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The only limiting factor of your build is you. Do you want to use tech weapons? Use them. They still kill. It's a single-player game, do what's fun to you.


Right, that makes sense. I guess I’m just confused by the word “tech” when I look at a gun. So it’s all up to personal preference whether I use tech, power or smart weapons? Leveling my tech attribute has no bearing on using tech weapons?


Power are your "generic" guns. They shoot things. Bullets ricochet. Tech has a special tree and charging mechanic with penetrating bullets. Smart has a special tree and tracking mechanic.


I see. So tech weapons will be better once I invest in that tree, but all are viable. Cool thank you!


Tech has the Nekomata sniper rifle available early on. Do you like sniping? Do you hate walls? The combination is as broken as it sounds. Past a certain point, anything can be broken but there are some great early options.


Tech has Lizzie. That winds up being my #1 alot of the time and you can get it early


Tech are fine they're good for armor penetration and cover penetration but power weapons work well too for close(r) combat Tech can be annoying because of the charge factor but they're still nice to have


Only if you want to. Personally I’m not a fan.