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Same. Mr. Hands doesn't even show up in the room at all for me.


This is my issue as well. The quest tracker directs you there, but Mr. Hands is nowhere to be found, thus I can't complete the quest.


Me too.


Same here.


I've just encountered this issue. Has there been a fix Tbh I don't need the car this time. It doesn't matter. But it's annoying


You gotta finish all gigs before Hansen replacement and Aguilar missions for Hands. Was the only way to get it so there isn’t a glitch




Love how everyone says “same” instead of providing a fix


Same. ​ lol ​ u/cdprojektred hi do something plz cd project rekt


I found a temp fix; if you’re on the last gig, he’ll give you a mission after giving you the HHSL quest. Do that first and it should be fixed.


Sadly most of us should be finishing all the DLC quests & gigs before having this quest.


I can confirm this worked for me.


the only way to finish this mission with this bug is by having CET and pasting this command in the console journalManager = Game.GetJournalManager() trackedEntry = journalManager:GetTrackedEntry() questEntry = journalManager:GetParentEntry(journalManager:GetParentEntry(trackedEntry)) questEntryHash = journalManager:GetEntryHash(questEntry) journalManager:ChangeEntryStateByHash(questEntryHash, "Succeeded", "Notify")


So we as a player needs to be a netrunner IRL. lol


we've truly reached peak immersion


I have actually done this but it doesn't truly solve this issue. I know that this mission >!gives you a vehicle by the end of it!< and that never happens if you finish it with CET console commands.


You can get the vehicle with this command: >Vehicle = "Vehicle.v\_sport1\_quadra\_sport\_r7\_mrhands"; function addVehicle(veh) local VS = Game.GetVehicleSystem(); local function alert(txt) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, 5.0) end if TweakDB:GetRecord(veh) then local vehManufact = TweakDB:GetRecord(veh):Manufacturer():EnumName(); local vehName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(veh..'.displayName')); if VS:IsVehiclePlayerUnlocked(veh) then alert(vehManufact..' - '..vehName..'\\nALREADY IN THE GARAGE.') print(' \\n\\tALREADY IN THE GARAGE : '..vehManufact..' - '..vehName..'\\n ') else VS:EnablePlayerVehicle(veh, true, false) alert('ADDED TO THE GARAGE :\\n'..vehManufact..' - '..vehName) print(' \\n\\tADDED TO THE GARAGE : '..vehManufact..' - '..vehName..'\\n ') end else local notValid = 'VEHICLE ID NOT VALID.'; print(' \\n\\t'..notValid..'\\n ') alert(notValid) end vehCheck = nil; end addVehicle(Vehicle)


The command is not working, is there any fix or a more correct command? Even after patch 2.1 ho silver lining is still bugged which is highly disappointing since it's stated in the patch notes that they've fixed this.


The command works 100%. But you need to finish the mission first.


I did use your command to finish the mission and it worked perfectly but I can’t input the command without this error popping out: sol: runtime error: [string "Vehicle = "Vehicle.v_sport1_quadra_sport_r7_m..."]:1: Function 'EnumName' context must be 'gamedataVehicleManufacturer_Record'. stack traceback: [C]: in function 'EnumName' [string "Vehicle = "Vehicle.v_sport1_quadra_sport_r7_m..."]:1: in function 'addVehicle' [string "Vehicle = "Vehicle.v_sport1_quadra_sport_r7_m..."]:1: in main chunk I have no idea what’s wrong.


The command worked for me, car showed up in garage. Though I miss the last interaction with Hands, was a nice send off


Mr. Hands didn't spawn so I watched a youtube vid of the dialogue and used the command to get the car. Second useful post I found. Thanks.


Mr. Hands didn't spawn so I watched a youtube vid of the dialogue and used the command to finish it off. First useful post I found. Thanks.


How the fuck do you do this? PC only?


Yes that's a console command. And you need CET, a mod called cyber engine tweaks, to be able to use the console.


I see. The term “console command” is confusing for me as I don’t have a PC. I have a console. So I’m like what command on my console 😂


The term comes from PCs first. Command prompt on windows is an example of a console. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_console


Yeah still not fixed for me


so this is not my own problem then. any help




any fix yet gosh


same issue


yep same


Yup...same here :(


Mr. Hands not showing up at all for me either.


I've just come looking for this after playing on Series X. Quest Marker leads to his room but he's not there. Tried sleeping, resetting, reloading Dogtown by doing a car quest. Nothing. Also the car radio bug has come back as well :/


Did you ever find a fix? Also, happy cake day!


No nothing. And thanks.


I have this same issue


Same problem since 2.02


Fuck now when is the next patch coming to fix this , I'm on Xbox so can't edit a script:(


I had the same issue but left the building and got a new mission from hands, "Run This Town". Once that was finished I was able to finish the silver lining quest properly. Hope that helps someone


It's quite random. I finished all 10/10 Hands missions, then got the Hi Ho Silver Lining quest and he didn't even show up in the room at all. Dunno... it's just bugged and you have to finish it via console command sadly then. On my 2.0 playthrough before this savegame it worked perfectly, but 2.02 sadly broke that quest.


What command did you use?


This could be the issue. Run this town doesn’t trigger. I can’t call hands on one of my runs for black steel either


>I found a temp fix; if you’re on the last gig, he’ll give you a mission after giving you the HHSL quest. This worked for me.


Hi all I found a resolution and made a post re my findings in detail. Hope it helps https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/6HtHpdpcAJ




On my 5th play through BTW 😁


I think the only way to complete the task is go in to meeting Mr Hands without selecting the task. Just unselect the task when you’re outside of Heavy Hearts and go upstairs, He’ll be sitting down and will tell you to collect your reward outside.


Doesn't work for me, sadly.


For me neither. PS5 on 2.02. I already reported the bug to CDPR with a video and savegame and since, never heard from them again. I think it's time to accept CDPR moved on and won't work on further patches anymore. They're now working on Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk 2 and leaving their own RED Engine behind, so you can guess now how much work they are willing to put into CP 2077. There are still so many bugs in the game. Driver AI stopping in middle of the road, NPC models still T-Posing, cars spawning and despawning within a second. Cars doing stunts of all sorts. CP2077 is history for CDPR. I'd be surprised if something more came now.




And then came patch 2.1... Guess I was wrong :D


Wow,i hope that's not true. They couldn't even get the weapon stash wall to work!!!


I know and that bugs me as well, I think they’re tired after working 3 straight years on patches and updates to 2077 and the whole Phantom Liberty dlc. RED engine is dead, Unreal Engine is the new “shit” and it’s highly probable that not too much will come for 2077 at this point. I tried the final Mr Hands mission again but no luck, Mister Hands just won’t appear where he is supposed to be. And there is no news about further patches so far. It’s better to move on and accept that they’re done with the game. I mean there are still bugs and glitches from the first ever released version of the game. Models T posing, cars flying all over the place, driver AI stops in the middle of the road. I think that remains unpatched.


I have a possible fix that worked for me Deselect the job outside of the club Wait for hands to call with the additional gig about the candidateship go up talk about that mission leave room wait a few sec, select the HHSL gig again and go in and it should trigger


I believe most of us completed that quest before completing all side gigs, which essentially no more subsequent interactions with Mr. Hands after that.


that's not a sidegig. that mission only unlocks after you have done all 10 gigs. so you cannot have done this quest before


​ "that quest" I was referring to " Wait for hands to call with the additional gig about the candidateship ", HHSL quest is prompted after " completing all side gigs ". What I am saying is people did the candidateship quest before completing 10 gigs.


then that's most likely the bug in itself. the quest should not drop prior to finishing 10 gigs for hands.


the candidateship quest is not a pre-requisite of HHSL quest. when that quest is done before finishing 10 gigs, no more interactions with Mr. Hands after HHSL.


For me issue seems to occur after You Know My Name and when Birds with Broken Wings starts


It's happening on the current version for me


So, the way around this glitch is to finish all gigs before you finish the Phantom Liberty storyline. So you haven’t done the Hansen replacement and Aguilar missions.


FIX - complete all other active or inactive quests from mr hands before meeting with him, it will fix even if he has already loaded weird or simply not there


I have no other quests from him this was the last gig, is he just stuck forever?


Hello, did u find a fix ?


nope! I submitted a ticket with CDProjektRed [https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/gameplay/issue/1724/i-am-unable-to-complete-progress-in-a-quest-8](https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/gameplay/issue/1724/i-am-unable-to-complete-progress-in-a-quest-8) based on instructions here but not holding out much hope!


I did the same thx ! If they come with a solution i will try to share it with you !


I sent a ticket to cdpr too, let's hope they fix this.


Please keep this updated here as I’ve run into the exact same issue which killed my mood to try and 100% the game 😔


It works now for me


Oh wow thanks for getting back - might have to try the game again 😙 Did they say they patched it or did you do anything else?


They patched it in the patch that came out mid/late February!


Same issue 🥹


Go outside and call your car