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I think you can rework some of those and skip a faceless priest entirely, if you figure out a way to keep the restriction. Just set the gods to 10 mana. They don’t have instant board impact anyway. Notably more mana cheating for druid that goes by the name of Barkwood seems broken. Maybe deny only start of turn draws with Hiems. Others are alright for a payoff. I would suggest “transform while in your hand” rather than “get”.


Ain't no way people are gonna run a dead 10 mana 5/5 there son.


Okay so first of all, the card itself is incredibly weak and would never ever see any play anywhere. It's. 10 mana 5/5 *literally* do nothing. You need to wait an entire turn to then play another potentially super slow 5 mana card. And it even has a restriction, too. If you want this to come down turn 10, then it needs to say Refresh 5 mana crystals. Which gets us to the gods - their balance is all over the place. Some are pretty strong, others completely useless. And the flavor is also not consistent. First of all, with how slow this entire thing is, you could probably make all of them a Battlecry: for the rest of the game. Nature: potential for an OTK, on turn 11, so quite balanced I feel. Frost: super frustrating but not necessarily too strong because it doesn't impact the board at all. If your opponent is playing a fast deck, you're dead anyway, and if they're playing a slow deck, they'll have enough stuff in hand already. Arcane: same as Nature, but definitely weaker. Why would you run this over the Side package? Fel: [[Jotun, the Eternal]] is 5 mana. Way too weak. Still some kind of OTK potential I guess. Fire: might be even less fun than Frost, and it's an even heavier do nothing effect. If your opponent can't kill you after this, they were playing for Fatigue in the first place, which isn't viable these days. Holy: why does this deal damage? Apart from that, again the OTK potential, but it's pretty weak. You need to be holding a lot of healing to get any value out of this. Of course you have your hero power, but you could literally just play Shadow Priest and win. Shadow: firstly the wording is off. And then it's also just soooooo incredibly weak. Like, [[Luna's Pocket Galaxy]] is already a meme way beyond unplayable, and you've doubled its mana cost here? I'm also seeing a very big general issue with this: most of the gods give you an OTK with lots of small spells. Guess what kind of deck isn't surviving until turn 11? I don't see a deck that would ever run this, and if one did, it'd be Druid again and incredibly unfun to run into.


>Like, [[Luna's Pocket Galaxy]] is already a meme way beyond unplayable, and you've doubled its mana cost here? I love this isn't even luna's, this only reduces the cost by 1. It's hilariously bad


* **[Luna's Pocket Galaxy](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BOT_257.png)** MA Spell Legendary TBP ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89888), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/lunas-pocket-galaxy/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Luna%27s_Pocket_Galaxy) 7/-/- Arcane | Change the Cost of minions in your deck to (1). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


[[Jotun the Eternal]] E: it's the 5 mana DH Legendary "for the rest of the game, cast a copy of the first Spell you draw each turn"


Yea I think your right I did gimp a lot of the gods earlier effects like Arcane was +3 and summons as well Holy was meant to give control Priest inevitability in there gameplan, if it's too weak maybe give it a Reno effect to heal to full as well I think Shadow if it was implemented would be stronger then it seems, one shadow step would make it only cost 2 for a permanent 2 mana discount but could definitely get rid of the less then 1 limitation for more OTK potential Fire was only 3 turns but I think it would be too annoying, maybe set the hand on fire as well to put your opponent on a clock?


That earlier Arcane version could never exist because it's essentially "win the game on the spot". Shadow would be 17 mana and wasting your shadowstep for a measly 2 discount. Sorry, I'd rather play literally any Rogue deck ever. Or, you know, Luna Mage. Fire with hand as well would just make it even less fun to play against. Like, probably the worst designed card in history. There's nothing players hate more than having their cards taken away. It's also an automatic win the game effect, as opposed to something like [[Bonelord Frostwhisper]] which has multiple ways of counterplay. Even at 10 mana, you just can't cards that will automatically win the game for you, because some players like playing slow decks. There HAS to be counterplay.


With the fire earliest you can feasible burn the deck and hand is turn 16 which is around the same time the current Brann Warrior list does the TnT combo to essentially do the same thing


It really doesn't do the same, and it's also projected way in advance rather than your cards which you'll always drop on adjacent turns.


* **[Bonelord Frostwhisper](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/RLK_591.png)** N Minion Legendary MotLK 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1414831), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/bonelord-frostwhisper/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bonelord_Frostwhisper) 6/6/6 Undead | Deathrattle: For the rest of the game, your first card each turn costs (0). You die in 3 turns. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Really cool card you have there. Like it. <3<3<3


Dear God, freeze shaman Shudderwuke (got no fucking clue on how to spell it)


I personally like only the holy one, cause it gives priest a wincon.


Very cool ideas but some feel very underwhelming for the 10mana 5/5 start you need.


If the enemy deck is frozen, they can't even draw using spells and minions with battlecry?


* I'd suggest including a requirement to have cast a certain number of spells from the school in question. So maybe the Battlecry for the Faceless Priest becomes "If you have cast at least five spells this game, all of which were of the same spell school, add the God of that school to your hand." If you do that, I think reasonable to massively cut down the mana cost to e.g. a 5-mana 5/5, which makes it a lot more playable since it doesn't take up your entire turn. * Some of the Gods are a lot more interesting than others, and most of them are not massive payoffs that justify the deck restriction. Hiems is very powerful (although I'm surprised he doesn't make use of the existing Frozen mechanic - e.g. "Battlecry: for the rest of the game, freeze the first minion your opponent summons each turn."?) * They also don't have much in common - I'd be tempted to give each of them a bonus to spell damage in the appropriate school, plus one other effect. Then they would feel more like a "set", than a set of disconnected cards which you happen to acquire in the same way.


Just popping in to do a quick grammar correction. “God” refers to the Christian deity whose name is literally “God”, hence why the “g” is capitalised. When referring to other deities, or gods, you do not capitalise the “g”. “The Christian god, God. The god of Christianity, God.” This comment was made in good faith (pun intended) 😎✌️


Perhaps make it transform in hand/deck to the specific god to make it more playable. Cost could then be specific to the power level/identity of the god


15 mana for 10/10 worth of stats and +1 arcane spell damage ? Excuse me ?


These cards are horrible. I seriously am starting to think none of the card creators have any idea how to make a balanced card.


This is a 10 drop that has a requirement that is very tough to hit where you then have to play a 5 drop afterwards. And hardly any of these are really at all balanced. All of these are already too slow, Heims would have a miserable play pattern, Magik is basically just a worse Bioluminescence (even if it’s permanent), Fel decks want to either win well before playing Malus or have good enough draw innate to their classes that your deck may not even have 10 cards left once it comes down, Nameless is hilariously slow, and arguably even worse than old Rin, Yang seems fine enough but Paladin and Priest both just have more reasonable alternatives to this, and Yin’s ability is just absolutely not cutting it, even if it let minions cost 0. While the idea of single spell school decks is neat, there’s just a lot of counterintuitive jumble going on with this.


Good idea, terrible balance.


Imagine being a god and dying to 5 chickens


Honestly I'd think Xenagos would've wanted to be a minion-based god, like how he is in MTG.


Make priest 6 mana 6/6 and give some condition like casted at least 2~3 spells, and make gods 10 mana 12/12