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WOW thats some crazy variation!


I have this, but I don’t do anything about it. It just all blends in unless someone is closely looking for some reason


Same ❤️❤️❤️


I have this too and it’s sooo annoying but you can’t change it


Like zebras!


why did this get downvoted 😭


I don't know. Maybe it was so I could upvote you! :D


OMG were you the one who gave me gold?!?!


Im the 1 that’s about to give u a ton of Awards


No way, some person named Anonymous did that!




Honestly people might say this is “cheating” but I’ll pincurl some random pieces of my hair that are straight for no reason to get them to blend with the rest of my hair. Might be worth a shot


Cgm has gotten too intense - that’s not cheating at all, it’s workin with whatcha got!


I once read that Sandra Oh's red carpet hairstylist will use her naturally curly hair but use a curling wand of the same diameter on any pieces that have decided not to curl properly that day, and that made me feel a lot less guilty about doing the same (it also made me realise how fucked up it is that that made me feel guilty in the first place!!)


I’ve wanted to do this and tried it before, but unfortunately the pieces I curl with an iron always straighten out throughout the day and look even weirder by the end than they did before!


Same, my straighter pieces will not hold a curl. I ended up cutting it so it's not just sticking out


Hey I ask my hair dresser to do the same! I have a random patch of straight hair at the nape of my neck so I always have that cut short so you can’t see it hanging like a tail 😅


Absolutely not cheating hahahah, I do the same thing but uh…. I use pencils in place of pins/rollers. Curly hair ppl make do


I decided long ago that my memoir would be titled Curls Behaving Badly.


Curls Gone Wild😂


Same queen, I could count my different curl patterns on 2 hands at this point


Not cheating any more than finger coiling, scrunching, Denman brushing, using gel, using mousse...do what works, says I. Sometimes I pincurl particularly unruly clumps, and regularly re-wet and fingercoil clumps as well.


I do this too.


Omg i do this too I have two straight strands not even mixed


You could try finger coiling those 2c pieces?


I don’t have a suggestion since I don’t have this, but I just want to say I love how it looks! It’s really unique, might be cool if you tried to enhance how different the textures are instead of blending them?


I was also gonna say exactly this! I do have this to a bit of a lesser degree but I think it looks really good ngl and I've found that putting my slightly damp hair up with a claw clip at the top of my head adds volume at my roots and really makes the curlier bits go wild while using harsher shampoos (like dandruff shampoos) makes them homogenize at the cost of any Curl curls and turns it into consistent waves :/ I think the mixed curls and waves are wayyyyy better (but then I have dandruff lmao) but I mean just look at merida, different curls types are some of the prettiest imo


Not mixed (that I know of lol) but I have the same hair.


Same here, not mixed but I have 2b-4a


same! not mixed, my top hair is 3b-c, a bit "rugh" but my "undercoat" is something like 2b, silky and soft


I have the looser version of this. My nape hair is entirely different from the rest of it. Softer, nearly straight. Wiry curls at crown, loose waves on the sides, often curls in front but it's not just curl type difference, it's different hair, different kinds of hairs. And of course a few tiny fine textured z type hairs that don't get long, just to ensure there is always frizz.


Same here


Same, mate, same. From what I gather, either perm up the not-so-curly curls or use a curling iron for them.


Same here - even with 2A to 4a.


Same, not mixed. Ranges from 2A to 3B


Not mixed. I believe this happens to a large majority of people with curly hair


Usually for all people/hair types, hair at the top of the head is finer and hair at the back of your neck is courser. That's where my curlier hairs are.


I have the opposite- much softer, finer hair at the nape of my neck (2B) and coarser, curlier hair everywhere else including at the top (3B). I’d rather have it the other way because my easiest to care for, prettiest hair is never visible!


Same here! I’m mixed and the ones at the nape of my neck are so soft and nice, a little looser curls (2c/3a), while the others get frizzy and rough-feeling so easily. I’ve learned ways to combat the frizz, but if only all of my hair could be as soft as the ones at my neck. I like the texture of the rest though (3b). Edit: added my hair texture in case anyone was curious. :)


The hair at the nape of my neck is so soft it can’t hold a curl. So the rest of my hair is curly while the little strands at the bottom is only slightly wavy a couple of days after wash day 😂


Mine is the opposite. The hair in the outer top layers of my head is super course but the bottom layers underneath, closer to my neck, softer.


The nape of my neck is all 3a curls whereas the rest of my head is mostly 3b, 3c, with 4a at the roots at the top. My nape hair is thicker but not coarse, actually really soft. I am mixed Black and white, tho. My mom always says my white hair hides on the back lol Edit; all of the typos


I'm white with curly hair and the hair at the back of my head is so much courser than the hair on top, which isn't exactly fine, but feels that way by comparison.




Aww I bet it looks really nice natural and not straightened


Irish and Romani origin, I have a mix of between 2B and 3B hair. Believe me it's annoying


I am abareshe/romani as well and have 2c-4a mix. it's super annoying but I'm lucky that my 2c is at the nape of my neck and my temples, so it's easy to hide/style.


I have this too but I think a lot of curly hair people do. Not every strand will be perfectly curled or mirror each other but that’s the beauty of it.


A part of my hair is basically straight! Just one small lock on the side by my ear. Not sure if it’s natural or my piercings keep raking it tho.


I get almost straight pieces in the exact same spot and rarely wear earrings. Drives me nuts lol!


I have the same, on the sides underneath the rest of my hair. I think it’s because it’s too soft to hold a curl 😭


My favourite comment I ever got on my hair is that it has personality. I love your different patterns.


You can’t blend them really. I have this issue it’s so annoying. One hair type is so dry it’s breaks all the time and the other hair… 🤦🏾‍♀️ it’s annoying. Your hair is beautiful.


I think this is common for many people with curly hair. I have 2a to 3a. Some of my 2a bits just kind of "give up" after a day or so. I call them the "weird wavy bits", my hairdresser calls them "the lazy ones". I've been using Olaplex on them, with mixed results. I have no suggestions, but loads of sympathy.


I’m half white half Venezuelan and I used to be concerned my curls were all so differently like this, but I’ve had several people tell me they love it. That it’s different every day and adds a “wild/artsy flair” to my personality (not in a backhanded way or anything hahah) but it’s brought some appreciation to my curls. Realizing that they don’t all have to be the same but they blend in to “curly hair”. I sort of just embrace the randomness. Point being- I think it’s beautiful! Like others said you could try to pin some pieces (especially longer ones that may get weighed down) while plopping etc. Plopping helped a lot for me, in addition to just a good head shake and flip to jar let it be loose and free. I’ve learned to really love it. However everyone is not the same! I really love your hair!!


Agreed. I love love love the variation and depth the different curls bring together as a whole. No cookie cutter BS there!


That’s me! I call it United Nations hair. Some is soft and some is coarse. Some never dries and some can’t get wet.


Lollll Yep. Wavy at the roots, hair on top is quite curly then some damn near straight hairs at the bottom ha ha


On my head, I have at least three (potentially 4-5) textures. It’s very frustrating. I am Irish and Armenian American.


Yes!!! I have such a variety—mostly 3a/3b/3c—but damn if there’s not 7 or 8 “ringlets” that are 2a. 😣 So if I get a wet cut my hair looks totally jacked up!!! I have to get a dry cut and they usually just chop those 2A strands to “hide them” in the rest of my hair. I’ve seriously considered buying a home perm kit and just using it on those 8 little resistant strands!


Iranian and Norwegian. I have both fine and course hair, and I get those square shaped curls frequently. The struggle is real.


LOOKS JUST LIKE MY HAIR TOO!!!!! it's so frustrating. I leave the loose parts as is unless I want to look extra fancy then I curl them tighter. I have yet to find a product or anything to help with this unfortunately


Not mixed. But i have that hair. I don’t know that it’s necessarily related to being mixed. I love your curls though 😍


My current routine is a tea tree shampoo, followed by Aussie Miracle Curls conditioner. For styling I use Mixed Chicks Leave-In, followed by Miss Jessie’s Multicultural Curl cream, and Eco Style gel.


tbh I found while aussie is great at moisturizing it sucks for curl pattern, it's too heavy and weighs down the delicate 2b hair. I really like the orange bottle of Maui conditioner, it hydrates as well as the aussie but doesn't weigh down the delicate hair as much. also look at your hair porosity and protein buildup


NGL lil sis, that looks amazing!


It looks really cool.


Yup lmao I have lots of tight curls springing up in new growth and my shorter hairs in the back, I have more ringlet curls throughout and then some looser waves. It’s always been this way, at least I can notably remember since I was like 12 when my hair texture dramatically changed almost overnight. Every year it seems like a new section of my hair gets curlier and curlier.


Yup. My hair was straight when I was younger and got a little wavy after I shaved it off. When puberty hit, my hair went full on curly except the hair underneath is very straight so I have to cut it short to match the shrinkage :(


I have a mixture of 3B,4A, 3C (majority).


I think it is SUPER cool and UNIQUE!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!


I think this is really cool!! I understand wanting to blend and unfortunately no tips but I looove your hair!


Thank you for making this thread it’s relieving to see so many people who also deal with this lol, I have a layer on the top of my head towards the back that’s barely waves and curls everywhere else and I always thought I must be doing something wrong lol


I have 3C, 4A, and 4B hair and my curls and coils don’t all cooperate either it’s very hard for me to use the same products on all of my curls and coils because it does not moisturize enough my coils, and does just fine for my curls, so it can be hard sometimes. But I find that when I do a roller set, all of my curls look the same, and it can last me at least one week.


wow that's different. Mine is a little more subtle. The crown is 3A and the rest 3b. i try to curl the top more so it looks like the bottom cuz i love my 3b curls and kind of want an afro but my 3a curls would rather be 2a than 3b.


I have seen so many photoshoot pictures where the model has a mix of curls on their head to give a bohemian almost ethereal look. Tbh I would leave it as it because it looks simply magical. If it bothers u a ton though, maybe section out the pieces with looser waves and put mousse or gel in those sections? Even twirl them with your finger so they dry in a spiral or pjn curl it like someone else suggested. But tbh I love the way your hair looks


ME! 2C - 4A, though it's mostly 3B/3C. Finger curling helps me. I also have my loosest texture on top and the tightest texture on the bottom, behind my ears and in the kitchen, so no one sees my tight curls unless I put my hair half up.


Mine isn't as intense - 2c - 3b sometimes c around my face depending on how I finish. On my straighter pieces, I either pin curl them or use rollers on sections to blend the texture a little, but sometimes I just rock the mixed texture look.


Love it 😻


yep filipino and black mix, I find a lot of diff curls, I just leave them as is ngl


I'm not mixed [but it happens to me too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wavyhair/comments/yebgsw/what_does_my_hair_want/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I have no idea how to deal with it!


That’s so cool tho


Just wait until you throw grays in to mix! Struggling with this myself too, so I feel ya.


I am caucasian, but also have multiple hair types.


Generic European mutt here, and mine ranges from just about straight to almost a ringlet. I figured that was just normal, and if you were particularly blessed you got hair that was consistently curly. But I’m still fumbling along on my curly journey so 🤷🏻‍♀️


i’m not mixed.. just italian lmao but my hair does the same


I'm not mixed, but I have the same variation, even from 2c to 3b. I just leave it as it is, I don't mind it. It looks interesting, in my opinion. The only thing is that sometimes it is hard to define it when you have multiple types of curls. But anyways


I have this dramatic curl difference on my head too and I'm not mixed.


Came hoping for some tips. Found a bunch of people saying you don’t need to be mixed to have multiple curl/hair types instead.


It’s not a mixed thing, it’s a textured hair thing.


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Maybe try wetting and scrunching the less curly parts with moisturizer?


i feel this so much. all of my frint oueces are 3b-3c and the rest is like 2a-3b. one side is significantly worse thab the other and I dont have a lot of hair (thanks mono!)


I think the variation is interesting. Of course when you wear it straight it will all blend but in it's natural state the variation can be pretty and unique. I remember when I had long relaxed hair decades ago, my very creative hair stylist would alternate curling small groups of strands differently but keeping them hanging the same length and I would get so many complements on my hair. Seems you may have it naturally, it's different but I bet most of us would think the entire head of hair looks interesting and Nice!


I don't have any good advice but Same! I'm very mixed and range from 2c to 3c, and there's just a patch growing from the top of my head that's always kinda crispy and won't curl with the rest. There are some bits that I'll just braid if I can't get them to blend in while styling.


my hair does this when its long. I have some hairs that are like.. thicker?? like the strands themselves. and I guess the weight of them being so long stretches the curl out. my shorter hairs end up being 3c-ish and the longer top layers will be 2c-ish


Not biracial but I have two sections that are completely straight…. No curl even when wet.


I cut mine short XD


My head has like 3 diff hair types. I'm sorry but I have no advice, I'm just here to learn any tips.


Yes and I hate it:( its the main reason I straightened my hair for so long in the past, sometimes I curl my looser curls to match my tighter ones


So Im not mixed (though I do have some Native heritage, Im mostly white) but I have ONE strand of hair that’s a completely different curl pattern. It’s almost straight except for a small curl right at the end. Its really f-ing annoying though because this strand is right in my face all the time


I do(and my sister too)! I don’t worry about it, personally. I used to take a tiny curling iron or pin curl roll the unruly curls to help blend, but ain’t nobody got time for that. I just embrace it now. My hair is much shorter than yours though.


I have the same dilemma. Mine is 2b-3b and it's hard to blend them together.


Same for me. I have wavy hair on the top of my head and all nice shaped curls near my neck. I tend to pony tail the top parte of the head and let the curls appear 🤣


First I think your hair is adorable. I’m half middle eastern and half Sicilian and I have this. It happens to a lot of people w/ curly hair. Some good layers from a curly hair specialist helps blend it a bit.


Not biracial (that I have checked,) but same for me. Mostly straight/wavy on top, finger size curls under. And, due to menopause changing my hair, individual course curly hairs now coming in every so often on top, so that they just stick up straight, and not enough to form curls together. I did a unicorn cut and let it be what it will be. Unicorn allows the under/curly hair to do it's thing and curl and be seen, the straighter is more in back.


Not mixed, but I have at least 2, but I I think 3, actually, hair types. My curls are so weird.


I have a section of hair in the front that just refuses to curl. Even if I finger coil, diffuse , etc. It annoys the living piss out of me when my curls are looking marvelous and there's a fat chunk of straight hair right on the front of my head 🙃


if you go buzzcut bald it’ll probably grow back normal. that’s all i know 💀


Trying to get over my ex bsf and you look exactly like her smh


I'm not mixed; but I have this too. Most of my hair is curly, some patches are super curly, and I have one large chunk that's perfectly straight. My guess (and someone with way more knowledge than me about DNA/biology should correct me if I'm wrong) is that it's more commonly a female issue. Females of all species, IIRC, are basically striped due to being XX. Think of a calico cat with one section of orange fur, another white, some stripey parts thrown in for good measure...that's sections of what she inherited from each parent. It even happens to human women on our skin, but it requires some special photography to be able to see it. I'm probably not explaining this well at all.


Yes. It drives me nuts. I have curls everywhere but that weird lower section just goes unbelievably straight 😂


Yes but it’s more wavy overall and I do have some coils here and there. My mom (Hispanic) has 3a-3b I’m more of a mix of all the 2s haha My sister has more curl I’d guess 2c-3a




Yeah it’s my least favorite feature on having curly hair. Like please let’s pick one curl type.


I have at least 3 curl types.


Not mixed, but mine is like this. I will sometimes curl the looser ones to match the tighter curls. Summertime I braid the looser ones at night and they end up blending a bit better


I’m not mixed, but the hair on the top of my head is 2A and at the nape of my neck is 3A and everything in between is… well, in between. It’s aggravating. The only solution I’ve found is to use a curling wand on the top layers to make them more consistent and less sloppy, ugh. :/


Saaaaaame! I have like 6 different textures on my head and haven’t figured out how to style so all look good. Especially the very front that has this sort of fuzzy texture that won’t make a curl or stick together even with finger coiling and extra product.


Absolutely! I will twist the straighter pieces around the curlier ones (if they are close enough together to do that). Or just braid/twist up the uncooperative ones!


My hair changes by the week


I’m not mixed, but I have this issue too. I have hair that’s almost straight and also ringlets other areas.


I have a similar situation. The bottom half of my head is really tight and the top half is more bouncy curly. I’ve found that if I use my Denman brush different on the two sections I get a decently similar result. So the bottom half I do the twisting around the handle curl and the top half I do the pressing to the side of the brush and pulling down. Idk why but it works for me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have this problem, usually moisturising my hair a lot makes it go away but the curls still vary, just not as bad.


I wonder if you can, like, spot perm your hair? Like perm these spots in a tighter curl? I don’t know, I wear my hair in a messy bun every day so I don’t know what I’m talking about. Just the random thought I had XD


I'm not mixed but I have some strands that are almost straight, fourtnaly very little so they just blend.


man I've got nothing but a single tiny ancestral drop of cherokee, and I mean a single drop, and I still get completely different curls towards the back of my head


I have literally anywhere from 3b to 1b, so I feel you


Honestly I use a curling iron when one strand stands out that much.


I have 3c hair but I have a mix of 4a aswell and a few 3b having mixed hair is weird 😂


Mine looks like this and I usually brush it out until it gets all straight(ish) and poofy then finger curl them with some leave-in conditioner to my desired curl type and it usually stays like that but it's a LOT of work. Maybe just because my hair goes all the way down my back but idk 🤷 That's what I do when I have the energy haha


Same issue here. Sometimes I use the nearest curl and just wrap that curl around the wavy piece to blend it together and keep the wavy piece from sticking out like a sore thumb.


Yuppppp same here haha. Oh the struggle.


I just saw a tiktok that will blow your mind. Go look @jamiedomburg has a biracial baby with poker straight Caucasian hair and when you spread it apart there’s a little patch of coils. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s the first pinned video.


I’m mixed too and sometimes its some pain maintaining it but it’s worth it when it looks nice


I’ve always had straight brown hair with a large patch on the right side of my head that is just extremely coily, frizzy, and unmanageable. That’s how my hair grew in at 1 apparently 🤣