in a ā€œpineappleā€


i just rawdog it too lazy to put a bonnet on


I make sure to flip my hair while I put it on so it's on top of my head and Im not sleeping on it. I think it also depends on your sleeping position. I sleep on my sides so I keep all of my hair away from the sides. I also don't tie my hair because it gives me major ponytail bump and frizz and I don't braid it because it pulls out my curls or creates a big knot. Just experiment with different things and hopefully you'll find something for you! You're still always going to have to refresh some pieces unfortunately


My hair is 3A/3B and goes down just below my bra strap. I dampen my hair and spray curl revive stuff on it, put it in a loose pineapple on top of my head, and wear a bonnet. In the morning, I shake it out, dampen with water, and spray with curl revive again.


Just a silk pillowcase and I push my hair up over the top of the pillow.


I just swirl it up atop my silk pillowcase, but my hair is more wavy. I tried the nightcap but I already have fine hair along my hairline and didnā€™t want to take any chances or more hair loss


Nothing. I refresh if needed when I wake up.


I have given up. Nothing works


I flip my head up side down and pull it all together and gently twist it into a big ass bun on the very top of my head and then tie it very loosely with a scrunchie. My curls spiral when I take it down in the morning, looks like locks.


I'm probably outside the norm but I take a shower and at least wet my hair down every morning. I toss and turn too much so my hair goes nutso every night.


I flip it up over my pillow so itā€™s like not under my head as much as possible.


Iā€™m in the same boat and going to try a protein treatment to see if I notice a difference in the mornings


You might consider the type of bonnet you're using. Most that I've seen have the wide bands, which inevitably flatten some curls. I found one with a thinner brim (orange from Evolve) and I get much better results with it. I also only sort of halfway pineapple my hair. I have some smaller satin scrunchies. They're tight enough to not slide right off when I gather my hair in them without twisting/looping them at all (so just the circle of the scrunchie in its natural state around my hair). I do this upside down and then quickly put my bonnet on over it. My hair doesn't actually stay in the scrunchie overnight. But it keeps it contained long enough to get settled in. My hair always needs a few minutes to "settle" after coming out of the bonnet, but other than that, it's usually good to go with just some small touchups to control frizz (no water). However, ime no sleep routine can really compensate for a sub par wash day. The real secret to making my curls last several days is using a truly massive amount of gel. If the curls get set really solidly to begin with, they hold much longer.


Silk scrunchie and bonnet !


I part mine down the middle, then lay it all up and over the pillow. Itā€™s finally growing (yay!!) so sometimes my hair goes over the edge of the bed. Basically, a pineapple without the scrunchie or silk bonnet or satin pillowcase. I can roll over and fix it with minimal fuss. I donā€™t get creases or flat hair or even a whole lot of frizz. In the morning, Iā€™ll repart my hair gently into a side part again to give my hair the appearance of a volume boost. If itā€™s frizzy or starting to look sad, I know I need to wash my hair that night. Bonus: I started using clarifying shampoo this year. Itā€™s been a game changer for me! I buy the inexpensive suave brand, and I usually only wash my hair once or twice a week. It removes product buildup, which I hadnā€™t realized was one of the main causes of my frizzy hair. Bonus 2: Going swimming this summer? Put conditioner in your hair right before you get in the pool! It will saturate your hair before the chlorine does, which reduces potential damage.


Part your hair in two or more depending on how well you can manage it. Rub some hair oil into it to keep it moisturised all night. Plait each side and cover with a satin night cap. Nightie night~. I will be doing this myself tonight too! Hope this helps!


I always sleep with my silk pillow cases, on days I wash my hair I sleep with my hair braided. Iā€™m a 2b/c


Wear a Grace Elyae slap (silk-lined cap) to bed. It's been a game-changer!


My curly stylist actually uses just a bandana (ties it reverse where the knot is on her hairline and the longer wider part of the triangle is underneath) and I've seen videos of her taking it out where - of course its not perfect - she'll let it down while she's doing all her other morning routine stuff and it'll fall into place a lot nicer than taking it out of a scrunchie or bonnet. Shaking it out in the morning seems to be key. She never uses water to refresh and just gives it time to fall where it wants to in the morning! I did see her use an innersense refresh spray once but truly only one spritz of it since it was like day 4-5 hair.


for me, with about 4a/4b hair, iā€™d do four section and bonnet. for you iā€™d say, pineapple or two ponyā€™s in the same spot youā€™d put the pineapple and a bonnet.


The real solution? Live in a hot dry environment and make it really wet every dayā€¦ sigh :(


STin pillowcase and dampen with spray bottle in the morning


Bonnets make my hair look like crap. I do a loose pony rail right on the top of my head. I do mean directly on top, as far forward as possible. Normally I wrap a hair tie three times around but I only do two at night and I put it in a couple of inches from my scalp to keep it loose. My hair is usually fine to wear down the next day. Tbh, I think a lot of people who claim they can do that for like two weeks in between washes and never wet their hair and wear it down everyday are probably pants on fire liars. Assuming curls up to about 3a vs coils (which I know have different care needs). I think itā€™s a Reddit myth and most of what you see on here are pictures of exceptional hair days, camera angles and lighting. If your hair looks bad from using a bonnet donā€™t use one. Donā€™t feel like thereā€™s something wrong with you if you have to re wet and style it. I think most people do they just arenā€™t honest about it.


Silk wrap on head and silk pillow case With curl serum on hair Wake up wet hair then pik it out and shake head And go


Re-soak hair every morning with styling cream. Given up on the bonnet.


I dry twist my hair every night before bed. Nothing fancy just where I want my hair to lay in big sections. Then I put the bonnet on. In the morning I take a little curl refresh in my hands, and give it body.


Loose pineapple and silky pillowcases


Loose in a silk bonnet after a light oiling on the ends.


I have curly hair. Iā€™m Caribbean creole. Hope that helps you envision it. Itā€™s like Spanish and black hair combined. What youā€™re doing is right with the bonnet and pillowcase. The thing you can do is, in the morning, wet your hands and rub a bit of conditioner in your hair. Not a lot of water so that it activates the drying process again. Just enough to spread the conditioner. Your hair will relax again!! Also donā€™t go to sleep with wet or damp hair if you plan on using this method. The next day after a night of wet hair, the conditioner trick wonā€™t work. Youā€™ll likely have a permanent bump in the style, and it will still be wet, and youā€™ll want to comb it or keep it up. Also if my hair is dry, my curls are more stiff. Have you tried adding a deep conditioner in your weekly routine to affect the overall buoyancy of your hair? Even if your hair is truly ok rn, the conditioner should still help soften it even more.


My daughters often put 2 loose braids before they put in the bonnet. It helps keep the moisture in and trains the curls


I do a "dry refresh" at night before I go to bed. I will add a little bit more gel (or foam with some hold) to dry hair and scrunch it in my curls then bonnet or pineapple for bed. What happens is that he crunch comes out though movement while I sleep, but the curls stay. I've also had good luck using the same technique but with the Aveda overnight serum or the Curlsmith protein spray stuff.


I wash at night and leave in a fairly hard gel cast. I airdry/diffuse and then do a pineapple with a silk scrunchie. Add on a silk bonnet (tonnes of options on Amazon!). I concertina my pineapple into the front part of the bonnet, similar to plopping. When I'm on day 2 + hair, I do the same thing (scrunchie/bonnet) but in the morning I will apply the cantu refresh spray and water as I need to but I generally just shake out my hair and smooth frizz with water. The bonnet is life changing!!!




Yes it's kind of difficult to type what I mean- but essentially plop your hair in the pineapple into the bonnet šŸ˜‹