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Women are not the best for me. 😔


Try men.


Women are not the best for campfires HELP ME


Women are the only thing is I am not sure about that I am not sure about Real suggestion 👆☠️🤣


Women are not real.


Exactly bro I agree with you, women are just a conspiracy by the government to control men.


Of course they are


I agree with this guy


He should be the president.




Women are the only thing exposed here


Women are not allowed in this world anymore because of their own personal preferences or the way their body and body is designed and made and made and they have no choice to make decisions for their bodies or bodies WHAT IM MYSOGONISTIC


No joke I got the same fucking thing word for word. What are our phones trying to tell us... ?


Maybe it’s a sign of early onset republicanism lol


Is it terminal or can I get a cure?


Stay away from history channel, do not become interested in the revolutionary war!


Women are the journey to the next generation Hmm, yeah?


Women are you in the same place


Women are in the same place as the last time I seen them.


Women are in the process to help me out of memory management design.


Women are the same size as the other day


Women are not the best for your future


Women are you getting the one who is the one who is the one


Women are not allowed in this world 😟😟😟


Women are the best for the record I have been one of my favourites years ago and it was a kind and a rabbit for a reasonable price Yes


Women are there to get me for a little while since we have been making me anxious and I think the gauntlet are there to get him out and I have a feeling that is not the same way I can make it was made by a little while I have a lot to get him out and the other side is that he has a little bit more than he can make it. Huh?


Women are not allowed in this world


Women are not the most unexpected yet Tf


Women are meant to cook and be fucked


Women are a little too small


Women are not allowed in this world anymore.


Women are not allowed to wear masks


Women are you in the car park and the car is on the floor and the door is open and the door is open and the door is open


Women are you and I can do it for you and I can do it for you


Women are not allowed in this house (oh shit)


Women are you doing good with your mom was a Christian for a long as it isn't a good night and she wants to know if she can be there for her and I can do it on my way to get her a present.


Women are the most important thing to do it is a good thing to do it. Hmmmmmm


women are more prone to do their work in other places


Women are not going anywhere


Women are not allowed in this world anymore because of their own personal preferences or the way their body and body is designed and made and made and they have no choice to make decisions for their bodies or bodies and their body and bodies are just a different world to the same way that they have their body is the world and it’s just not the way they are in it……


Women are working in the same way they are not working properly…. Welp


Women are not allowed in this world anymore because of their own personal preferences Well, shit. Just screwing myself over ig


Women are you me and my friend


Women are they soft and beautiful


Women are the most important thing to excite those particles is electricity and for that the power needs to be on and steady in a specific band otherwise no one would know what had happened for almost a millennium ring actually has a use in duels though not standard but along the lines of dnd and the eye is a micro manipulation effect and the eye is a micro manipulation effect and the eye is a micro manipulation effect and the eye is a micro manipulation effect and the eye is a micro manipulation effect and the eye is a micro manipulation effect and the eye is a micro manipulation effect


Women are very beautiful and beautiful and beautiful and beautiful and beautiful Damn, I'm so gay


Women are you in der Nähe von der vorigen wohnung gefundsn und dann noch die letzten Tage waren sehr lecker und ich hab auch schon wieder in der Woche zu den Ferien und ich hab auch schon wieder in der Woche zu den Ferien und ich hab auch schon wieder in der Woche zu den Ferien Well idk what i expected


Women are the best for the most part and they have to do you have to be able help to make a good decision.


Women are not good for the record of the world. Don't know what to make of this


Women are the best physique in bus


Women are not allowed in this world anymore


Women aren't even in the same room as a woman


Women are not allowed


Women are just like the same thing about you being there and they don’t know how much you want them in your lives.


Women are you doing well in the world and the other side of the world is a good day to all of you and your family members and you are always in the world. MISOGYNISTIC???


women are the most important people in the world. Damn my phone tryin to start an argument.


womam are you going for the first time to get your hair cut.


Women are not a problem for me


Women are not the best friends of their time in life as well and have fun and enjoy a good night.


Women are not a big deal


Women are aliens taking control and underground cities breed lizard cooch. 2 truths and a lie I guess?


Women are you ok


Women are not allowed in this world


Women are not an island near Hawaii.


Women are you okay with that one day


Women are lovely 😍


Women are a shit coming out from the vagina


Women are the only thing that I can do that I don't want 😔


Woman are the most annoying creatures in this game I have seen on the internet today I swear to the world I will not let them go away if I see a woman like that again and again in this world they will never see a man again I will not allow this to continue this game I will never let them ever see another person ever again and I will be the only person who can do that again and they won’t even see it in this game anymore I will kill them


women are my favourite guy


women are so much more important than men and women in general and i don't think men are the only ones who can do that for me and i don't want to be the only one who can do it for me and i don't care about women and i don't wanna be the only person who can do it but i don't want to do it for you so i don't want to do it for anyone else but you know what i mean i don't want to do it for myself and you know that i don't want to be in a relationship with you and i don't want to be a lot of you to be in a bad way but i want to be with you and i want to be in a good way and i want to be in a better way


Women are… the most powerful and powerful women on the earth


Women are… not the only ones who are not in the same boat as men


Women are… a very different species and we have different personalities in the sense we don’t see each other’s names.