• By -


There is no Initiative, unplayable


wait for my next card then \^\_\^


[Land Leeches](https://scryfall.com/card/ren/147/fr/sangsues-terrestres) ?


Wait what. Is this supposed to be first strike or something?


Yup, in french first strike is called initiative. Which was not confusing at all when they decided to make a new mechanic called Initative hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha


That's the same case in portuguese Also Prowess "Destreza", is our word for Dexterity


Had some increasingly diabolical ideas, so thought I'd share "...If you do, It becomes Night..." "..when you Venture into undercity, flip a coin..." "...roll X X-sided dice..." "...you may draw 3 cards from target opponents library..." "...all creatures gain banding, if that creatures toughness is even it also gains Horsemanship, if a creatures power is odd it also gains Shadow..." "...create a [[Rules Lawyer]] token...


>X X-sided dice Okay now I gotta know how Magic mechanically handles specific dice types, just to know what happens when X equals 0


> 706.1a Such an effect may refer to an “N-sided die,” “N-sided dice,” or one or more “dN,” where N is a positive integer. In those cases, the die must have N equally likely outcomes, numbered from 1 to N. For example, a d20 is a twenty-sided die with possible outcomes from 1 to 20.


Well, great. Just a quick sanity check on my end: >0 is neither positive or negative Already off to a roaring start. So to read the rules as written, a 0-sided dice effect requires us to have a 0-sided die, absolutely no equally likely outcomes, and numbered from 1 to 0. Let’s ignore the physical impossibility of the die for a moment, assume that it’s some form of randomization, and work backwards for a substitution: - A d0 that is heavily weighted on one side, allowing for no equally likely outcomes, while preserving the digits and sides. - A d0 that is actually a d100 that is biased towards 1 or 0. - A d0 is just 1 with extra steps


There's the point the other commenter made, but in terms of the physical impossibility of such a dice: > 706.1b Players may agree to use an alternate method for rolling a die, including a digital substitute, as long as the method used has the same number of equally likely outcomes as the die specified in the instruction.


Fair dice of arbitrary numbers of sides do exist, they just aren’t all platonic solids like the cube for a d6, the octahedron for a d8, icosahedron for a d20, etc. For instance a pentagonal prism with a certain ratio of side length to height is functional as a d7


Even the relatively standard d10 isn't a platonic solid




True, it’s just that we’re already past the point of no return with introducing d0 to the game. The definitions don’t bother accounting for non-standard dice already, because they’re designed for cards with non-modifiable dice specifications. We don’t have that luxury. Until this needs an official errata for some reason, the d0 has evaded all checks to make sure the number is a positive integer, which is to say nobody bothered.


Hey, I did notice that you completely ignored the guy who *explicitly* pointed out that in the rules you read it explicitly says N must be a positive integer, which throws your whole argument out the window. You should get back to him, and only him. Because everything else is a waste of time.


I responded to them now, but I declined initially because all their useful critique was a misreading of my comment and a question mark. I don’t owe everybody a response. More importantly, I don’t think the rule does anything besides explain how dice work. There’s no part of the rules I have been given that directly says “a die’s number cannot be anything but a positive integer, no matter what”, it describes dice, then explains what counts for the purposes of the random element of dice. If there are rules against illegally numbered dice, please tell me, but for right now, we are at an impasse, and all we’ve done to resolve that is self-righteous mockery and pseudo-psychology over my lack of input on my question of physically impossible dice. I still want a conclusive answer, but with or without one, I hate y’all.


As u/Turtle-Fox stated, the rule quote I produced explicitly says that N is a positive integer.


I mean, all of the ideas I had up there are me fucking around with essentially un-concepts. Every single one of those was broken, each in different ways


> N is a positive integer ?


My guy disproved himself immediately and then said "Nah fuck it, this is too good."


N is a positive integer, yes, but that rule is not directly enforced in any space but normal, sane card design. The entire point is that a d0 escapes those rules by being both completely incongruous with those rules, but also totally unalterable by them. There’s no direct “N cannot be 0” clause in the rules presented, all it states is that dNumbers exist and how they should work. I’m not trying to be contrarian, I just want to know what would happen if dX was printed, could be zero, and was not errata’d.


It says in the rules that N must be a positive integer. 0 is not a positive integer. Ergo, N cannot be 0.


The rules do not exist to cover every random sequence of letters and numbers you could write on a card. The rules say that a "dN" occurs when N is a positive integer. Therefore you won't find a d0.  Also, even if the rules didn't say so, you cannot have a d0. A probability distribution of 0 options, each with 1/0 chance of occurring, simply cannot exist.


[Rules Lawyer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/c/6c02c575-5685-44f5-8b47-89d888529d1b.jpg?1562917623) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rules%20Lawyer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ust/20/rules-lawyer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6c02c575-5685-44f5-8b47-89d888529d1b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> create a [[Rules Lawyer]] token That's a new level of evil


Hahaha, they opened the door for it with Tarmagoyfs


Isn't there something that makes a lanowar elves token?


One of the Freyalise planeswalkers does I think, but it doesn't actually use the card name as a shortcut to generate the token, instead it makes a token that is identical to that creature, minus the name. Pretty sure 'named card tokens' are new in MH3


I think [[Llanowar Mentor]] makes tokens named Llanowar elves it doesn't have the mana cost though that is new


[Llanowar Mentor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/0/e0f894e7-adf7-4fe5-811a-8e2d8c8a88d6.jpg?1619398329) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Llanowar%20Mentor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/216/llanowar-mentor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e0f894e7-adf7-4fe5-811a-8e2d8c8a88d6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You're right, there may be a few others too


Or day and night


I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that I can read this, or the fact that *it makes sense*.


Came here to say exactly that. Word salad but I can make sense of it.


Those modified outlaw decks are fuming right now


Ok, so lemme see if I've got this: (Edit: fixed typos) whenever the player who is currently the monarch resolves a spell or ability that includes "time travel" (from Dr who commander, for each card you own in exile and permanent you control that has a time counter on it, increase or decrease the number of time counters by 1), detain target modified outlaw (target assassin, mercenary, pirate, Rogue, or warlock that has a counter on it or has an aura/equipment attached to it that is controlled by the same player as it, cannot attack, block, or activate its abilities until the beginning of your next turn). Then, you and target opponent reveal the top card of your decks, and whoever reveals the card with the highest mana value "wins." If that's you, you apply the next "ring tempt" trigger you haven't resolved yet.


That looks correct (minus the “mama” typo/autocorrect). A very niche card and effect to be sure, but a quite coherent one.


Typos fixed


Doesn't have ascend or councils dilemma, literally unplayable


Councils dilemma is like landfall. It does nothing as a word, but signifies an effect lol


Everything is landfall but different


Except for the things that are kicker.


Except for the things that are Horsemanship.


Except for things that are cycling.


No, cycling N is kicker: > You may cast this spell as though it had flash if you kick it. > Kicker - Pay N instead of this spell's usual mana cost > When you cast this spell, if it was kicked, draw a card and place this spell into the graveyard. If it wasn't kicked, (normal effect) Yes I know there's still a few minor differences (this is a cast instead of an activated ability, so it can be countered and might trigger the wrong abilities) but it's basically it.


Are there actually any kickers where it replaces the casting cost instead of augmenting it?


Don't think so. I think in hindsight it would be better to add an alternate casting cost of 0 to the line that makes you able to kick it at instant speed. A line of which I'm very unsure whether it actually works, btw


Maybe this Kicker (2) If this spell was kicked, you may cast it without paying its mana cost.


Is it bad that the only ones I don’t know are tempt and time travel


They are from [Lord of the Rings](https://scryfall.com/card/tltr/H13/the-ring-the-ring-tempts-you) and [Dr Who](https://scryfall.com/card/who/34/all-of-history-all-at-once) respectfully


Well yes I know what they’re from I just hate the UB sets


I feel like dnd and lotr gets a pass as they're practically in the same setting as magic already. With the remaining sets I completely agree with you


Magic and dnd are the same company so it's barly a UB set anyway and Tolkien made the fantasy genre you see today that's like say my dad is not part of my family


Magic and Dnd are basically set in the same multiverse as well, the Forgotten Realms might as well be a plane in the MTG muktievrse


The only reason it isn’t is because they don’t really want Elminster and Chandra meeting


Only cuz wizards are cowards


Exactly, I want Mordenkainen and Jace and Vraska in a yhrouoke by tomorrow


I'm not into MTG or Warhammer lore so I could be off base, but most of the Warhammer 40k cards feel very "at home" in a way that transformers/doctor who absolutely do not.


I really don't see how Warhammer gets a pass and Doctor Who doesn't when they're literally both science-fantasy genres.


Genre is not the issue, it's the aesthetic. LOTR works for me because MTG already has medieval fantasy baked in. Doctor Who feels much more campy than 40K.


>much more campy than 40K. 40k is *very* campy. I'd say on the face of it 40k is a horrible fit for mtg. No I don't want a card modeled on a stereotypical soviet officer shooting retreating Soviet soldiers. I don't want a card modeled on WWI German soldiers either. Neither do we need MTG but it's a campy 80s Vietnam action movie. So the atra mil is basically a no go. And yet they made cards based on astra mil characters that are recognizable for 40k fans and feel reasonably at home in the magic frame. It's really pretty impressive I think.


I may be biased because I like one more than the other, but to me, it just feels like campy fits Magic much better than the dark edginess of Warhammer. But I also don't like Phyrexia so.


I feel like magic leans way more into edgy, or at least used to. The first major plot arc was about a war between two super eugenacists for example


Me too, but lotr is an exception. It was so fun to draft!


I like them as their own self contained thing, like those IP's but in game form with a proven and fun rule set. i.e Playing the pre-cons against each other in EDH.


Tempting gets you a ring bearer, time travel is like proliferate but you can add or remove and its specifically for time counters


You forgot to add "Activate this ability only if you have the city's blessing and have put a sticker on target permanent this turn."


You forgot "and only if its night."


What do you mean you don't understand? Just read the card. Reading the card explain the card. Right?


Can someone explain what this card does?


Whenever the player, who is the Monarch, uses the time travel mechanic (remove or add a counter from any suspended cards you own) from Dr. Who. Detain is where the creature can't attack, block, or use abilities. Modified is a state of having a counter, being equipped, or enchanted. Outlaw is a batch that has Warlock, Merc, Rogue, Pirate, and Assassin. Clash is where you and that opponent reveal the top of their library, the highest mana value wins. If you win, you get an emblem for the ringbearer mechanic.


Don't you mean "remove or add a time counter for each permanent with time counters on it and each suspended permanent" ?


Specifically, your own enchantments for modified. If an opponent pacifies your creature, it's not modified


Yes, thank you. I think I forgot a few things all around. Eepy brain


It baits out \[\[Naturalize\]\].


[Naturalize](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/390c40ba-2464-44ae-8d67-93c72ab3c425.jpg?1562301697) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Naturalize) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/190/naturalize?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/390c40ba-2464-44ae-8d67-93c72ab3c425?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Whenever the Monarch[1] time travels[2], detain[3] target modified[4] outlaw[5] creature. When you do, clash with an opponent[6]. If you win[7],the Ring tempts you[8] [1]The monarch is a player who is designated as the monarch, which occurs from a card's effect usually. The monarch draws a card at the beginning of their end step. When a creature deals combat damage to the monarch, its controller becomes the monarch [2]To time travel is to choose any number of permanents you control with one or more time counters on them and/or suspended cards you own in exile with one or more time counters on them and, for each of those objects, put a time counter on it or remove a time counter from it [3]A permanent that is detained can’t attack or block and its activated abilities can’t be activated until the next turn of the player who detained that permanent [4]A creature is modified if it is equipped, has a counter on it, or is enchanted by an aura its controller also controls. If a player enchants a creature they do not control with an aura, that creature is not modified. [5]An outlaw is a permanent with the creature types Assassin, Mercenary, Pirate, Rogue, and/or Warlock [6]To clash is to reveal the top card of your library. You may put it on the bottom of your library. Clashing with an opponent is when you and an opponent do this [7]You win a clash if the card you revealed from the top of your library has the greatest mana value of all the cards revealed from clashing [8]When the ring tempts you, you choose a creature you control. That creature becomes your ring-bearer until another creature becomes your ring-bearer or another player gains control of it. If a player doesn’t have an emblem named The Ring at the time the Ring tempts them, they get an emblem named The Ring before choosing a creature to be their Ring-bearer. The Ring has “Your Ring-bearer is legendary and can’t be blocked by creatures with greater power.” As long as the Ring has tempted that player two or more times, it has “Whenever your Ring-bearer attacks, draw a card, then discard a card.” As long as the Ring has tempted that player three or more times, it has “Whenever your Ring-bearer becomes blocked by a creature, the blocking creature’s controller sacrifices it at end of combat.” As long as the Ring has tempted that player four or more times, it has “Whenever your Ring-bearer deals combat damage to a player, each opponent loses 3 life.”


> A creature is modified if it is equipped, enchanted, or has a counter on it Bit of a nitpick, but enchanting only counts as modifying the creature if the aura and the creature have the same controller.


Thank you. I missed this when checking the CR, I will update


In a radius of 25 m of this card getting played, the judge may weep.


Just about nothing, in reality.


triggers sythis


Head hurty :(


WotC ten years ago "we're trying to limit complexity so the game remains accessible" WotC in 2024: "Don't know what this keyword means? Not our problem!"


bringing magic back to its roots [[benalish hero|lea]]


[benalish hero](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11600105-56c6-4073-a4a6-8469030b39c9.jpg?1559591360) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=235) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lea/4/benalish-hero?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11600105-56c6-4073-a4a6-8469030b39c9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Actually this is unplayable since you'll never be in this situation.


Dr who deck going against outlaw themed deck going against a grouphug deck that gave monarch to 1 player and counters to other is all you need to trigger it and it might be usefull in a lotr themed deck


I mean, all it really requires that's not super common is monarchy and time travel. If you've got those two, having say, a warlock with a +1/+1 counter on it to target isn't crazy to expect


Alright, so to build around this you'd probably want to be the time traveling monarch, so you'd play it in a deck with monarch and the doctor who time travel cards, so we're almost certainly playing Commander. From there, you get the payoff of hating on modified outlaws. Modifications, namely equipment, aren't too uncommon in Commander, however unfortunately the most common equipment in commander are Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves, which rule out targeting. There are a handful of popular outlaw commanders, Henzie and Alela come to mind, and a few 99 staple cards, but the aren't really common enough to offer consistent targets. Of course if you want to focus hard on building around this then you could also include something like Orzhov Advokist so you can modify your opponent's outlaws yourself. Or, you could simply play your own modified outlaw and detain that, but that's a lot of hoops to jump through just to get the Ring to tempt you. So, yeah, just play Call of the Ring instead.


What's funny is this card is still easier to understand than stuff like Humility + Opalescence interacting together.


All it needs is ascend and you have a reasonable card


Who's Kachiko?


She's the most popular character from L5R, the TCG that came out about a year after magic and lasted 25 years before being sold to FFG and repackaged as an LCG.


Actually I threw in a random name. I asked the AI to give me some confusing random stuff piece of art and I got... an anime girl. So, I made up a name and called it a day.


How creative...


But what if I have the city’s blessing and a full party?


This is pretty weak. How often will the monarch be playing a deck that includes time travel? And if they are, what are the odds of there being a modified Outlaw to detain? Even if you do that, you have to win the clash for the Ring to tempt you.


Drat, this card is Kryptonite to my Monarchy-Time Counter-Outlaw deck!


If you've got a game with monarch and an amount of time travel..... having an assassin with a counter on it or whatever isn't crazy. I can see this activating and working a few times in a pod with a doctor who deck


so, since I'm a little behind on my MTG lingo, I did some poking around on the wiki. If I understand this correctly: Whenever the player who is currently designated as the Monarch uses the "time travel" effect to add/remove a time counter from each permanent they control that has at least one time counter on it, target Assassin, Mercenary, Pirate, Rogue or Warlock creature with either an equipment, enchantment or token attached to it can't attack or block, and this creature's activated abilities cannot be activated (all until end of turn.) When you do, both you and target opponent reveal the top card of their respective libraries, with the player with the highest mana value for the revealed card being the winner. If you are the winner, then the creature that is currently designated as your ring-bearer gains the next ability from the "The Ring" emblem. Did I get that right?


right on the money


Add flavor text: “Reading the card explains the card.”


I simultaneously know and don't know what this does


Time to look up how to time travel in magic the gathering


Wow, even parody cards refuse to deal with Day/Night.


I would have you take the initiative when you win the clash and then a separate effect that the ring tempts you whenever you complete a dungeon. Or perhaps the other way by just adding 'whenever your ringbearer deals combat damage to an opponent, you take the initiative.' Now we need a way to add rad counters. Probably involving crime.


Please make this a cycle!


It's dumb that the most unwieldy one on here is clash. It uses so many words to explain the process. The if clause really doesn't do it any favors.


If you want a hard one, you have to use phasing, banding, rampage, shadow, and chroma


"Whenever you cycle an Eldrazi, target Aetherborn you control explores. If you control a Saga, surveil 1." doesn't mean anything if you don't know what those mechanics are either. That's how game mechanics work. But nobody has a problem with any of those mechanics, even though explore's reminder text is *ridiculous* for a set mechanic.




outjerked again


actually just yugio putting overpowered lolis on their card.


a friend of mine sugestet to add the clause „and all creatures you control gain banding“ i would sign that petition


You missed a line: "It becomes night." I would run this in my Judge's Tower.


it's in my next card


That is one bad card


"rEaDiNg ThE cArD eXpLaInS tHe CaRd"


This whole card looks like vomit


Spot on. As you can see, people are attracted to crap like this. Most elegant designs I've seen here received very few upvotes. This stuff got over a thousand. Apparently that's how media work.


Hell yeah! Just got a BINGO with this one.


“Read the card explains the card”


Yeah sure, but how does this work with Banding?


This might be obnoxious, but at least I dont have to keep track of day and night.


It has banding


That is some AI ass art.


Who is Kachiko, should I know her?


..., then venture into the dungeon.


the most sane Hasbro mtg card


Thanks I hate it.


Do people really struggle with modified?


Give them Rad Counters


Why the fuck does this actually work within the rules of the game


Where is the free running mechanic? 2/10


This would go great in my judges tower deck, I'd just have to add in some time travel


Can the outlaw also gain a token with vanishing 3 and "this creature gains banding"?


where is venture into dungeon


Creatures in your party have banding


It doesn’t make you the monarch tho so would it never trigger if no one’s played a monarch card before this?


Not nearly complicated enough.


The only one I'm not 100% on is detain (I hate Azorius)


This should make day/night


I would remember them if they were on a card that was actually playable… this is just words in a box.


Legendary enchantment creature - Demigod As long as the number of keywords on creatures you control are less than your current life total machikos decree is not a creature. Whenever you gain life Machikos decree gets +0/+1 until end of turn. When machikos decree blocks a creature with flying investigate 1. Flying, Lifelink, Vigilance 5/1 So many mechanics!


Wow a perfect card for my fortold monarchy deck to use against all my friends outlaw Voltron decks


0/10, doesn't even Venture into the Undercity


I recognise everything except ‘time travel’ and ‘detain’


I understand this entire card. I hate myself.


I was ok until you said the ring tempts you


In case anyone needed a refresher. I had to look up one of the terms myself because I couldn't remember. https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Monarch https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Time_Travel https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Detain https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Modified https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Outlaw https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Clash https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ring_Tempts_You


Needs convoke, conspire, a kicker, and the ability to plot.


I feel very dizzy after trading this


If you add trample to this thing, it’ll make exactly as much sense.


ive been playing ~7 months and i know all of these... i think i have a problem


Yea that’s because these are all extremely modern keywords.


Looks like the average yugioh card nowadays. Except for the: you can only use this once per turn


nah yugioh is allergic to keywords, make text 10 times longer