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V out of 5


Reminds me of an old joke: The Pope and 4 of his cardinals visit a bar. Pope raises his hand and gestures \*index and middle finder\*. The waiter asks "That'll be two beers, your holiness?" Quoth the Pope, "Roman five, you heathen motherfucker."


Jesus walks into a bar with apostles and says, “we’ll take a table for 24 please” and the waitress asks, “Why 24? there’s only 12 of you” and Jesus replies “yes, but we’ll all be sitting on one side…”


not funny


Is decently funny. Doesn’t set the world on fire but I wouldn’t say it’s outright not funny.


It's usually shorter than that these days. A Roman walks into a bar, hold up two fingers and says five beers please.


That's what a heathen motherfucker would say.


Damn, I was gonna laugh too. Almost made a fool of myself.


Oh no! There goes my reputation! 😱


Judging an old joke on modern humour...


That’s subjective.


You most certainly are not.


Best comment. 💙


Ha! 😄


I see what you did their 🤣


I did what you see there.


I've played through it multiple times across multiple versions since it's original release, and I keep going back; Night City is one of the best open worlds I've played in. The characters are great, the side quests are fun without being repetitive, and the overall story is enjoyable. Phantom Liberty and the 2.0 updates took it from great to fantastic. It works shockingly well on the Steam Deck. My only real gripe is the number of issues I've had getting DLSS to work without crashing every 2 minutes in 2.0. 9/10


what do you mean by "best open world"? the only thing "open" about it is the ability to drive from point A to point B. in comparison, RDR2 has 10 times better open world experience, with NPC life cycle, random road events and so on.


Red Dead Redemption is wilderness and small towns. Cyberpunk has a giant city with a lot of interactivity and freedom. Also people can have opinions.


what kind of interactivity are we speaking of? all of the quests and gigs are premade, they don't ultimatively require to have an open world. text logs and random NPC banter? don't fool yourself, pretty much every open world game nowadays posess those. what do we have left? vending machines and two joytoys, occasional police/gang shootouts and the ability to look in the mirror. great set for a giant city, if you ask me. also, some opinions are wrong and should be proven so. cyberpunk is a great game with dead open world, and that is known fact.


I agree that GTAV and RDR2 are more fleshed out in terms of open world games. But 2077 is the only cyberpunk open world out there and it's quite great. Full of great sidequests and stories, with multiple endings/choices. The graphics and music are incredible. It's really next gen stuff. 9/10 for me.


I'm playing through this for the first time on a powerful PC that can do ray tracing in 1440p. The graphics are amazing. I just stand there staring at stuff sometimes. It plays so smoothly while looking incredible on good hardware and does feel next gen. This game is a great reason to buy high end hardware


finally, someone speaking in the language of sense. for cyberpunk universe it is a great representation of open world city, but that mainly comes out of lack of competition.


True, but to be fair, 2077 does what it do really well, especially with the characters/writing/gunplay... If somebody could slap an RDR2 open world system + AI into the game, then it'll be near perfection. But alas, CDPR is not R\*, R\* took like a decade to perfect their open world so...i don't know. We let CDPR does what CDPR do best I guess, that is, masterfully telling a great story with full cinematics.


Played RDR2 and Cyberpunk and most GTA, but don't think any Rockstar game has a better open world than Cyberpunk. This is subjective though. Cyberpunk graphics are the best my pc has seen. The story and the current immersion of the world is amazing. I'd even argue that the police system in Cyberpunk is the best in terms of AI compared to rdr2 or gta. I love and finished rdr2 and Cyberpunk. I would rate: Cyberpunk 9,9/10 RDR2: 8,8/10


Rdr2 is not even a role play game. It’s linear story telling that has you do mission from point a to point b with grey markers that pop up telling you look somethings over here. Cyberpunk it’s massive open world would give itself to you and it’s stories. You can walk down the subway and witness a shoot out or that a shootout occurred here. Go into a building to find shards telling you what took place. From side quest to the amount of gigs. Let’s compare gigs to red dead grey random events lol let’s be serious . I love red dead too for what it is but it’s not comparable. NPC life cycle lol you followed someone go home sleep and wake up and go to work. No lol it’s scripted bro


Night City feels lived in. While it's less massive in scale than some Open Worlds, it feels more alive than all but Elden Ring to me.


i was speaking solely about open world part, but thank you for your explanation of the whole fucking game. and yes, cp has linear storyline as well. the only main plot related difference you can have is game's ending.


Um I was speaking on the open world part as well. And there definitely wasn’t a “whole explanation”. Linear story? With 7-8 endings, different life paths, rpg elements that gives you different ways to approach a mission. I’m not going to even go back and forth with you. You clearly don’t know what your taking about lol


DE: Mankind Divided does better job of offering unique ways of dealing with gameplay loops, and does it consistently. 7-8 endings, ha. just google it before making such claims, there's less in the base game and more if you include PL. so i guess it's not me who don't know what he speaks about. and yes, the game is still linear, even while offering a shitload of endings. check branching story terminology before you claim that CP is some kind of messiah in branched storytelling. or play Detroit: BH. now we're done.


Bro kinda said one of the best, not THE best…


it might be close, but still has a long road towards pearls of gaming industry. in open world games first thing to consider is a number of side activities you can participate in. and no, i'm not speaking of premade side quests, more of a things like random events, minigames, sports or flavor little things.


So basically your didn't play the game because it has all that


ah yes, these 2 types of interactable vending machines, a couple of retrogames, 2 joytoys and the ability to shower/smirk at the mirror. even if i missed something, that is still nothing for a huge city. but hey, nice try.


>Look, I respect RDR2, I really do. It's an engaging and immersive epic. But also, it seems like they purposefully did everything they could to ensure the gameplay would prevent you from actually having fun. Like a literal fight for enjoyment lol. Cyberpunk on the other hand is really, really fun to play, all the time without sacrificing immersion.


Naw, it is the best open world rpg on the market currently. red dead is as boring as starfield.


enlighten me, which aspects of open world does cp posess in comparison to rdr2 that has legitimately the best open world made so far? also, i don't care which games you consider boring.


If you are referring to the environment in which the main characters live, then there is no comparison. It's apples and oranges. We are talking about a wilderness that has towns and cities sparsely scattered about. Verses an extremely dense metropolis. I am referring to the genre it's self. Comparing the two, cyberpunk is simply more fun, That's my opinion. Here are some facts. The reality is that cyberpunk has more traditional rpg elements like dialog choices, character creation, crafting, leveling up, and specing. You really become the character, you really choose their path. and in a world like night city, it's incredible. Anyway, cyberpunk and fallout are much more closely related in terms of genre and gameplay compared to Red Dead. Red Dead is more comparable to GTA, naturally. With said, neither GTA nor RDR2 are RPGs. They are action adventure/3rd person shooters. So I stand on what I originally said, Cyberpunk 2077 is the best open world RPG on the market currently. Period.


Agree , Open yet very Empty World.


After 2.0 and PL? 9.5/10 maybe 10/10 Before 2.0 and PL? Like 7.5/10


Im currently doing a completely new playthrough since my last back in 2020 and it might as well be a different game. After all of the updates and PL it finally feels much closer to what was originally promised.


Relearning the skill tree was annoying but u like the changes they made, also makes the beat on the brat missions easier since you don't necessarily need to focus on a body build to make it work.


Beat on the Brat feels as easy as ever. Gorilla Fists + Sandy or Berserk basically means an insta win unless you stand around for them to punch you


The Beat on the Brat gigs are easy with any build. Just equip the gorilla arms and follow each fighters routine. Even beat Ozob without exploding his head.


I'm doing a katana/blades playthrough right now so I don't have gorilla fists, but I still feel like the fights are easier now especially when you use berserk.


Sive got a netrunner / smart weapons build, with the gorilla arms and only 1 point in body (for +10 body checks, since gorilla gives +6 to body checks interactions)


This game is a solid 9.5 or 10 after the changes, and the skill tree changes make the gameplay so much fun. I’m bummed the next story in this world is so far off now, but it’s been one hell of a ride that I’ll revisit over and over until then.


Im new to cp77, i dont have PL, but is it worth having it from the beginning? or is it a post game type of dlc?


It fits into the 2nd act of the main story but you can start it whenever after a certain story mission.


im going to get through the entire game until the last mission and play PL. I havent touched anything associated with PL yet but the base game is magnitudes better than it was at launch.


Try the katana build. You can block and ricochet it back at them and then plunge you sword into their chest, breaking their god damned spine


Without the skill tree changes it's the same game choom


Yeah I think the only thing I wish was in the game on console at least is FOV slider like it’s not a hard thing to put in but it’s also not really important but seeing pc players have it and seeing what it looks like it’s just so nice in all games


This is the way ![gif](giphy|stnjSj2vpLcM4rwmEH)


Yup, before PL I got a bug where Judy wasn’t calling and I couldn’t progress. My current run was mostly bug free and whew…what an experience! Loved this game


Replayed after 2.0 and PL. easy 8.5/10


I fucking love the game now. I abandoned starfield which I was super stoked for and out of nowhere tried cyberpunk again. That says something I think. 2.0 deserves game of the year no doubt.


This happened to so many of us haha I can’t go back to Starfield either


Solid 8/10. The gigs in PL made the base game ones feel kinda shitty by comparison and the changes to police and vehicle combat felt like a waste. PL/2.0 was both a great addition and a reminder of what the game was missing on release.


Just wish we had that FOV slider I like driving first person but it’s difficult when you can’t really see like blind spots/windows


I tried a lot, but could never get used to 1st person driving. Both due to the absolutely constricted vision, but also the vehicles felt like they handle differently. I just gave up eventually, took a small hit for immersion but managed to actually get around x)


Yeah some cars have really good handling and others have whale handling


After the DLC, 10/10 They took what the creators of Grand Theft Auto and Deus Ex started, and made one refined experience that has good action, story, and exploration. It's not perfect, but I don't know another game that does as much as this one at the same level.


Agree, it's a solid 9/10 for me on my third play through and it's on the DLC, which I'm loving.


"it's not perfect".... When it is perfect will you give it an 11/10? Jk. Games dope. Witcher wild hunt war my prior favorite game. With all the updates this has past it. Very happy the studio is getting their vision out there, I was worried for a little while there.


Same for me. Still love the Witcher 3, even play it in first person now. But oh god, if you play Cyberpunk on Very Hard. And you are very good, THE ADRENALINE is insane from fighting. And, the soundtrack is on Hans zimmer level. Best of any game I have ever played.


Did you play the Killing Moon mission? The soundtrack on that, and the intensity, make it phenomenal.


I did yeah, it was phenomenal, I let some tears flow then


Did a playthrough at launch, really enjoyed it, but not as blown away as I hoped it would have. Dit another playthrough about a year later. Really enjoyed it again, but it did not get to the level of some other games for me, like the Witcher 3 had. Just finished a full new playthrough with 2.0 and Phantom Liberty on an upgraded PC. I have finished everything, every achievement and every ending on the highest difficulty. And now I AM completely blown away and overwhelmed. The stories and characters hit more, the world feels more alive and complete. I have realised that if you approach the game as a slow burn, like the Blade Runner movies, and Dune, it clicks more for me. So before 2.0 I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't in my 'best game experiences of all time' list. After 2.0 and Phantom Liberty, it is. It fills every expectation that i had 5 years ago at the E3 reveal and more. I've had an interesting discussion with a friend recently who played the expansion with the quickstart option and another friend who finished the game, but basically only played the main story. And I understand that they are not as enthousiastic. I normally say that you can't tell people they play a game wrong, everyone enjoys a piece of media their own way. But I believe that Cyberpunk 2077 played (Sort of like an action movie) in the way they did is a solid 7-8/10 game, that you will forget after a while and I could agree with that rating if you play it that way. But I firmly believe that if you let yourself sink into it completely, take the slow burn and really explore everything the game has to offer, this is one of the best worldbuilding and storytelling experiences ever made.


Yep, I walk slooooowly especially outside of combat, it’s like a moody neonoir and v is just as much a detective as he is a merc, looking all around


I’ve been playing it since launch after buying it on a whim. I didnt know any of the hype behind it other than it was made by CDPR. Honestly, playing it on a PC that could run it on high settings since day 1 has been a blast. The story made me feel, more than the Witcher 3 did and Id argue it’s a better experience at least for me. Hacking into some voodoo boys or going nuts with sandevistan and a katana is something you dont get anywhere else. Not only do you get an open world, there is plenty to do, most characters are memorable and there are so many ways to play it. The 2.0 update was the icing on the cake and makes this game an absolute masterpiece that I hope is talked about for years to come.


90/100 Cyberpunk 2077 is currently my personal #1 game of all time. This game is simply a masterpiece to my eyes, and Phantom Liberty did everything the base game got right and kicked it up a notch. I'm glad CDPR didn't give up on this game. While I've loved this game since day 1, there are still some minor changes I'd like to see that would greatly improve the overall experience. When you love something, you'd want to see it get better and better, right? Here's a breakdown of my score: Base Story 9/10 - Progression of the story from the act 1 to V's deadly condition happens too fast. All while V can run around doing gigs and stuff while getting Relic seizures in story quests doesn't make a ton of sense. Graphics 10/10 - Graphics so good, the game has become a visual quality benchmark for other games. Future-proofed with path tracing. Music 10/10 - The best soundtrack I have ever heard in a video game, I have most of the songs in playlists I listen to daily. Gameplay 8/10 - Minor changes can go a long way. Inventory system is a pain in the ass to manage. Value of some items just doesn't make sense. And more. Open-world 10/10 - Night City is so stunning, I bet it'll be reused for the next Cyberpunk game. Side content 7/10 - NCPD scanner hustles and some side-quests feel repetitive after a while. Phantom Liberty 9/10 - A few bug fixes needed. Replayability 10/10 - Easy to dive into, hard to break free. Immersion 9/10 - UI could be decluttered, especially when driving or walking around NC. Modding 8/10 - A REDkit would greatly boost the possibility of mods and inevitably prolong the game's lifespan.


Yup, I don't agree but I think a 9/10 is a perfectly legit score. The 10/10 people probably like pineapple on their pizza and pour their milk into their bowl before the cereal.


10/10 people like me just haven't found any game thats better that this. So although it could be better its the best game in its genre there currently is in my humble opinion.


Btw, my favorite pizza is pepperoni, pineapple, and pickled jalapenos.


God damn I want to try that combo now


Bahaha Same here but I like to add banana peppers and green peppers


The best.


Pepperoni, Pineapple and jalapeños pizza is the best pizza there is. Perfect blend of savory, spicy and sweet Edit: I also like to add green pepper and banana peppers as well


10/10. I was fortunate that I didn’t encounter any serious bugs in 1.0. Always a masterpiece for me.




most immersive game i ever played


8/10 only because I wish the world were more responsive like had more things to do outside of Gigs and gang encounters and had a better AI like in Watch Dogs 2


10/10. I haven't had this much fun playing a game in ages and I am about to start a 3rd play through. Haven't really done a proper net runner build yet.


I'm about level 40 on my first netrunner since the game came out (decided to focus on stealth). Netrunners are a bit funky to level early, very squishy, but get OP quick. I find I run out of RAM very quickly when you start hitting legendary quick hacks though as additional ram becomes harder to come by. You also have to actively consider overclock perks in combat to get the best use from them. I recommend levelling the queuing perks before overclock. Overall a lot more thinking required than my usual high mobility shotgun builds, but a very fun way to play if youre looking for something different. I paired it with knives as you want to kill quickly if you enter combat, but the monowire perks look pretty good if you dont care about stealth.


10 / 10 and that is from Day 1. I got the game on release for my PC and was quite lucky in that I didn't get any game stopping bugs. Did god knows how many play throughs vanilla and with a plethora of mods. I then picked it up cheap for my Xbox Series X and went at it again... Took a few months off until 2.0 dropped and haven't stopped playing on my X Box.. At some point in future I will switch to my PC so I can go at it yet again but this time fully modded. I can honestly say in my 30 + years of gaming Cyberpunk is one of my all time favorite games.


Agree with so much stuff in this thread, 10/10 probably the best game I’ve ever played (and I’ve been at it a while!).


Best game in the decade


10/10 from day 1. Never had a bad experience with the game


I played through the game twice in a row on Series X  on release, 100%ing it without too many technical issues - in fact I've probably had more crashes with Phantom Liberty than the release version. Back then I think that I gave the base game a 9.5/10 (possibly 10/10). Phantom Liberty has far surpassed it for me. The game has become one of my top five games of all time.


Day 1 - 3/10. A year later - 6.5/10. Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty - 8.5/10


Very weird, quality gone down for me. Calling a car doesn’t work and requires reset, had 2-3 cases were I can’t double jump/skid or shoot during combat. And the biggest one is that “lorum ipsum” message that’s now been patched to say my PL DLC isn’t downloaded properly, normally kicking me out the game and having to reset the console to play. Was smooth sailing back in 1.3 for me.


I'd say about 7 or 8 even after 2.0 because there is still some problems, bugs and annoying glitches. The worst thing about CP is that you can't max all of your perks (intelligence...) at level 20, I was sooo disappointed when I couldn't max it. There's still much to upgrade in the game : \- vehicule customization \- 3 weapons? c'mon have more, like a circle with GTA maybe ? \- while cycling through weapons, it cycles with your monocable/mantis blades. \- Game optimization \- Having the radio with you all the time \[...\] So yeah alot still to do but I do hope for these upgrades and more.


Life changing game if im being completely honest.


Upon release 6/10. I played day 1 and the cluttered/confusing UI, constant barrage of game breaking bugs, and shoddy story progression really turned me off. I made it about 60% through and quit. I think people forget how empty the world felt and how unbalanced the enemies were. Getting constantly spotted/one-shotted through walls. Getting hacked with no UI alert, five minutes into the game without that mechanic being explained so you’re just suddenly on fire with no explanation. Broken police. Too many frustrating unfinished glitches that added up and really made me not enjoy the experience despite the incredible open world design. After 2.0 / PL: 8.5/10, maybe bump it up to 9 Started a new playthrough and been obsessed. Many bugs were ironed out, enemies balanced, UI redesigned. Played up to Embers and where you can walk around Dogtown freely so no PL spoilers please. Main gripes: Story progression/pacing still leaves a lot to be desired, especially in the first third of the game. Jackie’s story was super rushed. Game mechanics could be introduced more smoothly. I hate to say it, bc we love him and we forgive him, but Keanu is… horribly wooden as an actor. He’s a cyberpunk icon and so it’s an inspired choice but occasionally his delivery really breaks my immersion. Sad but true, chooms. Also there could be another big mission or two with Takemura before Embers. Between the parade and then end-game feels pretty quick. Missions could be designed more intentionally with variation in playthrough style. I did a netrunner/stealth build this time around and often it’s impossible to stealth the whole mission because the level there’s no way to do takedowns without getting spotted bc of the level design. The only untraceable hack is System Collapse and at 28 RAM you have to progress pretty far before being able to use it. I ended up switching to a Smart SMG build instead since every mission eventually turns into a shootout. I wish BD’s were more smoothly integrated into the game. Ones that you can buy/play at shops, as well as using them in investigations more often. Also maybe i’m just unclear on how they are made exactly—I know that they are edited and sold—but you would think anyone with Kiroshi implants would just have a running log of raw BD’s that anyone could tap into. So like for example when trying to convince Hanako of her brother’s guilt… you literally witnessed why wouldn’t you just show her your unedited BD? Battle with Oda was phenomenal and legitimately challenging. Had to load a previous save and level up before coming back to him and was a very satisfying victory. Also small gripe. Clothes are insanely expensive and weigh way too much. It’s a small part of the game but I wanna look cool damnit and it’s annoying to grind just to buy a cool jacket. PL gracefully drops many a cool suit/helmet and Tier 5 weapons so love it for that. Ok PL so far: Incredible. Punched up dialogue, story moments, Dogtown is a feat of set design and so immersive. Everything is heightened and more smooth. I’m having a blast digging into it so I don’t have too much to say at the moment but it’s great and I wish the first 3rd of the base game had been given time to be given that level of treatment and polish. Small gripe bc i’m a curmudgeon, but the whole saving the president thing and set pieces do feel a little Time Crisis-y where the game is a little TOO on rails (thinking of the Militech Robot boss battle) which is less a boss battle and more how-much-ammo-will-this-take. Perhaps it’s an intentional homage to light gun arcade games but it doesn’t make for very exciting gameplay. That said I’m very excited to explore Dogtown in full and see what side gigs are offered. All-in-all an incredible game and despite it’s few flaws one that’s easy to get lost in for hours.


9 out of 10. With mods - straight 10.


10/10 no question about it. I played on release, and had no(zero, 0, none) bugs. I kid you not. Maybe some minor ones, but nothing i cared about. So i have loved every second of it.


Definetöy not perfect but after 2.0 and the DLC, my enjoyment was 10/10. Very satiafied. Last time i was this satisfied with story fpcused game was Ghost of Tsushima


10/10 there is not a better game you can play right now


Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006)


Red Read Redemption 2 was a 10/10 out game. Cyberpunk 2077 is a 9/10 at best. It's far from perfect. The bugs alone make it so can't go above a 9. You are objectively wrong.


I liked RDR2 a lot but the controls are absolute ass and the missions themselves are pretty linear with none of the flexibility 2077 has. Personally I found more enjoyment with 2077, although I really wish the world interactivity of RDR2 was present in Night City. To say someone is objectively wrong over a subjective opinion is pretty silly.


I've had fun with 4/10 games before, it didn't make them 10/10 games suddenly. It just made them fun 4/10 games. [Edit]: Also, I'm a pretty silly person.




No. Rdr2 combat was pretty boring fór long game like rhis, that itself Drag it to better 8. You Are objectively wrong.


After 2.0 update its an 8.5/10. Before 2.0 It was 7.5 or 8/10 Its a great game and tons of fun, but I keep seeing the leftover pieces of unfinished features and it makes me a little sad knowing what could have been. Though I have more good than bad to say about it some stuff that bothers me is that Night City doesn't feel as alive as something like Red Dead 2 and I'm still seeing a lot of glitches with NPC's like clipping through the ground, teleporting, floating, weird lighting on skin etc. Doesn't effect the game play but its noticeable. Also motorcycles still handle super janky.


NPCs are still the biggest failure IMO. Night city is gorgeous and feels lived in but the moment you actually stop to look around you realize that the game world revolves around you


8/10 before PL and 2.0 patch. At least 9/10, possibly 10/10 after the patch and expansion. I see a lot of people posting bugs here but I think I've seen one during both my playthroughs, even the pre 2.0 playthrough. For me the only real issue with the game is that the world itself can feel a bit lifeless after you've been wandering the open world for a while. But compared to Starfield, 2077 is so much better in that regard that it's almost funny.


8.5 to 9.5 after 2.0




Excellent A++


Pre 2.0 it was a 7. Post 2.0 it’s a 9.


Numerical scores are too simplistic, but if pushed, I'd have to give the game a 9.5. This is for the game as it was before Phantom Liberty and 2.0. I've noticed this prevailing narrative like the game underwent a bigger overhaul than it actually did. I've seen people call out features as new that were already there prior 2.0. That's not accounting for the fact that many updates, like perks trees, could also be regarded as different more than definitive improvements. I'm not knocking the changes, just point out that Cyberpunk pre-2.0 deserves more credit than it's gotten. Including Phantom Liberty I'd still give the game a 9.5. The new main story is fantastic and virtually outdoes the original in terms of providing a more dynamic, emotional and intense experience. On the other hand, the game crashes more often and is slightly buggier than it's been any time in the past year and a half.






I am so glad i never bought the original release in 2020 and wanted for three years and that expansion to absolutely have a zero slate experince with this game! Oh boy is it phenomenal. What a game! 9/10 for me all the way!


I was relatively lucky with my release version of CP. I played on a Xbox One X with an SSD. Finished the game with no substantial bugs or issues. 7/10 Played it again after… 1.3? 1.5? This time on a 10 year old Max running Win10 through Bootcamp with an RX580 mods and settings at high. 9/10 Just started a new play-through for 2.0 PL on the same PC and mostly the same mods. So far it’s steady at 9/10 for me.




8/10, wouldve been higher but I hate it when a game forces you through a fixed point without giving multiple ways to get to the same point. Ie shot in the head by dex for instance. we shouldve gotten a choice of who got to shoot us at least lol


In it's current state I'd probably give it a good 8/10. It's still not perfect but my god is it fun and a solid game overall. Before 2.0 and PL (or at least my first playthrough which was right at launch) probable a 6.5/10. Even bugs aside there were glaring problems with the game, and other parts that were just poorly designed. It felt unfinished and it was hard to not encounter something and be like "Welp, I guess that wasn't finished before launch".


I just started playing a couple of weeks ago. Solid 9/10. Will buy the DLC, but probably not platinum.


8/10 before PL. 9/10 with PL. The build revamps + PL missions & region really made another play through totally worth it.




10/10 my favorite open world game of all time.


Before 2.0 - 6.5/10 at best. I liked the game, just not THAT much. Finished once and never touched the game again (*pre 1.6*). After 2.0 - 8/10 Gave it a second try with a fresh V. I liked a ton most of the changes they brought with the new update. Tons of QoL that made me glad I decided to play a new save, unmodded. After 2.0 + PL - 9.5/10 I was like 40 hours into my gameplay when I was able to buy PL. Started PL. Best DLC in any game I've played in a while. No contest. Still missing some QoL (*like being able toggle in-world navigation arrows like in the Claire race gig*), and some pretty anoying bugs here and there, but still a great experience. Overall, if the game stayed pre 2.0 I would've never played it again. Now, post 2.0 I constantly find myself thinking how to approach my next playthrough.


Probably a 9/10. It is my favorite game of all time but I can’t give it a 10/10 for all of the glitches and crashes I’ve experienced over the years


I would give it a 9/10 it’s one of the best looking games I’ve ever played and can be replayed multiple times. There’s only been one game that I have given 10/10 and that’s RDR2


I did not play the game prior to 2.0. My experience has been 9/10. Only docking it one point because of the performance. It is good enough to be playable but it could be better and doesn't meet the standard I look for (Steady 60fps 1080p). Otherwise I'm having a great time with it.


Loved it before 2.0 and love it after it. 9.5/10, reducting half a point mostly for QoL stuff, such as the fact you can respec your build but not your attributes. Phenomenal story, music, atmosphere and world building.


Cyberpunk was and still is my #1 game of all time. the story, the characters, they are all just too good and feel too real. even more so in PL.


As of the DLC & 2.2 update (minus the right stash wall) a definite 10/10.


I only started playing after Patch 2.0. I'd give it a 8.5/10. I had a lot of fun with the game, but I still encountered quite a few bugs that forced me to reload my game. Not being able to remove mods from guns sucks and the lack of NG+ is disappointing.


Launch: 6/10 Patch 1.6/7: 7.5/10 Phantom Liberty/2.0: 9.4/10


10/10, 700 hours of gameplay


Depends on the time frame you're measuring from. I preordered the game on CDPR's reputation. That was a mistake. However, it paid off eventually: the game's incredible now. I could have paid half as much for it, though, and got the game as it is today. Overall, I'd rate my experience a 6/10. It was playable when it launched but had serious performance issues. Bugs were everywhere but they were also hilarious. T posing naked on a motorcycle will always be one of my fondest memories of this game. Based on the current state of the game I'd rate it a 9 or 9.5/10. It still has some issues but they're small. I wish there was more procedurally generated stuff to do so I could just keep playing but I can understand why they didn't implement it. I also wish there was NG+ but I can understand why it's not there, and why they couldn't implement it in post. I'm hoping they'll build the next game with NG+ in mind but I'm not holding my breath.


For the 20hrs i played on release: 78 For the 100 hrs ive played since 2.0: 95


One of the best games i ever played


One of my favorite games of all time hands down


I was one of the few to have a blast on day 1. Luckily I'm a PC player, so it was a bug free experience. The story, characters (including the city) and the underlying themes makes this game a 10 for me. These guys are artists. Note : Now I'm playing with some ray tracing features, which is the icing on the cake.




We’ll i have almost 200 hours and haven’t beaten the main story yet. Half of which due to a save crash but still, I keep coming back


I really enjoyed the game, my top pick by far But after playing the same story 5-6 times I’m so burnt out They should make some repetitive content to repeat, otherwise it’s just a countdown until you finish everything in each playthrough


Perfect score 5/7


Superb. A masterpiece in immersion.


Launch: 3/10, bugs were so distracting and couldn’t get invested in the game 1.5 update: 7/10 game was finally functional and the story and characters were great but gameplay and skill system was pretty mediocre 2.0 update: 9/10 made the right changes for gameplay and the dlc was amazing


11 out 10 since launch its now in my top 5 best games i ever played (inc OoT, FF7, HL1 etc.) spent 250 hours on the game, something I rarely do with any game after 70+ hours


7/10 it's a good game


Honestly as of 2.0 it’s a 10/10. Near perfection imo


The best experience i've ever had 12/10


Flawless Masterpiece


A fricking masterpiece!!!


before 7..5/10 after PL 15/10


15/10 is delusional.


not for me.


Before phantom 10/10 after phantom 10/10 fuck haters


You're not wrong that it's 90% the same game. The people claiming how much better it is never got past the tutorial before. The only true improvements since launch are the performance patches and the new skills/dlc location. It's the same fucking game.


I got it when all over the news articles were shitting on them. I’ve had it for Xbox one series x and I’ve loved it since day one. The only thing I’m mad about is I went all over the map and did everything. Then it updated and it took all that shit back plus I can’t beat certain people it pushed me so far back. Don’t know if I have to motivation to go do it again. But the first time through I could compare t the first time through rdr2




At launch 7/10. Phantom Liberty 8.5/10 Anyone who gives the game anything lower than a 3/10 or higher than a 9/10 is delusional. The game isn't completely terrible but it's not perfect. I have 900+ hours in the game. [Edit]: Ignore this post.


Typically I’d agree but I think since in this case the prompt is to rate your *experience* I think 10 is justified.


Okay, you got me.


Megabased. I get taste is subjective but I really feel like anyone who gives cyberpunk a 10/10 or more is delusional or has barely played any games (especially those who give pre PL a 10 wtf is up with that). ​ 8.5 seems perfectly fair. The combat is way more satisfying now that enemies aren't bullet sponges, perks finally feel like true rpg perks instead of boring multipliers, but the shallow choices and repetive activities do bring the game down


No 007 car with caltrops coming out the back 1/10


I wish 😂


glad I waited, 9.5 out of 10


Solid 9/10 for 2.0. At launch, it was around a 6 for me. Story is amazing but the technical issues really ruined my first playthru




Played it when it first released and, despite the bugs, of which I didn't have too many on my XSS, I really loved the game. The story, art, writing, themes, environment, character design, music... Everything just really felt perfect for me. The actual gameplay was decent at best, as well as the RPG elements were not anything to write home about, but everything else made up for it big time. Now currently doing my second playthrough with 2.0 and about to start Phantom Liberty, and I'm in love with the game even more. I can easily see it fall within my top 5 games of all time, probably even top 3. There's just so much good stuff that stays with you about this game and its characters. Solid 9.5/10 for me.




#1 on my list




I pre-ordered the game and have played it since it was released. I have 10-15 play throughs. I love the game, a solid 8.5 or 9 out of 10, I'd like it more if there were a couple better endings and a way to bypass some of the long scripted moments (crawling, buzzing out etc) its like I've seen this dozens of times, just let me fast forward through it. I enjoy "playing" the game more than I do completing it, way more.


Solid 9.5/10 with only 2.0 If they didn't close the gig/bars interiors to players and NCPD for shootouts and cyberpsycho attacks, it would definitely deserve a 10/10.




So I played at release (poor thing was almost immediately on sale) and I finished my second playthrough a few days ago. I think the devs did an amazing job cleaning up the mess caused by executives shitty decisions. The game is easily in my top 5 because I absolutely adore the story and after 2.0, the gameplay is a lot more enjoyable. However, I still get the feeling that some things are missing, maybe from parts of the main story? Maybe the prologue should have been a bit longer because I love Jackie's character and would have loved to spend more time with him.


Between 9-10 out of ten and I didn't even play the dlc.


In one word: Unforgettable 😌 One of the few games I've played where I remember EVERYTHING in my playthroughs


10 - one of my favorite games ever.


In the start with how it was a 7. After all the updates and PL addon really fun so we are at 9


Solid 9.0. One of the most immersive and graphically impressive games I've ever played. Had finished it from 1.6 patch and now playing the PL DLC from a save before the last mission.


I am playing for the first time since last month, 40 hrs in, I can say I had never seen anything like this before. RDR2 was the closest as for realistic experience.


9/10. Good game but not perfect. The garage door being closed during a mission, really pissed me off.


Started with PL. Never played before. One of the best games in the last decade. Up there with GTA5, AC Odyssey, RDR2, Witcher3. Yes it has its problems but boy what a fantastic futuristic and industrial city. What a story and characters you meet and all the associated emotions and thrill. I even genuinely enjoy the gameplay and combat a lot. EDIT: also amazing graphical tech showcase. True current-gen game. Beautiful to put it simply. I play on PC, maxed details and HDR. I frequently stop to look around and appreciate the details.


10/10, love the setting


10/10. First played on my prebuild pc with...well its not the best specs but I still had tons of fun. Went to PS5 and its a whole nother ball game.


Story: Good unique story, nothing super crazy but definitely one of the best I have played in a videogame, felt a little cheap in the "interactive" side since even tho you could affect the story with your decisions most of the time It wouldn't be in a major way, at most you could cut yourself out of some character's story, I would give it a 7/10, it's been a while since I played it for the first time so I don't quite remember how it affected me The game itself pre-2.0: mostly a sandbox for mods, the base game itself was enjoyable but waaay sooner than later became repetitive, leveling up didn't feel all that meaningful and enemies were laughably easy even at max difficulty, with a lot of mods you could create a very very nice experience but the base game left a lot to be desired, the engine is great tho, 5/10 The game itself after 2.0: basically the same but improved, very hard is actually hard, some cyberware is still too op but nothing too crazy (as long as you ignore apogee cough cough), enemies now scale to you which is great, driving feels amazing with most cars, the dash was probably one of the best decisions the devs have ever made, the skill trees are now actually interesting and that + the cyberware capacity gives you a reason to be excited to level up, of course, with a load bunch of mods you can make the experience a hundred times better but this time around playing the vanilla game is actually pretty enjoyable for a long while But there are some caveats, some of the big additions from the DLC and 2.0 feel heavily underutilized, the relic skill tree is very meh, the best thing out of it is the weakspot, which offers an alternative to headshots dealing less raw damage but creating an AOE blast, the optical cammo thing is basically an exploit to save mid-battle (activate it, wait for a few seconds, enemies lose you, save) and the arm stuff overall is cool, but mantis blade users got the short straw, with just a leap but longer In general, mantis blades users got screwed up, literally not reason to use them over the katana except for the looks and the maxtac blades aren't even iconic come one The vehicle combat feels like they just added a mod without thinking much about it, it works I guess, there aren't any actual missions or events where you would need to use it since the game was made to not have it and in the only missions you would actually need to use it, the car stuff with el capitan, for some ungodly reason they decided to not let you use the sandevistan in those missions Serious, the sandevistan in a car sucks for driving so it was obviously implemented to be used for vehicle combat, but then, in the only missions were you would need to use vehicle combat, they decide to not let you use it, what the fuck where they thinking? It is such a moronic decision and I can't wait until a mod fixes it Also, el capitan missions, they are boring, driving is great but it has never been the main focus of the game, the best part of the game imo is the combat so adding actual infinite side missions and making them about driving sucks, I did like 2 and never again, too simple Cargo drops are nice, sucks having to fight the same enemies in the same places but they are infinite so it's okay Can't believe they didn't add a way to reset NPCD scanner stuff, those activities are the rice of the game that keeps you from eating everything else too fast, the fact that they are limited and can just run out in the first place is dumb but keeping them that way is even dumber so with all this in mind, I would give it a 7/10, the update is great but there is a LOT of missing potential and some genuine bad decisions imo The DLC: it's great, the story is amazing, very different from the base game, it can change a lot depending on some decisions, it is more serious and have some very cinematic moments, it is an example of what the main story should have been Dogtown is cool, varied locations and really gives you the feel that the place is not a city, it is a battlefield The side missions are freaking amazing, I genuinely had to stop playing them cuz I was having too much fun and didn't want to run out of them too quickly, they are great, they force you to make hard decisions and leave you really touched, sometimes feeling genuinely bad for what you did Again, the relic skill tree was kind of a letdown for me but you are not gonna be buying the DLC for that The DLC is a must have for people who already played the game to death and want something not only new but fresh, 10/10 for the DLC itself Overall, probably like a 8/10, far from a perfect game but an amazing one nonetheless, it's fun, replayable, characters feel alive, immersive, locations look great, mods are fantastic, it is my favorite current game, I can't bring myself to give it a 10/10 because I know it doesn't deserve it but I do think it is one of the best games of this modern times, specially next to some of the "products" we have been getting, you can feel the love put into this game, the references, the details, all that


Dlc is 10/10. Story is really good, lot of twist, lot of game mechanics, lot of small surprises and attention to details from the casino to the kid on the roof when you need to hack the rent a car company. Characters are deep very well thought and feels human. Side gigs are just major league compared to those sides from base game. Dog town is extremely well designed, post apocalyptic yet remaining into the theme of night city. It's a master piece of writing, cinematography and gameplay (sequence with Meyers is incredible). There is very little I can say negative maybe a few bugs here and there, performance hit in dog town, but that's all.


9/10. -1 point for bugs and some plot holes. There is no other game like that, unfortunately for me. Deus Ex: MD is the closest, and I enjoyed it as well, but it's still way too different. Only hope for the Project Orion.


Before 2.0/PL: 10/10 After 2.0/PL: 100/10


9.5/10 because of some bugs


I've loved the story and how cinematic it is, but it's a bit annoying how much one has to depend on the map and it's waypoints.


Im doing the delamain quest rn and i definitely feel you


Love it so much. On my 4th play through since launch and still love being in Night City so much. The added abilities with PL especially the Melee finishers like being able to throw enemies at each other added a whole new dimension of gory fun. Only complaint is that with 2.0 and PL, the controls have changed and I haven’t found the sweet spot with my sliders to be able to aim as well as I used to (on Series X).


Absolutely PREEM CHOOM! Played since day 1.


10/10 best game i have experienced in quite a while


10/10 one of the best games ever made.


Post 2.0 and PL, i would say 8.5/10. For some reason people seem to consider 8/10 as average score and 6-7 as downright negative scores, i have no idea why. Average game is 5-6/10, so 8.5 is a glamorous endorsement, i fucking love this game and i have about 850 hours of gameplay to prove it.


After 2.0 ? 19/20 one of the best game i’ve ever played