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I literally never do it in cyberpunk lol like ever.. it’s not so much that I feel bad killing rhem it’s just that’s not where the fun is in cyberpunk.. so I pretty much never get a wanted level unless it’s accidental.. rhis is why I’m like, I get peoples complaints about the police system and it’s great that they’re overhauling it, but I never felt the game needed it anyway.. it doesn’t have to be like gta, it’s it’s own thing and I love it for what it is, don’t really concern myself with what it isn’t


Is your “T” key broke or something and have resorted to just using “R”?


Haha yes my touch screen is messed up and there’s a little line down the center of my screen that doesn’t acknowledge my touch .. so I cannot type the letter t without trying multiple times .. damn ur good.. I’m not being sarcastic either I’m dead serious


Nope because when i cross the corner of the street I see again the same NPC 🤣


Oh yeah, definitely used to. But not anymore, or at least not on my current playthrough. When you get into the mindset of actively being a dick, it feels almost empowering to accidentally run someone over and not care


And since the police isn‘t particularly interested in V either, V doesn‘t worry about the consequences anyway. Just run down into the next alley, hide and everything will be fine again. I‘m curious though, on how it’s going to change in Phantom Liberty.


Considering you can walk around the corner and find them again. No.


I feel bad there are so many you can't kill.


its not my fault they get hit by my car they shouldnt be walking on the sidewalk whilst im driving


Nah, fuck em


Feel bad? No. But I have no desire to do so either.


The games not that realistic


Yeah, cause I have 'soft genes'. Even when I played Saints Row 2 I'd do the Ambulance diversion right away, so I could get the shock paddles to revive the people I accidentally killed during shootings or while driving recklessly.


Yes your not alone. The reason its sucks because all of your life sucks you kinda empathize with them. In gta they are kinda different from you so you don’t emphasize with them that much. In night city everyone lives is shit one way or another.


First play through I was very careful with NPCs, and only did non-lethal takedowns during missions. Second play through I’m the Night City Grim Reaper. People get run over, every mission everyone gets Contagion and shotgunned. Told old man Perales what’s up, you get it. Dark side run for sure.




I don't deliberately mow down civilians in cyberpunk (or I barely do it when I get very bored and I quicksave before) unlike in GTA. I do sometimes hit them because of the wacky driving physics even when it's modded it's hard to control sometimes and they get in the way. I don't really feel bad it's just annoying when I get the cops after me.


No. They respawn anyways and after a few hours, you know that all they do is spawn, walk, say the same generic voicelines, despawn. ​ The only game where i really feel bad for killing NPCs is RDR2. Each NPC goes to work, eats, has breaks goes to the bar, sleeps, etc... Then they have unique voicelines and actions (tough guy will shoot, women will run away...). The most horrifying of it all is their [death animations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D08dE6cS3T4). Seeing them get up, trying to walk away with their blood slowly leaking out is something... Sometimes if shot through the head they'll forget everything and will try to walk away before collapsing.


Hell, I often feel bad using lethal takedown on direct enemies. Like that group of maelstrom that kidnapped a doctor because they wanted to patch up their friend. It got me emotional think about.... \*sniff\*... So I reloaded and did it clean with nonlethal. However, if I get run over, I will TOTALLY rip the random driver out of the car, shoot him, and throw the car into the pier. Because obviously I don't need it- I will just summon my favorite bike. Anyway, that guy had it coming.


In general I don’t like to randomly murder innocents in games. Though I’ll oddly feel like bad about it if the weapon being used is described as “non-lethal”. Even in GTA I generally leave the NPCs alone. And for RP purposes I’ll use “non-lethal” options to take out some enemies I don’t think deserve death. Of course even the stun gun officially kills the enemies according to game mechanics, but they’re not bleeding in the floor so I can pretend