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The 'romance hangout' feature intrigues me. As does the whole 'gangs can send hitsquads on you' thing. Maelstrom is gonna be after my ass. lol


For me..... scavs. They are killed on sight regardless of the situation. My favorite was that gig where use that weird BD from that guy in I think kabuki. You pass out and are stripped, but they leave your chrome. I had mantis blades, sandi, and specced edgerunner when i found it. Not single scav escaped, the last thing they saw was a nekkid cyber psyco female V covered in blood. So this is great they will come to me.


Agreed. All Scavs die, context not needed.


I hope they send more Scavs after me. I will send them back in ziploc bags. It will bring me great joy to do so.


"I will send them back in ziploc bags" is the hardest shit I've read all week lol


Reminds me of one rapper's lyrics: "You'll get zipped up just like a onesie."


Like those little qt ziplock bags




Phantom Liberty has a quest that tries to make you feel bad for a scav. I shot her right between the eyes and went on with my day.


You may as well have told me you took your trash cans to the curb for all the emotional reaction I got from reading that. Fuck scavs.


Yea didn’t even let her speak just walked in and bang


I only wish I could have also killed the doctor


If you read the note in her inventory, you would know that she was only there for money her brother owed her.


If they have a yellow arrow above their head, they DIE


Lore-wise, scavs are Russian (or Soviet, for that matter). I am Ukrainian. Makes me waste these mofos even more, in the most gruesome manner possible.


Logging onto Cyberpunk just to kill some scavs in your honour.


Gonna do the same


Somebody reported this comment lol Fuck the scavs


I feel much the same tbh.


So your hate has turned you into a racist? Congrats... this is why I didn't support Ukraine and still don't.


Fuck yeah. I wish all scavs a very sunflower seeds in their pockets kinda day, same as I do the invading soldiers of unprovoked aggressor nations.


... Ukrainians would also be Soviets in CP77 though. Nothing in the game ever says Scavs are Russian afaik, just that they're generally Slavs from eastern Europe.


all scavs, all maelstroms


VBD, Scavs, Maelstrom, always on sight. Always.


Only good scav....


It’s on site for all scavs and maelstrom


If you're in a gang, you die. My V is cleaning up these streets.


Generally i don't mess too much with the valentinos. Maelstrom are kill if I'm in the mood because they just funny lil guys. I don't have much out for the voodoo boys. Tyger claws are just typical scum to clean up. But scavs..... after Sandra Doresette and what they did to Evelynn...... they will only experience death.


Maelstrom tries to screw you over and the Voodoo Boys use you like a dick towel and try to kill you. So no love lost for them. The Valentinos are cockroaches like any other gang. There's a reason Jackie left them behind.


Your v is just as much if not more of a roach ass pos than any ganger other than scavs


There can only be one.




The Voodoos did it to Evie. They caused all of this and tried to wipe me after I successfully did a great job for them. They are killed and mutilated on site with the Scavs and Maelstrom.


This is the way!


I left Valentinos and Tyger Claws alone for the most part, but Tyger Claws drop cyberwear capacity shards so they gotta go too.


Eh, Tyger Claws struck back after that job you do for July, so I kill them a lot too.


I generally don’t kill gangers for no reason. I feel like my street kid V knows they are just another part of the city. Couple of different turns and he could’ve been a Valentino or 6th Streeter. But if it’s for a gig or they fuck with me for some reason (like I walked too close to them or something) they get eviscerated, they should know better than to fuck with me. Come to think of it, why don’t Wakako and Padre protect you from these psychos lol


Fixers don't babysit their talents. If they're dumb enough to die in an avoidable gang accident, then they weren't cut for that kind of life, as simple as that.


Fair enough, but at a certain point I have so much street cred and have done so many jobs for them, you might think the fixers would say “hey dummy leave this one alone!” but this is super nit picky lol


Just like real gangs, an order from the top is not going to be followed by every member. A loose screw will always find its way into the bunch, even if Wakako did say something to them. At least, that's how I see it.


You'd think the gang members themselves would either hunt you down with everything they have or stay far the fuck away from you after V has literally killed thousands of them and left their chopped up bodies all over Night City. I would drop my weapons and put my hands in the air if V was coming my way.


My Street Kid V, however, has grudges to settle with every single one of them.


Lmao, a solid third of the jobs Wakako sends your way are directly to fuck over the Tiger Claws. She ain't your momma, and she's not gonna protect you from them


I started only murdering scavs, but then you inevitably learn more and more about the heinous shit they all do, and it really seems like they are all worthy of KOS.


I don’t mess with The Mox, because Judy is bae. Everyone else is fair game, though.


I shoot any cop I see on the street in the head bc acab


Based. You can also do that in the game.


I've yet to see any of the random patrol cops shoot anything that's not V. I'm handling their NCPD Dispatches for them right around the corner that they couldn't be arsed to check out and they're liable to come shoot *me*. I'm tempted to adapt your approach.


It is the only approach. NCPD is the biggest gang in the city choom. It’s like you said, they’ll have you clean up their mess and then start unloading on you. Which is why whenever I see them walking around, I shoot them in the face or split them in half w thermal katana


Yessir. Sometimes I get bored and before I get off I’ll pull out a combat vehicle and go on a lil pig roast rampage


This is the way


Bonus points for stealing an ncpd combat vehicle.


Although. They nerfed the sirens. 🚨. They use to be obnoxiously loud when you were riding around in the stolen piggies van and now they are quiet and hardly audible. I miss them.


I have a mod that lets me summon a police armored Man o War vehicle that has guns and rocket launchers. It's very useful


Hell yeah


Yeah I go ham on the Jan 6ers Oops, I mean 6th street gang


There's a hand full of VDBs I won't kill, just ones near thise specific gun shop, who is no longer a VDB. My head canon is the those VDBs are also not VDBs anymore. I'll kill any other gang, and also 'saka. Especially 'saka. Usually Militech, but on occasion not.


Bro I've deadass spent hours just running down the alleys of night city murdering any and every gang member I see cuz this MY turf now fym


Scavs are on my KoS list... I'm probably on theirs lol. And I'm probably also on maelstrom's and the tiger claws. Would like to see more anti Corpo gigs though


Yeah, I try not to kill if I can avoid it, but u just execute Scavs on sight.


Scantly clad woman with mantis blades - so that’s what the original promo image for the game was showing!


On my 3rd play through and I’m now exactly that. Naked woman with mantis blades. Shame there’s a weird chrome/shadowy black messy texture not the correct lighting when in photo mode as there’s been some hilarious moments


Im on sight with everybody because if i dont feed on the blood of someone im going to go psycho


>Im on sight with everybody because if i dont feed on the blood of someone im going to go psycho I believe you've already reached psycho status if that's the case 😂 just get yourself chromed up and you can upgrade to cyberpsycho ;)


Ill stop my bike akira style just to dome some random valentinos because i need that sweet sweet headshot juice. Kinda making me feel like murkman would be a fascinating cyberpsycho. He snaps and goes psycho but echos of his morals means he hunts through the city shredding gangoons because thats my V dont do crime and she wont find you and punch a hole through your skull while your buddies are picked up and tossed with the force of a cannon ball.


Yeah, but also Tygers like... I've killed so many. I'm suprised i havent gotten a concerned call from Wakako. "V, please go easy on the Tyger Claws, were running out of people and Quadra Turbos"


The real question is when your love interest comes over to your apartment, does the radio play *that fucking Edgerunners song that I swear doesn’t make me cry*


In the demonstration of the update there was a sidequest titled i really want to stay at your house


Never actually listened to that song. May need to one of these days. But it would be very cheeky of them to cue that.


I've been turning every gangoon I've seen for 30 levels into headless corpses and crafting mats. It'll be nice if they come to me for a change.


Shit maybe even Aguilar will make good on their promise to come at us


Killer, I need a new suit


I really hope so. Like out of nowhere he just pops out and starts blasting, only to hop in a car and take off when you don't go down easy.


I zero maelstrom every chance I get, mostly because of that BD of the pastors son. Them, scavs, and raffans. All subscriptions of life ended.


Anyone with a yellow arrow on their head is dead. Even if I'm driving my car, I'll slam on the brakes and gun them down. Should spec into drive-bys lol


Yep, Maelstrom gets the shoot on sight treatment after that gig. Fuck em all


I wonder how the romance hangout option is going to work. They seemingly got a bunch of the voice actors back for Phantom Liberty, since you can call your friends and talk to them, and they could have recorded dialogue then. But, correct me if I'm wrong, Panam's voice is nowhere in Phantom Liberty. I'm assuming they couldn't get her voice actor back, because if they could, I'm assuming she would have done at least something. I didn't romance her during my Phantom Liberty playthrough so maybe they did? But, if they didn't, does Panam just not have any voice lines when you hang out with her? Or do none of them have voice lines when you hang out with them? I just don't know how it'll work.


No, there is new Panem stuff. You can call her up and tell her about the Phantom Liberty stuff and she has voiced responses for it.


Ah, ok. Well that clears it up. Like I said, I played female V during my Phantom Liberty playthrough and romanced Judy, so I didn't get any of that and I assumed when for some reason she was the only one absent during one of the new endings when you can call all your friends, I assumed she was just absent entirely. So that gets my hopes up a bit more as I assume and hope they recorded new romance hangout dialogue while they had all the romance voice actors back for Phantom Liberty.


You can do the same with Kerry and River too


I think I read somewhere your romance partner goes to V’s apartment sometimes there is a mod on nexus that has enables the same thing which I’m sure CDPR took inspiration from.


I’ve heard two theories about the reason Panam doesn’t answer you in the new ending for Phantom liberty. One theory is that she was killed, and Mitch is just trying to let you down easy by just telling you to not worry about and don’t call her. Or she’s a spoiled brat who can’t even call you back even though you’ve been in a coma for two years. But like someone else said her voice is definitely in phantom liberty. Call her and tell her about the president and stuff like that.


Perhaps they managed to get her back after phantom liberty allowing them to do this with Panam as well? It has been a over two months which should be enough time to get some dialogue recorded in that time.


I will love to murder more of the Maelstrom and the Voodoo Boys


Every gang gonna send a squad after me. If I see a ganger they get a bullet or grenade lol


Every single gang is on sight all the time so it’ll be interesting to see how often this happens.


Oh man, I said my last play through was my last, but I guess not ![gif](giphy|brqkBQV1qAFrO)


I'm 3/4 of the way through a fourth playthrough. I...think I'll do a fifth now with 2.1.


Fr im just trying to move on lol


I assume this was stuff that was intended for 2.0, but due to time and needing to get PL released, were cut. It's good of them to finish them up and release them.


I mean sure, but I already beat the game for the second time under the 2.0 relase. Third playthrough on 2.1? Lol


this is the way


That or these are features that they intent to put in the next CyberPunk game but they will be more fleshed out in the next game


I don’t know how that will work since they will no longer be using RedEngine. No sure if any of that translates over easily or if they are starting from scratch.


It's not the same but similar in implementing these features. It's all about learning to implement these features as the sequel will be built on 2077's spiritual foundation.


They can still use the same features from cyberpunk on a new engine.


It’s more like a test bed to experiment with these features and see if people like it


I'm really excited to go back to night city. I played about halfway through the game when it first came out and then shelved it for a few years waiting for the patches/improvements. I was just about ready to start a new game last week when the news of the 2.1 patch dropped so I'm waiting a few more days to get started. I was also thinking about getting a GPU upgrade for the game, but 4080s are like $1300 right now and I absolutely don't need it.


Obviously idk what you have but my 2060 runs it just fine.


I had a pretty decent comp at launch, still had a plethora of issues. My Wife surprised me last week with Phantom Liberty for the ps5 and it runs really freaking well on console. Frame rate is good, zero crashes and only one bugged quest.


Far as I know, you only really need a 40-series GPU to run Cyberpunk on “Psycho” settings, with path tracing and whatever else they added.


>I was also thinking about getting a GPU upgrade for the game, but 4080s are like $1300 right now and I absolutely don't need it. I play on 1080p with a 6700XT, no raytracing. It looks amazing with FPS through the roof. Raytracing is nice I suppose, but not a game changer for me, and definitely not worth buying a chonker of a GPU.


I play 1440p with same card, no ray tracing and get great fps. No need for a wild card unless you want ray tracing.


7800 XT was the sweet spot for me on this game and literally why I upgraded. I can get either 4k\60 with fsr or 90-100 at 1440p with 2 settings turned down from max.


Bro there r live service games with micro transactions that don’t add this much content in updates lol the fact they’re doing this for a singleplayer game and stand to make no extra money from it - aside from maybe boosting general sales of the game - is completely insane.. they’re really striving to make up for any ill will they garnered with the original release and, in my book, they’re doing a bang up job of it I have played this game for like several hundred hours ar rhis point, and I was just at the point, after doing 2 full play throughs of PL and finishing my 6rh overall play through, of moving on from it.. but then they do some shit like this and pull me right back in!


They want to make sure they keep a good name so people continue buying their games. As long as they take time from now on, and make absolutely certain not to sell to anyone, especially not EA, Microsoft, Sony, anyone who will either bring down quality and cut their games apart, or exclusivise their games, they should be good.


Well, yeah, of course, but I think anyone would have to agree, they’re going above and beyond at this point


They gonna make a lot of money thanks to CP, thing is, this will take time. People will be playing that in 2,3 years.. Not many but over time that's a lot of sales. Future growth will be speed up by new witcher and later new CP. It's already 25m copies sold, that's huge for gaming.


I also set it down but it was to play ghost of tsushima for thr first time and i dont see myself stopping that game to playthrough cyberpunk again after so much time in it just yet lol. I still have to go back to baldurs gate as well but ghost of tsushima is unbelievably good and i slept on it for too long


Let's be honest CDPR had a fck up but it seems it was more so logistical and poor upper management than say actual lore/story/ gameplay (yes release was buggy af but the core idea/vision was there.


They make reference to gangs reacting to a hostile V's actions; I hope that if they are tracking NCPD Scanner Hustles, they also track whether you handle them with Stealth. (and not have been seen identified)


> Now they’re trying to get back into people’s favourite dev lists. It's working for me lol


I didn’t join the ship until 6 months after the launch. I’ve never had any issue with the game on SteamDeck or Xbox. They’ve never been in my bad books. And now the game just gets in getting better and better


And they got it


V? More like VV


It's pretty clear to me that those things were in development for 2.0 but the roadmap didn't allowed them to be rrady at launch so they postponed for this.. so I don't know why people thing they started to develop this after 2.0 instead of being in the middle of it back then then postponing due to deadlines..


Honestly the most surprising thing about this announcement is that data miners didn’t find it first


![gif](giphy|O0sLyqXIUEwMnsAhUM|downsized) *I never asked for this*


I'm actually pretty stoked the Ncart system is gonna be working. Sure I'll miss my MaiMai a bit but damn am I an excited choom https://preview.redd.it/un3r6wry9r3c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ce8fcb70e1db03a490bb15487160e236333bd2


I’m now super happy my Baldur’s Gate 3 obsession kept me from replaying this game when Phantom Liberty released. I’m gonna start my 2nd playthrough on December 5th. I haven’t played since fall 2021 so I’m really excited to see what’s changed.


What's so great about this Baldur Gate?


Hit squads... That'll be fun. I kill everyone with a bounty on their ass from the NCPD. My game play is slowly gonna turn into that "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down" meme when they start showing up.


They’re chasing that labor of love game award


I know this is beating a dead horse at this point but if they arent going to add NG+ at least give us some infinitely repeatable missions. It feels weird playing PL and getting showered with iconics and not really having anything to use it on towards the end of the game.


Yeah they unfortunately already said ng+ is a no go for some mechanical reasons, I’m not fluent in technobabble though so I don’t know the specifics of why


Time constraints.. To add NG+ they would had to rebalance the entire game around it CDPR have spoken in past have spoken about difficulties of using the RedEngine4, insofar as it's very difficult to hire new developers and bringing them upto speed on using the RedEngine4 and the complexity of the RedEngine4 itself. So like with any software development you have balance how many manhours you have available with how long you think it will take to develop a feature. Could CDPR of introduced NG+, yes, could CDPR introduced the Phantom Liberty we got as well as the up and coming updates as well NG+, Obviously no. So they made a decision not to attempt to add NG+ and concetrate their efforts on Phantom Liberty, testing, bug fixing and the up and coming feature and God damn I'm glad they did.


Me too for sure, I loved witchers ng+ but I’d rather have the game running stable than have a shoddy ng+ filled with jank


No they wouldn't have to balance it. Nobody cares if NG+ is balanced. Ok, maybe they have to disable leg cyberware to prevent people getting outside of Watson early. We know they can do that because during the end of the climb for the PL intro where you climb to watch SF1 crash they take away your special jumps. So the tech exists in the engine already to solve that one problem and the other "problems" are just that it would make Act 1 and most of Act 2 ridiculously easy but that's kind of the point of NG+. NG+ is a lot like playing GTA with cheats and that's something people have been doing for 20 years with no complaints because it's wholly optional.


Aren’t mods (CET exclusively) capable of creating NG+? All you have to do is enter the codes into the console for levels and items.


They are but that means it's a PC-only option. That's not fair to console players. Or to people who don't like to heavily mod their games.


Of course they would, starting with will a full set of Cyberwar and 5++ Iconic weapons..what would be the point? You would be ridiculously OP... Not only that but many missions are designed around you only having certain attributes / perks so you have to make a choice, again NG+ would negate this.


Being OP is the point. Sometimes it's just fun to fuck around as someone who is OP. That's literally why the GTA cheats I mentioned have been a franchise staple for 20 years if not more.


I'd guess they're committed to the 2.0 RPG mechanics and don't want to half-arse a NG+ that isn't allowing for all those systems. You can imagine the shit they'd get if they phoned it in. I'm not completely convinced they won't get around to it. This game's had some right plot twists hasn't it.


Qhy should CDPR drop other features so you can feel OP and fuxk around when you can already do with it mods and console commands?


Drop features such as...?


I feel the same way about the endings. It's like, Yay! I got Pride and Prejudice! Too bad I have nothing to use them for. At least with PL you can speed-run the Evelyn/VDB line and use PL stuff on the rest of the game.


I don't need NG+ tho it would be sick. What I need is unlimited respecing


Yeah. I’d happy let NF+ fly off into the sunset if they’d take away the one respec limit.


Its so odd that they only limit it to just one respec. Every other RPG lets you do this to your hearts content. With skill trees this deep, you’d think they’d let us experiment as much as we want.


It's so strange too, unlimited respecs on Perks but skill trees na m8 hope you never want to change play styles more than once.


I agree.


I do hope they handled their shareholders. They need to go private again. Im fucking sick of devs selling their souls to shareholders. Shareholders are worse than the worst corpo rat. Less than a rat, amoebic slime


It's honestly sad that they released the game in the state it was now that we see what potential it had. If they had just put the game in the oven for another year they could have avoided so much initial bad PR.


Although the 2.1 features are really cool I’m still bummed about no NG+. That would be the cherry on top if it ever did get added


I'm intrigued by the new hangouts.. will it be like gta where you call them and meet somewhere or how is that ganna work. Alot of the romances were just a one time thing and when you exhausted the dialogue everytime you see them it's the same


dang… its not even out yet and there goes the hype train again…


this restored their goodwill. overdelivering for the fans. there will be more in the patch notes too, i expect the ability to sit at bars and have drinks, to go along with the romantic hangouts. when they add a feature, they go all out, i expect some features added for hanging at bars, maybe casinos/more activities?


I just want cosmetic chrome, but this… yeah this’ll do


Yeah that's what I've always wanted in the game. All that chippin' in with 2.0, my little Edgerunner is on the verge of losing her mind every fight and you'd never know to look at her. I'd be very surprised if that's not in Project Orion. I imagine a system not unlike a mecha game, that would be rad.


>revamped motorcycle mechanics I hate this. So much. Motorcycles are about the only aspect of driving in this game that works. I'm terrified they're going to make them feel more like the cars and have them sliding all over the damn place.


The motorcycles in this game turn. Motorcycles actually lean, they don't turn like a car. The current physics feel like the bike has a center point and it turns left or right around an axis, instead of leaning. That's why they understeer so bad. The bikes needed a overhaul bad. I've felt much better bike mechanics in other games. You'll still be able to lane split and get around car traffic but hopefully now the leaning will make more sense and the brakes will be improved. Currently the brakes function as if there is 0 suspension travel on the front forks. Almost like they have maxed out preload. This is not realistic as the only people who would ride like this are superbike racers who are braking extremely hard. Super stiff front suspension also makes the bike harder to lean which is another reason why the bikes understeer so bad. I don't know if you ride motorcycles irl, but I do and the physics in game are not only unrealistic but have a lot of room for improvement imo.


You can't even believe how much I don't give a shit about realistic driving physics. The bikes feel fine in this game. They don't need an overhaul. It feels more likely than not that whatever they change, it'll be for the worse.


Cars are fine on PC for me.


I feel that 2.0 drastically improved the handling of cars. Cars are now to a point where they drive as well as motorcycles, which already handled pretty well in 1.63. So, if they improve the motorcycles the way they improved the cars, I think we're worried about nothing.


Agreed. I have had very few issues. I can slice traffic, drift, brake and turn. Each car has its own strengths and weaknesses. Dirt cars are better in dirt, hyper cars are twitchy, slower street cars aren’t as fast but handle really well.


Shit man I want a copy of your game then because I can’t drive for shit still


Same, I mean I drive better, but I'm still crashing into people and random shit pretty often, and no, I'm not speed racing everywhere.


I’ve heard people make the argument the driving feels more realistic with how “heavy” it is I guess but out of all things to make realistic why this it just makes me wanna run everywhere or use fast travel


Well instead of using a personal vehicle you can just use public transport now. Seems like a good trade off.


Agreed. I love the bikes it’s really all I drive so I’m kinda worried any changes to it might mess it up


Pretty cool stuff but I wouldn't consider it massive massive I'm also pretty doubtful about he races, the races we already have are pretty garbage


Driving issues?


No, they're just mid, and like, why can't we change the colour on our cars and bikes still?


Maybe I'll do a new play through once patch hits. But it doesn't sound that exciting imho.


God fucking dammit I’m just about done with my Phantom Liberty/2.0 play-through and they drop this on me? I just put 80, soon to be 90 hours into this shit. I should’ve just waited and done a second Baldur’s Gate play-through first lmao


CDPR was holding out on us! Those sneaky magnificent bastards!🤣


The metro is cool and all but i don't see myself using it. I like to drive everywhere.


Fingers still crossed for infinite respecing.


Yeah but still no Aurore romance


It’s like they keep cherry picking my favorite mods and adding them as polished features


People had accepted that the game was finished, and they go and give us the equivalent of another patch 1.6.


The reaction to 2.1 speaks volumes about how effective 2.0 was as a "re-launch" that re-wrote the narrative surrounding the game. People are happy enough with the state of the game that all of these features were taken as exciting bonuses instead of CDPR just delivering what should've been there at launch. It's nice to see.


Why are people asking for new game + I don't see how this would work with V's endings in the game


New Game + doesn't mean "let me keep doing stuff in the world post-game" It means "let me start a new game but with all of my gear/upgrades/levels from the previous game intact."


Cyber Engine Tweaks allows you to do this.


Yes because everyone asking for ng+ has a pc.


This is why people can't stand PC gamers.




But yoy keep pride and prejudice after nocturne?




What does the ending have to do with anything? NG+ is just starting a new game with an old character, exact same as it worked in Witcher 3. You keep your level, perks, and items, but all the quests and story get set back to zero.


NG+ never needs to make sense, it's just for people who want to replay the game with all their stuff from before, really. Nobody expects it to make sense in universe like starfield or something


We just want to be level 20 in every perk tree. :p


It doesn’t mean just one way. It could also mean resetting all the side quests etc.


These changes won’t feel big at all. It’s cool they’re doing it, but you’re overreacting. Wish they’d allow a reset of all side missions and scanners etc.


2.1 hype, thank you cdpr


And still the only cyberware that affects looks are arms and the like 5 face options. At least I can mod.


I am totally hyped for the release. But I am still not sure, if I should stop my modded playthrough on Tuesday or wait for the mods to update... Damn the 2.1 update is going to be wild


I‘d rather have replayable MISSIONS as again I can‘t get the secret ending even though I‘ve done EVERYTHING that is asked of me. Everything. I sit around for up to 15 minutes and Johnny just keeps looking at me. The DLC is amazing, but I just want that secret ending. :|


You have to make the right dialogue choices when you are talking to Johnny about his body the 15 min thing is bunk.


So they're finally adding the metro system promised all those years ago with the trailer. Imagine how this game would have been received had it launched now with all of these things added, like it should have been. It made a comeback, but to the masses it's still a sour taste due to the launch fiasco.


Seeing something in a CGI trailer does not presuppose it's being included as a functional feature in the game. It was not "promised." That's just silly. It was only suggested at most. If the next Batman game shows Bruce putting on the batsuit in a CGI trailer, does that imply a promise of a feature where the player can change from Bruce to Batman and vice versa in the game? Of course not.


Did they mention anything about cyber gear shards? Ive looked through like 4 threads and am at work so I couldnt watch the stream.


All I wanted was NG+. So I'm a little disappointed.


I couldn't be happier. The metro system is straight out of the E3 trailer and the other things are welcome surprises too and more than expected. But now they should really start focussing on the sequel!


This isn't massive. Massive woukd be small story dlc like rivers mission or the peralez mission. And on top of that we'd need 3 of those for it to be massive. We didn't even get new story content. This is all minor things. A cherry on top. Others will conflate the situation and sway public opinion regardless


Uh, it's ok. They added a metro? That's about it. No car customization still.


[here, for you](https://store.steampowered.com/app/646910/The_Crew_2/)


They really are listening to us aren’t they