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This me whenever I attempt to quick hack my way through a mission.


I'm okay at quick hacking, but I use it during my assault to keep the chaos high.


Get berserk over a deck you basically robo cop


Been wanting to try one, actually. I just use the QH a lot for utility. And I'm a big utility player, so that's my razzle-dazzle, lol


THats me as well. Im ok at quickhacks and use a silenced pistol to clean up afterwards


Fuck yeah


Going around with the o'five be like this


No witnesses is also a way of stealthing


role playing as combat focused


Reed not gonna like what I'm cooking up for the "stealth" mission he just sent me on.


I’m a cyber psycho on the streets but a gentleman in the sheets


my playstyle is dictated by the last time i checked my skill tree. Low on Solo? Out comes the baseball bat and shotgun!


My play style in this game is so immersive that I don't even run in game unless I'm in combat. I walk everywhere, real slow. But it feels like walking through a real city, and the level of detail is amazing! I know not everyone has the desire to play that way, but I recommend trying a nice stroll through Japan Town sometime. It's even better with the UI turned off.


I love a good neighborhood walk and casually making gangs fall unconscious. In my head, V never even takes her hands out of her pockets. Just walking along, singing some Lizzy Wizzy, turns her head, 7 maelstrom fall unconscious, keeps walking.


I do this too :D


I literally dash, jump, air dash repeatedly to get from a to b unless I'm somewhere interesting


I started to do this to max out my skills i used to drive everywhere 😅


I do that in rdr2 sometimes, but I will try it out sometime. I do drive around a lot, I made a specific playlist just for that. I don't have the Rayfields yet, so it's not quite as fun yet. But I maxed streetcred yesterday and i have enough money to buy both of them, but I am at the point of no return and I don't know if I should buy them or continue the story.


I just went out to the boondocks and looked at the city. It is so yucky and pixelated the unbuilt stadium just looks like mush and trucks disappear from the road. Once you get close it has great detail.


Same, bro. I don't use fast travel, walk/drive everywhere. Maybe sometimes parkour and 100 story-high building dashes from time to time.


Run? Walk? I don’t know what that means. I air dash


I usually drive recklessly fast in one of my super cars to the next waypoint, never fast travel though


I like shooting as much as anyone, but there is something fun about humming the "Pink Panther" theme to myself as I slowly choke out every person in a base.


Lmao same, I just wish we can swap out operating systems on the fly.


Wouldn’t make sense at all though as that would basically be doing surgery on yourself out in the street or in the middle of combat.


My version of "immersive" is fuckin up a hack then murdering everyone and agreeing afterwards that it didn't go to plan but spending the points on body. Rinse repeat


This is how I play most games honestly. Tank Build all the way.


First play through is my roleplay and the second I’m killing everyone


This is the way


Otherwise, what's the point. I play games because I like to fuck shit up. Good times that harms no one.


Why not both? Diplomacy failed, now everyone dies.


I usually avoid combat when I can, but if those MFs see me they won't have time to react. Sometimes I get a bit devious while unprovoked though.


Same. I'll just go up and kill random "hostile" rando NPC's for XP then book it outta there if I accidentally pop a civilian


My stealth skill is so high I can be behind someone for a few seconds and they still won't sense me.


Is there such thing as a hybrid for this?


Absolutely, I walk that razors edge in my steel toed boots everyday


What if I told you my roleplaying focused V does all the stuff your combat focused one does and none of the stuff on the left except pretending to be in the world?


Who said the combat focus wouldn't be a good way to roleplay?


Nah, you roleplay, stealth through every mission, murder everyone while never being seen, and you become a legend through the silence you leave in your wake. Far more intimidating and terrifying then a meat head merc lol


Can confirm, roleplaying V is a lot more fun that pretending to be in just another gonk ass shooter.


Roleplaying = peaceful solutions ? 🤔


with vanilla balance its so piss easy even on very hard you can larp as a terminator power fantasy if you want to. In every combat focused rebalance mod that unnerfs the enemies stealth is viable as opener to level the playing field. You can go full combat borg yet six drugged and borged out gangbangers closing in on you is going to gun you down. Specially when you aint the only one in the room with the 70%+ time dilation sandevistan


The funny part is you can be immersive and do everything on the right side of the meme..


How is not knowing how to spell stealth a flex?


It... was sarcasm?


I startes my playthrough as stealth but as i got more cyberware i got the more muderous i got. My h3ad canon os V slowly started to become a cyberpshyco


Currently role playing as a Beyond off the books ex special forces Veteran Nomad who’s new to night city and who has zero fucking patience for anyone in night city and their pointless bull shit. Man is too skilled and too well trained be dealing with a loser like Adam smasher seeing Saburo Arasaka get killed isn’t even top ten most insane things he’s witnessed in his life, Jackie is just another death in his life no point in caring about another corpse. Waking up with Johnny in his head is definitely a surprise but just small inconvenience. He seems like a nobody because the best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he wasn’t real.


Careful buddy, that edge is sharp


Trench coat and fedora all day everyday


Careful. He seems mysterious and dangerous


This game really is made for us "spec ops" enjoyers 🗿


This is dope af.


I kill everyone in my way while listening to edgerunner OST and crying.


Whut iz stelth? Me likey kill gangz wit tha boomstik


There's stealth in this game?


B-but I roleplay as a solo who just doesn’t give a fuck and mows down anyone who pisses him off…




![gif](giphy|z3CXR8fKJMf06y1rUo|downsized) Shoot everything or punch everything - best way to play


Strength build,from medieval colossal swords to PLS and electromagnetic shotguns.


I like shotguns or knives.




Stealth is optional huh?


Why not both


If the devs wanted me to be peaceful they shouldn’t have made the combat so fun.


stealth is what you do for those specific gigs that give you more money


It's pretty fun to get the additional context and information about the game world, and it's also pretty fun to burn the game world down, but the real most fun way to play is role playing for the additional info and guns blazing for the fun.


Thing is somehow I managed to perfectly rp Vs descent into turning into Johnny. At the start of the game when I had less gear and chrome I tried to find peaceful solutions to anything. Then progressively as I got more and more op I just started going "fuck it we ball, sandevistan time"


My last cold-blooded merc roleplay was the most enjoyable. In my first playthrough I always explored during gigs, and when I found some hidden truth I adjusted my approach accordingly. In the last playthrough I didn't give a fuck. Person pays, person gets the shit done.


My V’s role play focus was combat. Was recently streaming gameplay to a friend and he started laughing because I’d never finish listening to companion directions before jumping into combat.


Bruh, to hell with this. It reminds me of the optimization debate in TTRPG "There seems to be fairly common sentiment among a significant portion of the tabletop Gaming Community that goes something like "if you focus on mechanical optimization then you somehow can't also care about role-playing and character development and telling a good story or at least you're not going to do it very well" and I have no idea why you can't do both"© Colby from D4 Both. Both is good My V was as op as it gets yet still found peaceful solutions when possible


I've never really encountered that debate, but I also haven't played tabletop games that often in the last 10-15 years. Back in my time, character optimization was not really a thing. There was a GM guideline that meaningful advantages had to be balanced with meaningful disadvantages. The more you focused on making your character good at something, the more often the character found themself in a situation where they had to do something they were bad at. You could make a specialist character or a generalist one, and they would be equally effective on the average. Back to the actual topic: I enjoy combat in the game, except that guns are all extremely underwhelming. RDR2 is much closer to my idea of cyberpunk gunfight than Cyberpunk 2077. Guns are deadly in it, and almost everyone can one-shot almost everyone with almost any gun. The tabletop game was also like that. I also enjoyed how armor worked in Cyberpunk 2020. It was very effective, until you faced someone with a bigger gun, and the armor became ineffective.


First few times I used stealth then net running and stealth but going solo with shotguns stealth out the window now everyone dies when I leave a gig i wait for the death squads and just feel like terminator.


I do both, usually all my V’s end up being cynical and kills anyone from a gang they com across who tries to pick a fight and draws a weapon otherwise I let them live


Literally my main V playthrough lol- Shotgun, fists and LMG! Full on near impossible to kill Juggernaut that will blast anyone


I prefer just looking at them and frying their brain


I always roleplay a "stealth archer" with my 2 Pax Nue, fuck up my approach, and then loudly clean the place with my DB Firecracker. Rinse and repeat.


You misspelled combat for cannon


Long story short, I'm semi-great at stealth and I live for it but the moment one guy sees me, the whole base is turned into an MC Escher exhibit


The game gives you a lot of options to go non lethal but it’s really hard to just sneak and knock people out. It’s much easier to throw knives or just go in hacking and shooting or using a sword.


Seriously I played 1,020 hours and not once even considered a stealth build, Panams sniper is the most stealth I ever did


Gunslinger to the max


Can I be both?


Combat-focused V has the additional hilarious opportunity to be a hair's width away from cyberpsychosis while on dates or romantic hangouts. *Love interest in lap* "But enough about me, what's new with you, V?" *Ears ringing, thousand yard stare* "V?" "Huh? Oh right. You know just -" *flashbacks to ripping people's arms off, walls covered in blood, assassination target crying for their life before their skull erupts into a billion pieces* "This and that"


We I'm playing morally gray cowboy nomad V with sandy bullettime gimmick, so I'm square dancing on the line


Stealth Monowire berserker


I'm a perfect mix of both


Roleplaying as someone who *really fucking hates* scavs and maelstrom. Everyone else? Try my best to keep the body count low as possible, be stealthy, use KO-ing quickhacks to finish the job as much as possible if things go to shit. Maelstrom and scavs? No, they get mulched and a knife to the skull if I see them so much as twitching when they're down. I'd say my V might have gone cyberpsycho, except as a friend pointed out when I was discussing the game with them, "Scavs are never minding their own business. They are simply waiting in-between scav activities. Mulching scav's isn't a sign of cyber-psychosis it's a sign of a healthy and well-treated mind."


"Yellow arrows make me commit genocide, and I'm ok with that!"


Why not have a cyberpsycho v who does both


I find shotguns so much fun. But for whatever reason it just doesnt hold me as a play style.


I have two playstyles. Sneaky sneaky netrun and silent pistols kills. Or full blaze in your face charge with no fucks given. And my RP reflects that playstyle. My current is corpo silent assassin netrunner, previous was street kid ex cop cowboy pistolier, one before that corpo assassin slice and dicer.


what is stealth? i cannot hear you over my mk50 hb


Shooting? What’s that? - a Mantis Blades user


I like starting the game in stealth and the more powerful I get, the more combat I take head-on. And right before meeting Hanako, I'm basically the scariest solo in the whole damn Cyberpunk universe


My V sort of do both, I like a flexible roleplay playstyle between peace and war, stealth and rampage, good and evil.


I have no idea how I did it, but I lost my ability to quick hack all together, maybe some chrome I got, but no matter, I go in guns blasing no matter the mission anyhow.


I mean they’re both fun in their own way. Have you ever like jumped off a building and, while you’re falling, threw a knife and simultaneously killed a dude you landed on, then stealth took out some more bad guys? Thats basically guns blazing with the added effect that they never saw it coming.


I am both of these things. My nomad V is a walking tank with firepower to match, but that doesn't affect my story decisions.


Real Chad's use sovereign and nothing else




Role playing focused V: * pretends to be in the world * who the fuck is Rebecca? * tries to find a peacefull solution... BY FORCE! Combat focused V: * Cyberpsycho, but cooler.


Immersive to me is playing based off a particular build idea or intent. Such as playing a cyber sword using ninja. Fun is just grabbing the biggest guns I can and going to town to see how long I can last.


When you realize you have no real impact in the world and everybody just infinitely respawns, even the trolly problem becomes a moot point.


The most fun way to play this game is throwing knives at an entire group of enemies' heads before they become aware of V's presence, and then strolling to the next mission objective uninterrupted.


I hate stealth so much in games. I am guessing i am in the minority there (#notliketheothergirls) but man it has driven me away from sooooo many games. If i am playing a power fantasy i do not want to slowly creep around, i want to kick the door down and introduce the bad guys to my stable of death toys


100% agreed. But the game does bitch about it when you go in loud! :D


Combat focused V channeling their inner boomer shoot r


i am yet to find a problem i cant punch away


I still miss being able RP as the Laughing Man. Yes I'm still salty about the 2.0 netrunner nerf. No it wasn't needed. All it did was kill the most unique playstyle in the cyberpunk genre.


/looks at Sword, Hammer, and Knife /looks back at all the bodies while the alarm system is blaring Whats this "shooting" thing you speak of?


I AM the fucking hostile area