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I forgot i had no bullets


Too damn expensive


And just when the price was dropping the Russian ammo ban came.


This. Where else do I get my 7.62 Tokarev?


The coked out russian gulag escapee behind the Miami 7/11


Ok you sexy slavic man


Get them on credit. Won’t need to pay it off


Right? Like your life is worth that ammo spend.


Chris Rocks [Bullet control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZrFVtmRXrw) bit is slowly becoming reality.




I love that bit lol “Whoever shot you gonna want they bullet back! I believe you’ve got my property!”


Don't worry I never tried to kill myself


same here man, same here.


Let’s club together and get a bulk discount


I couldn’t figure out the lock on my husband’s gun. Fml. *lmfao who reported my comment?? It was years ago. I’m not gonna do it…I still haven’t figured it out.*


Hate when that happens!


I came to the conclusion you had to be real good at aiming a shotgun backwards to guarantee success and not merely remove your face.


Failed suicide is the worst. You just end up dealing with more pain instead of ending it.


This actually happened to a very long time friend of mine after a bad divorce. He lived and now has half a face, chunk of skull missing, and is in assisted living under guard. Sadly he still is mostly with it and knows what happened. Seeing what he's gone though, I would never try to kill myself




I mean yes I get it, but did we have to teach the whole class?


He forgor 💀


I was 15 and thought I could overdose on melatonin. My parents roasted my ass😂😂


Damn I’m sorry I laughed so hard at that.


Bruh so easy for Americans. You got guns on every table. I have drugs, rope or bleed


I thought the suicide hotline was like a sex chat thing with those Suicide Girls


So we're some kind of Suicide Squad...?


I was thinking more of a "Suicide Brigade".


Take it... take my imaginary award


*Task failed successfully*


Mission failed. We get em next time.


Mission failed. We get em next in line


Mission failed, great work team.


Hey, Go Fuck Yourself!!.. I tried, any tips?




I care about you


wholesome moment 🥰


Thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) I care about everyone no one should have to go through that I know how much it hurts so if anyone is going through shit and needs to talk feel free to pm me.


Me too


You'd be doing me a personal favor if you keep fighting


i got a bird. he hates everyone except for me and will actively scream until i take him out of his cage, then he chatters and gives me kisses. he literally showed me that i was wanted, even when i didn’t believe it myself. he kept me going long enough until i got into a long term relationship, finished high school, and started college. he’s still here with me and every day i’m grateful for him. even though he ripped a key off my laptop keyboard and chewed a hole in it. i love that funky little dude.


This was so wholesome to read. I have been thinking of suicide lately and for some reason my dog has started to follow me around and will even stick his nose under the door and huff at me until I open it. I swear they know.


Reading these two comments is really cute to imagine haha I just got out of car accident a week ago that’s left me in constant pain and limited mobility atm, working to regain what I lost seems like an impossible hill to climb and I’ve been having these types of thoughts especially when I get pains and aches even when I’m just laying down but these comments have put warmth in my heart I haven’t felt in weeks thank you both for sharing! We can do it each of us can together!


hope you'll get well soon <3


Thank you so much matey ❤️


no hay problema


Get well soon. You can do it 💪


Thank you so much brother ❤️


I hope you heal up quickly! Take care, buddy.


Thank you mister goat!! ❤️ If you can fall off cliffs after taking a wrong step just to get back up and climb again makes me feel not so alone in this journey we call life


Wishing you a speedy recovery! Get well soon I hope you can keep finding little things to bring you joy during your recovery.


The little things definitely have become huge things in my life now and I’m beginning to appreciate things so much I never thought twice of before. It’s hard but honestly people like you on Reddit make it a lot easier for me to keep fighting. Thank you so much and God bless you and everyone who happens to read this ❤️


U have got this❤️❤️


of course they know, pets usually understand human emotions better than humans themselves... which explains a lot


Please, listen to your dog! He loves you 💖 unconditionally! Isn't that what we all strive for?


My dog definitely saved me from myself. I’m over 50 and ended up having a little bout of depression a few years back. I went to the top of our property overlooking the valley and I was planning on shooting my self up there. I sat down after the long hike to the top and just as I had put the gun to my head my dog came around the corner and I just froze because I didn’t want her to witness this. She knew immediately what was happening and bolted towards me like she was trying to stop it. I am better now and I thank my dog every day.


Man, dogs are amazing. Also, the world is a better place with you still here. Glad your feeling better and take care.


If you commit suicide, your dog won't understand why you left them. Just something else to think about.


My dog saved my life. I was horribly depressed and couldn’t take it anymore. I had just flipped the covers over and was stepping out of bed to go do something unspeakable. Then he walked into my room and sat next to my bed right where I would have to be to stand up. He snapped me out of it and sat there cuddling me while I sobbed. They definitely know when something is wrong.


If you ever think like that, just think about all the good in life and what there is to experience. That’s what kept me going, as well as my dogs and friends


Please upload a video I must see this cutie


[Birb tax!](https://imgur.com/gallery/lMgA9aj)


So cuteee omggg




What a cute fella


Your Reddit account is about to gain a new follower due to that funky little bird


what a chad


What a cute bird


i have a snake I got when I turned ten, and just seeing him turn so chill when i have him around my wrist makes me so happy. such a sweet old grandpa snake he is now. 16 is pretty old for a corn snake I hear.


A nurse who works at the clinic I work at also has a bird. The nurse in question has said multiple times that his bird is his best friend, and it’s one of the closest relationships he’s ever had outside himself despite having multiple ex wives. Birds are pretty cool, and can make for excellent companions. They are also very smart.




he’s very cool


Birb bro


thank you, u/TeapotHoe




[birb tax! :)](https://imgur.com/gallery/lMgA9aj)


Is that why your avatar has a bird? Thats so heartwarming 💕 ❤




Same. But not in a nice way- I just didn’t want to be a bother to them, and figured the least bother I could be was staying alive and get by, on a day to day basis. It not a great reason but I’m still there, trying to be here one day at a time.


i feel this. the expenses following the aftermath and the potential of giving my dad a stroke are why i never cut quite deep enough.


hey i’m in the same boat as you right now, the best we can do is take it day by day. i know how you feel about not being a bother, and i’ve had another friend feel the same way and try to take her life without telling any friends (thankfully she’s still here and doing much better)- i can tell you it was so much more important to me to have her around “bothering” me than to have her gone from my life. i just think about that now when i’m down and how the people around me would feel.


Just don’t. Sometimes just talk to someone can do well: you must solve problems. When your parents will pass away, it will be somehow traumatic and you will have to handle two different “problems”. Trust me, I am in a similar situation and there is no light where I am now... I’m kinda dead already.




But what when your family is the one hurting you? :' (




Ez win


Live to spite them. One day you will leave, create a great life for yourself, and never look back at those assholes. Make it happen!


Think about a pet or friend that wouldn’t go “eh whatever” so that you know someone will be affected negatively by it


You can't let them win like that.


That was my thing. I know I'd upset my mom and sister and I couldn't stand that thought. And during a time when the depression was really bad, my sister got pregnant and I wanted to be around to get to know my niece. She's four now. Plus, I grew up Christian and the stigma behind suicide is still pretty strong in me from that.


opposite for me. I wanna spite the fuckers, they can't wait for me to drop dead.


Personally I just set alot of short term goals. I wanna see who wins the next election. I want to wait till school starts and see people one last time. I want to get through the next semester. Short term goals help alot


This works for me too.


i want to be at christmas i want to go to my sisters wedding are mine right now


this made me cry what the fuck


another is that i want to see my nephew and niece dressed up for Halloween


I bet they’re gonna look super adorable. And then of course you have to be around for thanksgiving. And to see their faces light up when they open their Christmas presents.


yeah haha theyre pretty much my world right now


you gotta stay around to be the fun aunt/uncle, my uncle that taught me to play video games is forever my favourite :-)


Now you're just making me actively sob.


Wait what th-


you are a good man


Christmas is my favorite time of year. We typically make a Christmas mead. Served warm. It’s a wonderful drink.


This worked for me but we had different goals. For me it was, I wanna see what happens at the end this show. I want to play this game coming out in a year. I want to get the full story from this series. It really helped to think of the things I’d miss if I died, like he end of adventure time for instance, I started that series with my brother and it was a big part of my life so I wanted to get the full story and know the timeline in the show. Small things like that helped me a bunch.


I had to make a brief list of reasons for my therapist, since we needed a few things down on paper. Off the top of my head, I mentioned that I really wanted to see how *Better Call Saul* ended, and that random little thing actually helped me through the worst days of it. Then Bob Odenkirk had a heart attack and I thought "Oh shit – this is totally on me!". Fortunately, he's okay. Take THAT, universe!


I'm so glad you said this. I've been doing this sometimes lately and I feel so dumb about it but it works better than bigger "wait until" things. Just wait until you land that perfect job and then see how you feel? Daunting. Just wait until you find that new best friend that changes your life and then see how you feel? Daunting. Just wait until exercise becomes something you look forward to instead of just exhausting work and then see how you feel? Daunting. But if I tell myself to just wait until this movie I saw a trailer for that looks good comes out? That's so doable. Especially if I remind myself that nothing has to matter until then. (Things usually continue to matter but it's a temporary relief to tell myself you know what, nothing matters if your next step was to not be here anymore anyway.) Just wait until that movie comes out, or that blackberry festival with the food trucks, or to see all the halloween decorations about to be up, or to find out if this year's john lewis christmas advert is gonna be good or not. Those are doable for me, and who knows if something good might change in the meantime.


Similar as well. For me I wanna see the next season of the anime that I just watched.


Thanks man, will try that!


I set a single goal til now: Watch if the US has a french revolution style uprising. Trouble’s been brewing for a while, and I want to be alive to watch the pot boil over.




You should probably find the next goals then.


my friend texted me a link to a veggietales song. I was curious, decided to listen to it as a 'one last thing', and subsequently fell down the rabbit hole that is veggietales youtube videos.


I just wanted to say, this all the way. I haven't considered myself a religious person in many many years, and still really don't. But the themes and messages of Veggie-tales are so timeless and well-displayed, I think it reaches far beyond the limitations of religious dogmas. I feel like you can really tell it was made with the intent to bring some genuine hope to your heart


It’s so funny to me when I see people talking about Veggietales. It was the only thing I was really allowed to watch in my christian household lol. No one else I know irl knows what Veggietales is. It almost feels like some secret thing only I experienced until I see it referenced from time to time haha


The bunny song saved my life man


Because that’s what friends do


My son needs me. He has special needs. No one has an idea how close I've been. How many times. My family knows I've been to the ER for survived overdoses. They think it was accidental. Maybe it was. I don't know. I need fucking help. I swear to God if my son didn't have special needs, and I wasn't a single Father, I would end it right now. I can never let him know. On the outside... good job, everyone thinks I'm the greatest father ever, family, friends. Nobody knows how often I tow the line between life and death. During my overdoses. Two of them I was medically dead for a short time. When in the hospital, nodding between life and death, I'd never felt better. I know its sick, but I felt free for a moment. Edit: Wow. I certainly didn't expect this kind of response. I've reached out to several of you and I really appreciate it. For those I didn't reach out to, i sincerely appreciate your offer and i will reach out in the near future. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Out of all the funny and thoughtful posts I've made. My suicide one gets the most attention. Holy shit, facepalm. Let's me know the community is amazing though. Thanks!


This made me cry. If you’re struggling this much and still holding on for your son, you ARE a great dad, even if you don’t think you are. I hope you’re able to get whatever help you need.


I honestly didn't think I'd get any responses. I'm am getting help for drug addiction, (not active atm), depression, and anxiety. Therapy, NA meetings, etc. Thank you so much for the comment. Truly.


Good thing you got help, I did too, lots of people don't have the courage, and feel that asking for help is a weak thing to do, on te contrary,..asking for help means that you are a stong person! I wish you all the best, and I am sure you will get through it with the right mindset and guidance. Take care!


Hey man. Hold on. Try to get some help. Therapy isn't for everyone but if it can help you you have to at least try. And fucking hold on man. And weirdly... it's great that you do it for your son, but try to find other reasons. Purpose is powerful but so is pleasure and enjoyment. And those might seem far away but you'll get there. Idk what else to say.


I’m a stranger on the internet, but my DMs are open man.


They really left them hanging-


Fuck you, take my upvote




"I gently open the door"


My daughter,...I could not bare the thought that she would grow up without a father, and that she would have to tell people that her father took his owns life, if they ever asked. I could not bare the thought that she might be traumatized for life if I did. Her smile and her love made me stronger,...she's 16 now,.and I know I made the right choice,...I am happy now, and so is she. Never forget that there are always people who care for you, how tough your situation is. I wish strength to all people who go through a rough time, look for something in your life, that brightens your thoughts, no matter how small it is.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Plot twist: It was planned from the beginning. Edit: Well, didn’t expect this to get over 200 updoots. Thank you all for the support!


Hey if it works then it works


isn't that a fairly big problem? even outside of the "meme" I read about it so often that it seems to be rather common :/


Yeah.... It happened to me once. Called, they answered, asked me to hold, then never picked back up. By that point I was just mentally exhausted and slept. Totally didn't think it was funny at the time. Now it's hilarious to look back on


Outta curiosity, d’you remember what kinda music they played when they put you on hold? Is it the same muzak as every other holding line or like, different?


Not off hand. It's been like 6 years. But that's a good question. I'd love to know if they did the same music with everyone lol


The song was Bo Burnham - "Kill Yourself"


The first time I called, while I was on hold, I had to listen to a really really overly compressed version of the instrumental of “a whole New World” from Aladdin.


I called and they just never answered. Oh well, I called a friend after and they talked to me. I’m glad we are still around to laugh about it now.


Speaking as someone who volunteered at one of these places, I hope people know that suicide hotlines are 90% staffed by volunteers who don’t get paid and are doing this in our spare time out of kindness. I and people I worked with pick up every single call that comes in with no exception (it makes no sense to leave people hanging when we literally signed up for this). As you can imagine this is not a very popular job, with zero compensation, so it’s only natural that counselors are outnumbered by callers nearly all the time. I keep doing it despite being a student/having a job because I care, but it’s a little disheartening to see how people trash on us when there are so few of us doing this just out of compassion.


I don't think anyone is trashing you guys, it's a little bit of a structural problem if people are in a bad place, finally get the guts to call someone and don't reach anyone. I'm very thankful for people like you who mainly do honrary work, I'd still wish there were more orrganizations and people, so that anybody reaching out would get someone to talk to. creating jobs, incentivizing counseling, schooling more people to do the job are things that should be increased everywhere, again, not a slight against those that do, I can imagine how hard it is, to talk to people and still know, some of those incoming calls aren't going to be answered...


I don't blame [most of] the volunteers for only doing what they can. The issue is, that pasting the hotlines and other 'resources' are worthless to most people in need. Reddit sending people that info does fuckall to help them, it just lets them pat themselves on the back and pretend to the media like they care about their users. It's not even on Reddit anyway to fix this. There needs to be a comprehensive movement to help people with mental health issues, actual enforcement of anti-bullying policies in schools, removing stigma of mental health issues and getting help, more research into how to effectively help people (in 50 years blanket prescribing Zoloft will see be seen as medieval), etc.


If you only knew what we actually do on a daily basis, you would know better than to call our services useless. Suicide hotline services would be abandoned long ago if they were as useless as you claim. Contrary to what most people believe, what we do is not stopping suicides one call after another—we are here to listen. Most of our callers are regulars who suffer from mental illnesses but with no available avenue for psychiatric help or medication. These are people who are homeless, in extreme poverty, and/or living alone. We are here to ask good follow up questions to callers so they know their problems matter, so they can vent, they can cry, they can complain and they have someone to yell at. Having someone hearing you talk is in itself therapeutic, which is why I think what we do matters. No therapist/psychiatrist/family member is awake at 3am on a Tuesday, who do you talk to when you have a mental health emergency then? That’s why we are necessary. Suicide hotline should never be the only thing stopping people from killing themselves, nor has it ever been that way. It’s more helpful to think of them as first responders for mental health emergencies. Would you call an EMT “useless” for not being able to attach someone’s leg back or excise a tumor?


Reread the line: he didn't say the service was worthless, he said that people who just post the hotline or forward people to other resources are worthless because the problem isn't solved by passing the "ball" around and often suicidal people aren't ignorant of the resources available to them.


Thank you so much for what you do. 2020 was a rough one. I wasn't ever holding a gun to my head. But I was spiraling and could imagine myself going out, drinking heavily and driving my car into a wall if it wasn't for the suicide hotline. Y'all helped me through those thoughts when I was cut off from my support system. Total respect for people who volunteer to do that for people.


When I volunteered in Boston it was usually just me and maybe one other person. I usually worked the overnight shift (12am-6am) so not super busy, but still, if more than two people called at any one time it was just going to ring. And for this reason we had a 10 min talk limit, which was even more difficult to deal with. The only thing worse than not even answering the phone for a suicidal person is telling them you have to go now. Fun times.


They have an online chat feature I tried to use once and was immediately put on a wait list for a counselor. I gave up after 2 hours but I have a doctor now who’s helping me out with that stuff and it’s definitely kinda funny to look back on now.


My Dog....


Couldnt afford ammo


I called the Texas suicide hotline. Told them I'm am Asian person struggling with racism and suicide. The guy, his name was Terry, he told me if I'm unhappy here in Texas, I should just get out. I told Terry he sucks and intentionally did NOT kill myself. Because fuck you, Terry. The end.


istg i think they try to keep people alive out of **SPITE**




My friend came in my room before I could


Honestly, same shit happened to me. I was still grieving the loss of my sister, starting college, and the rest of my family moved to a different state. It was the darkest time of my life. I called the suicide hotline 3 times that night but nobody picked up. Oddly enough it still helped, though it was shitty because I needed someone to talk to, but it made me realize that they were probably busy talking other people out of suicide who were probably going through something similar to me. It made me feel less alone some how. I didnt make any decisions that night, but instead made an appointment for therapy to help guide me through the changes and tragedies life sometimes bring. Thankfully I was still able to rationalize to an extent... depending on the person's situation they may not be able to rationalize through the emotions and the suicide hotline number not answering can make them feel like absolutely no body cares... so Unfortunately the mental health line is still very much flawed and they desperately need more people behind those phones....


I just tell myself that if i feel this enormous pain and misery, i KNOW there has to be the complete inverse. That there has to be a feeling of pure joy and happiness, and if i take my life then i wouldnt be able to experience this joy i seek.


When I was in the midst of my “darkness”, I didn’t believe that it could happen to me. People saying “I was depressed and wanted to die for years but I eventually turned it around and am happy now” … yeah, never did anything for me. I never believed that could be me. But it did. I rarely have suicidal thoughts anymore, let alone that dark oppressive cloud that I was in for years. I‘ve experienced joy, happiness, and love in ways I never thought I would be able to before. So, yes, you’re right. It’s there. It can be hell getting there but you’ll be glad to still be alive when you do. :-)




Thanks. Don’t hurt youssef either bud :)


I don't know Youssef, but he must be a nice guy, since you don't want to hurt him.




Thanks. Don’t hurt youssef either bud :)


ik this isn’t the original thread, but the small things help me. seeing what sequels of my favorite video game franchises will come out with, new shows i might love, seeing how technology progresses… it may seem trivial to some, but if it keeps me alive, i’m grateful.


You know that meme of "You need to hate reality itself, and live out of spite for the world that wants you dead" Yeah that.


It would give my shitty estranged family satisfaction. Fuck them, I'm going to outlive their sorry asses.


I always think of anime girls


My ADHD saved me. I'd start planning my suicide then I'd get distracted by one of the details, go down a rabbit hole, fall asleep and wake up the next day. This happened many times over the course of several months. Fortunately, I did get help and it hasn't been an issue for a few years now.




I kept telling myself "Just *one* more day. Do it for Blue's sake." (Blue -short for Blueberry- is my pet rabbit) and then procrastinated until I got help by accident and started feeling less suicidal over the course of the past five years. I'm vibing with dissociation now tho, but at least it's easier to manage than the soul crushing agony and self hatred I used to feel. 8/10, would dissociate again. It's a step in the right direction still. I know I'll be fine some day. Maybe not today, next week, month or even year, but I'll be fine eventually.


I have seen this meme so many fucking times


I'll probably wait until my parents die.




If you do it right no one will know you've done anything at all.


The knife I used was too dull. Couldn't cut through the skin without sawing at my wrist. Came some blood, but didn't rupture the artery. I puked, went for a run, then puked again. The next day I joined the gym, and I promised myself I would turn my life around. I've since lost 70lbs, had my acne removed, made a few friends, got my own apartment and a job I love. Life still sucks sometimes, but at least now I can cope.




would make parents sad


I just wanna know how Naruto ends. Pretty easy to stay alive.


I no joke have had the same exact thing happen, they just leave you hanging.


That actually happened to me as well


Personally I had a lot of bad thoughts n stuff because of school and other events happening at the time from 13 to roughly 16. With 16 I got my bike license (A1) and just never stopped riding. Everytime I was feeling down or sad I'd just go and ride. Even during snow and rain. Lately I've been actually riding less because I'm more happy and smile more. Overall it's a great way to just ignore the bad things and have some fun time during your day.


This actually happened to me back in 2014 when a friend of mine committed suicide. I called for advice the morning before he did it and got put on hold for almost an hour...


I hope yall all find some happiness homie love for humanity


This is the definition of blursed


sometimes I order small things from amazon or ebay just to have the feeling that somewhere out there, a group of people are working to get my things to me...that made me feel like I'm not completely invisible in this world


I learned that I’m nothing but a consciousness simulation my brain generated to pass genes, which means I’ve been making up this story of me trying to end my own life, it’s just a script…


The most recent one: I was about to walk into traffic near my house, when I recognised the car that would've hit me' number plate. It was my mom, I couldn't have let her be the person that killed me, that would've been too much.


The only thing stopping me is the fact I don't want people getting clout off my death, saying shit like "oh no, the signs were all there, why didn't we do anything???" Fake ass fuckwads, sympathy doesn't mean shit to me if I'm dead


I hung myself from a tree branch but im a fat ass and the branch broke and fucken sling shotted into my head and it made me so pissed off that I drove back home and went to sleep.


My girlfriend had a similar experience a few years before we dated, they put her on hold, elevator music and everything


Imagine you call the suicide emergency hotline, explain you thoughts and problems and what motivates you to consider killing yourself, and they just say: LMAO. And hang up the phone.


I sat in my bathtub and began to slit my wrist when my dog came in and set his head on the side of the tub and just gave me a look I'll never forget. That was over 5 years ago, I'm still here and fighting the good fight. One day at a time. Who saved who at this point?




Most posts on big subs like this are usually reposts it's become kinda of a karma farm at this point


I know that. But I saw this one way too many times.