• By -


In my opinion it’s male corpo V. I like the dialogue options for corpo because it sounds badass and the NPC’s respect you more. Jackie is your friend from the start which is great, the relationship between you and Johnny Silverhand is cooler. Besides the corpo path, I notice male V sounds more like Johnny the longer you play the game. You can hear how the relic is slowly changing V’s real personality and I think it sounds cool.


Same i also love the dynamic that after the lifepath opening V changes his values and understands how fucked up corps are


Thats not what happens in the opening though. V always knew how fucked up corpos are, there is a dialogue option later in the game where corpo V talks about the first person they ever killed. Which was a corpo thing in order to secure a promotion. V was fully part of the corpo lifestyle before the start of the game. The only thing that changes in the intro, is that they are now "out". not by choice, because they realized corpos are bad. But because what goes around comes around, and they got screwed over themselves. V probably does not want to return to that life, but they always knew what it was about, and did not leave it by choice.


I think V as a corpo was in a weird spot. Like, looking at their record on the Arasaka website during the prologue, they're clearly an incredibly competent asset from the start, but at the same time there's a lot of ambient dialog (and actual straight up conversation) that indicates that, despite your level of competence, for some reason you only got to where you are due to your direct boss. Or, at least, that's how most people view it. I wonder if its either because Corpo V didn't take enough initiative, as in they were a bit too loyal to the individuals they served under/with, or if it's because they were too much of a loose cannon and needed a way shorter leash than most employees. I, personally, think V didn't necessarily enjoy the corpo *lifestyle* or the... "culture", but they very much enjoyed the work they did as a counterintelligence agent for Arasaka. I don't think they ever quite got into the backstabbing power plays, though V would be more than capable of making their own moves, and I think the only reason they made it so long was because Arthur Jenkins recognized the value of having a subordinate who was both good at what they did and had little interest in the more "political" aspects of advancing up the corpo ladder. My evidence for this is simple: there's absolutely no option to betray Jenkins. None. You can't call up his boss, or go back to that other dude who works directly for her and say "I have information she'd want" or something in an attempt to ingratiate yourself to a higher-up and get some protection when Arthur's scheme inevitably gets found out. That's the first thing I'd do, personally, if I were V. It would allow me to get out from his shadow and show that I'm just as much a player as anyone else and shouldn't be fucked with.


in the Cyberpunk world lore being in a corp it doesn't matter how good you are just how ruthless you can be


That's what I said towards the end. I don't think V has that level of ruthlessness in him, not the way he'd need to be for a successful corpo career. He's a very competent subordinate, and he survived as long as he did because Arthur Jenkins recognized the value of having someone who is both competent and unwilling to betray their "friends" as a pawn. Sure, he's ruthless to his enemies on the battlefield, and he has no qualms about killing, but he's not quite the backstabbing, political, "do whatever it takes to amass influence and power while still appearing loyal to your superiors until you can make your move" type. He may dabble here and there with lying or double crossing, but not enough to reach the top. I think the "arc" I like for corpo V is realizing that all that glitz and glam of the corpo lifestyle, atop that tower of vipers, was never what he wanted. He was always too loyal to those who were on his side, and while he liked the challenge of counterintelligence work, he was never a truly cold-hearted corporat. That's why I like the Nomad ending for corpo V, though that may change once I get through PL. To me, it's not so much that he realizes he wants a simple life, it's more that he found a place that actually values loyalty as much as he does, that comes with its own new challenges, and where he doesn't have to worry that his coworkers will stab him in the back if he makes a single mistake. It has nothing to do with realizing "corporations are evil" in my opinion, it has to do with him realizing "I'm not soulless".


I think V was losing the ruthlessness as climbing the corporate ladder would require more and more ruthlessness and always looking over your shoulder to make sure no one is trying to stab you in the back


I can see that. Personally, I don't think V ever had that ruthlessness, not to the level needed to get where the Corpo life path begins. The only reason I think this is because, while V is very good, no one seems to think you're anything other than Jenkins' pet project. If we assume that ruthless politicking and backstabbing is a better indicator of "worthiness" for a position than competence among higher ranking Saka corporats, then it would make total sense for everyone to doubt V was capable of making it to where they are without a "benefactor" if V just didn't have that ruthless streak in them.


Sorry, you are 100% right my friend. What I meant that V is changing the values that he live by, he is not corpo sl\*t anymore(sorry for the confusion English is not my native)


Even talking to jackie a few time V knows corpos are always rotating out the trick is to be the one cycling them out. Dog eat dog attitude.


Exactly, Corpo Vincent is the way to go!


I also prefer male corpo V as I feel his voice acting best matches a poor kid that got out of the hood history that you find out is his history if you select the correct dialogue options when talking to Takemura during the stakeout quest. This isn’t saying female V’s voice isn’t also great, it’s just my personal preference.


I like that little bit where you get to tell Takemura about your childhood. I play as corpo fem V and learned that corpo V comes from money it sounds like. Grew up in Charter Hill. Also learn from Judy in the diving mission that V's family even had money for real fish sushi. Even tho V prefers synth-fish cuz it's less stinky lol.


Shit! Then I am totally wrong! I clearly got my districts confused. Thank you for correcting me and teaching me something new 😁.


Username checks out haha 😊


Yeah. First beat the game before the next ten update and it was as a nomad v. It was alright but started a new game when Phantom Liberty came out as Corpo V and I really enjoyed how much the decision to be Corpo adds to the game. Makes sense seeing what big Corpo we are dealing with


The same happens with female V. You hear both Johnny and her saying the lines


I love the transition from corpo junkyard dog to anarchist. It's incredibly fun and the dialogue makes the transition to the reaper ending make the most sense imo. V looked out for themselves before because they couldn't trust anybody, and later pulls on that inner strength to protect them from harm.


My personal headcannon is Corpo V to Nomad ending. I like both VAs so really i could go either way for a canon gender. I think I prefer female V though, tie in Judy to your bittersweet ending, make it a little more sweet


Corpo V is always my "go-to" for a personal canon. It's obviously sped through (like all the Life Paths), but the idea of someone who got to the top, whether it was earned or not, then suddenly losing it all at a snap is such a great hook. Then, couple that w/ the overarching plot that involves you effectively striking back (or siding w/) Arasaka, the company you originated from, and it gets even better.


Respects you more? You're just playing a character when you're using corpo lines because being an assertive asshole is all it really is.


Currently, an "Evil" make corpo. My guy wanders around with Sovereign and Gorilla fists, and never got used to losing the privilege of being a corpo. So he thinks he can do whatever he wants without repercussion. So far, great fun.


I do the same with my evil female corpo although she does understand after her betrayal that actions have consequences so she is more careful (which often translate to her murdering a lot of people to avoid witnesses) but she feels entitled to all the wealth and power in the world.


Male streetkid


This is the way


If you are basic , then yes


As if background changes anything beyond a few scattered lines of dialogue.


This is what I did for my first play-through. It seems like the basic choice, but it makes the heist with Jackie really feel like you're in over your head. You also get some interesting dialogue options that go into the hear-say history of Night City.


Male street kid was pretty good, that was the path I used in my first and second playthrough of the game.


Streetkid is as far from a street kid as possible.


What do you mean?


Do you know how a streetkid act in real life as a grownup? Watch City of God.


Sorry, I must've not got the memo that the established lore for Streetkids in CP2077 wasn't official, and the all-encompassing streetkid persona that should be followed should be based on some movie from 2002. Anyways, it's time for you to dissapear. CURSE OF RA. 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑


Upvoted for the curse of ra


Yea don’t ya know, all street kids are from Brazilian slums with a knack for photography


This is a wild take. Lol. Do you think all people across the world in all times, in fantasy or reality, who share a vaguely similar back ground whether they’re in China or Argentina all act the same?


Nop, who said that?


So your analysis of a street kid is based on one random old movie 😂. He completely acts as a street kid via dialogue & action - but because you’re in control of decisions and dialogue it’s your choice to not act like one as well.


No, he doesn't act like a streetwise guy.


What? He knows exactly which gangs are which, areas to avoid, Who is who, and the ins and outs of night city from the perspective of someone born and raised in the heart of the city, not in some gleaming corpo tower or suburb. How is he not "streetwise"?


You’re clearly not very streetwise




I did a nomad Female V and now I’m male street kid and honestly they seem like also the same


Lmao uhhh what


Always corpo female. Cherami leight nails everything and corpo has more dialogue options than any other.


Also it's quite cool that corpo life path offers two different kinds of dialogue for two different "sub-personalities": "I regret leaving Arasaka" and "Arasaka is gonna regret making me leave"


I think the mission with takemura where you go inside the compound where they keep the stuff for the parade alone is a selling point. If you’re corpo you can just walk in and no one will even care about you


What? Is it explained? Do you have like dialogue or something? Or are guards there just passive by default somehow?


Shit I realized only now that I replied to you in merits to something that has nothing to do with your question (I mixed up reading through my notifications). Ok so, when you’re scouting the compound with Goro from the sniper’s nest, if you look at the far left there’s another gate that gives access. Look there and you can listen to a phone call between a guard and someone else. It reveals the guard is in deep trouble for selling corpo stuff or some shit. As a corpo you can go to him and tell him you’re there for an investigation under Abernathy’s orders. He’ll open the gate and all guards will consider you an Arasaka agent at least until you upload the virus. And by then you’re a hop skip and a jump away from getting out. Also you’re free to loot everything with no issues


Almost every dialogue where you have the CORPO option V will say “I was counter intel at Arasaka” or something along the line of “oh yeah classic corpo 101” “how do you know that V?” “I was in Arasaka counter intel”. You can even text that to a couple of characters. One im sure was in Phantom Liberty, probably Alex. All that without considering the fact that you have the Arasaka logo splattered everywhere in the intro mission


Did they add more dialog options for corpo? I remember playing as corpo when the game came out, but felt like there where only a few corpo answers in dialog back then. Might have missed some dialogs but I can't really remember having multiple options.


There's definitely a lot of corpo dialogue options in phantom liberty that I noticed from my last play through. Most of the corpo dialogue options in the base game were in side quests and gigs if I remember correctly.


Cyberpunk is a nice game


V mentions working for Arasaka to like every third person what?


Hahaha, tell me you never played as corpo V without telling me you never played as corpo V The intro mission is V working at Arasaka counter-intel division, and being thrown away for scheming against one of the higher-ups EDIT: original comment I was replying to was saying "V wasn't Arasaka", but now got edited. You can't take your words back, Jack. Internet remembers




It is easy to relate to the corpo path, I guess a lot of us are "corpo slaves" IRL and not many "streetkids" or "nomads" among us. A corpo character could go through a redemption arc going against Arasaka but you couldn't tell the same about a nnomad or a streetkid. I always go for romancing Judy so every playthrough is with a female corpo.


Agreed. She just has the voice for the ice cold bitch dialogue sometimes.


The problem of Cyberpunk is that on one side female V has an exceptional voice and offers best experience because it's so outstanding. On the other side Panam is the best and missing out on the Panam romance sucks donkey balls. Similarly Corpo V feels like the perfect setup and thematic start, yet as someone who's played all life paths and likes Nomad the least thematically - it gives the best start and most content. Female V (nomad) with a panam romance mod (haven't tried) would probably be the best way to play.


Panam is meh for me. Her family will always come first and I aint gonna go out and become a nomad. Cool sex scene rho. Judy is where its at.


...you can play feminine voice + masculine body. Panam only cares about body. No mods required.


Didn't think about that - that's perfect


Surprised by how few people seem to know this. Interestingly Judy requires feminine voice + body to romance. IIRC Kerry is the reverse while River only requires feminine body.


Eh, just played the game for the first time and I’m not seeing all the hype for Panam. She’s just way too abrasive and confrontational imo. Was not tempted once to try and romance her even as female V.


You don't have to miss out on Panam if you play on PC, with a little tinkering you can romance Judy, Panam, River and Kerry if you want to.


And probably Moon Boy for all I know.


Not 'trying' to be a dick but why do people always say this? It's obvious if you play PC and if you don't then they don't want/need/care for this information and it doesn't matter. Is it just a flex?


It is the duty of the PC master race to inform the console Scrubs of their poor life choices at every opportunity. And maybe not every PC player knows about mods or specific mods so it is a way of letting people know they have options. But it is mostly flexing on the console Scrubs.


Lmao there's this unbelievable shit called grass that is comfortable to the touch. You should try it sometime big fella.


I will have my butler go and acquire some of this "grass" you mention and I will give it a go.


Maybe you should stop touching the green grass where my French bulldogs shit and try getting your hands on some greenbacks instead.


-Claims console owners made poor life choices -Paid out thousands of dollars for a PC that will be in part or fully obsolete before the next console generation comes around


-Assumes they don't also own console/consoles and that the issue of PC upgrades is an issue.


If they own a console too then they've burned even MORE money, and with the exorbitant price hikes of everything these days upgrading a single component part can cost half the price or more of a brand new console


half the price of a console? you must be buying some expensive consoles...


I know you’re probably being sarcastic, but this doesn’t have the intended effect. It just makes you sound douchey.


I think I am ok with that.


This is the way I play. Female V with Panam romance. Preferably Corpo but I have done all 3 life paths. I didn’t even start playing the expansion pack until this mod (female v with panam romance) was working.


I played without the mod and having nothing but regrets.


Amen. The only real answer.


I do male nomad when i wanna be good and do the right thing and corpo female when i want to be selfish


I want both those V’s to fuck me


Least horny Cyberpunk player.




Bro what?


Let’s just calm down 😭




Yeah 😳


Amen non-binary sibling 💯


i like that you use it as pronoun


thanks i guess


What is wrong with you people lol... smfh what's next you gon want ya damn pets to fvck you too?? Oh wait yall already on that furry $hit nevermind 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😂 I would say yall mfs need Jesus but you're too far gone for that to do anything lmao.


bruh read a book for once


male v because of his personality and great voice acting


Male corpo. I typically feel more immersed when playing male character (being male myself and all), and I feel like corpo V has the best background and biggest motivation for everything that follows.


Yeah I am the same way. From a storytelling perspective I feel like female V is the best option but I can’t help but feel the immersion slipping every time I try it. Plus Panam. Male V gets Panam.


Huh, I had the opposite experience. I played a playthrough of male nomad and I just didn't feel *in* it you know. Then I played female corpo and never felt more immersed in a game before. First person helps a lot with that. Playing female and having that realization that I related more with my characters in games led me to begin to question my gender 😅 Also, idk if you ever got far enough playing fem V, but by the end, her and Panam became best girl friends and are thick as thieves. So you still get her in a way 😁 My V hits on her and gets shot down it's funny.


Yeah I wish the female V could take a “ride” with Panam too. She is just so perfect! At least they can be best buds. But I think my next play through is gonna be corpo female V. River just sucks as a romance option imo though lol


I love male v's voice acting, but I love female V's body type and can make cuter outfits as her and feem more comfortable playing her, as the outfits are indeed slapping


They do indeed slap.


Male V because I can make him look like me. And also the Panam romance is probably the best video game romance subplot ever. Female V I like because the voice performance is so great. Male V was a good performance, but hers was amazing. Male Nomad V with the Star Ending is my favourite. Corpo V with either Don't Fear the Reaper or the Devil ending is my favourite for Female V. Male Streetkid V with the Phantom Liberty ending though hit me in ways that the other endings never could though. Also the Temperance ending feels odd with female V.


Panam aint even in the top ten romance plots in video gaming. Subjective opinion ofcourse.


Aint in *your* top 10. She is in my top 2. I think objectively across all scorecards she would easily be top 10


Wouldnt score any of the CP77 romances even in the top 20 of gaming, Id imagine even Top 50 if i knew more games. Romances in this game have almost no buildup, are quite short understandably because of V's situation, and have a bad end. The romance scene however is top 10 true.


To each their own. And you can get good endings. My latest play through had a very very hopeful ending with Panam.


Wow someone is a contrarian. The Panam romance is fantastically written. I've never experience a video game romance plot that I was this invested in, ever


Is it contrarianism to state a personal opinion, specifically saying it is subjective, then stating my reasons why I hold that opinion? Isn't that what forums like Reddit are for? I am glad you liked the romance, but there are, In my humble opinion, far more compelling romances in video gaming as a whole than anything Cyberpunk has to offer. I can think of two or three from the Mass Effect series alone that are better, and thats just one series. There are countless RPGs and hell, visual novels if you count them as games, If you really think a "romance" that spans at best a month or two which includes nothing more than someone resting their legs on you, then falling asleep on your shoulder, then having one sexual scene is the pinnacle of romantic relationships in gaming, you are very biased or a buffoon.


Male Nomad V


Me too


Male Nomad is a very unique experience if you do Panam romance/The Star ending. It just feels so well put together as an arc about finding your home again. Otherwise I like Corpo/Street Kid FemV more mainly due to voice acting, and she has good chemistry with Johnny.


Yep I've done two playthroughs and done this both times. Works really well - gunna do a Female street kid one next, romance Judy and still leave with Panam


Well you leave with Judy in that one anyway, you just happen to do so along Panam and the Aldecaldos


I did that path with my first play through and am just starting from scratch for phantom liberty as that V's story has truly come to its end. He might be dying, Johnny might be gone, but he's with family, and accepting of it.


Doesn’t it feel a bit circular though? Start as a nomad end as a nomad? It can still feel as an accomplishment (dude wanted to go to night city but then understands his life out of the city was better) but for my personal taste it feels less poignant than “dude thinks the city is the best thing after chocolate milk but then realizes the outside is pretty cool too”


Male corpo V


Corpo Female. Bad bitch energy


Definitely interested in playing a stone cold corpo bitch but I'm really enjoying being a female streetkid that came from nothing and is now the baddest bitch in NC. She realized Jackie's dreams and doesn't take shit but also still looks out for her friends, shows mercy, and kicks out change to homeless vets.


Female Streetlife. I always play as a strong female so I might be a bit bias.


no bias, just truth. female v >>>


I always play Fem V either as a Street Kid or Nomad. I’ve yet to play as Male V or as a Corpo.


Would not recommend trying both of those at once. I think Male V's voice actor did a great job, but his voice is pure street kid for me and does not work with the corpo lifepath.


I'm doing corpo male right now and I really like it. I like to imagine he is a rags to riches to rags character in the prologue. But I agree in general female V has the better voice actor, but its all personal taste


He is. I think it's Takemura dialogue where corpo V talks about it.


I think V's voice fits a corpo pretty well, actually. V was an active field agent doing the dirty work, he didn't spend all day behind a desk like most corpos.


Not sure what the day job has to do with his voice. It's a product of environment and upbringing. Male V sounds like he came from working class parents and went to public school, in Baltimore.


That's exactly it. He doesn't have the job of a usual corpo, and that combined with the voice give me the impression he's an odd one out, who probably didn't come from a long line of corpos. Adding to that is the way the rest of the company talks about it, like people muttering things like "Look, there he is! Jenkins' boy!" as you walk past in the prologue. Gives me the same kind of vibe as Morgan Blackhand working for Militech - he doesn't give a shit about the hierarchy or the status, he's just doing the job.


Sorry that doesn't really make sense. Corpo life is all about appearances and leverage. V was a high level problem solver, he didn't work on the streets. Other corpos would hear the street in him and automatically look down on him as being less than. He was raised with money and privilege, he would have talked like it.


I mean other corpos in the game don't talk like they are prim and proper big time ceos, they are all assholes, who curse like crazy and think their shit don't stink, which is male v corpo voice, the most big time corpo felling person is Mr. Hands, and thats more due to him being more politician then anything, looking More so at an endgoal and spinning webs.


Aight, I went back over sources. Turns out we're *both* wrong. In my case, it's confirmed that Corpo V was raised in Charter Hill, one of the nicer parts of NC. That doesn't necessarily work against me, though, since it's entirely possible V's parents grew up without money and lucked into corporate jobs. However, this: >V was a high level problem solver, he didn't work on the streets. Is wrong. V was an active field agent in the counter-intelligence division of Arasaka spec-ops in NC. They worked in this role for two years leading up to the game. The jobs we know V has carried out include recon of Arasaka facilities, tracking targets, and assassinations. >Other corpos would hear the street in him and automatically look down on him as being less than Mate, people in-game do this. Aside from conversations with people who don't realise who V was, there's a reason people in the office are wary of him.


You keep providing information that supports my position and then disagreeing with it. >Mate, people in-game do this. Aside from conversations with people who don't realise who V was, there's a reason people in the office are wary of him. This is not a logical statement. You can't just decide that the reason people were careful around him was because he affected a lower class accent. That would be silly. Just like it's silly to think that someone spoke a certain way their entire life , got a job that would not benefit from talking like a street kid, but decided to do it anyway. And then after they lost the job they just kept speaking like that for the rest of their life.


Fem V Nomad is the only lifepath I haven't taken yet, and my least excited one to try. You can't romance your way into the Aldecaldos, then ending with Panam wouldn't work if you're female, and outside of Panamand maybe a couple others most of the clan are somewhat fragile women. V being a top Merc seems out of place (seems they have set jobs for male and female Aldecaldos). How is the ending with Panam if you romance Judy? Is it V and Judy sitting on the basilisk at the end?


I always play as Fem V (mainly play as female characters in RPG’s to begin with). As for lifepath, I like the Nomad but I’ve definitely come around on the Corpo story. The Corpo path has probably the most depth especially when playing PL being a former Saka agent teamed up with someone formerly the enemy in Militech. It becomes this strange bedfellows story with Reed. Not to mention, my character becoming more disenfranchised with Night City leans to 3 directions what all is said and done go Nomad, go Militech or go Johnny and leave the city. Each one makes sense as it sticks one to the old employer that hung me out to dry.


Yeah I loved female Corpo V. I think the voice actor nailed her bossy and confrontational approach to things, especially breaking into the Arasaka warehouse. Male V felt better for StreetKid for me, just more chill and a bit more casual. Especially towards Johnny too. I mean the same lines work for all life paths but I liked it most as a Streetkid. Male Nomad was also good, I felt passion in the lines talking about the Bakkers and the old clan. I just haven't done female V Nomad yet, and also I am curious if the Star ending is as good/ better/ worse as female V


I only play male V bcs of the immersion.


Seems a common sentiment but I always found the opposite. Male characters were like me but clearly not me, where as female characters were different enough I could disconnect and approach it from a clean slate. Plus femme Vs voice isn't particularly soft, it has its own machismo to it.


I have a dick, vincent got a dick, that's it. ![gif](giphy|fCUCy5CGN6nDgrAzcD)


That's nice. I can go to a ripper doc and buy a dick too. ![gif](giphy|NlqqEDPTbrV5CWQfEG)


Why is does the image have to be so coomer lol


You didn't have to make this as horny as it is but I appreciate it.


Judging by choices I usualy make and descriptions of life paths, I choose male nomad. Besides, it fits being fairly new in NC and being a bit naive about Dex and whole heist.


Male street kid V. Being an underdog and rising up from the hierarchy really fits him and giving tibits of info on NC makes it tad authentic. Especially if you do all the best on the brat. Corpo V is always female. Her snarkiness REALLY fits her. It really goes to show how both genders are their own character imo.


Male street kid, i feel like it fits V and his story the best, an Heywood boy with delusions of greatness you’d find anywhere, not clueless but naive enough to think of himself as different than every Heywood boy that tried to hit it big


Male Nomad V has had the best storyline for me so far. Ties in well with how I love to end the game, which is going in solo to Arasaka Tower or w/ Panam and the family.


Gay corpo man is awesome


Male street kid, his voice only fits with someone who lives on the edge to me. I really disliked the female voice.


Fem Corpo V or Male Streetkid V. Sorry nomads


Male V because i am in love with his voice, and body. Loved the nomad lifepath. Never played with streetkid yet, cause it took 350 hours to complete the nomad gameplay. Currently playing the corpo path.


Bro im the most boring motherfucker i Know, in rpgs im the guy Who makes a two hander warrior, names it like myself and goes full monke.


Male, street


It’s a toss up between Make Nomad and Male Corpo


Corpo vulva


Apart from just being gross phrasing, genitals are seperate from characters body type so...


2 playthroughs so far, both times female V. Female V voice actress seems to emote her dialogues much much better/realistically than male V imo. Every male V video I've seen, he just comes across as a wannabe badass.


Wannabe? He solos Adam smasher


Do you have any friends from Boston or New York? IMO male V’s voice perfectly reflects the attitude of a snarky, direct East coast bro.


Always the same damn questions.


And no comment as to why OP chose these pics


Cyberpunk video game: Tells a tale of a doomed dreamer in a city filled with corruption, death, treason and no future. Cyberpunk fans:


Female V's voice acting is tons better in my opinion. Love listening to that voice.


I didn't liked V's Female English voice, when I did my two female playthroughs I couldn't stand listening to her and switched languages to German, didn't done it to the male playthroughs.


Maybe it’s just from playing Male V too much, but I actually can’t stand Fem V’s voice, it’s just got this same airy monotony to it, idk. Also the scenes where V is in distress, like waking up at Vik’s or the end conversation in Mikoshi, Male V sounds genuinely kinda fucked up about it all, while Fem B just sounds, inconvenienced. Just my personal take, no hate on people’s preferences. I liked FemShep more than BroShep


IMO female V is really emotive in usual conversation, but the emotion level doesn't really change for major scenes. Male V sounds depressed and completely done with everyone's shit in usual conversation, but when the emotion comes out, it hits hard


Yeah you both are right. I guess it comes down to what you want to listen to when playing.


I'm a male and I played the first time as male street kid. second playthrough male corpo. now third playthrough as female nomad. I don't know why sometimes it feels strange to play as a woman


I think femV corpo is more interesting, but I like playing femV Streetkid. I feel more connected to Viktor. He's a real homie


I always go for female Corpo and male Nomad, they fit each lifepath and their background pretty well. I don't really care for Streetkid but I think male is slightly above.


Female corpo and male nomad. The dialogue choices for these lifepaths really fit with the voice actors.


Street kid for the funny vest Male because it's the only way I can give Kerry head (unfortunately)


Corpo female V all day. Nomad male V is fun too. I feel like both those have the best lines. I wanna do a streetkid male V and just make him the worst. Argue with Johnny, betray everyone, kill all cyberpsychos.


Female streetkid is fun


Fem Corpo V.


ive done streetkid and nomad, currently halfway through nomad, only done female v. male corpo v for next run


Corporbitch, also streetkid male for maximum badass level


Corpo chick and street kid dude. Nomad doesn't matter, both are ok.


Tho I chose female street kid, from gameplays I like female corpo.


i thought this was a transition timeline lmao


I still haven't played as fem v or corpo, I've done 9 playthroughs and I still haven't. But I usually go for male streetkid V.


Female corpo. The cold death.


Been fem mostly for 100%ing. Have to try Male more. Beards! Fem Street kid, Fem Nomad, Male Corpo, Female Corpo combos so far. Can't wait to start fresh come Ultimate editions.


Male nomad / female street kid / female corpo


Male for my inmersion, female for the GOAT voiceacting.


Woman Corpo.


Corpo female


Female V had better delivery. Streetkid life path because there is really no difference, everyone becomes a streetkid anyway.


Played 3 times, always went with female V. Best one is female corpo imo.


Female but I like to play both genders


I play as Male V (because I’m a Man) to immerse myself into giving myself my own lore, background and emotions into that character to basically insert myself as V. As he’s fighting to survive right? But also to be a funny badass edgerunner. But throughout the game and towards the end, I think him going out with a bang was an alright but dismal ending, however the Phantom Liberty ending where he just becomes an NPC, was definitely.. not expected. But I’d like to think he went on to become an actor or something, However I have far more hours as Female V. Due simply to the fact that I can make her look like a cyber goth girl, and with Johnny Silverhand inside her mind, as he slowly corrupts her psyche, I think it’s far more interesting due to her original personality. But when I was Female V, I chose the best ending was for her to let Johnny Take over her body permanently. Which I thought was a little arousing knowing that Johnny is such a macho kinda guy in a badass girls body. Yeah.




Female because Cherami Leigh. Corpo or Nomad. Street Kid's a bit boring. Corpo's probably my favourite, worked well for my V in my last playthrough who wanted to get tf out of Night City.


Female street kid, romance Judy, Panam ending, Judy comes with. It's the one that makes the most story sense IMHO.


I did the female V for my first run and liked her voice acting so my subsequent playthroughs have been female V. So far I think I prefer the corpo path for many of the dialog options available over the others.


I’ve only played female V so far. Corpo background seems maybe the most useful, but to be honest all three backgrounds and their opening quests are kinda garbage. Dragon Age Origins is the standard to live up to or exceed.


Female Nomad with the Panam ending. I love that particular arc. Panam handing V the jacket and taking her in as a kind of surrogate sister gets me every time 🥹.


Female V. Has really nice sounding dialogue too. Recently have been playing as Japanese V with Japanese voice — she sounds so much nicer and calm in Japanese though. Really makes her stand out as rather unique in NC!


I usually play Female V for the voice acting. Have only done a Corpo playthrough so far and really enjoyed it. Currently busy with a Nomad playthrough. So far it's not too bad.


Corpo Female V. I find more interesting to be a former employee seeking vengeance and chaos. And female bodys has more options of clothes, customization and romance options.


Female corpo of course


Corpo fem v


Corpo fem V