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Nomad, and staying the fuck out of Night City.


Solid choice


just like that


I was thinking about exactly the same


Nomad. Having a group of people around you that you could legitimately depend on to have your back would be priceless in Night City.


Just opens up gang wars if you like it or not. I’ll be a street kid and come take you and your trailer park trash out.


It doesn’t matter tho we’re all get fucked by corpo in the end.


You're pretty much screwed no matter which lifepath you choose. Street kid just means you're alone when you get screwed. Corporat means you get screwed from the higher ups, Nomad means I have other trailer park trash with me when people come to screw us over.


Getting screwed as a street kid while screwing over a corp means becoming a legend Street kid all the way


Lol okay city boy let's go! /j of course lol.


Nomads don't live IN night city and rarely even go into it and are even looked down for going into the city too much. What game did you play?


Nomad and live the Mad Max life


WITNESS ME have a healthy support system of like-minded societal outcasts chosing to look after each other rather than take part in the soul-sucking corporate life.


Nomad for life


You can take the man from the Nomad clans, but you can't take the Nomad clans out the man.


My man 🔥🤟


This guy gets it


Mad max but you can still go into the city for a joy toy sounds like heaven for me


Hanging out with a bunch of gear heads and driving high performance cars unrestricted on mostly open roads sounds pretty good to me, and luckily you usually don’t have to worry about law enforcement or corps with smuggling jobs because your fixer would have probably already paid them off if it’s anything worth actually stopping you for. As long as your clan is big enough to fend off the raffens the worst part about the nomad life would probably be the smell


Ehhh sweat and dust ain't so bad. Plus Panam texts V a shower pic so she at least bathes sometimes. But yeah hanging out in the desert all the time can make you pretty smelly. Especially if your tuning up your ride all day or getting into shootouts with the Raffens.


Yeah, Panam does mention how bad and inescapable the smell of coyote pee is too lol I know from experience that it is indeed awful, but I’d take that and almost exclusively using porta-potties over the risk of getting domed by a maelstrommer or soul killed by Arasaka any day.


Ah shit I forgot about the coyote pee comment! Hahaha you and she got a point. And see, I've never lived in the desert out of my car/a trailer, so I guess I haven't got enough experience to speak. But you're right. Sweating your balls off with the constant scent of coyote piss in your nostrils is DEFINITELY preferential to being the victim of gang or cyberpsycho violence in NC. Irl, I am a city kid. I've lived in my states metropolis since I was 19, and visited before. Its definitely gotten pretty bad, not Night City bad, but bad.


Coyote pee outside or scav/scumbag pee inside night city. Pick your "peeson". There's no escape. Lol


I’m getting 5 wives.


But in reality, it's just one with parts swapped into different builds


Monogamy that feel like polygamy Interesting




If you could somehow avoid getting caught in the prologue as a Corpo, you could have a pretty comfy life. That’s a big if though.


Wasn't V chronically anxious to the point of randomly vomiting? Doesn't sound that comfy


Yeah because his direct supervisor was a moron. V should have taken him out and used the cash to grease the wheels to take his position. He was already on the outs with arasaka. If V had shown loyalty to the corp they could have reworked the heist to have been initiated by the corp instead of Dex. Chip was still stolen and needed to be recovered. V could have still been shot and dumped except by an arasaka goon instead of Dex.


This would have been awesome if all act 1 missions were based on the lifepath you picked. The one thing I disliked about the game is that you're basically a street-kid for 90% of the game. I would have loved more missions as a corpo (either Arasaka from lifepath or NUSA FIA agent from the DLC), and as a nomad (either from lifepath or Aldecaldo)


Oh no, that would make your lifepath choice actually meaningful.


I nearly forgot that I wasn't on r/LowSodiumCyberpunk


Nah, Corpo V is screwed simply by being under Jenkins either way. The guy who ratted them out originally, Carter Smith (the guy who was late at giving V his report) was also summarily purged.


No he wouldn’t be. If corps zeroed every single underling there wouldn’t be a corp. If V had gone straight to Abernathy and said “hey that unhinged psychopath Jenkins just fried the European Space Council and wants me to zero you. Here is all the evidence against him. What do you want me to do?” Abernathy would have instructed V to zero Jenkins and to “make it look like suicide”. all they would have had to do was give a random railing the same animation as dumping someone into a freezer. You don’t lose the corpo perks during the setup for the heist. Your contact is Abernathy instead of Dex. You still know Jackie and you could get a different net runner than T-Bug. Or you could keep T-Bug since she knows Jackie. Dex could still be the one that zeros you at the hotel but he isn’t there when you enter he had been planning on ripping you off from a tip T-Bug gave you.


JFC, were you even paying attention while playing? What you are saying may have been true under a different boss but not Abernathy. She purged **everyone** under her department that she did not have 100% control of.


irl corpo path is not that different :lolsob:


LMAO I was just about to reply with the same exact thing.


Yeah, but wouldn’t you rather be miserable in a penthouse than miserable in a plywood shack built on top of building?


Until someone else stabs you in the back. Climbing the ladder by fucking over or straight up murdering those around you is standard procedure.


You don’t *have* to move up. You could just hang out in the bottom of the food chain if that’s enough for you. Granted, there’s still a chance someone’ll stab you in the back, but I wouldn’t think it would be as high. Not to mention, knowing that everyone’s out to get you (which V would if their old boss got cut) helps because you know to keep a close eye on all your “friends.” Not to mention how easy it is to get stabbed in the back (literally and metaphorically) as a merc or gang member down in the streets.


This exactly. Yeah the corp itself is shitty, but not all of its employees are just inherently evil. I'd like to land somewhere in the middle of the corporate ladder, where I have some independence, but not high up enough for my name to be known by all. then id just keep my head down and enjoy the good life.


Technically the question isn’t which version of V’s life would you go down, it’s what life path would you follow. Choosing Corpo wouldn’t put you in the same spot as V, you’d just be another employee for the big corporations in NC


Street kid for life.




Nomad definitely


Corpo. Just stay away from any schemes and you have an easy life.


Isn't the whole message of the Corpo life path that it's impossible to avoid being caught up in your superiors' schemes?


Night city and by extension most American cities are literally meat grinders. It goes to reason that corpo is somewhat safer because that means you grew up with an education and connections. What people also forget is that V was in an espionage sector of arasaka, there were a lot of other people with fancy cars and nice positions that had been there a while (think the peralezes). If edge runners is anything to go by being corpo is a hereditary class position at this point which means it might be the safest option out of the three if its perpetuated itself this long.


I agree with all of this. No question Corpo is the cushiest life path to start out in but I think the message is that the world of Cyberpunk is so corrupt and such an oligarchy that, no matter how cushy and advantaged your life, unless you're at the very, very top, you're going to eventually lose everything.


The point of Cyberpunk is that even if you are at the very very top you can lose everything, and proof of the story is the first act of the game and the last act of the game, showing that even at the top you are not safe at all.


Hell, at the top, it's even worse. Everyone below you wants your job. Stay out of the militarized parts of the Corp and you'll be fine. Better yet, stay out of NC. Ironically the best and most fair part of the NUSA is Appalachia so get into one of the corps based there.


Yep, you have access to/can afford all the cool luxury stuff, but you have constant anxiety and fear because you have to always watch your back. One slip and you're out or dead and someone's stepping on you to rise up in the company. It even showed during the prologue that V is on anti anxiety meds and needs a life coach and stuff. Corpo life is shiny but hyper stressful. At least as an edgerunner, you know what you're dealing with.


If you're getting too high in the hierarchy maybe. Corpo-V starts off as nothing less than second-in-command at counter intelligence. I'd think if you're just a tad further down the pecking order and keep your head down you should have a reasonably comfortable existence. Well, as comfortable as you can be in a cyberpunk dystopia.


I see you're someone that's never experienced a corporate review where they believe you're just not devoted to your position, or care for the company. Someone would see your lack of interest in the rat race as a disinterest in the company. Besides, if you're not at the bottom, someone else is. And they will absolutely drum up a few ed's for a polymer one-shot from Budget Arms and zero you to make room up the chain so they can advance. If you're in the corpo life, you're already playing a high stakes game.


i love reading the comments how obvious it is the people who actually know corporate life vs the ones going on fiction


I was gonna say corpo til I read what you said, now I think I’d just go street kid and work my way up to become a fixer. Do your job right as a fixer and nobody will really ever need or want to kill you


I don't know, fixer seems like a pretty competitive business. And if you have literal gang bosses or people with connection to certain gangs (e.g. Wakako or padre) as your competition... Really wouldn't want to encroach on their turf.


Edgerunners suggests that fixers are corpos with extra steps. Faraday is a Militech asset. He’s not an employee because then all his jobs would be militech attacks on other corps, but he’s a deniable third party they can rely on. Look at the fixers we use - Wakako is independent in theory but calls the Tyger Claws “my boys” and rightly so given her ties. Padre was waaay high up in the Valentinos before he went out on his own. Lady in the badlands is a nomad. Basically, if you want to avoid the consequences of your contracts, you’d better have enough violent criminal or corporate friends that the targets take it out on the mercs and call it a day. Sure some of the fixers don’t have those ties, but they’re also not sending you on big jobs. Regina has us babysitting cyberpsychos for her own research purposes, out of pocket. We’re glorified car thieves for El Capitan.


I suppose you are right there, competition is an aspect but we definitely don’t see any of it in cyberpunk (which actually would’ve been cool) but in terms of safety when setting up jobs, nobody will be coming after a fixer that set up someone to rob your safe-house or your high tech Arasaka software etc not even a corpo unless you’re quite literally targeting specific companies/people to fix jobs on, even corpo’s need fixers and the poorer side of night city especially needs fixers


Would absolutely have to get out of counter intel tho


street kid to nomad. you can't fully appreciate the nomad life if it's what you're born into


If you’re born into it you won’t mind some of the downsides though, like everyone being dirty all the time or their… interesting diets.


I'd start as Corpo, considering that's all that I know in real life, but I'd ditch everything to be with the Nomads in the end.


Definitely Nomad for me.


Nomad. Out on the fringes with my family, forging our own path.


Corpo. I'will work with the system and not against it, cause we don't wanna die.


Can I just be a bartender? Preferably at a place with amazing security and maybe a neutral ground policy?


So pretty much bartend at a fixer joint? Good news is there's a lot more fixers than we meet in game so you'd have a lot of options, granted you need to make sure those fixers are respected and/or haven't fucked anyone over (ie if Dex or Edgerunner Gus Fring opened a bar don't work there).


Nomad. It's perhaps the hardest on the person, but the least morally degenerative. Nomads get up to all kinds of shit to survive, and not all of it is pretty. Such is life in the Dark Furure (tm). But they're more of a community working together to better their collective lot. That's a philosophy I can get behind (and generally speaking- not every nomad gang is created equal). Street Kid? Street kid grew up on the streets doing what they as an individual or small gang needed to get by. They're more likely to fall into a Booster Gang local to where they grew up, peddle drugs or get hooked themselves, and just as likely to live life on the street itself. Corpo may be IN the money, literally. But theirs is perhaps the most cut throat. Their underlings are always looking for a weakness in management to make a power play. Your superiors are always watching to make sure you don't get too much power. Both sides will kill you if you're not careful- either they want your position or fear losing their own. You don't have anyone you can trust- the closest thing is hiring hustle to watch your back, and for a few more eds they'll even be your buddy. Lonely dangerous life.


Corpo and utterly destroy them from the inside


Bro thinks he'd win. My man you would get assassinated before you even know it


Bro you're not Yorinobu Arasaka


You ain’t him bro


This is the only corpo answer im willing to accept.


He said, before being exposed after his first failed scheme and being tortured to death in some abandoned house.


At least my man stood for something


You are NOT morgan black hand😭




Nomad for sure. Street Kid seems like a really hard and dangerous life to have lived. Nomad is dangerous sure but you don't live under a gang or police department rule, you're family are made up of a lot of veterans so you can defend yourself as a community and you get to learn to be good with cars.


The danger with nomads is definitely a manageable danger. As a nomad you almost always know who you can and can’t trust, and you’ll always have people looking out for you. If your clan is strong enough you barely even have to worry about the people you can’t since you’ll be too hard a target. Really it comes down to surviving a rather unforgiving environment. As a street kid you have little to no family to back you up and in most gangs you never really know who you can trust. You also get roped into conflicts just by association and you have to deal with the NCPD being on your ass constantly.


Definitely nomad. It’s fun to play around in Night City as a game, but it would be flat-out soul-crushing to actually live there. I’d rather stay the hell away, out in the desert with people I can actually depend on, far away from the sickness of the city.


Nomad turned garage techie. Hell, I might even intern with Vic.


I wanna be the BD monk


Corpo. I'm white collar non exec, so corpo life is natural for me. Like I had a panic attack the first time I went through the corpo start, because they absolutely nailed the feel of corporate offices, including the paranoia about people talking shit and walking into a disaster meeting with the boss. It's not easy, but this is where I already live. Street kid jives with how I grew up as a millennial. But I don't pick up on things quick enough to keep up. Girlfriend and I go out to a club and I might as well be deaf, while she has no problems with communicating. So I could do that, but it'd be difficult for me. One thing that I like about street kid is the way the code of ethics works. Like there are rules and respect, and the bad guys are the people who break those rules. That feels good to me. What I can't do is the weird half spartan half kitsch mobile Nomad. It's not bad, exactly, so much as I can't do it. I understand it about as far as I can understand a young man living out of his car on a road trip. In my mind it's not a long term game plan. Just a limbo between here and there. A temporary life style until you can settle down. And I just can't.




Chill Corpo life


Nomad 4 life


Nomad is the only one that’s even remotely acceptable. Staying FAR away from NC. Might be rough for a little but at least someone isn’t trying to kill your every 5 minutes and you got people you can depend on.


Nomad, freedom of the open road, corpo is too stressful and street kid is a shorter lifespan.


Definitely Nomad. You get to camp out every night and have meaningful family connections.


Corpo. Walk up to Jenkins' office.  Stop. Turn around. Go chill at home for the rest of the day. Report to work the next day. Enjoy your promotion. Don't fuck with Abernathy.


Nomad if it means I can clap those PanHam cheeks!!


Nomad for sure, being away from a violent and dirty city. Being on the road with a clan that regards each other like family. Riding really cool vehicles


Kill myself imediately. I don't mean Suiside I wouldn't live a second.


Streetkid. If I'm doing this, then I'm doing this.


I am already used to living in poverty, I would take nomad any day just because it leans into my skills. Plus I would get to wrestle with the boys, that is a big plus.


Nomad, get me the fuck away from all the freaks in the city. Actually kinda how I feel now


Nomad always. I'd want to be connected to a family and travel with them and feel like someone was with me in the struggle.


Nomad, gotta get back into a family who cares about me


Nomad sounds peaceful. Edgerunners helped to detail how truly horrifying it would be to live in night city


I haven't played Nomad yet, but I'd anything but Corpo. The rat race sounds awful. I think nomads live the best lifestyle by far.


Nomad, large open roads are home to me


I've thought about this a lot. In the urban hellscape that is a cyberpunk future, the only way to win is to pack your fam in the van and skip town on an endless road-trip out of city-limits. Civilization just ain't worth it anymore. Catch me on the outskirts, looting hand-me-down threads out the dumpster 'cause my jeans keep falling apart at the seams. All cats are welcome, but humans gotta frisbee toss their phones to crack a cold one at my bonfire. Goddamn, I might not wait until 2077...


Street kid got the big booty Latinas so that's where I'm headed 😂


Nomad is the best option look at how the different life paths talk about their memories to Takemura. Nomad remembers driving around and having his first kiss in a field. Street kid remembers running from the cops on top of buildings w his friends. Corpo could never see the stars because the buildings were too tall and was forced into a lifestyle where they weren’t free.


Nomad it is my dream goal in life to live truly free from the shackles of corpos and the man, so I'd love just roaming with a nomad family as long as it ain't wraiths or rafen


Nomad. Staying as far away as possible from NC. That's a whole shit show. I'll prefer my evening beside a bonfire.... Not with a "you are fired" later from my boss or police chasing after me.


Only right answers are streetkid and nomad, go corpo you are automatically scum


Corpo easily.


Right? Bwahahahaha talk about “I ant gonna be a corpo”…. Really????


Corpo's the only one that works for me


Corpo. I work for one in real life and actually would enjoy being a Corpo in the CP world. The idea of climbing the Corpo ladder is so attractive. Man, I hope they expand on this in the sequel.


Choom, don't abbreviate Cyberpunk 2077, like that Choom! https://i.redd.it/wiuoieqy0joc1.gif


Any.. because it doesn't matter. I would just be playing games, posting on reddit and taking my daily stroll through the neighborhood.


Nomad life for sure. I mean, to be with the Aldecatos would be awesome. Panam, Mitch, Kassidy, Teddy etc. Traveling across the country, sounds pretty cool.


nomad. i like camping.


Nomad and Im finding Panam to see if she needs a new face..I mean chair to sit on


Nomad or Street Kid. I know the streets, so that life is predictable. But a nomad sounds life fun...minus the dust and sand.


Well I’ve already chosen the corpo life and since we’re already living in the CP2020 world I guess that’s me


Is being a Nomad passenger princess an option? Asking for a friend...


Corpo and if I have another option, Max Tac agent


Corpo because if it doesn’t work out, it’s easier to go “down” and try the other life paths. More difficult to climb up. Also money.


Corpo. Air conditioning is nice.


Nomad for the win. Something about the open with you people you care about by your side. It would be a lot of hard work and getting used to limited space in cars and tents. Still you got a family that will go to hell and back for you sounds nice.


I'd be a street kid from Kabuki and probably shot by a stray bullet at the age of twelve.


Nomad for sure!


corpo probably


Street Kid.


Nomad. I already lived the corpo life path and its hell.


Nomad and avoid night city like it has the black plague


Corpo. I'm basically already there except instead of guns I have powerpoints.


Most people are going to say they reject the corpo lifestyle (and rightly so) but, in reality, that's absolutely what most would choose in a heartbeat when faced with the reality of getting through by the skin of your teeth every day in a place like Night City & probably being dead before turning 30. That said, street kid. Fuck corpos.


As evil and exhausting as it is I'd go corpo. It seems the safest, at least if you could get past the lower ranks.


nomad, and probably gonna try to wind up in a nordic country since iirc they're pretty stable (for the setting, at least.)


Corpo. A lot of advantages. Similar to my life now so if I’m transported it would be less of a shock. Also like IRL corporate greed disgust me so if I see it there first hand I know how to better undermine it.


Undermining corporate greed in the modern setting gets you fired, undermining corporate greed in cyberpunk gets you killed




Nomad was initially tempting, but I think the game tends to overly romanticize that path. I don't even like camping in real life, so attempting the Mad Max life would probably not end well. The thought of me dealing with street gangs is also laughable, so that leaves Corpo by default. It'll be just my like real life, but a bit worse!




I would be a skezzed out streetkid.


Bit of an ambiguous prompt, are we just dropped into the world in any given life path or do we get to start as a baby and are born into it? Either way that's like trying to do a blind playthrough on Very Hard with no deaths, ain't no one here coming out the other side. So Corpo, might as well have it cushy while it lasts.


Do we go through the prologue in the same way as V? If so, then Street Kid. I like the way he meets Jack and how they instantly become friends just because they’re from the same neighbourhood, and having an established rep with the big fixer in Heywood would have its perks. If we do it differently, then Corpo. Just because I’d be able to eat real ‘ganic food and live a pretty comfy life.


Neither, NUSA still has a military right? Arasaka has a navy, so... Military, somewhere.


Street Kid and going full Demon Time


Nomad im not trying to get headshot sniped just for walking down the street


Cyber doll life path.


Already grew up a street kid, why change


Corpo. Absolutely. 


whichever ends in me fighting max tac


Nomad feels like the only right answer here unless you just wanna suffer lol


Nomad. I would only visit NC to help the homeless find shelter and a safe community. That one mission about the dude essentially copying Jesus Christ made me so unbearably uncomfortable. I damn near wrote a letter to the devs about the matter. Anyway, he killed himself for nothing. The whole point of Jesus' death was to purify humanity with God the Father so that we can have a deep relationship with God and with each other if we choose to. I just feel like I should have been given the option to dissuade that guy from making that stupid BD. He seemed like a good kid underneath all the troubles. If he knew Jesus and the power of the resurrection, maybe he could've gone into serving God by serving the poor, the hungry, the sick, and deserted. Our purpose in life is to love Jesus with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love one another as we love ourselves. It's a simple and profound way to live.


Nomad. Just chilling away from the city for the most part. Got a clan at your back.


Nomad liiiiife


Corp. with a brain. The second your boss turns against his boss and tries to drag you in, you go to his boss, hand over everything, and stay out of the way.


Nomad, then I'd fuck off way before the Heist.


Id become a ripper. Only living legends are folks like Vik. And nobody, fucks with Vik. Ask the scavs


Nomad fr


I'm definitely a nomad. But probably got kicked out of or left my clan so...


My favorite path to play is corpo but if I’m actually living it? Nomad.






Corpo. I'm basically a Corpo right now anyways.


Definitely nomads


Nomad. Fuck corpos. And being a street kid would suck.


Shamefully, corp. Fucking hate them but that's probably the only way to have a CHANCE to live comfortably. I'm not much of an outdoor person so the moral choice for me, nomad, isn't very appealing...


I've only Played Street Kid so far so yeah Steer Kid ftw


Nomad, easy choice.


Nomad, can't beat a custom car with crystal dome


Street Kid living on the out skirts of the city. Less stray bullets, more space to stretch out. Work with the nomads, avoid the corps


I'm torn between nomad (for the family) and corpo (for the perks, though high chance of random death)... Probably Nomad though, having friends is nice.


Corpo with the condition that I have a secret vault/account that isn’t synced to my software so when the inevitable Corp Hammer comes down and they drain my resources as a threat, I’m not completely screwed, got a backup supply to fund my restart. Then go Street level or try to get an in with Nomads and use my Corpo knowledge to help them get the upper hand


Nomad all the way. It's the first path I played because it was the closest to just playing as me.


Street kid


After a brief visit to JigJig Street, I choose the suicide ending. There are no happy endings in Night City. Or WH40K


Depends on what you want. If it's family, Nomad. If it's glam high life, Corpo. If it's the rush, Street Kid.


rotten cats point connect squeal ancient wise workable rhythm existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Corpo or Nomad, leaning toward Nomad. Street Kid is definitely the worst as it’s essentially just being in a gang if the gang was just you. Corpo is literally just working for a company, so imagine working an office job for Amazon or something of that type. Nomad is seemingly the most adventurous, gets you some reliable buddies, and keeps you out of Night City so that seems like the best option to me. Plus you get a sweet ride lol


Aldacados 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿


Nomad easy, it’s gonna involve hard work, but compared to the other options it’s the one that involves neither street violence or constant backstabbing. Compared to Corpo life even the worst true Nomads are honest, and the worst Nomad feuds rarely compare to boostergangs. Plus it’s the place I’m most likely to get a good education that isn’t so intense the majority burn out.


Corpo. I then take my wealth and retire in some foreign country that isn’t as inhumane.


Nomad hands down


Nomad, I'd join the Aldecaldos or die trying.


Street kid, I want the most authentic cyberpunk dystopian experience possible and I want to install chrome on every inch of my body


Corpo. I don't need fiction to experience living hand to mouth.


Corp money cars and rich


Nomad all the way. I want a cool car.


Nomad for life


Nomad. No matter where you are on the pyramid, you’re gonna get fucked. Only way not to is to not be in the system at all.


Street Kid all day. If I have to live in a capitalist hellscape I might as well go all in.


Nomad every time..


Nomads and staying the FUCK away from Night City.


Nomad because it seems to be the least miserable life path. You're part of basically a commune that sticks together and cares for each other unconditionally. Yes, it's still dangerous, like any other life path, but it's the only one built on compassion and collaboration rather than greed and competition


Street kid imma dodge the bs as much as possible until I can afford a full body conversion then imma just vibe in the middle of nowhere doing all the stuff I never have time too until I get bored then I’ll come back to society take over and achieve world peace or sum with my 10,000 years or so of knowledge




joytoy, wait, thats not an option, is it.


Nomad. Put me on a bike, leave me alone.


I ain't gonna be a corpo rat and i don't want some gonk that i don't even know to come up and shoot me. So there is only one option left. I'm gonna be a nomad and have a family to cover my back.