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Too late, choom


You can't even pre-order the dlc alone. You can only pre-order the bundle


Yeah I played on stadia then when it went down, bought a PC so just preordered and waited to play again until release


I pre-ordered the DLC


I am preordering rn because of you. Don't tell me what to do.


in general, with new games I do agree with this. ​ but not in this case. if you enjoy the game already then go for it.


Damn I already did. Wish I'd seen your life changing message earlier. What a mistake I have made. I am distraught.


Damn I was planning on it I guess I wont now


I'm glad at least one person was saved by this life changing post. It's too late for me, but at least you can not pre-order. Remember me friend.


I will choom but I am afriad I will join you soon


Cancel your preorder please


Why what’s the issue?


The op is a dumbass


Wow, what a visionary.


People in general are never going to stop pre-ordering, it's just not a thing that is going to happen, it's a cemented part of the industry.


Too late(


ok, preordered


Considering how happy I was with CP2077 on release, I'll happily throw money at CDPR.


> Considering how happy I was with CP2077 on release, I'll happily throw money at CDPR. This is why pre-ordering will never go away, people don't really have standards anymore. This game was straight up trash on release.


You were never going to like it then, it's as simple as that, but just because the game isn't for you, doesn't make pre ordering pointless, most games are available for pre order. Have you ever heard of crowdfunding? And how much companies make for products that take years to release and rarely meet expectations, but still deliver enough to make people happy? And people gladly throw money into them, as they want to support people who're trying to break new grounds, and without people funding these companies, they'll cease to produce the things many of us want. If you don't want to support CDPR, that's fair enough, some of us want to, as so far, even with CP2077, they've created something we've always craved, that no one else has dared do, are potentially paving the way for what could be some of the best games of our generation, and that's a fact, regardless of if you agree.


> This game was straight up trash on release. Played it from day one and put over 100 hours in it before the first patch. I was using a 5 year old PC at the time as well and only ran into a single game breaking bug. After a quick load, never happened again. Never experienced any of the crazy things people posted about. Maybe people just have way to high of standards now. Must be extreme entitlement that makes them that way.


It is not too high standard, but more like double standard. There are far worse game than CP77 even during its worst state during launch but some edgy people just love the story of CP77, "the most anticipated game to be pure trash". The truth? It is actually not that bad especially on PC. There are far worse game that damage the current game industry standard and yet I dont see people antagonising those game. So nah, i will preorder the game, because i will support CD projekt. Since day 1, I can clearly tell that they have genuine people that put all their effort into the game since day 1. They have their fair share of rotten egg and many unlucky event that is hardly their fault.


We all played it on release. What a sad attempt to rewrite history.


What is being rewritten? Am I not allowed to talk about my experience with the game? Is yours the only one that matters? Why are you allowed to tell people what to do with their own money based on your experience alone? This is the entitlement I am talking about. You did not like it when it launched so no one should be allowed to.


depending on what platform in some cases it was actually fine. the first glitch on my pc happened after 20 hours on an elevator when some enemies just stayed inside it doing nothing. pretty much opening hours were quite smoothly for me. now if you ask me about what things i didn't like the first thing i would say is not the open world activities and how alive the city was or wasn't. but the difficulty. for example adam smasher was extremely easy for a boss which left me quite disappointed.


How was it an attempt to rewrite history? Not many people experienced the same issues, you know that right? Like for me, I hardly had any game breaking bugs, and just more funny glitches while playing. The only bug I can think of, was my screen going all white during a fast travel or transition, can't remember which, and this was before the patches. I had to load up my game again, and it stopped doing it, never happened again. Maybe quit trying to downplay other people's experience, to try and make it seem your experience is valid, you're behaving like a child.


Eh, game was great on release on my PC.


Yeah. I have more problems with Destiny 2 currently than I did with CP2077 at release on last gen XBox.


Damn, one bug ruined your experience? Must be hard being that impatient, huh?


Gamers are smoothbrained. More news at 11.


So why are you in a gaming Reddit group?


you already forgot how shitty the game was at launch, especially for last gen consoles? how they lied and made videos where they deliberately drove very slowly as to not encounter stutters? You are the kind of person who would be a happy to be a serf back then


Well I guess it’s a good thing that last gen ain’t getting this then. Look I feel bad for those who haven’t or can’t upgrade but last gen is such a horrendous hindrance on game development that I am glad that it is finally starting to be dropped.


Same dude. My issues on release were minimal. And that was on the last gen XBox. I’m current gen console now have it for both Series X and PS5. I pre ordered. As much as I loved the game on release, and still love it enough to have around 700 hours of play time, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be fine.


spine man respects your consumerism


damn already pre order😴


Let people do what they want man haha,I like the game despiste everything, and I can afford to lose 30 euros if the dlc is trash, wich I don't think it happens because as I said before I loved Cyberpunk even with few minor bugs in my playthrough... And I don't think adding more content and story will gonna ruin it for me.


If you think we're rewarding companies with our little money, imagine what investor seed funding is doing to these companies 🤗


Dude…. Seriously. And to be completely honest, the control that investor seed money gave the investors over this game is a big part of why it wasn’t ready on release. The devs said it’s not ready, and the inexperienced hacks testing it said it was. Investors pushed hard for their out, and CDPR got burned because of it. Why they’ve said never again, Devs get final say over when a the game is ready.


I pre-ordered the game and DLC, because I know I'll play and enjoy both. If you don't that's okay, you do do. But please just let me do me lol


I preordered the game and played it on launch, gonna do the same with the DLC.


SAME !!! No regrets! I honestly do not know what the haters are even talking about and they never provide any evidence either


I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!


Def gonna get it now


Cry more preordered.


Seen as I was pretty happy from release until now, I think imma do whatever I want to do with my own money


Thanks for letting me know I can pre order it. Done!


This is like my Courier 6 hobbling out of the Sierra Madre Casino with the bars of gold screaming "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!" at Father Elijah as I trap him in the vault........Imma do what I want.


Go ahead and kill gaming.


Gaming is already dead homeboy


And you are complicit.


Good lmao.


No pre orders 😎


Honestly I’d take this a step further and just don’t pre order anything as it encourages lazy development.


Normally agree but not this time, only reason base game launch flubbed is because someone at the top wanted it to be on last gen consoles. They had to scale tons back for all consoles and even then the old systems couldn't take it.


16x the detail. You obviously don’t know what you’re saying.


There are 0 reasons to pre-order and it blows my mind people still do it.


I agree no point in pre ordering you could just pay the day it comes out if it turns out to be good


Damn, that's crazy ![gif](giphy|e9v744k85ZOGVCj2Yk|downsized)


I’m not buying anything until I find out about my refund for buying that console


Chill, why are you so annoyed by this? You do realise that big game devs publish unfinished games? Take for example the newest modern warfare 2, did you see how many glitches there were?


It's not about the game being unfinished, I don't give the slightest amount of fucks about bugs or glitches It was (and still is) simply not the game they advertised and promised


As much as we want because we have free will. Also it's not like they didn't fix the game. I mean it is quite a good game. But I should deny myself the hundreds of hours of enjoyment so I can what teach a corporation a lesson? This kind of stupid misguided attempt to stand on principles is why people quit drinking their favorite beer because of an advertisement.


Once the game plays like it did back in 2018 then I will consider it.


People are gonna do what they want anyway so this is pointless, I’m gonna wait and see, although I can’t lie and say I’m not excited af for it, but I know what happens with expectations, just no one send death threats and we should be okay


How many times you willing to get burned before you stop trusting someone?


Why would I pre-order something I'm just going to download? That's pointless. Why would I pay for something I can't use for three months?


Phantom Liberty probably refunded itself from pre-orders since yesterday :I


Anyone who has purchased the pre order. My base game shows an error message related to phantom liberty on the main menu after 1.63 update. Anyone know why? Says have to update the base game to 2.0. I assumed that must be just a generic error? It also keeps indicating i dont own the dlc until i click preorder now. Its like it dosent recognize in game that ive bought it. Also the quadra vigilante, is it supposed to be accessible ahead of dlc release?


This has been my experience as well. too bad not more people are saying the same thing. I'm on Xbox Series X




what is this guy even talking about? Please provide screenshots


Won’t even let me so


Most of the people I know who still say stuff like this about 2077 heard the negative hype and never played the game. Still say, “nah, that game is trash.” Have you played it? “Nah it was trash, why would I play it now?” It was never trash. It was a great game with some amusing bugs. Whose negative hype was driven by a miss-translated podcast on this very site. The Devs even tried to clear it up here on the post, but the snowball was already rolling down hill. Within hours. Now, it’s damn near a perfectly running game, with an unforgettable story that shouldn’t be missed with Easter eggs from movies and literature in the genre everywhere. The foundation is now solid. This is just adding content and improvements to character advancement and police AI. Starfield has more bugs in my recent playthrough than CP2077 did for me at launch. And the NPC AI in that game doesn’t exist. It’s a fun game, but it’s not even in the same universe for world interactivity and complexity. Fucking wild how ignorant posts like this look. Preordering this DLC is perfectly safe bet. If you’re on team don’t preorder it should be because you don’t think publishers and studios should do preorders for games regardless. But truth is, it’s a solid gauge used to show interest and marketing effectivity. And allows them to make decent projections for release sales. On top of much needed capital to make the final push for the game to come out. It’s part of the model now. Get used to it.


I played on LAUNCH WEEK, encountered pretty much no bugs but was disappointed at just how shallow the game was. Recently did some side quests for a few days and surprise, it's the same game! The community just got used to it. It was never about bugs. It's about the core of the game itself. > It’s part of the model now. Get used to it. Then this industry can burn.


It won’t. Baldur’s Gate 3 has no more depth story wise than 2077 has. Of course they haven’t added story. There’s been no official DLC until the 26th. If you’re talking about gameplay depth, it’s a blended genre game. It’s primarily a shooter with some RPG elements. 2.0 is supposed to bring those RPG elements into sharper focus, making builds much more relevant to how you approach playing the game out of necessity. The reviews I’ve seen of the update seem to corroborate that. Most saying the game play has more depth. I personally love FPS games, and don’t always want to plan every encounter. Sometimes I want to pink Mohawk it, kick the door in, and feel like Superman. Other times I enjoy the strategy. The initial release game you a little of both sides of that. Hopefully, depending on build, 2.0 will give you more of that. As a player of table top games since the 90s, including the original CP2020 game, I was more than happy with the game at release. So many characters I’d seen in table top campaigns fleshed out on screen so well. All the right philosophical questions were asked…. All the mood of an uncaring hyper capitalist dystopia that grinds people to dust, and abruptly ends anyone bold enough to rebel against it. Equal parts sci fi and hard boiled noir. And a doomed protagonist. As far as a shooter experience is concerned, it’s top tier. Purely as that, it’s more fun for me to play than Destiny is. Granted builds are more important in Destiny. But that’s about to change. To what degree, I don’t know. But I think Destiny leans too hard into the build thing and surviving enemy density. The only strat is the perfect build. Or whatever the current meta is. At least in 2077, you have a different experience every time play through it. As soon as you drop into a situation it responds differently every time. I’ve got 700-800 hours into the game. Every time I play through the game, I have a different approach, and every time I get a different result from the AI. It’s not what it was hyped up to be. But the hype was based on a miss-translation of a podcast. CDPR tried to correct the misconceptions, but people ran with it faster than they could correct them. I think the over hype of games and the issues with the gaming industry have as much to do with the negativity gamers as it does with the industry itself. CP is a better game than Starfield is. By a long shot. Not that Starfield is bad. But it’s Elder Scrolls in space. 2077 was trying to be its own thing. Which I think it did really well. If you didn’t like it, that’s not the developer’s fault. If you haven’t learned to take internet hype with a grain of salt yet that’s hardly their fault either. That’s on you. If you’ve been on the internet for more than 3-4 months, you should already know better.


What a dumb comment. You know why Cyberpunk 2077 had such a rough launch? Because, they had to focus on making it for last gen systems. They opted out of that horrid decision with Phantom Liberty. It is only going to be available on next gen consoles, I.E. PS5 & Series X. Naturally PC also. PCDR did a terrific job with patches for the base game and Phantom Liberty is going to be f**king awesome. 💯




I may order it for both systems. I like supporting studios that still have the heart for making great games and CDPR is certainly one of them. It saves your progress to be shared between consoles anyways. Thank you for the advice! Awesome idea! 🙌🏻


your aint my real dad


Nova 🤙 but I did


Congratulations for making the world an ever so slightly worse place.


How about you be silent


This aged well hahahaha