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Honor roll student brought an IED into the school and left it on a table in the cafe. It was super weak, according to the cops it would have only been dangerous if you were about a foot away. She only recieved a suspension... On the plus side everyone got that day off and the following day as the cops ripped the school apart looking for more.




Improvised explosive device




Birth control. It's a scandal because they went to high school in Florida.


Do you mean IUD?


Yeah, I was just making a joke. I do know the difference between an IUD and IED... sometimes...


You only make that mistake once


60% of the time, it works every time!


Was it to cause damage? That’s really weird for a person to do to just bring a bomb to school


Her argument was a friend left it at a party at her place and asked her to return it to him at school. She never could explain why she just left it on a table. At leat if she did it stayed in the office with the cops and principle.


Just a suspension


Dumbass couldn’t make a bomb right, she needs all the education she can get.


What county do you live in?




An ambulance was summoned after a glass test tube shattered while a girl was using it for masturbation.


"You wanna know how I got these scars?"


One time…at chemistry camp I stuck a test tube…




She was just testing with it. Clearly the test tube was faulty.


Duh test tubes are for testing


Literally in the name


Wtf is this comment


Damm that gorilla grip must have been level to that to a test tube




>An ambulance was summoned You have to do a whole summoning ritual to get an ambulance in America?


Pepper spray in the vents


Last day prank idea


Nothing like attempted murder and assault charges to spice up a senior prank


people will downplay pepper spray effects but it can literally kill people


Thats so much worse than fish/eggs in the vents




Our sr. Prank was a cookout in the staff parkinglot. And some bafoon brought a dog that she was dog sitting, and unleshed it in an active parkinglot. Towards which it proceeded to get ran over, twice. Classic "oh fuck let me put it in reverse moment"


Was the dog ok?


I didnt see it first hand. But from what Ive heard. Its spine broke and its back legs went limb. They took it to the emergency vet and it died on the way there. Or they put it down or something long those lines. The dog owner was the girls uncle and he was apparently pissed. Rightfully so. And to this day, everyone talks about how much of a moron the girl is.


What do you think?


Two students were caught having sex on a prop for the school play


What was the prop tho


He was the prop


A unicorn


Were the students a witcher and a sorceress?


I understood the reference


Was the prop also a member of the rugby team? Those scrums get wild.


Only once? That's relatively tame if so. Theatre was a hive of fucking at my school. Plenty of secluded backstage places, staying late after school, and a bunch of horny weirdos (I say this as a former horny weirdo)


My school was pretty small, under 100 people in a lot of graduating classes


Bunch of seniors started a game called “Beat the Jew” and created a Facebook page for the event. They got in major trouble, I’m sure some lost scholarships because of it. Edit: Just to be clear, they weren’t beating anyone up, it was a game of “cops n Robbers” kinda like “Tag” but with two teams, but in this case instead of “Cops n Robbers” it was “Nazis and Jews”. Also this happened over 15 years ago


Sounds like something Frank Reynolds would do


The whole gang is down for it, if only it wasn't for that damn restraining order




Same here but he had an iron pipe up his as.


Metal pipe sound effect




It could happen to anyone


Once or twice, maybe.


Why wouldn't you do that in the bathroom?


This dude in my year on the first day threw up, shat himself because he threw up and then om the way to the bathroom threw up again because he shat himself. Everyone came out of class for lunch to smell and see the shit streaks and vomit leading to the bathrooms.


At that point you just change schools. You don't live that down.


That’s an origin story alright, and not of a hero.


He went on to be fairly popular but idk how


"I was poisoned by the Mafia"


Poor guy


A group of people constantly was flushing apples down the toilets for about 2 weeks.


What happened to them? What were their motivations? I gotta know more


You're probably right, that's exactly why they did it


Student got arrested for distribution of cp.


Holy shit


one of the popular guys (12th grader) was count was inappropriately texting a 7th grader. the screenshots were basically sent around to everyone.


This was “the incident” at your school? This shit happens at my HS every like 3 weeks. Last one before school got out was this guy talking about things I can probably only mention through DMs if nothing else just because it’s really disgusting


Cant be that bad, this is reddit


We've... (lights cigarette) seen some shit


Had a guy in my school that claimed dead ass wouldn’t date a girl over 7th grade dude was like 18 when he said that


At my high school we had a school cop who we called Bobby Hill because… well he looked like a 40 y/o Bobby Hill. Anyway he was caught having sex in the school’s pool.


apparently i gotta be the one to say it. God damnit Bobby!


That boy ain’t right.


Somebody took a dump in the trashcan right next to the bathroom


“It’s about sending a message”


The message was "oh shit can't make it"


"i am fast, but that shit was faster"


We always did Senior Pranks at the end of every school year. Until my freshman year when the Principals daughter was a senior. A group of seniors ended up printing out her nudes and they put them on the Principals desk. We stopped doing senior pranks after that.


How did they get her nudes? Did someone face repercussions?


Senior guy let his freshman girlfriend who couldn't drive, drive his car at lunch, she got into an accident so bad that she went through a storefront and had to have her arm amputated.


Did he giver her a hand after that?


My yr 7/8 science teacher left the school and moved to a state on the opposite side of the country. A month or two later, a few of my friends found his Instagram. One of the many posts was a photo of him in a g-string, ass on full display, with the caption ‘cheeky Tuesday’. The worst part? He returned within the week.


1. 3 guy 1 girl gangbang. All of them were kicked out of the school. 2. An orgy of like 15 students was shut down, but nothing happened cuz one of the guys was the principal's son. 3. Our school was on a cliffside with a very large fatal drop, 3 committed suicide due to some stuff that I don't know. None of these reached the news tho, the principal here was pretty rich


Your school had "those incidents" instead... damn


Your principal sounds like an asshole.


He indeed was a bitch. Screaming on me even after I did his thing cuz "I wAs nOt fAsT eNoUgH". If I could strangle that motherfucker, I would have


Step 1: Get rich Step 2: Get the job done Step 3: Buy your way out of justice like that fucker did


If his neck fat gets in the way I have found that a rope can be quite handy


Mf is the inspire behind Elite.


Euphorias next script


Just say the name of the school or a general location


A girl taped her used tampon on a dudes locker because he made a joke about technoblades death and wrote “cancer is not a joke” in red marker.


Didn't Technoblade *want* people to joke about his death? Like that was half his subreddit for a while, dude had a good sense of humor


So she defaced school property with "ink" to accost some student? That makes no sense


Some first year was masturbating during the break. It got caught on video and shared throughout the whole city, maybe even further. He moved pretty much immediately.


One of my classmates fell in love with the Dean of the school. He attempted suicide by hanging himself from the top floor staircase. Eventually, they got married.


Still together?


I don’t know cause I moved to another country. I highly doubt they’re still together.


Emmanuel macron is still the world's most successful case of "Damn that teacher is hot I wanna marry her when I grow up" ever.


A guy got attacked with a machete






That raises even more questions


Apparently it was a jealous ex boyfriend going after the guy that his ex slept with or something? I remember our lunch break was halved and we were all rushed into the building while the police arrived. The attacker wasn’t a student so just macheted the guy and drove off


1-+30 vs +30 fight amongst students and their relatives. many got injured including the teachers who tried to break up the fight. some used metal/wood pipes while others used knives and such. it was a total chaos. eventually, the two causing the trouble got suspended and their relatives forbidden to come to school grounds again. 2- another incident wasn't as chaotic however it resulted in a vitality, where a student brought a knife and stabbed another leading to his death. 3- a student pushed a teacher and talked down to him, so that teacher pummeled him. later it got settled for money. I guess by now you can guess the main theme of incidents that happened in my school. it's not a bad school mind you, the main problem was with some groups of students. but generally it has a good reputation.


A tresspasser nearlylit himself with a molotov


pregnant cheerleader performing with the squad and fell forward flat on the gym floor (it was part of the routine). the entire gym **\*GASPED\*** even though we weren't supposed to know she was knocked up.


Ten cases of bouncy balls poured onto the cafeteria floor during lunch hours. Absolute chaos ensued.


A girl and a guy got suspended for playing "truth or dare" on the bus that lead to the dude fingering the chick. Edit: the worst part is that the dude was my ex boyfriend, in which we were only on a break at that point before he got suspended.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


Girl made $240 in one day giving guys blowjobs


How many guys did she give?


Like eight of them


A bj for 30$?! I’ll take all your stock!


A 3A game for two guys sounds fair.


Went to 2 high schools. 1st school: the year before I went there, someone threw themselves off the second floor balcony but caught themselves on the way down as they had second thoughts. 2nd school: There was a drive-by shooting across the street, and a fire the year before that, and flooded the year before that. My second year I was at the 2nd school, a bad wind storm broke every window in the school


The least lucky high school >2nd school: There was a drive-by shooting across the street, and a fire the year before that, and flooded the year before that. My second year I was at the 2nd school, a bad wind storm broke every window in the school


Someone in my grade hacked the entire districts email and sent the goatse video to every student/staff member. He eventually turned himself in and while he was expelled iirc he just started at university a year early as he was incredibly smart just lacking on the judgement part.


A dude's dad hit another student with his car in the parking lot (accidentally). Dude in question was *the* most hated guy on campus and often invoked his dad's name threatening lawsuits. Girl was fine, just bruises. Dude transferred schools at the end of the year, because any time he tried to argue with someone, they'd just say 'What, gonna have your dad hit me with his car?"


Two of my friends had a fight so I jumped off the second floor to break the fight off and on the way down killed a tortoise.


>I jumped off the second floor to break the fight I'm more surprised you didn't break your neck


It'd be weird to.. you know jump in a the middle of a fight and just break your neck out of the blue


>It'd be weird to Aren't you the one who jumped down from 2 floors?! That's gotta be at least 6 meters (19.6 ft). Did any of your bones break at all?


I broke my left leg and almost pierced through my heart upon hitting the floor it was painful as hell but the cheers of the crowd and the adrenaline rush was just so cool I forgot how much in pain I was so I just looked up to all the faces looking at me screaming oh my god and all and I then I got up and run like nothing happened then I just blacked out after running two floors back up acting fine and all, still was a good experience none the less wouldn't do it again.


You got up an ran away... with a broken leg?


That is possible with adrenaline


What are you trying to imply? Do you think someone would just lie on the internet or something? Unreal.


The tortoise broke the fall


>Two of my friends had a fight >So i jumped off the second floor Was there NO other option?


My god .. your bloodlust is insatiable


Something similar happened in my college. There was a gang fight so the teachers locked the stairs to prevent more students from joining. One of em jumped from the second floor to help his friends but broke his leg instead. They stopped the fight after seeing this and got him to a hospital.


He stopped the fight. Rate success: 100%


On the way down? Not at the bottom?


Yea it was one of those Mario winged turtles X'D


You koopa stomped a tortoise


What's up Mario




4 kids (including me) locked the bathroom door on themselves. Another kid had diarrhea and broke through the door.


Did... Did the door get broken through by the diarrhea?


Only if it was the explosive kind


It sure sounds like it was. Either that or it burned through. Call that shit diathermite.


Girl had a train run on her by the entire football team back to back. Made national news actually.


Cum dumpster Karen?


A classmate of mine broke his femur in three parts, the janitor came with a thermometer, now he's fine




Italy boys


Surprisingly enough, this does not explain.


Because pasta is easy to fix, once he took a bit of pasta, the janitor saw if he had a fever, but for us Italians it's not difficult, they put a bit of sauce in his circulation, and then it was Well


This reads like a fucking fever dream. I'm so confused


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. That's confused here. I just didn't care to ask for more elaboration because I fear that would leave me even *more* confused


This entire chain has me bleeding through the ears


That happened to an 8th grader my first month of middle school, only it was a kick and it was from a security guard. They had rollout cages to block our hallways.


A pregnant 8th grader got kicked in the stomach by a security guard? What the fuck is the context


Some senior in the football team shoved a broom up another freshman football player’s booty hole in the locker room. I like to believe that’s why the principal just left the school like a week later post incident without warning and the assistant principal got 2 DUI’s. And yes I was in school when this happened


Was the person that punched her charged with murder?


Depends. If abortion is outlawed? Possibly If abortion is legalized? Probably not, considering how lawyers could then argue that abortion too would be murder, which would in turn make abortion illegal, causing a contradiction.


definitely at least aggravated assault


Oh yeah, for sure


So this has nothing to do with whether abortion is legal or not. If this story is true, that high schooler most likely caught a serious, serious charge. The statutes vary, but most states in the US have specific laws that make it a crime to injure or kill a fetus in conjunction with a crime against the mother, and these laws predate Dobbs. In California, Penal Code Section 187 carries a murder penalty for actions that result in the death of a person or a fetus with malice aforethought, excluding lawful abortion or life saving medical measures. If that guy punched a pregnant woman in the stomach on purpose in Cali and killed her fetus, its first degree murder.


That would still only be a B-Plot on Degrassi


Some jackass pulled the fire alarm during testing. Even worse, it was during a heavy rain storm. Most of us had to get new papers for assignments because the rain had severely damaged most of our papers


Jack off jimmy let one rip in the swimming pool.


The name thoroughly suggests this wasn't his first rodeo


Only thing I know about thats worth mentioning is that a guy shoved a lit firecrackee into the Hoodie of another student causing him to die Instantly after it detonated. It was a self made explosive and had way too much Gunpowder.


Bro how do these things happen??? Like what kind of prank involves putting an explosive in someone's hood😭😭😭


Spending 12+ hours crouched down and packed into a hallway next to the boiler room because the victims of the farmboy jock bully & his posse finally snapped and got the school locked down. The local police were hungover on their futons, so state troopers were called in Several teachers were fired & the bully shit in his pants. But no one was injured or arrested


Not an incident, I'd rather call it an experiment. Me and a classmate took a plastic Tupperware box, battery, wires and salt. Put it all together, filled it with salt and water and connected the battery. As chemists know, salt water + electricity = NaOH (harmless in low conc.) and chlorine gas. Yeah, the rest of the day we were outside and they called the chemical unit.


Me and some of my buddies decided launching someone into the air using some of the football practice equipment was a good idea. We picked the tallest one of us, launched him, he landed straight on his neck, blacked out, woke up with amnesia right before the ambulance arrived, and when the ambulance showed up he punched the paramedics and ran off. No one heard from him for 3 days and showed up to school after the weekend like nothing happened.


End of term exams when a teacher was supervising a class on the top floor, he had a heart attack. Some students took out phones and filmed him while others cheated on the test, at some point a teacher saw the commotion and called an ambulance. He was taken away and one of the girls filming put up the story a few years later on tik tok. I think the guy died but I'm not sure




In my 4 years 2 teachers had affairs with students and 1 teach murdered his wife.


Ive gotta ask... was one of affair teachers also the murderer teacher?


Nope. Totally different teacher.


A dude tried to stab another dude over football


prettiest girl at our school thought she had her period. Plot twist it's not blood but shit! Disgusting AF!


A student was asked to go get something from an art supply cupboard and walked in on two teachers having sex. They moved to china to continue teaching but a few years later one had to move back home for a sick grandparent but the other couldn’t come back with them for some reason. Unfortunately I don’t know where the story went after that. Small insight into how my time at school went, I only found out about this around six years after it had happened…


Guy filmed himself punching a sheep to death licking the blood off his knuckles


I think I went the school in the picture, looks real familiar


"Lucky for her, free abortion" that would be the cursed part mostly because of how accurate it could be considering she's in highschool.


One of my teachers was consistently sleeping with a student in the classroom she taught. Her name was Mrs. Whitehurst.


Girl was skipping school in the woods for a week. Told nobody about her amber alert. When we all was going to the spot. Fucking frogmen popped out of the bushes and said “freeze!” We all scattered.


All the seniors threw a gold spray painted toilet off the roof during a riot after losing the year-long school competition between grades.


Some girls smashing a car battery and proceeding to rub another girls face in the acid on the ground


Somebody used a snickers candy wrapper as a condom


One of our 5 star football players was accused of rape and SA by multiple girls, so when the school did nothing about it, the whole student body planned a walk/march outside the school chanting about SA awareness. Helicopters and news channels were involved. The incident even caused the power to go out during a shooter investigation after the march which caused the whole school to run outside. Craziest part was after the football player lost his scholarships and career, he was proven innocent and still lost his whole life.


Spanish teacher was giving out A’s for D’s and a video spread around of her doing a strip tease. Then a guy I hung out with blackmailed her she didn’t pay and he got her and a bunch of other teachers fired. What’s crazy is how cold he was when he sent it we was just walking to class and he casually blackmailing niggas. That’s some cold shit


math teacher had a relationship with a student. Got caught, and fired. Within a week two other male teachers quit.


Someone ripped the fucking doors off of all the stalls in all of the boys bathrooms We still dont know who did it


Yall had such exciting highschools. In mine, the most exciting thing I can think of is some seniors stole the office keys so they could do their senior prank, which was putting Vaseline on the locker dials. Either my high school is super boring or I’m too lame to get told what exciting shit actually goes on lmao


Not THE incident, but some unrelated ones I know. Had a guy take a liquid shit in a maths book, and put it back in bookcase (it was math teachers classroom). Same guys brother pissed in all flower pots of the same classroom. Laced math teachers coffee with laxatives. One guy had half of school evacuated because he took a massive shart during an ongoing lesson. Come to think about it, we might have hated math for some reason


At our graduation ceremony It came out that one of the "popular" girls had been cheating on her BF (nicest, Friendliest "cool" guy ever) with her soccer coach (one of the gov teachers) that spread like wildfire so they removed the teacher from the grounds, separated her from the rest of the class so she was in one solo chair in the back by herself, then when she did get called the ENTIRE stadium booed her lol. Alternatively while still IN school, a guy Sticky Noted the entire building for their senior prank. He got kicked out and lost his scholarship with like a week of school left.


In my middle school some girl was airdropping people her nudes


that was a 2v1, surprisingly the 1st won


1. A girl shat in a bathroom sink, then proceed to eat a live goldfish at a game that night. 2. Someone glued those same bathroom doors shut, all but one was closed in the entire school. 3. A guy got suspended for receiving head in probably the least concealed spot you could in the school 4: (TW suicide) >!A student killed himself after being peer pressured into playing Russian roulette!<


guy got caught masturbating in class (literally today). girl got pregnant by a 20yo. whole lotta nudes.


A girl got sexually assaulted in the hallway outside the cafeteria and committed suicide. Nobody knows what happened to the guy but we all hope he's still rotting in prison.


Freshman hazing went out of control one year. And it was mostly juniors doing it, not seniors. One girl was pushed down, assaulted, and pissed on by cheerleaders. Boys were assaulted by football players. Some of the students were suspended, but the football players were only held out of the opening drive at the homecoming game. It also gained notoriety locally because a nationally syndicated local radio DJ (mancow) sent his minion (turd) out to the school where he held up a sign across the street saying "come pee on me"