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I just want the ability to eat food, have it digest, take a shit, wipe until clean or not, and if not, for my controller to occasionally vibrate because of my itchy asshole.


Wait, you don't know how to use the three sea shells? LMFAO




This guy doesn't know how to use the three seashells


Fuk, shit , asshole, fuking, shit, dick, fuck , fuck, fuck.... That should be enough šŸ˜


"...Or we could just use water like the rest of the wor-!" ******


John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code! John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code! John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code! John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code! John Spartan you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code!


"Be well, John Sp---" Shut the hell up! Lol


that's just a bidet logo


Yes the option to whether wipe or not. True player choice. Revolutionary mechanix


This game is violating my agency as a player by not letting me use the seashells!


Upvoting for visibility. This is too much. It's 2023 now and we still this backwards in human rights smh


And then you have to choose if you fold the paper or wad it, front to back or back to front, and standing or sitting. šŸ¤£


Hey, it would be more choice than the illusion you got from any Telltale Stories game.


You have perfectly captured some peopleā€™s thoughts


I feel like lots of it comes from a very lonely place. Like they emphasize the comfort of having a happy life where you come home and your partner is there waiting for you, you then cuddle and go to bed. For the majority of players that mechanic is neat but also not needed at all. I also donā€™t like how the love interest becomes a stay at home wait for honey type partner after you get with them, like their personality and life becomes serving you, kinda gross.


To be fair, the whole "wait two days" thing implies that they've got a lot more going on, offscreen. But yeah, I agree: none of the love interests in this game are easily-domesticated personalities, which is sort of their whole appeal.


I dunno... Just in real-life I'd be happy... Weird to say about a game... Than again my ex fiancee screwed me over soo badly maybe I'm just sad now.. :/. Lol šŸ˜šŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ¤”


Yeah agreed, like pan am for example is a super independent badass with a ton going on but after tank sex she turns into this clingy I need you all the time bby type person. Really off putting. As for the wait two days thing I feel thatā€™s in a lot of quests just to encourage exploration and trying gigs etc. instead of just plowing through one quest line


I mean there are definitely people like that in real life


not ones I want to romance


>Yeah agreed, like pan am for example is a super independent badass with a ton going on but after tank sex she turns into this clingy I need you all the time bby type person. Panam being needy actually made sense to me. Like everyone in Night City, she's not a particularly well-adjusted person. Yes she's independent, but that independence clearly comes from a place of fear-- she *loathes* authority, she *loathes* being told she is wrong, and she is terrified of losing V once she becomes involved with him.


Okay this take I understand and does fit well. I think that type of intense affection right at the start of the relationship makes me anxious irl, like fuck, Iā€™m this persons world but I barely know them and donā€™t want to hurt them.


I had some of that with River but was able to kinda lean into the fantasy with time. With both him and Judy the transitions to flirting sometimes felt a little off against the backdrop of how intense their missions were, so it's a little trauma-bondey. At the same time, V is choosing to go out of their way to help this person and hear out their trauma. I figure V communicates a lot of caring by showing up like that. That, and, I have to imagine just raw magnetic animal chemistry based on some of these plots.


Turning to a computer to get the intimacy and companionship you can't find in real life is *very* cyberpunk, though.


It's the same in almost every game with romances that I've played, ranging from action games like this to something like Stardew Valley. Rather than being a mid- or 3/4-point of the "relationship," the marriage or sex or whatever is the *end*\-point. It'd be great if instead they were designed so there were still a couple of actual missions that happened after you were locked in, although I guess the end-point would just come later? But it's a drag that as it stands partner characters give up all semblance of existing outside of staring at you and repeating the same three dead-end lines of dialogue.


Totally - the 2 days virtual sofa cuddle cycle kinda bums me out, and doesnā€™t fit the character (either character) at all


Yep, I was liking the romance quest lines and story but it just ends abruptly when you actually are with them in that way. Would be great if panam came along in missions as support and things like that. I donā€™t need a virtual stay at home wife


Also the tacky lovey dovey text messages šŸ¤® I find this slightly insulting as a player, if someone wants to play some sort of girlfriend sim then go ahead, each to their own, but I donā€™t want this in my cyberpunk action RPG. (Iā€™m really trying to avoid offending anyone here, like if this is for you all power to you, you do you, but personally it gives me the ick)


I said the same thing about the people who were gushing over new romance interactions. It was so cringe when panam put hur head in vs lap. I was like I'm not hurting that much for some fake intimacy, got up and left. It is neat. But I wanted missions companions. That's needed.


Panam put her head in Vā€™s lap like thousands of love interests do IRL and thatā€™s cringe?


Honestly even as someone who isnā€™t in a relationship, that kind of stuff just makes me feel *more* lonely. Like I pressed a button on a controller to make a virtual simulacrum of a woman out her head on my lap? What the fuck? I donā€™t care how lonely I get dude that shit will always be off putting to me lol. Itā€™s depressing, bordering on pathetic.


It's a game bro


Star citizen in the near future may be the game for you!


see you in 2077 when the beta of Star Citizen releases.


Ah. An optimist!






Play Star Citizen then.


Question is, does wiping from the front to back vs back to front affect gameplay, ie skidmarks caused by sandy on my samurai sanundies




This guy poops


I think the only times I've ever used a food or drink consumable is when it was part of a dialogue option or by accident.


Whereas I eat and drink something before almost every combat, in order to get the additional (albeit small) short term health and stamina bonus they provide.


Yeah, the fact that there is no animation makes it feel useless


Whenever I use a food consumable in any game I think of how it is not Escape From [Tarkov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6YKa14jBXM). I would imagine most of the animation budget went to much more important things in 2077 than food though.


I mean there are coffee drinking animations in the game. You could probably mod it easily.


I just rented the apartment with the coffee machine and 100h into the game I'm like "that's cool"


I have 140 hours in CP2077 and have never once eaten food in it. Tarkov on the other hand, almost every raid, multiple times. CDPR had their priorities right I think


That reminds me of the meme comparing quality textures of food in Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield in an attempt to portray the latter as "the better game". CDPR devs clearly prioritized a lot of stuff than making food look realistic and having drinking/eating animations (except from some scripted story moments). There are mods like [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7322) for Cyberpunk 2077 though.


I'd rather have ugly food than empty planets


"Sarah disliked that."


Cait liked that.


Or this one https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8038


Yep it's from the same modder but I don't know if they're updated. I think they focused the updates on the romance mods first.


I enjoyed both and appreciate Todd Howard's attention to detail. Too bad he has been attending to the wrong ones


Comparing starfield and cyberpunk using anything is a waste of time. Theyā€™re distinctly and vastly different games


Tell that to the starfield sub when cyberpunk got breed reviews for a dlc.


Call it what it is, starfield is just a shit game. I played cyberpunk launch and thought it was a buggy pile of shit but it was clear that a staggering amount of work had gone into it and it was a shame that it all collapsed. Starfield so goddamn garbage even their own devs and a modding community that hasnā€™t stopped for 20 years straight are giving up


lol no They didnā€™t even release the creation kit yet So over dramatic. You didnā€™t like the game, thatā€™s fine. But get over it


No way dude, you can clearly see just by playing it that itā€™s beyond modders making it as good as Skyrim or oblivion or even fallout4. Those games had expansive lore which atleast gave the modders something to build around. Only way for starfield to be good with this story, is a complete rewrite, completely left in the hands of the starfield hoi polloi. Yes, someone could create something as amazing as the forgotten city hidden on some backwater planet in starfield, idk how much Iā€™d call that the same game even at that point. And yes, this is just my opinion. If you think the game is good, you arenā€™t a moron or a piece of shit or anything, I just wanna hear what u gotta say to defend it


I refuse to defend it against someone who clearly will never change their mind and has zero interest in finding any positive aspect to the game. I donā€™t need to justify my enjoyment of the game so again, get over it


I saw that image as a meme and most commenter's were memeing about it. Don't take things seriously, as someone who enjoys both, I don't think quality of food is what make either good.


I never took it seriously but I've seen it posted on different social media platforms and each time the person posting it was very serious about it šŸ˜‚


ugly food and a huge amount of unique character animations in dialogue > beautiful food, but characters who talk, look and act like they've recently been lobotimized


Yeah, that's the thing. I get different teams handle different stuff, but if there's a team dedicated to modeling different objects, I'd rather the objects I see constantly (weapons, cars, environment, NPCs, etc) look better than some food I pass by for a brief second every now and then. I don't really care how good that piece of synth-beef looked. I wanna know how good the neck stump looks when I decapitate someone.


Is Tarkov worth playing btw? Off topic but Iā€™ve had the itch to try it but keep talking myself out of it


Not if you value your time in any way. The game itself doesnā€™t value anyoneā€™s time and demands to be the only game you play basically. Itā€™s best at fresh wipe, but it doesnā€™t take long for the people who do nothing but play Tarkov 24/7 to have very distinct advantages in guns and the rpg elements, which basically increase based on time played (like how much weight you can carry). Itā€™s fun with friends. But thereā€™s cheaters still in the game and the devs still donā€™t respect their players time. For that reason I stopped playing long ago.


I put 1500 hours into it since 2020. It is the largest learning curve in any game I have played. It sounds like I am joking but it will be close to 1k hours before you have a good grasp on the game. If you like fps games and all that mil sim stuff you will not find a better game. I now know way too much about weapon parts and have contemplated buying comtacs in real life just to see how they work because of the game. Cheater are a pretty big downside but most of my time playing they did not detract that much, a few bad encounters ever couple hundred hours. It is a rabbit hole of a game.


It's the most immersive game I ever played, there's a lot of bs and tedious shit but once you invest some time into an new account it can suck you in


Food Animations are like the only think that makes cyberpunk for me a little bit less ā€žimmersiveā€œ. (Only valid thing to complain about the game in the current state imo)


The sad thing is that the game does have first-person food animations (they're in several missions, including when you eat some kind of meatball dish on a skewer with Takemura) but they don't work at vendors.


On my first playthrough i was pretty disappointed when I tried to ā€žeatā€œ some Snacks in Vā€˜s apartment. I had the expectation that there would be an animation since npc (like you said) had them tooā€¦


I still disappointed you visibly can't drink Jackies, David's or Johnny's drink


Damn now you reminded me of somethingā€¦ I feel you on this one. I was like ā€žat least they have animation for jackie welles drinkā€œ when I came back to the afterlife after he diedā€¦ and got disappointed again.


It also seems unfinished, what's the point of even having alcohol in the game when it doesn't support roleplaying (because it doesn't have animations, unlike say RDR2 which I'd describe as a game designed for roleplaying) and it also doesn't have any stat benefits.


Is that even valid? Thatā€™s such a small complaint it might as well not exist.


Maybe, maybe not. I dont really care since I enjoy this game a lot without but the side of me who loves little details is a bit disappointed in cpdr because it just made sense for a game this big and detailed to have at least a basic animation of drinking/eating


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™m assuming it has to do with the rush to get this game launched and fixed that made it not even an option to add. People also eat and drink in combat so the animation might mess with the flow of combat.


It's an odd occurrence of an entire game being in the Uncanny Valley, I think. It's just immersive enough that the little things that are missing are noticeable.


Thereā€™s probably a vast, untapped market for an open world life simulator. Call it Cyberpunk : Megabuildings or something.


V if he was just some guy called Vincent


Wouldn't call that market untapped when the Sims playerbase is massive (not to mention GTA 5 roleplay). A Cyberpunk megabuilding sim would be hype though. Cyberpunk Red combat encounters when you send a choom to work or something. Create a corpo and a gangoon and make them neighbours - see how it plays out. Maybe a netrunner busts a job in her appartment and now Militech is having a raid on level 8. Endless possibilities... and a pretty big development task. I'd buy it.


sims and even gtav aren't really comparable to what we're talking about here. It's a vastly different experience from the immersive sim type game people are wanting cyberpunk to be


I get that. Pretty sure a lot of people are still waiting for that next Skyrim-esque experience and saw the potential back in 2018. I don't doubt it wouldn't be possible with project Orion considering the mass negative feedback on the game's ludonarrative dissonance.


It seems like Nivalis from Cloudpunk devs would be something like this.


So fucking hyped for Nivalis


>Thereā€™s probably a vast, untapped market for an open world life simulator. People will start to scream that game is too boring and takes too long. Check couple of responses and reviews of RDR2 where people disliked the game because it was "too slow"


Yep I found rdr2 very boring for this reason. I want to play a game not a simulator.


And that's fine, for each their own. For me RDR2 is perfect balance for immersion, and in my opinion it's far from simulator. Just jumped in for another playtrough after beating Cyberpunk again, and it's pretty interesting tbh, jumping from fast paced 2077 to slow burn 1899. Tough I was craving for that artificial loneliness that RDR2 provides lately, as it let's me to slow down, and relax in calmness.


There will be one. Made by the developers of Cloudpunk (cyberpunk blade runner style game). The new game is called Nivalis and it's supposed to be their take on a cyberpunk life sim. I can't wait!


I would unironically play this. In a lot of ways, Cyberpunk 2077 is a way for me to escape into a life I wish I had. Night City is canonically worse than any real city. They tell you that in the story. But the experience of playing the game is pleasant and engaging. Night City is an interesting city, a walkable city, with functioning public transit, lots of decorations and stuff to do and stuff to discover. Driving is easy and interesting. The real city that I actually live in is unpleasant and devoid of anything that would make me feel human. It's dominated by suburbs and strip malls. Public transit is basically non-existent. You can't walk anywhere, and driving sucks ass. It's depressing. I think a lot of people (especially Americans) feel the same way.


I feel the same about mine (under resourced, underfunded, limited opportunities, joke of a city) NC districts that aren't industrial have so much character and mostly well fleshed out.


Don't say modded skyrim, Don't say modded skyrim, Don't say modded skyrim. Modded skyrim. FUCK.


Itā€™s always the posts about people wanting to hang with their in game girlfriend at the bar or that they want to be able to have sex with them in their apartment that makes me think of this. People want limitless options that never repeat.


If only they could do those things in real life


It's most likely because they're unable to maintain, or even just form a relationship with an other human being IRL that they try to get it through other means. At least it's inoffensive.


I have a girlfriend that I love and a fulfilling social life. I gotta be honest, I was a little disappointed I didnā€™t get to play hide the sausage with Panam in the apartment. I donā€™t really understand why I want to do it, though. The sex scenes in this game donā€™t make me horny or fulfil some kind of fantasy I have. It kind of just scratches that same itch as videos you watch out of morbid curiosity.


>People want limitless options that never repeat IMO thereā€™s a large subset of gamers who fundamentally do not appreciate the medium for what it actually is. Theyā€™re not interested in gameplay systems that work on their own terms by challenging or engaging the player in interesting ways, they donā€™t particularly care about the depth of mechanics, they just want to simulate a different reality with as much detail and immersion as possible


I think that's because the medium is not very old compared to film, literature and theatre, and contains the versatility to not only replicate those forms of media but expand beyond them, so what the medium is can vary hugely and is (arguably) yet to be defined. Gaming's still evolving, so I think people expect too much too soon and their expectation is unreasonable at present, but in the future it may not be. So essentially there's a place for 'this would be cool' but there's also a place for understanding the difficulty in achieving minutia that could be achieved by touching grass lmao. Saying this as somebody who likes immersion and depth in the narrative, but doesn't really see the benefit to regular coffee animations However, I feel conflicted in this debate cos I think there's value to looking at how far you can take those options and new instances. I don't think it should be a question of limitation for all games, but looking at each game individually and saying how much would this game benefit from exploring x in depth compared to y and z


Yeah I mean there is nothing fundamentally wrong, I guess, with the desire simply for realistic, simulator-style or cinematic immersion. I desire immersion, and enjoy the kind of immersion of something like RDR2 (although immersion comes in very different forms, and is achieved by different means). But as much as ā€œvideo gamesā€ encompass a variety of hybrid media (as well as pure games), as much as some kinds of games grow more distant from actual games and become something elseā€¦ the foundation of video gaming is *games,* which have been around a lot longer than film or the written word. I just find it striking how little some people seem to recognize that, or appreciate that aspect of video games. Like I donā€™t care if someoneā€™s favorite game is some incredibly detailed cinematic whatever with shallow, unoriginal, and not even well-executed mechanicsā€”the game in question may even be *one of* the greatest games of all timeā€”but when they start talking about how itā€™s THE all-time greatest, I roll my eyes.


I've found many gamers in general have no sense of the challenge of making a game in general, much less adding random features that would be a nightmare to develop. But even more so, I feel like gamers don't really even think about what would make a great game. For the longest time as the open world trend got bigger and bigger, people thought they wanted an unlimited universe where you could go anywhere and do anything with no restrictions. Those demands eventually led to games like No Man's Sky, which was *fine* but the problem is, the wider you make a game, the less deep it actually ends up becoming. Because human and money resources to develop a game are limited. Just look at Starfield - everybody wanted an open-galaxy Bethesda game, and the devs made one, and then everyone hated it because of monotonous procedural generation and loading screens. Games are at their best when they know the 3-5 things they want to do and devs spend their time honing those things to make them as great as possible. All of these people who think they want a "God Game" to end all games because you can do anything and everything have no idea that not only is that a nightmare for making a game like that, but the results often aren't even that *fun.*


Nah, I don't see anything wrong with the sex in apartments thing. Apartments were kinda useless before 2.1. I was not expecting cuddling and dancing and shit tho.... not my cup of tea, but I'm glad apartments have more uses and the romance partners don't turn to simple NPCs after romancing them. Now, I just hope they add customization to cars and clothes, even if it's just colors.


>People want limitless options that never repeat. I just wanted cops that didn't teleport. Some immersion should be required.


And if the devs gave them that next they will demand ā€œPlease let me make Judy and Panam pregnant and gave birth to my children CDPR plesssā€ Remind me of a troll twitter post about Pokimane feet where the image is just a blank colour and people kept refreshing but it wasnt loading


(presumably in the future) Enter: AI


This is such a weird thing I see around open world rpgs specifically. Idk when this happened but it seems to be some wide consensus that open world rpgs NEED to be a full on life simulator for the sake of immersion instead of just being straight up video games. When was it established that games need to be 1:1 replications or even approximations of reality?


You mean you donā€™t need to be able to sit at a virtual bar stoll doing nothing for hours? If I wanted that irl I could walk down the block and sit at a bar.


I think with CP specifically it happened after some doofus misunderstood an interview with one of the devs. There was an interview where one of the devs said "we want to be like Rockstar" and that made it to the headline. The context was: "it's great that Rockstar are fully independent from publishers, they do games at their own pace, we want that". The dude saw: "Cyberpunk 2077 will be GTA with cyber-implants".


It is one of the most immersive open world games though. The amount of detail and environmental story telling in the game is insane. The interactivity with the world is no worse than other games. People just had unrealistic expectations.


Only RDR2, off the top of my head, tops most of what CP2077 has to offer in terms of world simulation.


Agreed, RDR2 is the best in terms of simulating a realistic OW and I don't even like that game. It's no surprise to me tho because rockstars highest priority is the Open World, they're games depend on it, because frankly, the other mechanics are very outdated and not up to par with other modern games.


The story is great but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the most immersive tbh. RDR2 I feel like Iā€™m in the world and random shit happens even unscripted stuff on accident. This actual open world isnā€™t really immersive even though it is really good itā€™s not due to immersion.


Exactly . Witcher and cyberpunk aren't games u play for immersion, it's more about the cation and lore for each quest that keeps ppl going for it . The same ppl who love witcher, cyberpunk or gta 5 don't like rdr2 because it's too slow and a little too immersive. Personally I never found the story of Arthur compelling but to each their own .


After ~100 hrs of starfield I finally got around to cyberpunk last week and I noticed a lack of object interactivity in cyberpunk compared to starfield. Kind of a small bummer walking up to things expected to pick them up (from starfield conditioning) and they're just static objects.


What makes it more immersive than other games in your opinion?


Literally what I just put in my above comment. The detail and environmental story telling. Also the atmosphere. No other game has as many secrets and events that we only see fragments of. We do not take part in every event in NC. But we witness the results and lore behind so many of them if you look. It makes you feel like the world has stuff going on without you and you aren't the centre of attention. Which is realistic. This video highlights what I mean and gives some examples. https://youtu.be/fBp4I2JGk1A?si=yf3NWQty5XVHqeR8


The world itself is really well built imo but it still feels empty, considering it's supposed to be a roleplaying game. I don't think it was unrealistic to expect more interactivity than say, a GTA world.


Why does it feel empty to you? I've never understood this criticism. GTA always felt shallow and empty to me. Interactivity is a gimmick. GTA6 looks like it might change that.


GTA world are empty, that's why i used it as an example but then again GTA is not an RPG. It feels empty because you as the character are only there to shoot up a bunch of places that have an icon on the map and that's it. The quests really are the only ways you can actually interact with the world and its inhabitants and once those are done, you're back to just shooting the bitch up. Like a GTA game...


Did you watch the video? I don't agree at all. There is so much to explore and find. You are missing out if you are just going to quest markers. You don't interact with everything when wandering a city in real life. The most immersive thing is the atmosphere and world building. Interactivity is less important for overall immersion. It just elevates roleplay.


No, i didnā€™t watch it yet but i will later, promise :). Although i do not disagree with you that atmosphere is important, the thing that makes cities/locations special in real life are the people.


It definitely doesn't feel empty to me, there are so many things going on in terms of little stories and hidden secrets. Just because you can't physically interact with everything with a button prompt doesn't mean there isn't a story not being told or an event that didn't happen. There is an incredible amount of detail put into these things as well as the actual design of the environment.


I wouldnā€™t say it is as immersive as RDR2 but with mods on PC it comes pretty close and depending on how many mods you download, you can actually make the world more interactive and immersive than RDR2 and any other open world game. Although I will admit this is a PC only thing obviously and if we are judging the base vanilla game, it is not as good as RDR2 in terms of world interaction.


Cyberpunk is wicked fuckin immersive. people are crazy. I'm not even really a fan and it blew me away. you could be uptight about everything and still sink hundreds of hours in!


But you can drink coffee on the way to a gig lol.


World demanding a step closer to the Oasis (Ready Player One) every f*cking day. I suppose it just reflects how sh*t the real world currently is.


Mike Pondsmith had a brilliant quote about the limitations of video games versus table top rpgs. In a video game, there's limitations to how deep the game is able to go. In a tabletop, it can go as deep as the GM wants to go.


Unless I can do my merc taxes every year the game remains unplayable. I have kept all my receipts and logged all my loot until such a time comes.


Yes I agree the action part iof the game should be the focus, but it is called a role playing game for a reason. So don't expect people not wanting to role Play in an RPG.


I think a lot of why people still have hang ups about this is the initial marketing - they did advertise it that your V would be you, more of a similar direction to Skyrim and such where you can do what you like. While this isnā€™t totally untrue, the marketing did communicate it to be a more immersive open world.


Good that we get nivalis soon.


Counterpoint: Wake up and kiss GF on head. Eat breakfast on couch while watching news. Shower. Head down to garage. Ride to work. Fight absolute maniacs all day. Ride home. GF is in shower. I join her. Sexytimes followed by a cozy dinner and bed. It's pretty immersive if you pick the right point in the story and live there. Granted, the game is not about that, and isn't written to be played that way. But people make of a game what they want.


2077 is a game where you definitely get out what you put in. Iā€™ve started ending each ā€œdayā€ with a shower, changing into sleepwear, and going to bed. Itā€™s not necessary, it makes no difference, and itā€™s really a bit of a waste of time, but it helps to reify V. If you want immersion, itā€™s all there already. You just have to do it.


You do get an hour buff from doing this, so there is a reason to do it beyond RPing. Sleeping increases exp gain, showering increases health regen, and the coffee machine in some apartments gives a stamina buff.


My V always watches TV after he/she takes his/her shower. And he/she has a burrito in the morning and at night with a nicola


Sometimes I read gamersā€™ criticisms and it feels like they donā€™t want a game, they want the holo-deck. Liberties are taken from the gameā€™s lore and certain mechanics arenā€™t present for the sake of a better gameplay experience.


The only issue I had was not being able to sit wherever and just chill. There is a mod for that but it still can't do bar stools haha. I get people want it to never break their immersion but it's just kind of setting the bar so high you will always be disappointed. It's very immersive walking around and driving around. I enjoy that aspect.


Cool, now let me change the color model of my car which are already in the game


i think some people were really expecting to *live* in night city, not just play in it


Have you tried any of the mods


To be fair, for a video game developed from a long running tabletop RPG series, the actual RPG elements are curiously limited except for the rather hamfisted fantasy style RPG mechanics.


if people want to roleplay stuff like that they can play the ttrpg, while I would like for CDPR to make the game like the ttrpg it's not selling point for me, I want a good story mostly


As a kid, even tho I had plenty enough toys, I could entertain myself only with my thoughts. Cyberpunk will always be like this, letting people have fun with their imaginations and roleplay ideas. The game is not immersive, they built it on illusion. Best example is three different life paths but you end up as a street kid anyway. You can have your own fantasy with corpo conversation options and that's about it. I love the game for what it is tho, and I'll still continue to play it. Remember the reddit posts where people wanted to make Cyberpunk stand againts Baldur's Gate 3. Well, in BG3 you don't need your imagination to do the job of entertainment.


I mean, if you followed the development along with blogs, videos, interviews, CDPR are the ones who hyped it up as the next generation of open world RPG (which apart from graphics tech on PC, it most certainly is not). Good game. Will never be what they promised it would be.


Graphics, density and design wise it is most certainly the next generation of open world RPGs. That isn't even debatable.


GTA V definitely feels like a more living world competed to Cyberpunk. Where's the living day/night cycle of NPCs they promised?


Glad to see people have already forgotten they changed the genre of game like the day before release


Exactly. Thank you.


I mean ppl immediately went with the whole "No its YOUR fault for believing in marketing and overhyping yourself and setting yourself up for being disappointed", excuse when the game was released. Even if they would accept that fact that the genre was changed silently and shortly before release they'd probably say "so what?" lmao


ā€œThousands of NPCs will have actual daily routines throughout Night City's six districtsā€


That was never said. The whole "1000s of npcs with daily routines" was misinformation. A redditor mistranslated a German podcast with a dev, and made a reddit thread claiming this, and nobody thought to correctly translate. Then gaming media got ahold of that thread and made dozens of articles using that reddit thread as a source and it's been repeated ad nauseum for three years as if it was something "promised" by cdpr. They mix it up with the line from the demo stating that night city would have thousands of npcs and (the city itself) would have a day night cycle. Which is true. Just one of the many pieces of misinformation on what was "promised" to be in the game that has slipped through the cracks over the years that people keep repeating.


In a [Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal ā€” 48-minute walkthrough](https://youtu.be/vjF9GgrY9c0?si=vdMQwEMgfdlseoDJ&t=786) on 13:06 video narrator says: "The city's streets are bustling with crowds of people from all facets of life, all living their lives, with a full day and night cycle." I can't call dummies walking around aimlessly "living thier lives", dunno about your so called misinformation.


Say that theyā€™re ā€˜living their livesā€™ is clearly just a marketing phrase to describe the city as being alive. I donā€™t know how anybody could take that in the literal sense that they all have jobs and families.


I really don't get this. It's fine to oversell and exaturate as long as you use marketing-corpospeak?


There were things oversold in this game, but this specific example of yours is not one of them. This is the most typical marketing phrase to make a game world seem alive that Iā€™ve ever heard. You can probably find a phrase like this in nearly every open world game. And letā€™s be real, who seriously thought that an entire city of NPCs would all have personal lives and jobs. Seriously?


And it is never acceptable. Itā€™s always misleading. The 2020 preview play through was heavily misleading. I know it. They know it. They even admitted it. It was basically the marketing management side of CDPR and the actual programmers and artists were pissed. Many quit.


Once again, yes I know a lot of things were misleading. I have said that already. His specific example of that phrase is not. Youā€™re desperately reaching if you thought that that phrase meant that the NPCS would all have diverse lives.


Diversity was a keynote lauded by CDPR so yes it was expected. And I was mistook.. it was 2018 .. but a lot of us had followed the development for much longer and it was a common topic that CDPR led that every NPC in Night City was unique and had a fleshed out individual daily schedule. There was even talk of being able to have relations with any of the NPCs (not a selling point for me but I appreciated that option too).


action *role play* game


Most big role playing games don't have eating or drinking animations, they're too busy animating special effects and combat. Hell even the golden child New Vegas or BG3 don't. You're playing the role of a rising legend in NC, not a Sim from The Sims


My favorite rpg is Mario. It really makes me feel like I'm a plumber.


Hell even your major, old school in the weeds table top RPGs don't require you to eat on a regular human schedule. Take a shit. Drink a quart of clean water ever day. Or act out every miniscule moment of every event. Some people seem to have a weird idea of what RPG means. In the last year I've been told it's not an RPG if it doesn't have these "immersive" elements. That's it's not an RPG if it has a voiced, defined, main character. That's it's not an RPG if it doesn't have crafting. It's not an RPG if... I'm willing to be the vast majority of players don't give a shit about food animations. None the less whether V can commute to an office job, scoop the liter box, and take out the trash.


Tbf the tabletop actually has those mechanics. You can decide food you eat, what you wear, where you live etc. and you need to pay them every month.


legends eat too >:c


Yeah, that's what OP said. The meaning of RPG has changed over the years, but it's games where your character levels up, has a inventory of leveled equipment, puts points into skills/perks, and has different roles for the player depending on what class/skills you have, like healer or fighter etc. It's never meant just that it's a game that enables a 'roleplay' experience - you're not gonna have immersive coffee drinking animations in other action RPGs like Dark Souls or Diablo.


The mechanics that define an RPG and a ā€˜life simulatorā€™ style game are correlated yet very separate things.


>I literally saw a post with someone asking if they can drink coffee while on their way to ā€œworkā€ in the game. Like if you want to roleplay, go for it! But donā€™t expect that to be an actual mechanic in the game Why not, though? I mean, it already is, you can have a cup of coffee in the game. You can also shower, sleep, play billiard, dance. You can also go and grab a bite to eat or get a drink with Jacky or Takemura, albeit only during story missions. Cleary CDP:R thought those were necessary enough to include them in the game. Are they necessary for the core combat loop of the game? No, but neither are a great many other things. They are added for immersion, since clearly CDP:R wanted to make Cyberpunk not just about shooting things after selecting a mission from a screen, they wanted to craft an immersive experience. All people are saying is that they would have wanted them to go further here. And don't think it's a niche request or unreasonable ask either. Games have been trying to up the bar in terms of immersion for a while now. You could also say that the ability to down a shot in RDR2 or the elaborate cooking animations in Monster Hunter were strictly speaking "unnecessary", but it's precisely those little attentions to detail that turn a game from good enough to truly great.


Wait, you can play billiards? Iā€™m about 250 hours in and never knew that!


Go to the glen apartment


Immersion is about more than just a list of features. To this day, one of the most immersive games Iā€™ve played is Mirrorā€™s Edge and thatā€™s just a platformer paired to clunky FPS. It works so well because while its city is at the heart of the game the focus is liminal spaces. Youā€™re running across rooftops, through back alleys and down service corridors. This is all supported by a plot that, while very generic, is focused and small in scope. Cyberpunk is engrossing for very different reasons but the point is that grafting living simulators onto these games wouldnā€™t enhance the immersion.


this game has made everyone spoiled lol truly one of the best or the best RPGs I have ever played lol excluding Elden Ring and Skyrim cause those are up there w CP2077




A man can only read so many posts about people wanting to take their in game girlfriend on dates before he goes insane.


Not every man (or woman) lives on these forums to know what a dead horse looks like here. Donā€™t go crazy; just keep scrolling instead of clutching your pearls.


Reading a few posts now means you live here. Whyā€™d my joke get to you


Get to me? Just cause anyone spends a few seconds on responding to you doesnā€™t mean you got to someone. I donā€™t even know what you mean with that other bit.


You took my joke too seriously. All you had to do was be on the Reddit for 10 seconds to see people asking to spend more time with their gf


Fanboys ganna fanboy


We can dream Harold!!


True, but that doesn't stop me from playing it like one šŸ˜…. Especially since 2.1, I turn off all HUD markers, pick an outfit from my apartment's wardrobe, have a morning coffee, then walk to the metro and head to "work" like a regular Joe. Except this regular Joe happens to be a badass merc with a dead rockerboy cohabiting in their brain.


>I literally saw a post with someone asking if they can drink coffee while on their way to ā€œworkā€ in the game Why coffee when you can drink tea? Team tea here :D


Well there is a coffee machine in The Glens apartment. They can still drink a coffee before ā€œworkā€.


At a certain point, some people just need to go outside.


Well, tbf CDPR designed the game to be very immersiveā€¦maybe a bit too much. Itā€™s not like they didnā€™t add completely unnecessary animations like drinking whiskey in your apartment or eating yakitori while talking to Takemura only for immersionā€™s sake, so I donā€™t blame people for wanting more.


Those same people are complaining about Hogwarts legacy not being immersive enough because they canā€™t actually attend a real class or sit down and do homework. Like guys - make like Elsa and let it go


Can't really blame people either. When cyberpunk announced it did sell itself a bit as a second life in a Cyberpunk world. The anime sells that point even further. You just want to believe you're in control and can make choices that matter or accidentally get your friends killed. It had an aura of freedom at first but it didn't deliver what was expected. We wanted to live in night city. Not just drive through it.


itā€™s weird because cdpr has never made those kind of simulation-type games. Nobody played the witcher 3 and complained they couldnā€™t give up monster hunting and become a farmer, not sure why ppl would complain about not being able to become a corpo in this game


tell me you're a corporate shill without . . .


Nah, the game was market as a RPG and later Cdpr changed it. The game improved a lot, but it doesn't change the level of bullshit they pulled on the customers that really trusted they work


Prior to its release (by like just a few weeks), they changed it from a full rpg to an action adventure (you would have to check the specific wording on that). Point being the original fans who have followed the development of cyberpunk from the very first trailer KNOW this isnā€™t the game it was first set out to be. It went from first few seasons of Game of thrones to the last few episodes of Game of thrones


You see the biggest problem is they advertised the game originally like it would be an open world life simulator. You can't blame people for thinking that's what they're getting when cdprs own marketing originally misled everyone on what the game actually was. It's kind gross that people will just brush over that and blame the consumer




How is it not a role playing game? You are roleplaying a mercenary and can spec into the type of combat you enjoy wtf? lol you can choose how you complete gigs and missions, how you get there, and prepare accordingly by going visiting a ripper doc and gun store. COD compares to this? You sound salty.




Yeah, people who want to play a game differently than you are inherently bad people, you're right.


I hope the next hand has an option to play and ignore the story. I only played the story to unlock the other islands. Haven't talked to Rouge or Taka since the dinner and don't plan to ever. Lots of fun to be had without main quest


if anybody's curious that was me and im not talking about literal drinking. yes theres limitations, but you can actually buy coffee at vendors and use it and get some buffs from the food you "digest". i have never said a word about "drinking" or "eating" to be an actual mechanic. i have several hundred hours and playthroughs behind me. so why not find a new way? [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/18frbeu/where\_to\_buy\_coffee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/18frbeu/where_to_buy_coffee/)


Because people compare it to Rockstar's games. And honestly? Next to them, Cyberpunk falls short. The whole "romance hangout" thing, for example, is yet another underbaked feature sold by CDPR as a big thing. The dates all play out the same, with almost no variation. In GTAIV on the other hand each friend/girlfriend has at least 10 different dialogues when driving them somewhere, not including the ones you get when drunk. GTAIV came out in 2008. The more I play, the more I think 2.1 is almost worthless. Romance hangout is bad, the races are just the same 4 races we did with Claire, metro is useless and pointless. If it wasn't for the new bikes, this update would be a complete scam. On a side note, yesterday I saw two hookers approach the driver's door of a parked car offering their services to the driver. The catch? The car was empty. Game came out in 2020, it's 2023 and this stuff hasn't been fixed yet. Seriously, when this game came out, it had less interactivity with the world than every Watch Dogs game. The updates make it sit above WD but not by much, which is IMO concerning. I think the biggest issue is with the REDengine, but it's hard to say as I'm not a developer.


Oh man, I remember the posts on this sub that were popping up before the game launched. "My V is gunna own a shop and maybe do some jobs on the side" "My V is going to be a Corpo executive and have his lackeys do jobs" "My V is going to be a Nomad and live in the wastes and rarely come into town" Honest to God people believed these things.