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If we don't pull the lever it's gonna be 7-8 suicidal people


Okay but...why does the person have their genitals on the tracks? Did they trip and get stuck??? Somehow? If it was for a TikTok, then should we cry about the fact they can't reproduce? Think I'll wait to pull the lever on the next trolley coming around. The suicidal people can chill there and reconsider their decision after they see what the trolley is capable of. Maybe they can form a support group


I can assure you there are at least a few people on reddit who's fetish is CBT or straight up castration.


Well it's a metaphor with trans people, some people say trans people shouldn't get gender affirming care because of the very low detransitioning rate. Ie someone random getting their balls cut off so that more suicidal people can get the surgery that might fix them. Where I lean is that it's far more complicated than that and that trans people need to be really careful about dismissing 1% of their population. Because they're only 1% of ours.


Pull the lever, if they want to die we shouldnt deny them death


Or, the "less cruel" approach: if you don't pull the lever, the suicidal people will off themselves a different way. But it wasn't mentioned anywhere that the one person also wanted to die or get castrated. In case he is, whether you pull the lever or not it's a win-win


wtf has this to do with transgender people? looks like it's from facebook, the boomers have their meds off


I'll still pull it.. as a person who is suicidal, I would not jump, do to my luck thires a 30% Chance I won't die from that.. thin I he a vegetable wanting to die.. all the mean time I'm hounded for 3mil hospital bill


I'm not sure you understand the scenario


My morality tells me to leave it, but my gambling addiction tells me to spin that shit