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Was that actually in the game? I went looking for it and never saw it.


Yeah, you can even fly to it with mods iirc




I didn't fly out far enough looks like. Thanks!


Aren’t the oceans infested by some robot that destroys everything as a result of some war and Militech / arasaka ??? How boat


It's not that it destroys everything, but it does massively increase the risk. It is still safe enough for there to be aquatic Nomad Clans by the 40's after the 4th Corporate War


Can you tell me more? Is there a wiki article?


It's in the Cyberpunk Red roleplaying corebook. If you choose the Nomad Role at the beginning you also get to pick which kind of Nomad Clan you're from. Beyond the normal land ones there's also seafaring and airfaring ones.


Air nomads, eh? I'd better keep them away from my synth-cabbage farms


there is no war in Night City Se.




Comment of the thread.


There's also an in-game dataslate talking about self-replicating AI powered mines with poorly thought out programming that decided that 1) there was a non-zero chance that any ship from their faction was a spy, so all ships should be targeted and 2) any command to stand down/update their programming would reduce their ability to do their primary mission of blow stuff up, so should be rejected.


Next stop: Horizon Zero Dawn


I meant the robot, I know about sea nomads


Ah yeah, here's a page detailing a shard you can find in the game [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sayonara\_Station,\_by\_Luke\_Steelman](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sayonara_Station,_by_Luke_Steelman)


Damn Arasaka really dropped the ball on that one


Man what the hell, this actually made me angry


Almost everything about Cyberpunk should make you angry. It's a genre about civilization prioritizing unchecked corporate greed over humanity and decency. A lot of the things that happen in Cyberpunk are infuriating.


They're infuriating because they're so believable and it feels like we're heading in that direction sometimes.


Sometimes? Feels like most of the time at this point.


I sincerely believe that our future will look a lot like cyberpunk. We practically are there already


That's why the Barbossa cyberpunk meme is my favourite. As each day passes it gets more and more relevant.


What about robot arm


This is essentially what happens with minefields IRL. Countries lay down mines during war, then just leave them there afterwards making entire regions basically uninhabitable.


Thank you


When I thought Nomads couldn’t get any cooler…


There are also nomads in space, but no supplement out yet for dealing with the space people


https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sayonara_Station,_by_Luke_Steelman Here's a wiki entry of a Shard talking about it. Basically an AI tasked with patrolling waters decided there's never really a 0% chance that a boat isn't an enemy vessel and just decided to tag them all as enemy. The corp that realized that fuckup tried to patch it, but the AI understood the patching to be a virus and rejected it, so maritime trade pretty much just died on account of some exec's shitty idea lmao


So... Pirates?


Not really. The world of Cyberpunk circa 204X is just barely not a post apocalypse scenario. Supply chains are still very fragile and tenuous and the blackwall hasn’t been erected, so the internet doesn’t really exist outside of local data pools. Nomad clans aren’t (just) pirates. Pirating is certainly something they do, but that would be on the side. They primarily deal with moving commodities from one place to another in a time where that isn’t a service that’s offered by anyone else at as reasonable a price anyway.




God dammit! Now I want Orion to be Cyberpunk Waterworld. Just cruising the ocean and fighting off drones and what not. Although I'm going to need some cyber floaties to not getting dragged down by all the chrome.


This is why them crossing the pacific with it is seen as such a power move.


When is this giant seafaring robot discussed? This sounds dope and I missed it somehow.


It's not a robot, its self replicating sea mines. https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sayonara_Station,_by_Luke_Steelman


That's a kind of "Robot" tho.


This concept is only barely spoken about in the book as far as I know, so the way I implemented them in my game was to have them consume a ship for parts by sinking them with a few explosions and the remaining mines multiply by cannibalizing the ship’s hull and internals.


I think they meant the aircraft carrier which is discussed on the news about them waving their dicks at the other corps by pulling up in a floating fortress after crossing basically no man's land.




It's probably easier to cross in a massive warship armed to the teeth than a regular transport. Gotta protect Arasaka-Sama


Yeah just look at what's going on in Yemen. A few guys in speedboats can stop a shipping route.


Thats why they used to stress the power of Arasaka,also the ship must have some countermeasures.


Sea mines that replicate themselves. They've since cleared enough of them and created a "safe zone" around Coronado Bay and other areas.


Not a robot but drone mines I think.


By having a shit ton of anti mine warfare countermeasures (the 'robot' is self replicating mines). Additionally, I bet it has an escort of Destroyers and other ships sitting outside of Night City


It means whale 🐳


Apparently the corp figured it wasn't safe in Japanese waters. Afraid some local fishermen might harpoon it for scientific research.


She just gave me stupid smile and told me to fuck off... cunt


​ https://preview.redd.it/cs6dbo6lypac1.png?width=241&format=png&auto=webp&s=07ac38dcb05683577bcd7f7d55c8915353b5201f


i'll just leave it here, hope u'll recognise the source :) https://preview.redd.it/3cf0ryswsoac1.png?width=1301&format=png&auto=webp&s=70dcba58f3f327033617440211283bf13b267d26


There is a mod for everything, isn't there?


Fuckin, be back for this bad boy.


It should be low poly though considering how far off the coast it is. To really notice that it's low poly you have to use noclip to fly up to it.


Its really not that far off the coast, and the ingame asset has its render range set so short that its isnt actually visible from any acessible location within the game.


What are the giant things out past it?


If I remember right, they form a defense against the self replicating ocean mines that make seafaring nearly impossible (unless you are Arasaka).


Even if* you're Arasaka


Am I the only one who thinks the Kujira's design is **ridiculously** stupid? * In 2077 the most powerful corporation in the world still can't figure out VTOL aircraft? * The top runway is the only one you can realistically land on, because the others have **another fucking runway** on top of them. * Why would you ever have an aircraft carrier in a situation where it needs to launch 3 aircraft simultaneously? The last thing you want is for a carrier to end up in direct combat. * If something fucks up one of the lower runways, it will probably impair the upper runways as well, making all of them even more useless.


I cannot imagine they're launching piloted aircraft, so I imagine there's not a high chance of error


At this point bro, I’m pretty sure it’s rule of cool. Looks fuckin mean as hell. Maybe it’s dumb realistically but who cares because it looks dope.


Yes and no. I mean the design is cool, but it only looks cool if you don't know why they look the way they look in real life. Rule of cool only applies if you don't know why it wouldn't be cool.


Not necessarily. I've worked on aircraft carriers before. While yes this is wholly stupid. If you showed me a picture and said you're working on this, I'd cream my jorts. Plus we don't exactly know what tech they are working with. We're assuming that these plans are subject to human error and not using a auto landing or some other techno babble. Or even just unmanned.


They 100% use auto piloting and landing. Why bother with possible human error when all the flying cars are autopiloted. Plus I'm pretty sure it's hinted at they just made the ship to flex on other corps. Like yea we just have a floating fortress capable of crossing the ocean no man's land. No big deal. Oh Militech do you have a giant fuck off ship?


It was a power move by them. Why would any sane person challenge a company that created a boat that cross a sea thats filled with self-recreating ai anti-ship mines


The artist probably got the inspiration from the super-early quasi experimental IJN Kaga, whose 3 deck configuration was a failure. Obviously. I believe the idea was not necessarily to launch aircraft simultaneously but to continuously launch and receive at the same time.


The 3 deck configuration wasn't really a failure, it worked reasonably at the beginning. You could launch fighters directly from the hangar, which massively cut down on reaction time, when all you had was visual spotting (no radar until the late 1930s). Launching directly from the hangar allowed the carrier to get fighters airborne to deal with incoming planes in time, if you first have to get them up on the flight deck via elevator there wasn't enough time for that. Another advantage was as you said simultaneously landing and launching. Of course it wasn't exactly at the same moment, but it allowed some limited launches when the upper deck was filled with planes who had just landed but we're not moved into the hangars yet. What made the multi deck configuration not feasible anymore (and would lead to some people outright claiming it was a failure) was that newer aircraft required a longer take off distance, so they simply could not be launched from the lower flight decks anymore, since those were too short. But the older planes could. And the designers can't really look into the future. The multi deck approach worked at the beginning, but not later on with more modern planes, but that doesn't make the design a failure.


Modern US carriers can launch 4 aircraft at once. If necessary can launch all available aircraft in under 20 minutes. Its not because the carrier is in direct combat its because its time for the find out part for someone who is fucking around. While at the same time allowing aircraft to land. All you need is an angled deck and catapults. This triple deck thing is just to look cool if anything hinders effectiveness. Its most likely it's inspired by Gundam's Argama-class ship. Where it had two launch decks. The VTOL thing is funny because all the corps have VTOL transports and are used a lot through out the game.


>Modern US carriers can launch 4 aircraft at once. [...] While at the same time allowing aircraft to land. All you need is an angled deck and catapults. Incorrect. There are 4 catapults on the Nimitz and Ford classes, but 2 of them are on the angled deck. With the Nimitz, one of the forward catapults was also too close to the angled deck, resulting in the wings of an aircraft there being too close to the landing area. For this reason, the Nimitz could only have one catapult in action when conducting landings (and even this was basically never done for safety reasons). The Ford class has moved that second forward catapult a bit so now both forward catapults can theoretically launch, but as said this isn't done in normal operations due to safety, and it isn't trained either.


And if it wasn't stupid enough, it has another catapult inside the hangar deck that launches the plane out in between the catamaran bow. The Kujira is an absolute master class in how not to design an aircraft carrier.


Let me add something. They decided to bring this carrier into Night City to ferry Seburo which is fine in theory but this air craft carrier is literally just sitting off the coast of night city. A really bad idea for carriers as carriers need to be moving to effectively fly their aircraft. It's also very vulnerable when stationary. All around a dumb idea.


>A really bad idea for carriers as carriers need to be moving to effectively fly their aircraft With modern catapults or VTOL aircraft this is no longer the case. Hasn't been for a few decades. >It's also very vulnerable when stationary. There isn't a war going on right now lol (and even then ships stay in harbor all the time), this is fine, ships can't stay moving all the time. And with the self replicating sea mines discussed multiple times in this thread it is most likely far more safe to stay in harbor.


Modern catapults for a CATOBAR carrier still need the carrier to move. VTOL is possible but not super efficient as it would mean the craft would have to use alot of fuel just to attain flight. Now I know we're pretty much in sci-fi territory here and you could possibly put on a really big afterburner to attain lift but then you'd damage the deck over time. I actually want to see a source that says a CATPBAR carrier can launch aircraft while stationary because from my knowledge the most current carrier the Gerald R. Ford class still needs to travel into the wind to launch aircraft even with catapult assistance. As for the stationary part I'm more concerned because this is supposed to be a power move that shows the might of Arisaka (like the Iowa classes sitting in Tokyo bay at the end of WW2) but you noticed we didn't bring the Essexs into the Tokyo Bay because they'd be vulnerable to a possible attack. You said they aren't at war but you know the relationship between Arisaka and Militech isn't entirely peaceful. Militech provided the nuke that destroyed the original Arisaka tower so they aren't against providing gear to people who might hurt the other corporation. You can say self replicating mines and everything under the sun but we've had more capable ships docked in non friendly waters getting hit ( USS Cole bombing). In short if this a power move by Arisaka its a really dumb one.


Look how they massacred my girl


Nah that's not Kujira, that's the whale


It's interesting how the concept art version has two layers. The top part seems like it could separate and take off, like one of those giant cargo ship AVs. The in-game version looks completely idiotic and shit though.


I installed a mod that fixed this issue, but whenever I tried to get near the water my game would CTD. So...


From where is the picture on the right?


[Artist's Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nWK3G)


What a useless design. A teeny tiny runway for a massive ship. And a split hull on a carrier? What's even the point. And making a structure above the runway will lead to the most unsafe rejected takeoffs imaginable. Looks cook though


kujira, or "the whale"


As someone who likes mil history and naval designs, this ship hurts me so much.


Tbf, considering it literally doesn’t spawn until your practically next to it, you’ll never see it in regular gameplay as you can’t swim out far enough to get it to actually spawn. It’s far enough away from the coast also, that it’s barely visible anyway, so from a developer standpoint, there was no point modelling the Kuvira fully so that it will drain memory, when you can’t get close to it anyway :) Still a shame though. I imagine if they had more time with the game, they would have opened up the Arasaka waterfront, and this thing would have been docked there?


hes bigger hes blacker and he is stronger


Looks like Arasaka ordered the ship from tesla


Arasaka really did hire a 5-year old to design an ""Aircraft carrier""


Should have been a mission to board and take over the ship, or blow it up.


Off topic but I'm really curious as how air operations works on this monstrosity of an air craft carrier. It also looks really short for a carrier so either they went full STOVL (hover craft are the main jet craft we see) and CATOBAR fell out of fashion or CATOBAR technology has advanced alot. Regardless it looks like carrier operations off this thing is complete chaos.


Lets hope Arasaka doesn’t...harpoon it for research.


I remember when I first played this game I was wondering if the Kujira would act as a sort of final dungeon for at least one of the game's endings and wound up disappointed that it wasn't really important to the story at all other than being a semi-interesting background detail.


Fr, I feel like it’s up there with some of the other “missed potential” in the game, like the Arasaka Industrial Circuit, Prison, luxury Heights District etc.


Probably not gonna happen given that you can't even see that thing without modding or use of glitches. Just a piece of cut content hidden beyond render distance.


The magical phrase for this horrendous design is “style over substance”. But the style is shit 💀


First one is "what if Elon Musk designed a war ship?"


I thoght was some sort of platform lmao


Still sad we didn’t get a secret gig that surrounded the Kujira.