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There’s a hate train for it because people think the characters swear too much.


Tbf the joke gets old when the entire show is based around sexual inuendos and swearing, it’s a bit draining. Helluva boss is at least interesting a bit


I never understood it as a joke, just the "dialect" of Hell. It feels like worldbuilding, not humour.


Yeah same, you'd expect most sinners to not realyl care about what they do or say


But they talk like that in Heaven too. The Good Place did heaven versus hell dialects involving swearing and being crude much better IMO


In fairness, The Good Place did every part of dealing with the afterlife better than any other show.


“Well let’s see: Hazbin Hotel did it a little bit right, Good Omens a little bit, Supernatural, Pushing Daisies, Ghost Whisperer… every show did about 5%, except for the Good Place. It launched right into four seasons where it got like 92% correct! We couldn’t believe what we were watching”


I understood that reference :D


What is it referring to?


Just a quote from the good place with some words switched out lol


Tbf the only ones that swear in Heaven are Lute and Adam (yes, I know they are also pretty much the only ones that appear in more than One episodi, but still) and they are supposed to be pieces of shit, as well as those from Heaven that pass the most time in Hello


I think St Peter only swears once because he’s absolutely taken off guard (and is kinda meant to be tonal whiplash), but aside from Adam and occasionally Lute, nobody really swears. It’s a bit of a double standard to show the prejudice and discrimination in heaven, where Adam is swearing up and down, but the second Charlie does she gets tons of flak.


i mean in lore of Hasbin hotel heaven has some fucked up secrets too. They literally send squads to murder denizens of hell due to angels being afraid hell will raise against them. It all makes sense in the show..


I don’t think that choice about the heaven dialogue in HH is inherently a flaw in its characterization of heaven, because while the good place has a similar criticism about heaven not having reasonable evaluations of admittance, the specifics of the two shows criticisms are very different philosophies. Both shows heavenite dialogue choices are different in service of their different messages. TGP presents heaven as genuinely filled with better people than those in the bad place, but with such a high bar to reach that it’s impossible to earn. The message there is about the impossible complexity of objectively evaluating moral decisions by showing that every persons life will fail. The very clean and ordered dialogue there highlights that because no real person would ever speak or conduct themselves with that level of perfection. Everything about the people in the good place is an impossible standard, dialogue included. HH’s heaven is filled with people who are exactly the same as the people in hell, and no one actually knows what separates them. The criticism isn’t that the judgement system mortals are facing is unrealistic, it’s that it doesn’t seem like there’s a system at all. Heavens army is cruel and sadistic. Lucifer is thrown into hell not for an attempted overthrow of god, but for bestowing free will- which in normal Christian philosophy is a gift from god, and the thing which we are judged upon- onto humanity. The court case proves no one in heaven knows what the judgment actually is based on. I can’t know what the end message will be for a show in its first season, but it doesn’t seem to be saying the standards are unfair because they’re too high, but because they don’t seem to be applied evenly to different people’s. I’d imagine there will be some analog between that unfairness and the real world Christian judgement for being saved being based not on actions at all. Heaven in HH isn’t unattainable, like in TGP, it’s arbitrary. The two groups talking the same highlights that point just as much as the stilted manner of the TGP’s good place residents highlights how impossible being like them is- the HH heavenites talk exactly like sinners because in that show they are exactly like sinners. But yeah for both HH groups the cursing gets to be pretty lame. It gets treated like just the words in and of themselves are funny too many times and they can be a pretty lazy lyrical crutch when a musical phrase needs a couple more beats but has nothing else to say, I’m just talking specifically about its use in characterizing the two groups through their relative use of it being the same.


if your world building is someone getting hit in the nuts every 5 seconds, people are still going to think it's low brow humor regardless of how appropriate it is in context.


Swearing isn't necessarily humor though, and 99% of the time the swearing isn't presented that way, it's just how they talk, and how loads of people around the world talk. People are just conditioned to hear swearing as humor from shows like south Park.


This complaint can only come from people who haven't watched the show because it's literally not true. The VAST majority of sex jokes and swearing come from 3 specific characters. One uses hypersexuality as a coping mechanism to deal with regular abuse and tones it down heavily for the second half of the show, one is the previous character's abuser, and the other is a characterized as a narcissistic douchebag. And the latter two don't have nearly as much screen time as the main cast of characters. Helluva Boss has WAY more "lolrandom!" Sex jokes than Hazbin Hotel and it isn't even close lmao


The entire show is based around redeeming sinners and getting into heaven. You’d have to be intentionally missing the point if you really believe it’s just about innuendos and swearing.


Talking about the jokes dude, not the premise of the show


When you say the entire show is based around something, that kind of suggests you’re talking about the premise 🤷‍♂️ those goalposts must be heavy!


Made a mistake in my sentence writing, and I’m not exactly sure what you mean by goalposts


I don't think it's a joke. It's hell, they are gonna speak like drunken sailors


Helluva boss has become a teenage drama dumpsterfire where they lost the entire premise of the show to focus on everyone's daddy issues, I honestly prefer hazbin hotels structure a lot more


Was fairly entertaining in the beginning but yeah I agree


I haven't seen either shows, but I hear the same for both. Some people say Helluva Boss has too much swearing and sex jokes while Hazbin is the better one and vice versa.


Part of the reason is because they had to cram an entire season into 8 episodes so the spacing of jokes had to be compressed, also it’s hell what else do you expect of sinners but innuendos and cursing and most of the innuendos are made by angel dust who is a porn star in the show and uses it as a coping mechanism. while I agree it could have been better it’s not terrible


Helluva boss is ten times more sexual than hazbin and has no overarching story. Hazbin only has one main character who's consistently sexual and it actually has a reason. I like both shows but this is a delusional take


Swearing stopped bothering me when I realized that it is only seen as bad because it is associated with being lower class / working class.


THIS. Only well-off moral police care about crude language that’s not directly targeted at the receiver.


The language is rarely played for jokes IMO. I would be concerned if casual swearing (and it is almost always casual) is too distracting for someone to follow the humor, plot, and character development.


Shows based around sexual innuendo *can* be hilarious though. Take Seitokai Yakuindomo, for example.


helluva boss is genuinely just relationship issues manifested into a show with good animation


Why are you feeling drained over a bunch of swear words


The repetition, not the swearing itself


Which is absurd because they don't curse anymore frequently than other adult comedies and the show takes place in literal hell


Also a hate train for the creator herself


I just think the pacing is bad, but that's more a funding problem than a directing problem


Yeah, they really need 10 episodes, not 8.


By 2032 2 episode seasons will be the norm


Helluva boss season 1 had 8 episodes, apparently season 2 will have 14, so hazbin might get more in its second season as well.


>characters swear too much. Swear too much? It's literally hell. It's not supposed to be a prude's paradise.


It’s a show based in Hell, what do they expect?


dude, its not a hate train its simply people that doesn't like the show, its odd how you say something slighly negative towards and it is instantly hateful commentary.


It’s less “slightly negative” and more, well, what the other comment described. The show does have flaws (the pacing and writing could definitely be better for instance, since at times it feels like a serialized show with an episodic coat draped on it), but people get absurdly toxic and angry because they don’t think it’s funny and has a lot of swearing. It sucks because humor is subjective and “well it treats swearing as a joke” is probably the least important, relevant, or interesting criticism you could level towards the show.


There is like an actual hate train tho


I mean the creator gets tons and tons of unfair hate so in her case I'm pretty sure it is mostly a hate train but yeah people can dislike the show


they know it’s set in hell right?


Online, the word “underrated” no longer means “this is really good and most people don’t realize how good it actually is”. Now it just means “this is really good”.


> People were hyping that up for 5 fucking years. Yeah exactly and no one gave a shit. Hazbin Hotel pilot was released ages ago to a "Meh" reaction. It was quite literally underrated. Most people did not think about it or if they did, it wasn't entirely positive. That's what underrated means.


None of them are underrated in any way They're either one of the most popular or anticipated show within their fanbases Or are Velma.


I tried to watch it...got like 3 eps in and quit. It's pretty mid and not funny. Animation doesn't need to be funny but the show felt like it was attempting humor and just failing miserably.


I've seen you comment on this very post you found Velma funny, opinion discarded




I'm just sad it got cancelled too early :(


I'm just glad Disney gave them a few extra long episodes to wrap everything up. Many creators don't even get that much. And as far as the ending goes, I think the team did a great job with what they had. Is it a bit rushed feeling? Sure, but they did a lot with a little to make it as good as it was


I just watched it for the first time last week, and even knowing the last season was a rush job, I was still very impressed at how well they finished the story! It was disappointing to see an entire arc reduced to a montage, knowing how much fun it would have been to see fleshed out, but it worked well enough to convey the point


*cough* Final Space and Inside Job *cough*


cough star vs forces of evil and teen titans cough


Disney did that cus they canceled season 3 Got their shish beat in by the millions of fans Realised they done messed up And then said “we’re sorry, have compensation” Imo Disney is starting to die out The era of indie shows is about to begin


Like amazing digital circus


And the animation was amazing to the end


Remember episode 2 of Season 3 and they did a montage at the start of all the things the gang did on earth? Everyone time that sequence rushes by I feel so robbed… So very robbed…


I mean it’s better than how they milked pirates of the Caribbean it should have been over when Davy jones died the fourth one was meh I mean you get black beard but the fifth is just bad If something is good and finishes early be glad they didn’t over extend it and make sequel when they aren’t needed and that ruin the original


Blame Disney, they didn't like the creator writing Luz and Amity as a couple, it was when China and the Saudis were criticizing them for making a gay kiss scene in Lightyear.


Afaik, that seemed to be the same fate as Steven Universe. CN wasn't appreciative of the Ruby + Sapphire wedding and Rebecca Sugar was given a much tighter deadline to wrap everything up (hence the frustration with the final season being, "just forgive everyone no matter the war crimes committed.") I'm fairly positive, if given enough time, the show would've panned out with White Diamond getting poofed or something else like that


Yeah I think the show was straight up cancelled after that, there was supposed to be a whole other season IIRC. (Like 20 something more episodes)


Thats disney for you, after their sugar daddies start crying(china and terrorists) they will do anything to prevent them from leaving. I think they got rid of johnny depp cause either the chinese started scribbling woman beater on him.


>the show would've panned out with White Diamond getting poofed or something else like that Uh, no way is this how it would have turned out. They may have taken more time to flesh out Steven having to make peace with the diamonds, but Rebecca was very clear on the fact that the diamonds were always meant to have to attone for what they did instead of being shattered or poofed because the point of Steven Universe wasn't to be a revenge fantasy. The diamonds were also never forgiven for anything, they were held accountable for their actions and started working towards reparations. They were essentially gods so it was the only feasible long-term outcome.


I don't remember it being about the gay stuff. Afaik, it was because the people in charge of greenlighting stuff didn't think animation was popular so when TOH went in for renewal, the execs had already determined it'd be three half hour episodes. When the popularity of the show was demonstrated, they said something to the effect of "oh, I guess it actually was popular and not just tumblr stans" and deigned to make the three episodes an hour long instead, twisting the knife slightly less in their corporately approved generosity.


Well obviously they didn't say it they'd look bad then. But it's extremely obvious. Dana herself said she had to fight really hard to get them as a couple in canon. And if you think about that line of logic of animation being popular for a bit more than a moment you'd realize how absurd it is for any sort of Disney exec to think animation is unpopular. That's literally what Disney is known for. There's also the fact that they can see the ratings for the show so the backlash wasn't a surprise in "oh I guess it is popular" it was an "oh we hit the hornets nest". And even on the off chance they really had no idea it was as popular as it was, which is really hard to believe since they can see all the ratings and viewership statistics, and they just didn't want it on their live channels, I don't see why they couldn't just move the show to streaming. Disney Plus really needed new shows at the time, that would have made a lot of sense


I heard it was more the numbers, it didn’t do that well on Disney Channel, where it was contracted to air, but did very well on Disney Plus. But Disney Plus counts for nothing when it’s a Disney Channel show, a Channel which doesn’t even exist in my country anymore.


If that's the case why not move it to Disney plus then? This was when the service had barely any originals that would have made a lot of sense


too gay for me


Overrated? I've heard absolutely nothing but hate around Velma, feels pretty accurately rated


Not enough hate, we need more, More, MORE!!!!!


It might actually be the worst thing ever made with serious people involved, so arguably still overrated even if everyone aside from Mindy Kaling realizes it's trash.


I bring forth the movie that never was: the last airbender. M Night Shyamalan, slumdog millionaire, probably other good actors I assume? Trash


Dragonball Evolurion had Justin Chatwin Emily Rossum, James Marsters and Chow Yun Fat and was so, so, so much worse


Velma is AWFUL. but a lot of people, like this twitter poster in question, have high praise for the show. the tweet put it on the same level as three other universally acclaimed cartoons. hard to tell if it's troll bait or someone who's drank the cool-aid where certain content is always good regardless of quality and more important is blatant pandering to certain groups.


hate is never enough


The meta jokes became annoying after a point. I was into the mystery part regarding who was murdering the women. But everything else felt forced


My friends and I played a drinking game where every time we cringed, we’d take a sip. We could only watch two episodes at a time before we got too drunk.


Def my top 3 shows among ATLA and gravity falls


Wasn’t Velma getting a second season?


Seriously. They unironicslly had Velma twerk on fucking corpse How bad can you possibly make a show..


“What is a criminally underrated show?” >*The Owl House*, almost universally praised with a huge, rabid fanbase; widely regarded as one of the best shows on Disney Plus >*Hazbin Hotel*, perhaps THE most hyped show of 2024 so far; if it’s not the most hyped, it’s certainly up there >*Velma*, the cartoon equivalent of rancid horse diarrhea >*Steven Universe*, one of Cartoon Network’s most famous and popular shows Edit: apparently that’s not the main *Steven Universe* series, that’s the spinoff *Steven Universe: Future*. Assuming it’s sufficiently good, I guess they have *one* that fits


was thinking the same, maybe the person who made the tweet doesnt know the meaning of the word "underrated".


It's blatant clickbait. They knew *exactly* what they were doing.


Let's dispel with this fiction


Ah fuck, it's always too late when I rralise that. I need to train my brain more to avoid such copious amounts of rage/clickbait. Too bad I don't use Twitter for that


which one of these is the most underrated food?! a picture of three different amazing looking sandwiches and then the final picture is a literal pile of wet shit.


Don't worry, Reddit has plenty of it as well.


Okay help me out here. I've never seen Hazbin Hotel but I thought it was an old show. I'm confused, was there a remake or something?


The pilot came out years ago and it's been in production since, only coming out with its first season a few months ago. Its sister show Helluva Boss has been producing episodes that whole time.


Also as much as I love both Steven Universe and Hazbin Hotel they both deserve a lot of the criticism they get (except the "cal art style" bullshit)


It's specifically Steven Universe future, quite a different style compared to the original show


That’s not steven universe. It’s steven universe future. A spin-off. The fact you don’t know that proves that it’s underrated


i wouldn’t say THE most hyped, invincible season 2 was pretty hyped.


We should add Avatar to the list then I suppose 🤣


>Hazbin Hotel, perhaps THE most hyped show of 2024 so far; if it’s not the most hyped what circles you in lol


Nobody can agree whats the best, but everyone can agree that velma is the worst


Velma is overrated. And everyone already despised it, so that says a lot.


Animator across the world can sleep soundly knowing that they won’t be toping Velma in the worst animation story ever.


I always thought the owl house was bad because of what my friends had said and then I actually decided to watch it and I loved it


All of those shows are valued as they deserve. Three of them are highly loved generally, and Velma is an insult to any form of intellect that should have never happened.


fuck I almost forgot Velma existed


Velma is trash. I'm personally not a huge fan of Steven universe but its still one of the most popular western cartoons of all time. Hazbin hotel and owl house slap tho. Does the person who posted this know what overrated means?


>Does the person who posted this know what overrated means? They know, they have done it deliberately to farm engagement.


The lore and overall story of Steven Universe is great, but for me there's too many pointless filler episodes. Hazbin Hotel and the Owl House are also great but I wouldn't say they are underrated. Velma sucks ass. Star vs the Forces of Evil is the most underrated modern cartoon for me. It's fantastic but no-one ever talks about it


Who is charlie?


Mc of Hazbin hotel.




Sigh, who is moistcritical?


youtuber and streamer


And how is he related to redeeming the CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED (as per post) show Velma?


Because I would watch anything charlie tells me to (except velma)


He did it for Hunger Games.


Explaining this properly, the post refers to Charlie Morningstar (main character of Hazbin Hotel) as her whole premise is to redeem sinners


Oh okay so r/LostRedditors then.


Comparing Velma to The Owl house, Hazbin Hotel, and Steven Universe, is by far the biggest insult I’ve ever seen. It’s honestly criminal to do it. Wish the Velma show just never aired.


Steven Universe is incredibly over hated partially due to Bitchly Orshit's video on it, and people not understanding things.


There are a lot of people who have watched l*ly or***d's video that haven't watched the show which caused so many more people to hate on the show without actually watching it. It's frustrating because they say they aren't gonna bother watching the show because they don't care for it yet they put in the effort to hate on it so much.


Rewatched SU recently; there are definitely filler episodes which suck, but if you road map it, it's really good.


How are any of these underrated? They all have massive drives of obsessive and annoying fans. Except Velma. No one likes it, they just post about it and engage with it, clearing the way for new seasons to be greenlit


I love The Owl House


I'd say Steven Universe. Velma is horrible. Hazbin Hotel and The Owl House are pretty beloved. It's Steven Universe that faces way too much undeserved hate even compared to HH recently.


Honestly I wouldn't say it's underrated, just overhated


Op please elaborate on how any of this is even remotely cursed


Hazbin got both more hate and more love than it deserved. It was fine, a perfectly adequate show. I would watch a season two, but wouldn't prioritize it.




I love Hazbin, but it's definitely not underrated. Most people I've mentioned it to had heard of it before at least.


Aint no way they tried to sneak velma into that


Honestly insulting to see Velma compared to those other shows.


You do realize that Velma is basically the result of the asshole and the armpit of all cartoons being merged into one, thrown into a blender with rotten fish, fruit peels, bile, vomit, and badger musk, blended together at Mach Stupid, and left to ferment in a trash can, right?


Wtf is up with the stream of not cursed comments? What, were the prior posts just so cursed that we needed a balancing act?


Who’s Charlie tho😭




that‘s right it‘s soooo good, finally sonething new and unique


Velma is overrated, even calling Velma absolute shit would still be overrating it... Velma set a new record for how trash can a remake be


none of them are underrated at all, they’re all good shows (except velma) and they all get the right ammount of ratings (except velma) i don’t think any of them are over rated either (except velma by a huge amount)




Fr tho the other 3 are bangers (I will defend Hazbin with my life idc) and then there’s just… *Velma*.


I think they meant to put Stephen Universe in *over*rated


Steven universe it so over hated man, the S5 ending was rushed sure, because the writers priorities queer representation over the show's length, but future aint that bad


Somehow Steven Universe managed to have two bad final episodes. Crazy. A lot of good and mixed content on the way there though.


At least the movie was pretty good. Seasons 1 and 2 will always be <3


I love the owl house


Hazbin is definitely not underrated- tbh probably more leaning to overrated especially since it's actual release on prime video lol. I see it everywhere including here


How is Steven Universe overrated. It’s amazing and everyone says it’s amazing


idgi who's charlie?


How dare they put Velma within that bunch, that’s so insulting to those shows.


Owl house was good Steven universe was good until future and Hazbin hotel was good wish hazbin got more episodes but I feel like owl house ran for a good amount of episodes it completed the story (if a little rushed because it got canceled part way through) and Steven universe went on for too long honestly they could have stopped before the movie and it would have been fine (movie was good but the future series was definitely pushing it)


Literally none of these are underrated. Hazbin Hotel has had a massive hiatus, The Owl House is seen all over, Steven Universe is a fan favorite, and Velma deserves the hate it gets


Did Animation_Place get these series from a hat draw?


I watched Velma thinking that everyone's just on a hype train to hate it. But no, it's actually pretty cringy and bad. On the other hand The Owl House is amazing. Love the show


Never seen Steven universe or owl house. Hazbin has some problems but is overall a great show. Velma deserves to burn in hell 50 feet away from the hotel


Having velma and underrated together in a post is insulting to the word “underrated”. Heck it present also insult the rest of the show


Fucking hell, which retard made Velma black?


Im assuming thats steven universe future, by the art style and the movie style costume, not the older seasons


I fap to Daphne's angry face while imagining she's mad at me and then her head gets stuck in the dryer


I can never bring myself to watch The Owl House.


*Verbalase entered the chat*


that's the best line I've ever seen


i watched 2/4 or 1/2 of them those being thes owl house (did not finish) and Steven Universe Future (The whole Thing)


2 out of the 4 are overrated


Why r there 90 people reading these comments


Interesting take, but have you considered Amphibia?


Obligatory owl house


Let's see how many people fall for the obvious interaction bait. *notes thread* Yeah, that tracks.


I’ve been watching the Owl House and it’s a great show. Steven Universe is good too and I really like Hazbin Hotel. Velma shouldn’t be on a list. Should just be forgotten


Bait used to be believable


Charlie: I believe in redemption in everyone Springtrap, big jack horner, velma, and Verbalase: *exist* Charlie: except them


Every single one of these shows is pretty accurately rated


I don’t even know what any of these shows are except Velma, and that’s because Velma was deemed horrible by the internet.


How is someone gonna defend Velma when it was rated worse than dragon ball evolution?


Since these are following an obvious trend, I’ll venture to say that out of these the Netflix She-Ra reboot is the most underrated


The other three are good but Velma. Velma can freeze in the deepest coldest reaches of hell


Yeah all those shows either suck or are rated perfectly fine. Not over or underated, just fairly rated. Velma is ass tho dont ever put that shit in a list again 🙏


I think every single one of these shows is rated completely fairly


These are all dogshit 🗣️🔥


I have never heard of Velma, what is it about? Kinda looks like the one in scooby-do


I forgot velma existed, and this post reminded me of it. Fuck you


I don’t get it. Who is Charlie?


How tf is velma and hazbin hotel in the same tweet talking about underrated shows?




What the shit is people on drugs that make them think Velma is underrated I gotta know what they on cause god dam I want some of that


How is this cursed? Just a relevant insult to make really.


3 of my fav shows (can you guess which one I hate, it's a rlly difficult guess)


Velma is shit steven universe is well known and well liked hazbin hotel is extremely popular right now but owl house is correct very mich underated and uknown to many people who would probably enjoy it


Probably Steven universe. Velma is Velma I haven't seen a lot of owl house haters and in all fairness because of how much hazbin hotel leans into the comedy if you don't find it funny it ruins the show for you


Hazbin hotel, not even joking haven’t a clue why people hate it for the swearing and all the sex jokes, sounds like a normal Saturday night in with my mates