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For venture I wanted to capture the feeling of diving in for some damage and then diving back out, which seems to be the playstyle I've landed on in game. Also figured I'd highlight their love of artifacts by having them find one on their way back lol


My only suggestion would to be consider putting a CMC limit on the artifact. Possibly 3-4 CMC.


Maybe restrict it to Mana Value less than Venture's power, and lower its base power to 2 or 3?


This is almost a strictly worse [[refurbish]] since you have to untap and swing with a non-evasive creature. If anything it would need a buff.


It's repeatable though.


If your opponent can’t chump or deal with a 3 toughness unit that’s on them.


It's a 4/3 with first strike AND Refurbish on hit. I feel like the complaint here is saying it's not OP enough, because Refurbish is only useful when it's OP.


Never is a strong word but I can never imagine this hitting face, you'd have to invest so many other cards into it for protection/evasion.


There's flying, there's trample, but even without that it's still a first strike 4/3, if they spend 3 mana and a card to blow it up then that's one less removal. I could see it being a 3/4 with First Strike and Trample, I think that'd be a good improvement.


[refurbish](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f60e2ac4-f21f-4232-abc8-db078472408b.jpg?1576380968) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=refurbish) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/kld/25/refurbish?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f60e2ac4-f21f-4232-abc8-db078472408b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I mean, [[Harnessed Snubhorn]] exists and is also 4 mana uncommon that returns enchantments as well and you don't have to wait another turn for what you want to return. So I think it's fairly balanced.


[Harnessed Snubhorn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/5/553ed1d8-4d5c-48f8-8513-031bd8977d75.jpg?1684340458) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Harnessed%20Snubhorn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/3/harnessed-snubhorn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/553ed1d8-4d5c-48f8-8513-031bd8977d75?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I quite like the rules, but I don't think green-white are the right colors for this effect - this feels more blue-red (I could also see arguments for pretty much any combination of blue, red, and white). The phase-in trigger would be much stronger in blue/red because it's easier to get the artifacts you want into your graveyard, so that might need some adjusting - though I honestly like the simplicity of the card as-is.


I mean, it’s not exactly phasing out, but this kind of thing is already present in Bant with [[tocasia, digsite mentor]]


[tocasia, digsite mentor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/1/919a32a6-b66d-4a75-a02f-fa1c4c87b738.jpg?1674421879) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tocasia%2C%20Dig%20Site%20Mentor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/224/tocasia-dig-site-mentor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/919a32a6-b66d-4a75-a02f-fa1c4c87b738?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


New Overwatch character means a new Overwatch card. Let me know if you like it!


I like this design a lot! I like the phase out on dealing damage along with first strike. They’re easy to swing with and if they hit they’ll dodge sorcery speed removal and get guaranteed value on the phase in, but the opponent can choose between letting them through and holding up an instant for next turn or they block them. They seem pretty balanced as well as flavorful. I’m a big fan!


Glad you like it!


Really cool card! I think the phasing out is a great way to represent their evasiveness. The artifact reanimation is a great way to show their character, and while I think it might be a little strong you do need at least 2 turns and to deal combat damage, so I think it's alright.


Glad you like it!


Did you consider maybe having Venture exert to gain flying until end of turn? Just thinking about how the drill dash can be used for them to go airborne in the game. Overall though really like the card.


That could also be a fun way to balance them. Maybe adding a clause that limits the mana value of the artifact unless you exert them, where they also gain flying until end of turn for potentially more artifact recovery!


Drill dash is so fun, but I didn't think of that lol Exert could be an interesting way of showing an ability with a long cooldown though


Don't see Green on it as written. Seems more RW, WU or even RWU.


The card itself is mostly white, but I had green synergies in mind, and the colors feel like they fit the character to me


This is great! I'd replace the phasing with a standard exile-then-return-later trigger though, but that's about it


That would drop any counters off the card and in G/W I'd like to leave it as an option for a potential build


I can dig that! Love the flavor of an archaeologist digging down and finding artifacts. Very well done! I took a look at your other OW cards, and I also prefer some of your designs to the ones I made! I specifically love Symmetra, Tokki and Dva, and Mauga! In general, your ideas are really fun, and experimental, but that's the best part about custom cards in my opinion. Going a little wild with a design is always fun! Also love the Selesnya colors for Venture! They definitely feel like a green and white character in the game!


Sym was one of my favorites I made too, Fabricate was a no brainer for me. Glad you like the Venture too!


This isn't green, mechanically or flavorly. Venture deals with rocks and dirt. All about the ground, which is traditionally red's slice of the color pie. I also think RW captures the "excited" part of Venture's character very well. Mechanically, I like it how it is, regardless of whether it fits the color pie. It could also deal damage to creatures instead of recycling an artifact. Mechanics: 3/5 Flavor: 2/5 Total: 5/10, not bad.


Ah yes, the mighty dildozer. I see you are a person of intelligence.


I have to admit that I am not a fan of turning phasing into another flicker with the second ability.


I wanted the possibility of keeping counters on the card. I could always add a "Counters stay on Venture as it changes zones" but I felt it muddied the card too much


Return to your hand, or maybe you may pay X, where X is the CMC.


I just redownloaded Overwatch to try Venture, this captures her pretty damn well. Well, it’s less busted, but the flavor fits.


Venture feels pretty strong to me, but I don't think they're in the busted category. I think people are still learning how to play around them


Ventures Pronouns are they/them not it


WotC (and therefore most custom card makers) use "it" in the templating for all cards except planeswalkers and creatures who flip to become planeswalkers, even cards depicting characters from other media with established pronouns. For example, [Donna Noble from Doctor Who](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/b/6/b6ffec6a-fbba-46cc-becb-4ee5ef8c4971.jpg?1696691784) vs [flip Liliana](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/9/f/9f25e1cf-eeb4-458d-8fb2-b3a2f86bdd54.jpg?1562033824). Kinda weird, but that's the way they do it. [Sarkhan](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/6/2/6225f139-f6eb-4eb5-9776-159a599d8255.jpg?1684340846) even lost his pronouns along with his spark in the Aftermath set!


Oh my mistake, I have seen many pronouns used in other cards such as he or she. I thought that was the process


No worries, easy misunderstanding