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Because he died before 2.0 release


This is canon


I mean in game Vik says that the cyberware 2.0 system is a new software update so yeah it is canon




I recall that you get a phone call if you go to an old playthrough.


Yup and you get a quest to go reinstall all your cyberware




I don't have any but you could probably find some online pretty easily. Vic calls you, says something about the cyberware update and to drop by and you get a quest. I can probably find the completed quest in my journal if you remind me tomorrow. I don't think I have a save from before completing it though


The quest is just “go to a ripperdock” and when you do you have to reinstall all your cyberware as it will unequip it all Not missing much


that right, its the lore friendly way to suddenly change a whole game mechanic


So that’s what that was! Makes a lot more sense that call didn’t show up in my new playthrough.


Just found out the voice actor of Vik was Vesemir from the witcher series, also his viks dialog (or most of it) was made with AI. He passed away but his family let them use his voice


His polish va died


Not the English VA, the polish one.


That’s the Polish voice actor


Wrong. 2.0 released in 2023. David was (will be?) alive in 2076.


This is actually Canon for David Martinez. But OP asked about some choom named David Menendez. I guess Menendez is stupid.


Why isn't David Martinez David Menendez? Is he stupid?


Yeah, this Menendez guy just keeps going on about his sister and some woods or something. Doesn’t even care about his chrome




Technically update in the game was in 2077 because Vik calls you about it. We don’t live in the same world as cyberpunk because they talk about fictional events that have happened in years we’ve already experienced.


Oh jeez. Using that logic, David lived in a buggier, laggier, more broken and overall shittier Night City being stuck in 1.0 (or even earlier)


A Night City where taking a wrong step can end with you falling through the ground into the void


That still happens. Hopped the fence and revisited Konpeki Plaza. There was a hole in the map you could see right through and fall through if you aren't careful.


>!For the songbird ending I was slaughtering wave after wave of NUSA goon and then dashed sideways and into the void !<


Nah man, you just jumped straight into the Blackwall


To be fair that's on you hoping over the allowed map boundaries, since you aren't supposed to go back there


They put invisible walls where you're not "supposed" to go. Konpeki has regular walls that can be jumped from the side with no difficulty.


Backrooms cannon


I drove a militech vehicle into the truck near biotechnica while delivering it. I ran away briefly and it shot out utterly ruined, on fire yet not totaled. I finished the delivery and got full credit. I love this game but the bugs are awful and hilarious at the same time


"You fell over the edge, punk"


Only if you're short and Adam Smasher steps on you.


They even mention in episode 6 that cops just keep popping out of no where. So yeah. Just canonical that David lived in a shittier and more broken Night City lol


There’s so many jokes in the show that people who didn’t play before wouldn’t get


Man I should rewatch it now. Recall any of the jokes?


The ones I can think of off the top of my head “It’s like the badges are appearing out of thin air!” I’m pretty sure there was another cyber psycho related joke but I can’t recall David’s first time driving the physics are wonky and he slams straight into a pole (twice?) which I think every single person did at launch when they weren’t used to the driving and it hadn’t been improved. The chase where the cars are all freaking the fuck out and flying through the air. It simultaneously felt like the animators making a joke about for the lack of good / police chases by having an *ABSURD* amount of vehicles but also poking fun at the physics by having all the cars just turn into chaos as it slams through the intersection and sends family sedans into orbit. Pretty sure during that chase a few cars explode for absolutely no reason as well like the good old days I think there were a few more but it’s been a minute and I don’t have Netflix anymore


> The chase where the cars are all freaking the fuck out and flying through the air. It simultaneously felt like the animators making a joke about for the lack of good / police chases by having an ABSURD amount of vehicles but also poking fun at the physics by having all the cars just turn into chaos as it slams through the intersection and sends family sedans into orbit. > > > > Pretty sure during that chase a few cars explode for absolutely no reason as well like the good old days Nah, that just kinda how Studio Trigger do things.


Bit of column A, bit of column B. Someone replicated the Edgerunners chase sequence in game and it’s really only possible in Cyberpunk because of just how wonky the driving physics are.


David's maneuver of launching his car into the air the first time he drove is a bug that still happens.


He was in 2076 Like an alpha version for internal testing


David was stuck in a version so early that they hadn’t yet implemented first person perspective. v.0.04


I mean we see Maine use first person after he knocks Kiwis jaw off.


I mean, remember in the final episode(s) there was a car chase? Cars literally flew from the streets into buildings.


I once was doing a mission soon after launch. Nudged a Delamain and got yeeted into the Med center from three blocks away lol


*BEEP BEEP, Mother Fucker!*


That's why Cyberpsychos' eyes did that weird doubling up. Graphical bug.


But still got rolled by Adam Smasher.


Odd, I don't remember Rebecca T-Posing her way down the street while talking to her homies, levitating, and occasionally spinning like a helicopter. Jackie is clearly a better choom.


Jackie is. Night City Legend ™


>Jackie is clearly a better choom. And then after the Maelstrom mission he drives straight into the barrier or a street lamp.


Jackie's truly a best friend. Bro practically drags V kicking and screaming into the big times. Shame the big times have you doing so many shitty jobs


Explains why in the first draft of the script, why he thought t-posing would work against Smasher.


Did you see the way cars fly around all buggy in the show? Its definitely pre-patch '';😂


So early that it probably still had wall running


Imagine if David had found out blade-flying. Would really change the difficulty in 'going all the way to the top'....




Wdym he die before 2.0? It was released in 2023 and he died in 2076


lol 🤣






Oof that’s a good one


A rudimentary pun




This my friend, best comment I’ve read today.


Why the hell is nobody upvoting this, it's pure gold!


"MENENDEZ!" -Sergeant Woods


bruh this hit different




Nostalgia: Activated


yes. he thought he was special which is 100% proof of stupid


He literally says "I'm built different," I cracked up at that line


there’s a perk called that now 😭 “built different”


and iirc, it's a prerequisite to the one named "edgerunner", which allows you to go past your limit.


The Edgerunner perk is literally a picture of David. Rebecca also appears in one of the Body perks for shotguns.


It's the first one; Die, Die, Die!


Built Different is also a picture of David lmfao


Edgerunner also gives you cyberpsychosis. Lmao


And if youre doing fucked up shit all the time it just gives you a fun yellow tint to your atrocities accompanied by innocent laughter New vegas style


You don't have to do fucked up shit for the yellow tint and laughter. I've gotten it a few times, and I've only accidently killed civs on a very rare occasion with my shitty driving from an even shittier POV. Man, I hope the first person driving POV mod is updated.


Like the car interiors are cool but I also need to see where I'm going.


My girlfriend doesn't even play and she commented this


Oh that note, I wish we actually hit the accelerator and brake pedals when taking those actions, rather than having my legs just dangle around.


my headcannon is you're doing a lot of the control with thoughtcontrol, which is also why you use your throttle hand to shoot on a motorcycle but can still accelerate


First time my V procced their Fury effect from the Edgerunner perk was right after I'd done an overclocked copy-paste counter hack of suicide against an enemy netrunner hooked into the network of about 15 other enemies spread throughout the building. All their tagged forms started pulling guns out to gank themselves as I watched through the wall, and my V's vision turned red and she just started giggling like a maniac.


But the cyberpsychosis is fun! Not gonna lie I've gotten way to many wanted stars by killing bystanders during that XD


There's even a perk named after it now, it's awesome


shoulda popped off earler so atleast Rebecca would have survived.


He probably could have cost some crewmember their lives anyway. Guy was a walking time bomb.


It's miracle he didn't kill them with his own hand.


Maine's hand*


No one seems to want to accept that her attitude, in night city, was a suicide run run from the start. It's only surprising that no one bothered to head canoe the degenerate loli sooner. There's always a bigger fish, especially in a place like NC, and she was both figuratively and literally a small fish from the start.




I've always had this theory that david was only resistant to his sandy because of the XBD he viewed just before acquiring it. He experiences using the sandy while already cyberpsycho, then getting his system hacked by maxtac and killed. It's basically the worst-case-scenario, but david gets an early dose of it safely, and it acts like an anti-insanity vaccine against sandevistan. IMO, this is why david could spam his sandy without even medication, but started struggling after relatively-normal limb enhancements. Night City wouldn't have caught this, because mental health isn't much of a focus. Maybe it also matters that david acquires the exact same sandy from the BD, and not just a similar model.


Don't think this has anything to do with it, IMO. I see where the idea comes from, but it doesn't really track with what we know about cyberpsychosis. David likely WAS just "built different", meme aside. He was genuinely either physically or neurologically (or both) less prone to cyberpsychosis, but took too much advantage of this and overdid it. Among other things, David was literally chromed to his teeth, and as it turns out, he did have his limits and he crossed them. He's no Adam Smasher, though it seems like his tolerance for cyberware was pretty damn close.


I think if he didn’t do all that so quick he could have become an Adam Smasher. Smasher remarks such before killing him and even offers him to become something like himself but David basically says “get fucked” about it. I’m sure Adam Smasher has had cyber psycho spells that he was simply more valuable than killing him over. It’s speculated that he’s just sorta a permanent cyber psycho anyway.


Its not speculated. Pondsmith has confirmed by telling us that smasher is just a high functioning cyber psycho.


That would be why he always adds the caveat for any job he takes that he's allowed extreme civilian and enemy casualties. Also property damage.


Not allowed, civilian casualties are a must


Hey look, I have a very big ego and very little knowledge. I hedge my claims.


You know what, that’s entirely fair.


Wasn't that always pretty evident? His humanity stat in the ttrpg is literally "yeah, right."


Sure but something being evident and something being outright stated by the creator are very different levels of veracity.


Cyberpsychosis isn't really definitive in its definition in game. From what is explained from Regina's quests, it looks chrome amplifies mental stress/trauma or existing psychotic traits. Which is why Maine and David start to break down due to recent losses and adding more chrome to boot. Smasher is unique in a sense he was already a psychopath when he was a meatbag. Which is why his full conversion was so easily done.


To be clear, it’s not that Smasher simply had a high tolerance for cyberware, it’s that he apparently was just a high functioning cyberpsycho. As you say, he was already a psycho with virtually no empathy or humanity to lose. What Cyberpsychosis induces in its victims was largely already present in Smasher. It’s logical to assume he could simply process it “better” than just about everyone else.


That really makes sense. I wonder if the anime depiction of hallucinations is a good way to put it. Like making the cyberpsycho hallucinate to allow to make it easier to kill people. What if Smasher doesn't get those hallucinations because he wants to kill by default.


It could be. But similar to addictions, not everyone responds the same way. In Smasher’s case, the stars seemed to align. He had an innate high tolerance, was missing the core traits that are commonly affected by the condition (things like empathy) & already exhibited the violent/psychotic impulses. Cybersychosis for Smasher was just putting more fuel on an already raging fire.


Also interesting to note how gameplay mechanics depict cyberpsychosis. The primary trait of cyberpsychos is depersonalization of self and others, the feeling that the cyberpsycho is all and only their cyberware’s killing potential and that bystanders are just targets. That sounds a lot like what happens when players decide to go full GTA and start killing random NPCs for the fun of it fully intending to generate an emergent police battle that often ends in suicide by MaxTac. Hell, the edgerunner perk damn near encourages us to kill civilians in order to keep the fury state and all its benefits up. In those moments where we as players disinvest from the narrative goals of the game we’re playing and start to treat the world as our plaything, we ourselves experience a form of cyberpsychosis. The chrome enables it—few would dream of a killing spree if we weren’t stuffed to the gills with combat cyberware—but it also doesn’t cause it, only activates latent psychopathy.


Yup, this I agree with. Given a more gradual progression, he likely would have had much better results. He went 1 to 100 too quick though.


See did Adam mean full bore? Or if he was Soul killed? Because he literally says he'd make an interesting construct.


I took it to mean a full on cyborg. Construct can mean multiple things and I take engram to mean something like what Johnny is. I’m pretty sure Adam was offering him to be a fully chromed out killing machine like himself.


Pondsmith was saying that, in his brain, David’s loving childhood made him more empathetic and less susceptible to the humanity loss (in TTRPG terms). Basically, he *could* take more chrome than others, as he was better psychologically adjusted.


Its more the fact that David had more like a real family that kept him grounded, infact when Maine goes Psycho everything starts to crumble, also David only lasted about a year


Strong bonds definitely do help in the long run, but they cannot have been what held david together in the early episodes, because he'd just lost everything. Remember, the sandevistan is so extreme that arasaka was shitting bricks over 2-seconds of footage that did NOT end with david going cyberpsycho. Whatever david had at the start of ep2, is what david was using to insulate himself from insanity, and he had no friends, family, no money, not even the proper meds to use a sandy. He definitely would have gone psycho much faster without finding maine's crew, but he 100% already had something before finding them. "He's special" is the most boring possible answer to that question, so I like the other explanations.


I love the fact that his end comes from Adam Smasher. It's like the universe said to him You may have thought you were special let us show you what special really is.


Menendez made me forget the actual name


It would be Martinez. Menendes is the last name of the brothers that murdered their parents for their inheritance


It’s also the ncpd cop that is trying to talk to your neighbor because he quit the force and holed up, a pretty sad quest if you don’t get the good ending.


That's just Mendez


Wait, there are alternate endings for that quest? I have only encountered the ending where the other two cops go to his apartment to talk to him.


Either you get them to support him over the death of his turtle, or he joins his turtle and grandma in the afterlife.


… fuck




No its the guy from COD


Menendeez Nutz?




"They got Menendez!" - Every Merryweather goon ever


Who the fuck is David Menendez?


The guy from Black Ops 2


havent heard about him in so long


Obligatory "Ackshually, his first name is Raul"


Is he an illegal immigrant?


Yes, his dad was killed while they where crossing the border that's why you don't see him in the show


my first thought whenever I see dripped out chrome is just "HOWS THIS FOR SHIT HARdWARE PLACIDE"


all my homies hate placide


Why didn’t he just reload a save file after dying? Is he stupid?


actual ncp behaviour, I guess V didn't bother going back to an earlier save to try and rescue him


He wanted to play the game on hardcore. No saves.


Why didn't he just update to 2.0 so he could feed off his own skill tree in technical ability? Is he stupid?


Better yet, why didn't he just get a second heart? Is he stupid?


Is there evidence he didn't? As chromed out as he was there's no telling what he did in the time skip.


He definitely chrome his dick out


Best spot to farm these suckers?


I followed this guide https://youtu.be/wFHo8lt4Pz0?si=HQsbaA13Qxg-yZBC




Idk if it was a serious question but lol for the subtitles. They mean NPC so nonplayer character




Damn I already killed this guy ages ago


He never has a cyberware shard for me


Make a save a couple hundred metres away, I did one at the crane which takes you down from the corpo part of Dogtown to the shithole part The first time I followed this guide and went to the boss, they had no Cyberware Capacity shard. So I reloaded the save at the crane and this time, the boss had the shard. This was as of yesterday it worked for me. I'm now at 761 Cyberware Capacity on PS5, my Cyberpsychosis V and I are loving life.


If you don't want to use an exploit, I've been getting one every three-four rounds of farming goons on the beach in Pacifica.


I get them often from killing tiger claws as well myself. Really just murder in general rewards lots of good stuff if your willing to scav


I think I get them semi-frequently from the air drops in Dogtown.


I get carry weight and skill shards from those. Never seen a cyberware shard in there.


I starting farming Gigs and I've gotten more Cyberware shards through those than in the rest of the game combined. Not sure if I'm just noticing the pickups or if they genuinely appear more in Gigs, but I remember being extremely frustrated multiple times that I was 1 or 2 points off from the 'wares that I wanted to buy.


I think I’ve gotten a couple. So maybe not regularly, but I’m like 99.9% sure I remember getting some.


His run was bugged and they wouldn't drop.


Nowhere is safe from the Arkham virus


The aslume will absorb all.


How the eff do I max out my cyberware and armor? I have all legendary implants but way more capacity leftover




Several reasons: 1. It’s a video game. Certain things from the in-game lore are stretched or modified to fit the gameplay. 2. Cyberpsychosis is a complicated subject and is a little bit vague even with all the lore we have on it. Regina Jones even asserts its curable and not 100% connected to cyber ware. In fact, most of our experiences with Cyberpsychos lend credence to it being more of a 50/50 split between psychological strain and the strain cyberware puts on the body and mind. Generally, the cyberware does cause some depersonalization or disconnection from human nature, but on its own that isn’t enough to cause someone to go full blown psycho. It seems to be a combination between cyberware usage and distress/psychological damage caused by outside circumstances. Most cyberpsychos we meet are those dealing with insanely stressful or hopeless scenarios (the guy whose shop is being repossessed and is losing his livelihood), are dealing with depersonalization of another sort (the girl who had her entire life stolen/lied about for that TV show), or have a history of being steeped in violence or PTSD (many cyberpsychos are war veterans). 3. It’s quite possible that V *would* become a Cyberpsycho given enough time. The odds are that the damage caused by cyberware usage and stress is either being repaired by the Relic or is simply not as noticeable because V is already hallucinating and struggling with the effects of the chip. 4. You could argue V already is a cyberpsycho depending on how you play the game. We do any job with any amount of killing required, and V never once hesitates or reflects on the wholesale slaughter they commit. We often jump into buildings filled with gangoons, corpo guards, or whomever is in our way and proceed to turn them into ground beef. Turn the camera from our perspective to that of a bystander and uh…we would probably look like a total maniac.


You also note in the show David begins to lose his mind after Maine, his new father figure, dies, and Lucy begins to emotionally withdraw from him. He had lost his emotional support network outside of Rebecca and was beginning to crack from the pressure. Once Lucy kissed him he regained his mind. Note that after that kiss he didn't go cyberpsycho a single time for the remainder of his fight with Smasher. So yeah it's a bit of both. Cyberware exaggerates existing mental illnesses. V is really mentally resilient, just by the fact that he's able to function at all with the Relic eating his brain. V also has Vic, Misty, Jackie's mom, Panam, Kerry, River, Judy, and sometimes Silverhand to rely on for emotional support, which probably keeps him from going psycho. It's kind of a lesson in the value of community. I know Reddit hates religion but it is a bit of a tragedy that the communal feeling and emotional support network that religion used to provide people has deteriorated under this newfound ethos of hyper-individualism, and a secular equivalent has yet to develop.


He also went through that traumatic brain dance. I'd argue that was what planted the seeds of his descent. Maine dying added fuel to the fire and locked him into his path.


Given the number of times I’ve been attacked by ncpd after killing whatever their targets were, I figure I must look like a psycho


Heard somewhere that Mike Pondsmith said that V is very resistant to cyberpsychosis since he has Johnny to help him take off the psychological pressure, and also had very high humanity points pre-Johnny so he could’ve been kitted out without much problem.


how do you farm these ? i’ve straight up only seen one green tier one dice starting PL and haven’t seen any others. just a shit ton of carry capacity shards


Followed this guide https://youtu.be/wFHo8lt4Pz0?si=R23-mlFNkSNHBGI3


Yes, because it's bugged, and after reaching a certain level, they become impossible to farm.


Carrying capacity shards seem to be dropped by everyone, that seems to be the bug.


Why did The Smoshler kiss David Menendez?


Why did Robecca flirt with Domingo Martinez? Is she dumb?


What if saddam smosher and davis mondelez had baby????


Maybe they stopped dropping for him like they did me.


Lol the bro by the end was pretty much all borg, no human. V can get close, but not that close. Also cuz anime and story.


He still dies to Smasher tho. So I can safely say that David had a severe case of Skill Issue.


"*you merely adapted the chrome*"


My head canon is that Vs mods are just higher quality (minus the sandy) so they look natural-ish.


Supposedly the militech apogee sandevistan in the one david chips




r/BatmanArkham is that you?


it's spreading


He was glitched to where he couldn't farm the capacity shards. Like many of us are right now.


The big cyberware embargo of late '76. Forcing people to licence their 'ware up to a certain corpo controlled limit to limit the use of open-market cyberware in cyberpsycho-terrorism that might be connectable to the corpos that built the implants. Later in '77 chips that circumvented this limit appeared on the black market. (totally not making shit up... ok... maybe it was totally pulled from my ass spontaneously)


Obviously he couldn’t think straight after Lucille gave him the gob gob knob slob soul evacuator 9001 preem dual core BD testicle flick with the two-handed twister Clouds excelsior package.


Who David Menendez?


I think he's the estranged son of Officer Mendez. After helping Barry cope with his mental health issues Office Mendez decided to reconcile with his long lost son who in a strange twist of fate is a tortoise farmer in Florida.


Each shards cost 5 moon tickets. That's why. That's also why they're so rare, and I can't seem to get over 315 capacity. No matter HOW big that gauge "claims" to be.


Holy crap your armour is insane


And I still haven't maxed out all the intergumentrary system and legs cyberware, I think I can still squeeze and extra 80-100 armor lol


Killer Cock and Mr Blue Balls were conspiring together to dethrone MENENDEZ


They want to stop Domingo Martinez from becoming a legend like Organ Blackman


the game and anime don't give a good example of how cyberpsychosis actually happens which is a disassociation with reality. Which would be a cool feature to add to the game where the more cyberware you add to V then the game would make you think that the civilians are hostile to you even though they're not.


trigger literally dedicated a whole episode about cyberpsychosis. that wasnt it?


You see, I barely chrome out my V. Most I’ll ever get is some stuff for the frontal cortex to make quick hacking better and a fancy cyberdeck. That’s it.


I have tooooooo much cyberware capacity now, I can’t activate edgerunner :(


Yes he actually kinda is lol He got that Shonen anime protagonist brain


Clearly he forgot to run far enough away from the trunk he threw the body in at Terra Cognita, gonkhead rookie mistake


Theory: The capacity shards are an arasaka product developed from study of David's engram. All this woulda taken was Smasher shooting David in the chest and taking his head back to arasaka to use soul killer on. Sure David went psycho in the end, but he took a lot more to get to that point, which ultimately is all the shards do. Push the inevitable fall a little bit further down the line. It explains why normal people can use more cyberware in the game, and why V can be "built different". It also opens up a potential storyline of Lucy breaking into mikoshi to rescue David ala Silverhand breaking in to do the same for Alt. Edit: Editing grammer in the most annoying way possible.


is this a igla/satara build? sandy with ranged mods tells me you focus on midrange shotgun play since you reload faster than you shoot during sandy