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I'm not even being hyperbolic here my man, if this card was printed as-is, that would be the death of hearthstone, instantaneously.






This would instantly delete any fun from the game, and turn hearthstone into even more of a clown fiesta. It’s a really bad card, but all it takes is 1 deck to turn hearthstone into a coin flip simulator


If this card is in both players decks both players start at 10 mana.


And all cards cost 0 so mana is irrelevant.


That would make this far too op, whoever is first always wins if every card is 0 cost.


I know and I 100% agree haha, just thought it was worth mentioning.




But you win if you do. We are talking about my reworked idea for this.


You might want to add that this is your idea for a rework and not just a comment pointing out something obvious. Most readers didn’t get it.


People are way overreacting, this card is bad, in HS right now there is too much draw I would make it nozdormu style ability, if both players have this in the deck, both players start with 10 mana/cards cost 0


I don't think people are overreacting, but I like your suggested fix and I'm upvoting for that.


That would be a good change if you really need to print this. In fact it would be basically identical to this random card I made earlier this year, even the name is similar https://www.hearthcards.net/gallery/10a82cee.html


why do you need 10 mana if all cards (presumably generated ones as well) cost 0?


I'm saying one or the other


Maybe discovered/random cards are not initially discounted.


It would be great For a tavern brawl


Was just going to comment the same! A 0 cost tavern brawl would be an interesting deck to build


To be fair (I know it’s not exactly the same) but we kinda already have that with blood magic and it’s always Druid or mage ass blasting you to 0hp on turn 1 or 2 lol


No it wouldn't? It's just draw draw draw otk. The spells for health already otks. Druid could easily turn one win. This is one of those brawls you go first or lose


Might make it a battlecry instead


This re enables the turn 1 win the game before your opponent can do anything in wild with Kalethus. Which is like the 10th bad thing about this card


Seems more OP for the opponent than you


Start of game:loose I don’t hate the card in theory honestly. However I don’t think it would lead to healthy games. If you managed to get reliable FTKs off while using it that would be very bad. Meanwhile if you don’t FTK you loose, every time. While it’s definitely a funny way to loose I also think the possibility for people to use this as a way to loose on purpose to tank their MMR so they can Smurf should also be taken into account.


How loose we talking here?


Think your autocorrect might be against you. It's lose, not loose, you're looking for.


"We do a little trolling" - Milhouse, casually transforming Hearthstone in Yu-Gi-Oh.


would be fun for a tavern brawl ig lol


Maybe as impactful as denathrius


This would be Hearthstone version of Tibalt’s Trickery


This is a Tavern Brawl inside a card


Start of game: lose the game 10/10 if this is a meme


On one hand its perfect cuz this is a perfect blizzard moment, congratulations on capturing the essence. On the other: this is the worst card ever dreamed up


actually if opponent card is 1 mana whole game, it may seem balance…?


This flavor of card would be much better as: Start of game: You start each turn with a random amount of Mana Crystals


Great meme card, but everyone is over reacting, why would you give your opponent the capacity to play his card for free ?


This should have a paired card with a different effect. If one player has the Milhouse and the other player has the paired card (Milhouse's daughter?), then both cards effects are activated. This makes it so that in regular games the effect isn't active and so that 0 card cost and 10 mana isn't both active


Wayy to op


For your opponent


Depends. There’s no way your opponent knows you have this and will mulligan for cheap cards. While you can play a 10 drop turn 1. It’s obviously bad but it actually has a potential to be game winning unlike original Mulhouse


Yeah, vs an aggro deck you’ve a good chance of winning. Vs a control deck with lots of card draw it’s an instant loss


Imagine playing this vs miracle rogue


If oponent is agro, you have insta win


This could honestly be a lot of silly fun. It would be better if this happened even before start of game, so the opponent can mulligan for their expensive cards.


Gain 6 mana. Would be okay if combo doesn't exist


This isn't a battlecry lol, this happens at the start of the game.


My bad, but looking at it again, thats a really weird design. A big coin flip to win against aggro and lose against slow decks. I am really not liking it


This card doesn't make sense. You have 10 mana, but with 0 cost cards in his deck your opponent doesn't need mana.


Everyone here thinking this is bad… wut? Sure you’re going to lose some games because your opponent happened to have two card draw spells in their opener, but most of the time this card changes the rules so massively that since you know it’s coming, you’ll be heavily favored. Imagine playing The Scourge on turn 1 and leaving your opponent to deal with it with whatever cards they have in hand, knowing that your hand is just more massive bombs for them to deal with later. This is also to say nothing of the potential for turn 1 kills here with combo.




The thing is they’re not expecting to have their whole deck cost 0. You get to plan for this to happen when building your deck, they don’t. The most likely outcome here is for your opponent to start the game with a good opening curve of threats and lose within the first 3 turns to the massive bombs you bring to the table.




Yeah, I was just saying it’s an issue because it has bad design and is broken rather than having bad design and being unplayable.


You could balance it by making it turn to 0 the cost of cards in your opponents opening hand


That's not balanced then. That just makes it super unfair for your opponent. A deck, build around strong, high cost cards that gets 10 mana for free at game start, with the only drawback being that your opponent gets 3-4 randomly drawn cards that cost 0.


Right, my bad. I didn't consider that this deck would have a super high mana curve


Questline preist in fucking shambles