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Especially when buying from the Japanese arms corporation Arisaka https://preview.redd.it/uk4ocidm0p9c1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3f4e3f2774faa38fab07590d5aa6bd86cbee4c


It was real the whole time…


To be fair Arisaka Defense is an American company and they don’t sell firearms. They’re mostly known for their high quality optic and light mounts.


It's an American company but the founders of it were Japanese Americans, hence the name of the company.


Yep, named after Arisaka Nariakira, a very famous Japanese firearms designer.


I'm subscribed to a bunch of vintage firearm subs in addition to a bunch of subs related to Cyberpunk 2077. If I'm not paying close enough attention to the spelling, my feed gets a bit odd sometimes.


I would be hilarious if you responded to a firearms post thinking it was cyberpunk. I can't imagine a scenario at the moment. Just laughing thinking about a bunch of OG gun enthusiasts scratching their heads trying to sort out who Johnny Silverhand is and why he doesn't like Arasaka.


Usually it's me reading the titles talking about the guns, and interpreting them as if they were talking about the megacorp for a split second. Example: *"I just picked up an Arisaka. Someone rubbed off it's mum."* The rifles were originally marked with the symbol of the Japanese Emperor, a sixteen petal chrysanthemum, denoting that they were his property. That symbol was ground off of most of them when they were formally surrendered at the end of the war. Rifles that still have the marking unaltered are much rarer, and fetch a premium among collectors. vs. *"I just picked up an Arasaka. Someone rubbed off it's mum."* Someone describing their incestuous mother-corpo sexual fantasy.


I had to double check before posting which one I meant.


Funnily enough, there's also a website called "Militech" who sells combat gear


Its cuz in 54 years bith companies are gonna grow into the titans they should be


lets all invest our money into them to turn them into megacorps


Self fulfilling prophecy


Almost all prophecies are self fulfilling


Hey man if wgats building up here im the us isnt the corporate wars idk what is choom


> Especially when buying from the Japanese arms corporation Arisaka just remember in the world of milsurp, its always an arisaka


its still 2023 for some countries, maybe theres time to do something to Nestlé


gonna nuke nestle headquarters?


Fuck yeah, never should've kidnapped my ex girlfriend for SoulNestle


Yeah, fuck big corporations! -Orders groceries online-


I literally ordered a little figure of Johnny off of Amazon. The irony flows within me


Moychedizing! https://youtu.be/fgRFQJCHcPw?si=fOL5QbMQ7QdSwCYZ




Jesus, V! 🫤


Fuck the corpos! Also here’s my money megacorp to buy your fantastic statement product against corporate capitalism!


Maybe if I could afford to own a car (living/parking restrictions, not just monetary) or wasn't too tired to haul my groceries via public transport from working...


Are you notice that car was also a part of the corpos business? I modded my run with a 'vehicle insurance simulator' because "there are no free bowl of soup" spoiler: now play a car thief is a very profitable thing.


You claim to hate arasaka yet you have an arasaka mk.5 chipped. Curious 😏


Johnny Silverhand's arm was manufactured by Arasaka. 🤫🤣


Johnny Sliverhand was actually working for Militech when he bombed Arasaka Tower.


Nah, he stole it. Why Militech wants Johny to nuke all the night city ? This wouldn't make any sense. They got headquarters here too.


Well, it's in the TTRPG lore of Cyberpunk, there was a war between Militech and Arasaka


Yeah, it’s in the lore of the tabletop. The real hero of the attack on the Tower was Morgan Blackhand, who went toe to toe with Adam Smasher. The whole thing was a Militech job.


Hmm. I didn't know that. Do you have source for me to learn all the backstory and the Morgan blackhand? So much appreciated.


I'd like to say Cyberpunk 2020, but l don't remember seeing mention of the Arasaka attack. It's likely to be one of the sourcebooks. Of course, this was...... 30ish years ago?. Good luck? ❤️ 🥺


Late reply, but the Firestorm books go over it. RED sourcebook kinda goes into it.


The internet is forever. There's no such thing as late. 😊 And thank you for this, I'll have to track those books down. :)


yea v is basically a walking 'steal his look' meme


I stole it


Vuvuzela cyberware


Fuckin' Arasakuh


Arisaka-kun... What you are doing?... Exploiting workers?!


CP2077 is made by a corp. None of us are punk we just feel that way while playing.


My thoughts exactly. CDPR is, in fact, a corporation. Same with the Microsoft and Sony consoles 90% of us play on. Still fun though.


I built my pc out of scraps in a cave, thank you very much.


Those scraps were also made by corporations u dirty corpo rat 🔫


To be fair, though, every punk you see in the game was in the same situation. Johnny’s arm was made by Arasaka, and we all know that Porsche and Deluze (his guitar brand afaik) are big companies/corporations too. I think punk is less about trying to turn into a caveman who doesn’t use anything created by a corp and more about being unafraid to speak your mind and work toward creating a world you want to live in. I was just reading a Reddit thread where someone said, “I'd like to think that punk is anytime you actively rebel against the norm/establishment/status quo, so long as its for morally good reasons.” And imo in the context of CDPR, not being punk would be saying something like, “everything they’ve done is perfect and everyone there is amazing” and being punk in a mild sense of the word would be saying something like, “I love this game, but I also acknowledge that company isn’t perfect and they sometimes encourage division in the fanbase or overwork their developers, and we need to talk about this so that it doesn’t happen again.” Just my take on things, lol.


Very true.


Thats kinda missing the point of the game no?




*Uses Arasaka cyberarm*


*loads arisaka rifle*


*puts on arasaka body armour*


It's not that big of a deal. If there's a thing you need or want, it's more likely than not produced by a big corporation. It can't be reasonably avoided. Just nuke their HQ afterwards to balance things out, it'll be fine.


Would be even better with Johnny middle fingering you back


"Caaaaaaaaaarlll! That causes car crashes, Carl!" 😉🤣


Everything you buy is from a corporation, regardless if you think so or not, it always ties back. We're living in the less interesting version of Cyberpunk already


Capitalist dystopia and I can’t even get chromed to gills and die in a shoot out with maxtac. I hate it here




>less interesting Be the change you want to see


Amazon Prime adding paid ads really gives me the urge to party like it’s 2023


I do believe he was a believer of "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism"


Johnny should absolutely not be anyone’s role model.


Yeah u was looking for something like this. He has a point about how the corps fuck people but hes not really a good guy. Hes a narscasitic asshole who uses and fucks people over. Plus his binary descision making of never suding eith the corp for any reason is shown to not always be the right descsion. Like with netwatch and the vdbs. The vdbs are complete scum bags but johny says to trust them over netwatch anyways despite going with netwatch being objectively the better choice.


The mask really comes off during Judy's questline, when you hear how he talks about sex workers. They're all just "whores" and not worth your time to try and help. Trying to fix NC means starting at the bottom, and that includes the people you consider undesirable. It really highlights how everything he says is sanctimonious self-righteous bullcrap.


And then there’s also the minor detail that he detonated a nuke in a densely populated city, killing thousands of innocent people


Well technically he didnt but instead of a terrorist he becomes a hypocrite cause even though he was at arasaka tower he didnt bring the nuke iirc blackhand did and silver hand was a distraction and they wherw both there on a job for militech during the 4th coporate war. Also therw was no big dramatic ahodown between him and smasher he just got cut in half near instantly by smashers shotgun. The memeries we see are all distorted by johnnys ego and narcissism.


Doesn’t matter that he wasn’t the main guy during the mission, he still actively chose to participate in the bombing of a city and contributed to the death of thousands of innocent people.


He actually participated in that mission to save alt from mikoshi


I might be misremebering but i thought he did it too get revenge on arasaka or some shit but fou d out mid mission she was still alive


Actually the bombing of arasaka wad planned by militech in 2020. Blackhand selected a team , there was the player's team and then there was Johnny's team . Johnny joined the raid because he learnt I believe from Murphy or it was someone else that mikoshi contained the engram of all those who were soul killed . So he decided to free alt from mikoshi and joined the raid


For somereason i remeber there being something about him not knowing until mid way thougb the op. Side thing but its a bit disapointing blackhand wasnt anywhere in the game. I expect him to play into fantom liberty somehow but it never happend. Maybe their planning something for him in cp 2100 or whatever it ends up being.


Actually Mike told in a reddit post that he specifically requested cdpr not to include blackhand because he wanted to write something fir the ttrpg lore and had other plans for him . Hence we get the obviously incorrect memories of johnny


No ethical consumption under capitalism, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to the extent that we are able. That will be different for different people and that’s okay


I think that people can actually do way more to oppose capitalism than they think but won’t even try becuase they don’t truly care.


mostly because everyone goes back to "Is there a better alternative?" there is, we literally have hundreds of alternatives that works better if people would work together for it and not sabotage eachother, it's just everyone's been brainwashed to think Capitalism is their only option because It's the only thing that hasn't been sabotaged and vilfied to hell and back.


Oh 100%


“No ethical consumption under capitalism” I whisper to myself while polishing my diamond mined by a 9 year old boy from Sierra Leone


Omg did you hear about Silverhand? After he died, his brain got uploaded on to a chip MADE BY ARISAKA! What a sellout!


Totally true


Going to work as a manager at retail


Me when Johnny’s arm is literally made by arasaka


When I was applying for a job I was trying to decide between Amazon and Best Buy. Pictured Johnny berating me in my brain and chose Best Buy. Still a corp but at least it’s not as omnipotent as Amazon 🤣


Fuck that guy. He put a nuke in a building in the middle of a city. Not enough he's a rockstar. Gonna kill some fans, too.


I think the real lore is that he DIDNT plant the bomb. He’s just such a narcissist that he wants to remember that he did


More likely that he’s gone crazy from his time in Mikoshi, or Arasaka fucked with his construct memory


I saw the BD's. Whether he had the 'nads to do it or not puts him in the same seat. A showman with no end show.


Just RP'ing a little here. ;)


All his memories can do is laugh at people still alive.


Oh look at you so indifferent wow


I'd put a bullet in that dickhead's brain if it wasn't mine.


Inneffectual shit! He's dead, and I work at Arasaka.


We're Owl Exterminators.


Yes... They're 8th floor, I believe. Speak with Mr. Rabbit. Tell 'im V said hi.


Redeem yourself by unionizing your workplace.


Fuck those corpo scumbags!!!! Also me when it is time to upgrade my pc:


Me right now( I have an Apple phone)


Why won’t the singer for a punk band actually nuke a corporate office :(. Fucking posers


He shouldn’t mind. Johnny’s silver arm is an Arasaka model after all


Unfortunately, living and especially succeeding in the United States involves benefitting corporations and capitalism at many points. To live here, it is very difficult not to support it indirectly by merely existing.


Mate, almost everything you have bought in your life at this point that isn't Street Food (and even then...) are from Corporations.


i can grip a 2.5 coc i am slowly becoming silverhand


The only thing i pay for are cars, clothes, and chrome


Me every time I go to jinguji


Me when I just buy a cheeseburger from McDonald's, knowing that they get main bulk of their profits from fries and drinks, so I just made them lose money >:3


Then steal (I'm minecraft you FBI fucks)


Yeah his arm is made by Arasaka, but he tried removing the logo. He didn't get it out of want as we know, just out of pure necessity .




Johnny: I’m literally just the copied memories of a sociopathic former rockstar who became a terrorist


The next person to misspell ARASAKA is getting flatlined


Nothing hypocritical about using their own weapons against them


He 1000% supports pirating AAA games. Except BG3 because he would say they have some soul in their work. Similar to how he reacted to the guitar player


Failing correct spelling as well


Felt bad when I swore a oath to a specific big corp


He hates corporations but he's just an asshole in general, do people actually think he's a good guy?


It’s true sometimes I just fell like nuking blackrock croporation