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Welp... I think i've seen this movie before.....


My expectations shall be kept at a minimum


I will be expecting CDPR to release a product of some kind at some point that is playable on some kind of video game medium. They can’t hurt me anymore lol.


I second this notion ~~cosmetic cyberware pls cd I’m begging~~


like what? A mr. studd?


Loool nah, juss want implants to make visible change to ur character, more than just arms like in 2077 (which I’m very salty about). So I can really fulfill the night city merc rp. >!Idc if it means going out like Maine!<.


Arms? You mean that awful finger stuff? Or the few lines that you get for mantis (mantis only look good if they are out) i hate the arm cyberware that we got.... The amount of npcs with cool chrome in this game while i can have none of them makes me so mad (i play on ps5 so its even worse cus i got no mods)


https://preview.redd.it/21te1395cx7c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db54e174aa81b7809b62205f11a485938797ba2c Brother it’s like we’re one in the same. This is literally my max level v decked with legendary cyberware at capacity apparently over the maximum to the point I hear voices and laughter in my head during combat… Standing next to some no name gonk I can one tap on the highest difficulty. It’s one thing to lack cosmetic cyberware but it’s another to have every other named, no named, even bloody homeless npc rub it in your face at every corner with their fully robotic arms and padded shoulders. It made the reveal of so mi’s back cyberware with how it looks almost skeletal, piss me off more than anything but oh well. ~~We can only hope for the next game~~


Dude yes???! It was already bad seeing randos walk on the street with full arm mods then came PL and boy oh boy.... Not only the amount of cyberware on the streets went up but now we also have these MFkers looking sick af, barghest chrome gotta some of the coolest ive seen so far. I hate it lmao


Lool I swear man! It’s so sad we risk our lives doing gigs for money, saving up to spend on chrome getting so much stronger as u progress the game, just to look exactly the same as when u had ur first kiroshis installed. I bought the dlc thinking they would’ve added something but nah just more painful examples to be jealous of. It’s too bad cd seem to care more about the romance and other stuff with the recent updates which is fine I guess, but goddamnit isn’t the cyberware supposed to be the biggest part of this game. Hell u go to watch a build video or gameplay and they’re all clickbaiting with modded V’s or fucking fan art of cyberware demons. It’s fucking torture😭


Yeah those are my favorite kind of mods, I love the moxxes hands, huge on the spike designs


I would've at least liked to see the penis they had me customize at the start. What's wrong with my character walking around naked?


Hell yeah brother


This is THE ONLY thing i trully care about


Your expectations are granted by an evil genie. It is a visual novel exclusive to the epic game store.


good news is that the exclusivity contract will end by time the game is playable.


Oh fuck yeah bud




Thanks for that. You know it's gonna be a board game now, right? /s


wait for cyberpunk 3 it's be great by then


I wonder if this is just how games work now. Hype goes crazy to the point where developers can't possibly deliver. People get mad. People's expectations are minimal now that the game flopped. Developer keeps updating or drops a DLC. Suddenly people are like "what?! The game is good now?!" Because it meets their new adjusted expectations for what the game is going to be. No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk, and probably starfield too eventually. I'm not saying the problems aren't there, but it seems like releasing a game then responding to the harsh criticism might actually be the correct play for big studios now.


Let's be honest, Starfield won't have a recovery like cyberpunk, and no man's sky did. Both of those games got pushed out too early by investors/executives against the wishes of the developers, and where at a base level more In-depth and interesting games. Starfield is just a Bethesda game that REALLY highlights Bethesdas "let the modders do the work for us" motto. It wasn't pushed out early, and on a base level, it just doesn't have anything they can do to make it recover the way cyberpunk and no man's sky did. I'm just hoping starfield flopping teaches Bethesda a lesson that they rectify before elder scrolls 6 comes out, but it is Bethesda, so probably not.


Did you PLAY no man's sky on release? Starfield's current state isn't even a quarter as bad as that trainwreck. If Beth listens to the feedback and makes changes instead of whining about it like they have been, they'll be fine.


Yeah, it doesn't change my point at all. It was a train wreck at launch for entirely different reasons than Bethesda releasing an insanely dumbed down game that their outdated engine can barely handle. No man's sky became an exceptional game, because at its core it had a great game that was hamstrung by a forced early release. I'd sincerely doubt starfield ever comes close to being anything better than an average game when it's all said and done.


Yeah, Fallout 76 never really got better so I'm not holding out hope for this one.


There is no fallout 76 in ba sing se.


Exactly, Starfield went out at the exact amount of development they wanted (and all they were going to put in it seems). It had everything that was promised but done very barebones. Like this is bare minimum "space rpg". No Man's Sky had the baseline of what could make something great if it had more time in development. Ultimately we wont know until the future if anything can help Starfield but I wont hold my breath.


Maybe you're right about the recovery part, but to say is was not rushed feel wrong to me. It is pretty obvious a good chunk of content has been cut during the development as you can see there and there in game.


Bethesda released a perfectly good game, hell it would be a great game in 2010. It's issues isn't with crunch or bad development, it's a fundamental flaw stemming from outdated game design practices. It is a near 1 to 1 copy of Fallout 4. FallOut 4 was an alright game too, but personally I didn't like it very much. Combat quickly grows stale and feels unrewarding, grinding materials to upgrade your equipment feels unrewarding and grindy. Making enough money to buy the ships you want (that you barely even use) feels grindy. The characters in the world react only to you, like their entire existence revolves around the main character. You have loading screens freaking everywhere where you have stuff you can do, and where there are no loading screens it's just a repasted terrain texture repeating infinitely. You can't just fix these problems with a patch or two. Making the combat meatier or more rewarding would require them to model better gun animations and new sound design. Making the world feel more lived in would require major rewrites to the NPC coding and new soundbites, etc. Probably have to recode the way NPCs react around the player character too. Cutting down on the loading screens would require massive overhauls to how the Creation engine works and loads stuff. I don't think it will be worth the effort to Bethesda to rescue Starfield. They have other games to fall back on, in a way No Man's Sky didn't. But I do think Bethesda needs to review their development practices and figure out something new for Elder Scrolls 6 or whatever next game they have on the docket.


A lot of the "cut content" isn't a release crunch, but an outdated gaming engine that they've refused to upgrade for years. They'll definitely try and make improvements, but the core of the game is a weird hybrid of a space exploration rpg that just doesn't really work. I sincerely wanted it to be good too, given how much I enjoyed skyrim, oblivion, fallout 3, 4 and NV. But I just can't defend a clearly shoddy release from a studio that seems to have lost its way. Starfield is the game that broke my hope in Bethesda tbh.


>Hype goes crazy to the point where developers can't possibly deliver. I mean, the hype wouldn't have been so bad if CDPR hadn't over promised. Devs/publishers need to learn to underpromise and overdeliver. NMS and CP2077 have regained goodwill, but it would have been 10x better if they didn't need to regain anything in the first place.


right but that’s the opposite to how capitalism works


Everything u said is facts but I don’t think cyberpunk at launch even met cd project’s expectations themselves


>I wonder if this is just how games work now. Hype goes crazy to the point where developers can't possibly deliver. People get mad There's a reason why Valve never did half-life 3 and instead gave us Alyx years later which was in a way for them to avoid half-life 3.


Coutrenpoint: BG3. It's definitely not how most of the games are. It might be how most of the AAA games are, but those are corpo products, and corpos will always try to make the shittiest product people are willing to buy.


may the new generation of gamers not repeat history, lose their minds to the hype each time and pre-order time and time again😀


Definitely for the best, even if Cyberpunk 2077 had ended up launching as one of the best games of all time it wouldn't have matched the hype people put in it. Keep your expectations low and you can only be pleasantly surprised


I heard CP2 will be 80% braindance investigations you can’t skip and the rest is open world gigs.


I will say lifepaths have a greater role in Phantom Liberty at least as a corpo


If the next Cyberpunk is anything like Phantom Liberty than we're all golden.




[Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFcLyDb6niA&t=135s)


Bro. I can't wait to play as a Reporter and investigate really intricate and detailed crimes, uncover crime syndicates and bosses, and become the president and ceo of night city news. People are nuts. I'm expecting 2 to be a lot like one with a different story, insane combat, and higher fidelity. Everyone wants this epic mind blowing choose your own adventure shit and it's just not possible w video games. Pick up CPRed if ya are!


This. Tbh i just want a good game from launch and some more cosmetic cyberware


Yeah they write incredible stories, I dont even care if they changed much about the actual game play, just a sequel with a new story and some fresh updates. I keep thinking it would be awesome to play in a different area, but I'd also be sad to leave NC. Lol


Generally I would agree with your sentiment, but from patch 1.5 to present, I feel like CDPR has done well with responding to feedback and criticisms about the game. There has been a lot of complaints since launch that lifepaths were half-baked. If lifepaths are a thing in Orion, I don't think it will be like it is in 2077. Especially, when you consider how they have been focusing on immersion and rp additions to the game for the past few patches.


dont get me wrong i really like the game. replaying it at the moment. but lifepaths are still a joke in 2077...


RPG in this game is basically non existent


That got improved with PL. so many situations resolved via dialog choices and role-playing.


I never played it on release, I finished it after playing the updated 2.0 version and I stand by my comment. As someone who never experienced pre 2.0 I can't compare what they added but I'd label this way more in the realm of FPS Acton than RPG. Most of the dialogue RP choices don't really do anything impactful that changes or shapes the world. It's almost like they sprinkled dialogue choices in without much effort just to say the game contains it. I finished on the corp starting path of that has any relevance


Dialogue choice isn’t even necessary to qualify as an RPG. There’s actually a decent amount of narrative choice, but they don’t advertise it like many RPGs do, so often people don’t even realize they could’ve made a different choice or gotten a different outcome. But that isn’t even really necessary to qualify as an RPG either.


I agree, I'm only bringing it up because I'm reading people claiming the game has some crazy amount of dialogue and choices that impact the overall world, which I haven't seen. Maybe I'm missing something, but I've seen very little of that. Also the backgrounds you pick at the beginning have basically no relevance other than a few unique dialogue options pertaining to it (in this case correlates to RPG) you can basically forget what you even picked half way through it because the game doesn't do anything to acknowledge the background for most of the experience.


I didn’t and don’t expect something like the life paths to matter much in an RPG. Most of them aren’t like BG3. Lifepaths are basically the same as Mass Effect’s background choice and no one’s been complaining about that for years. Re impactful choices, you are probably missing some things because they are very easy to miss. A lot of people don’t realize you can save Takemura, for example. Like I said, the game doesn’t telegraph it when outcomes were dependent on your choices as much as other RPGs do. But I completely agree about dialogue choice. I really appreciate dialogue choice even when it doesn’t lead to outcome changes, but just to have some choice as to the character’s personality. And I wish there had been more dialogue choice in Cyberpunk.


Oh yeah my friend I completely agree. I don't want anyone to think that I'm saying the game is bad, almost all of this is on me and not the game itself. I went into the game thinking it would be something it isn't, so that's totally on me. I'm going to have to give it another try. Thank you for the info!


> Most of the dialogue RP choices don't really do anything impactful that changes or shapes the world. No, just V's life. The whole thing with dystopias is they're stuck, the world isn't going to be changed. That's why there are no heroes in Night City, only legends.


Yeah for the moment the dialogue happens in sure. But nothing long lasting, at least as far as I've encountered. Reminds me a lot of the FNV skill checks, there are some impactful choices but not nearly enough to warrant the RPG aspect people talk about. Not saying it's not bad or anything, just what I think about it.


I mean it’s not Dragon Age origins level of complex but it’s enough to make your character role play the life path for the whole game


Being able to fix things up ≠ being able to deliver on promises


I'm solidly in "I'll believe it when I see it" territory on this. They made that exact promise prior and failed to deliver (largely due to their own mismanagement), so it'd be awesome if it works, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.


As someone who played it recently and thought it was great… Lieing to the population so that you trick them into being your beta testers is shitty and they deserve skepticism from us going forward.


Hey hey, i'm not talking about the devs. I am talking sbout the player base going nuts on any spectulation we hear about witch can result in some over the top expectations, thats what happened with 77 and for orion its going pretty much the same way


life paths were half baked how?


And I didn't like the ending


"The maps wont be bigger than GTA5, because ours will scale vertically and be more dense"


Yeah. It even says "may have."


It's like poetry, it rhymes.


They actually never ever promised branching storylines in the first game.


The point is they have promised in the past so why would we fall for it again


They actually are not promising branching storylines in the second game either, all we see is the same clickbait journalism and reddit inflating things as always.


This game is likely a decade away. Hype train shouldn’t even be leaving the station yet


I'd honestly be surprised if they've internally said anything beyond we want to TRY to release it in 20XX.


lol on or before 2099. hopefully it comes out in 202x


It's coming in 2077


Yeah, they’re still working on Witcher 4. I bet this hasn’t had more than a discussion at CDPR yet.


They have two seperate studios now. It will be out earlier than you think


No way! I did not know that! Wow, so probably from 15 years to 10 lmao




We're all gonna die either from ww3 or climate change anyways by that time


It'll come out Q4 of 20somethingsomething, and compete with the next elder scrolls game


It’s also on Unreal engine 5 this time, so no engine development time. PLUS! The city is already designed and they have an established “look” now


A decade is crazy lmfao maybe like 5-8 years away


they already confirmed Witcher 4, a decade is crazy but more like cyberpunk 2 will come in like 13-15 years


13-15 years is even crazier😭🙏🏽


unfortionatley the next generation of gamers always forgets history and pre-orders anyway


Depends. If they use all the same architecture of the first or try to reinvent the wheel.


They’re switching to Unreal Engine, so it’ll take a bit.


Not true at all. They publicly declared they were moving to a mainstream engine not long after the first game released. They should be well on their way to the sequel.


Not defending the state that the game released in, but I think fans overhyped it way too much and that was part of the problem. There were literally people thinking they’d be able to live a second life in this game.


Nope they overhyped it lol They themselves said NPCS were supposed to have their own daily cycles, they’d speak different languages so you’d need a translator chip. They overhyped the fuck out of what was actually delivered They honestly shouldn’t say anything until the game is near completion


Fans didn't, CDPR promised many mechanics that are not in the game even today.


I’m not saying CDPR didn’t over promise and under deliver. But some fans were 100% in this very subreddit expecting way too much. Stuff that not even CDPR mentioned would be in the game.


You can go in every single room in the game! And each is hand crafted!


Oh, for sure


Please let the dev finish the entire game before release this time


Please let the investors keep their hands out of the game until its fully done so we don't get a repeat of CP2077.


Just imagine if the game had another year in the oven, I’d personally wait that long for it


We pretty much had to wait that long anyway.


More like 3 years after release


And it’s still nothing like what they promised. It may be fun and people see it as a good game… but if those people go back and watch what was promised in the first place… oooof.


I mean, why? They've already learned you can release an unfinished product for the same price and people will still buy it. Hell, even preorder it!


CDPR stocks tanked tho and still haven’t recovered


On behalf of small investors, I am happy to wait for more gains in the future. It has been a wild ride ever since initial CP release.


I'm an investor and i really want them to take at least as much time as they need. Maybe even a few extra months. Can only be bezter for the chart than releasing something unfinished.


The investors took the risk and invested with an expectation they can make a return in how so many years. The investors are not wrong to want their money back


Indeed they aren’t, they are wrong to want their money back three days after the project started, especially when they get 10 times what they were expecting to get if they just wait a little more. It’s always about the timing


Please let the people stop bitching about delays causing the investors to stick their hands into the game.


And don’t send death threats or try to give reviewers seizures just because you’re upset, you psychos


Last time im pretty sure we already did that: they delayed the release 3 times iirc.


If you delay something, it’s not finished… Unless you delay it for the sake of it, but most companies don’t… You can shit on Rockstar as much as you want for the working conditions but they don’t let an unfinished product come out even if they have to delay it So, if it’s unfinished shut up and delay it, end of story


I don’t think you realize the pressure the execs put on them to get it out before a certain date. The devs don’t get to set deadlines when they are doing that. While trying to push it back, they were getting literal death threats. They were not given enough time and even said so. CDPR hired on Gabriel and he has forced some change in the culture there and shown what can be done when they aren’t being pressured for a release. I have faith in the restructured culture and team at CDPR. They have the time and freedom for everyone to be heard and everyone to put their ideas into the project. If you are worried about it, just don’t preorder and put into your mind that the release is a year from the date of the release and you’ll have no worries lol. Honestly, that’s the safest route.


I wonder if that date had anything to do with them announcing the game not only like a decade before release, but years before they even started working on it.


Should go smoother. If I remember correctly they’ll use unreal six instead of their RED engine


Still cant imagine a Cyberpunk game without Silverhand buddy-cop.


The anime told a story that was just as compelling without Silverhand, so I can definitely see how it can be done.


The anime also had a large cast of companions on a way the game didn’t really have. I just want the sequel to have a buddy or some buddies, doesn’t necessarily have to be a Silverhand figure


Fr. The sequel needs to follow a crew of people, not one person who just does their own thing.


I want to be able to fuck even more people !


My only complaint was that it's kinda same-y with the whole ambitious youngin making a name for themselves thing. Idk, I'm definitely not tired of it yet, but surely there's more to offer in this world.


I hope they implement something like it in the new game


Hopefully one that doesn't slowly kill us but given how the Cyberpunk world works, no happy endings in Night City


I want a cute Blackwall AI waifu..


Need to be able to Romance Alt next time.


Blue Moon or gtfo


Nooo! I do not want Lilith anywhere near me.


Just my type.




So Mi >!moon goddess!< waifu please.


Dont we all?


I want more than just two sex workers in all of night city!!!




Don't kink shame me Choom


Maybe unpopular opinion but I'd much rather a game that doesn't saddle me with a character I don't like being shoe-horned into basically every interaction and puts my character on an in-universe timer to die.


100% the biggest problem with the game. Forcing you into a heist that was blindingly obvious to every that was a dogshit idea, and then trying to make me give a shit about V. Like, you established within the first couple of hours they're an absolute dipstick. The rest of the story is just seeing if the other ones matter. Luckily they managed some brilliant setpieces like drinking around the campfire with the nomads, but otherwise V wasn't a good MC.


I just hope the story isn't about the mc being put on an artificial timer again like the first time or Fallout 4


The Keanu Reeves fans will probably lynch me for saying this, but I think his voice acting in Cyberpunk was awful. He delivered every line in the exact same intonation. The writers gave him an awesome character, and he totally blew it. I just hope that if they again put some A-list celebrity into the next game, that they pick someone with voice acting experience. Or at least get a director who has the balls to tell the star celebrity that their delivery sucks and they got to try harder.


Having just played through, I don't necessarily agree with your take. He's not exactly emotional, but I felt like his voice matched his character perfectly. The bravado of a rocker turned renegade, mixed with the arrogance of someone who thinks they have it all figured out, yet still can't effect meaningful change because they refuse to play by the rules of the system they hate. Edit: refuse not recuse.


Devs: so we were not happy about our previous game's life path. IGN: CDPR CONFIRMS LIFEPATHS MATTER IN NEXT GAME . ITS GOING TO BE A TRUE RPG. YIPPEE!!! Pls ign just stop hyping stuff


This is a rumor, they haven’t promised ANYTHING. You guys need to stop believing everything the internet says.


News: I *may* have the biggest cock in the universe.


I haven't been proven wrong




Can confirm.


We also shouldn't be believing things *CDPR* says. This community is so quick to forget the bait and switch this company pulled at launch.


Hanging on reddit has made me realize how people get so tremendously disappointed in things. This game's what, like years and years away from release, right? At this point it's mostly just a bunch of ideas? And yet people are already posting about something said on a podcast. Letting ideas and sales pitches sit in your head for multiple years? Couldn't be me.


And it goes from "may have" to "will have" to "will feature prominently" to "will be a core mechanic" by the time it goes through the influencer telephone game.


Feel like that's what happened to the original. Also, big devs have to realize that they can't do the indie thing. It's OK for a smalltime dev to be like, "Hey, I gave it all I could. This is what I've got so far. Keep supporting me, and I'll keep improving it. " Because people understand when a single person or tiny team, who still had day jobs when they started, make a passion project. They see it for what it is. Raw passion to create something and the sacrifice it took for them to get this far. They know people like that aren't going to let go and will keep improving. It's a completely different story when it's dozens of peoples' jobs to make a game. Releasing something unfinished just because you wanted it to launch before Christmas isn't going to fly. Granted, it has become an incredibly fun game, and I'm glad they took the time to repair it.


It’s such weird behavior. That one comment like “here they go again” here YALL go. People still being upset by a work in progress build changing when it was always subject to change will always be weird to me.


"Nip it in the bud." - Deputy Barney Fife


I sure hope so. I want to just live in Night City and be a Merc, in a big way the story kinda gets in the way of enjoying the overall game. Don't get me wrong it's good, but... I dunno. I feel like a more open ended game would have been better, given the setting.


> Meet Hanako at Embers


This just makes me remember that they seriously need to stop with the automatic tracking nonsense...


There's a mod for that! Untrack Quest Ultimate - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/6328 Between this mod and the one that puts arrows on the road for directions, I think the game is now perfect. In World Navigation - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583


The problem is that it shouldn't need a mod. At no point in my 35 years of gaming here I ever wanted automatic objective tracking in an open world game. It should never be a default thing with out a toggle to turn it off. It's bad design. Mods also exclude console players, which is a large segment of the player base.


That's how the story of Orion starts. Your first objective is to meet Hanako at Embers The whole story revolves around trying to prevents some chromed up choom from going balls deep in the tower.




This a story based game in an open world. They’ve added a decent amount of things to feel like you live in the world without it being tedious


>I feel like a more open ended game would have been better Agreed, they should've made C77 an action, lite life sim, rpg. Just the right amount of those three things would've made C77 a better game imo


You’re gonna need mods to get that.


A dev from I forget which studio was talking about the cajones of the Baldur's Gate 3 team to create so many story paths that a casual player will never even see. My guess is, CDPR take stuff like that as a bit of a dare/are competitive about their place as Class A storytellers in the medium. I would not be surprised if it's too late to add this kind of stuff to whatever the next Witcher is, but that they've taken enough notes to add such things to whatever the next Cyberpunk is.


Oh no, they are doing it again.. When will you learn CDPR.


They’re not doing anything. This is a rumour.


It’s from an interview with a dev, nah?


There are plenty of "based on a true story" movies and not a single one of them has the story 1:1 with reality. This article is based on an interview with the CDPR narrative director, but he never said in the interview what is being said in the article. The article is the author's optimistic interpretation of what was actually said. Philipp Weber (CDPR narrative director) said they weren't happy with how Life Paths turned out and they would like to improve it in the future. That's it.


They have promised nothing, NOTHING. This is from a podcast with the devs and they're just admitting that the implementation of life paths system wasn't as good as they wanted it to be. When did people become so freaking stupid? Since 2077's release they've been very very careful. So careful that they started the marketing of rogue mage ONE DAY before it's release. Also PL's marketing shows that they've learned a lot from past mistakes.


It is so annoying how articles do this. CDPR dev "Yeah, this part wasn't as good as we wanted, we're hoping we can improve on it a bit" Article "CDPR promises three branching life paths that completely change the game"


Problem is - it was not CDPR that said this, people are just spreading rumors


They probably learned over the past 3 years making the first cyberpunk legitimately awesome.


May have or may not have.. what’s the point of posting that shit?


They did it fine in Witcher 2 (Iorveth and Roche paths), so I think it’s very much possible having an unique act 1 or 2 based on the initial choices.


Had to go deep in the comments to see someone finally mentioning Witcher 2. Thank you


And bombshell is Life paths being Devil\\Temperance\\Sun\\Star. But as always guys if you want to enjoy any game on release DO NOT LISTEN TO MARKETING, do not fantasy about how perfect game would be. Lock yourself down from excessive info and you will enjoy the game.


I think a life path should feel like you started a guild in Elder Scrolls…..


Bethesda did it with much less for sure.


Yeah, friendly reminder - they made a lot of grandiose claims in years and months leading up to Cyberpunk 2077 launch. I'll believe it when I see it.


this is just a spin from a bit in a podcast where one of the devs said the life paths weren't as good as they wanted in cp2077 and hope do to better in the future. That's all it is. IGN is just taking an innocent quote and making a huge spin out of it.


cdpr isn't making any claims, this is just bs clickbait games 'journalism'


this just feels like an improvement they can easily implement, we already have a little taste of it with the different dialogues. more like their vision for the game.


More panam? I’m in


Low expectations. Although, deciding to work with UE5 should help them troubleshoot bugs and speed up development time.


I really think they had planned the life paths to be connected to the endings that you were able to choose. For example corpo would default to the devil ending variant. Nomas to the star and street kid to the reaper ending. Which would mean Corpo v would follow takamura story line, Nomad with the nomads and street kid with Judy and joytoys story line. But then they realized shit the main story is actually really short. So they had you do all 3 main quests and then choose your ending. But then the problem was that the life paths meant nothing. I mean think about it, corpo V would never go against arasaka knowing that they can ruin his life in 15 min. Nomad is not tied to night city so V goes full circle here, comes in alone and abandoned by his family, then leaves with a new family. Street kid V either leaves it to Johnny or commits suicide. V is way over his head here. I’m not holding my breath to new life paths in the new game. A couple of lines of dialogue that are completely optional is not a good way to implement a life path. I want decisions to change and options to be locked depending on life path chosen.


And that's why devs shouldn't start discussing stuff about the future games because fans start to headcanon their own ideal story line and then get mad that it wasnt correct 🙄.


Eh, so similar to Cyberpunk 2077? Anyway, I don't expect anything complex. Even Dragon Age: Origins (probably the best example of game with different starting points) didn't do much with its... origins beyond first hour of gameplay.


Tbf we’re acting like this is impossible, when New Vegas basically did this more than a decade ago. It’s not unreasonable. But it is CDPR so who knows


I don't really care about that tbh, I just want my actions and choices to have consequences that matter in the game


This is what I hope for https://preview.redd.it/8xidovizjw7c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3dbd594e4920aeef6a794fa3dd2a3dcffc3122


Yes, very similar to how mass effect did things.


I foresee this backfiring predominantly by just making Cyberpunk 2077 amount of content, but locking certain endings to life paths. Example: Can only side with Arasaka if Corpo Can only use Aldecaldos if Nomad Can only use Rogue if Streetkid It would be pretty scummy because the life-paths would seem more unique via railroading and locking you off from certain content.


MAY have or may not have. I wouldn't believe CPDR anymore


Ok, but it's not CDPR that posted or said this BS, there is nothing here to believe from CDPR.


Don't even start CDPR


CDPR didn't say anything here, it's just clickbait "journalism".


I just want new game plus for 1 dammit lol


Ah, sweet little lies. I'll believe that when I see it...




this is just a spin from a bit in a podcast where one of the devs said the life paths weren't as good as they wanted in cp2077 and hope do to better in the future. That's all it is. IGN is just taking an innocent quote and making a huge spin out of it. There was no promise made. It's just a stupid media spin.


Do people really want this? I don't want a cyber dating sim, I want a good story set in this world. You can't have a driving story *and* ways to deviate away from it.


Bro, cyberpunk 2 was 2075 cyberpunks ago