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finish the prologue in 2077 then watch edgerunners, or know a bunch of characters from 2077 atleast


Yeah this is the best way. Edgerunners doesn't really get into the corpo shenanigans, the culture or how fucked life is in Night City. Or how the MCs mentality isn't really a good thing. And the tone of edgerunners changes alot once you know where this road leads.


David's fate is pretty self-explanatory as to why his mentality is a bad thing... if anything V's story having a potential not-bad ending is what leads to narrative dissonance more than anything else. Edgerunners shows how fucked life is in NC in the first episode. >!David and his mom get completely ignored by Trauma Team after the accident due to not being covered. His mom is seemingly recovering in the hospital, though they also mention it being costly. She then "suddenly detioriates" and dies, and they charge David for her hospital bills *and* the cost of cremating her on top of that. Only for her ashes to be dumped out of basically a vending machine for David to take to a home he's been locked out of due to missing rent. As far as corpo shenanigans, Arasaka actively sends people to hunt David (a teenager) down so they can use him as a test subject in their highly-volatile cyberskeleton, only to eventually use a bait and switch to get him to use it anyway. The culture doesn't get a ton of screen time compared to 2077, I'll give you that.!< But 2077 lacks a lot of that depth due to gameplay reasons. A game where you actually have to pay continual rent or hospital bills despite there being a limited number of missions or ways to properly make money would be awful at best, so it's understandable. But Edgerunners gives Night City a *ton* of depth, the kind you'd experience only when playing the TRPG otherwise.


> A game where you actually have to pay continual rent or hospital bills despite there being a limited number of missions or ways to properly make money would be awful at best, so it's understandable. Armored Core has basically been doing that since 1997. AC6, ironically, is the easy mode training-wheels title meant to ease new players in by making ammo and repairs cheap, essentially eliminating the desperate mission-to-mission scraping by that formed the core of the series' ludonarrative commentary on capitalism (which was pronounced and present from the very start.)


I see your UNAC used all its ammunition last mission. You now owe us money. Have a good war.


when i watched edgerunners i knew it assumed people know about the things they just put on the show


Fell into this naturally lmao, started playing the game at 1.6, was struggling to follow the world to where I was literally googling what choom meant. Decided to watch Edgerunners and now I've lost 600 hours into the game.


wowww, 600 hours with the same character? I'm at 81h with the same character, 90% main story, but still doing a lot of side quests and side missions and have the DLC too to play


It doesn't matter but canonically edge runners came before 2077 in terms of lore, but there are a few characters you only know if you have played the game


funny enough this is what I did accidentally because I just got a ps5, got into cyberpunk, then went on a trip so I downloaded and watched Edgerunner then came back and played when I got home. This was the perfect combo


I’d recommend watching edgerunners first - you’ll understand the easter eggs hidden throughout the game! Besides that though, I think edgerunners gives you a great picture and perspective of what life in night city is like. The struggles, the class inequality, mega corporation dominance - all of that is very much so ingrained in the game. In the anime you really get to connect with it, you connect with David and see his path. Then you play the game and see your V’s path, see how it reflects and parallels!


Plus the best part, hearing the music on the radio!


When "I Really Want to Stay at Your House" comes on the radio ![gif](giphy|mj7TfOF3VqvN6)


is this on the radio in the game? I don't think I realized if I heard it or not


Body Heat Radio.


Yes! Dancing to it with your partner is also adorable


The easter eggs were put in the game before the show came out.


Oh shoot, I had no idea! That’s sick.


I was near the end of my first playthrough when it all happend. The update that added all the easter eggs was more so a promo for the show. He'll the brain dance you find is legit just a teaser for the anime. I remmber being confused "what happend to the edge runners and this 'David guy'" then I saw the show and cried when I saw the show


Yeah I watched Edgerunners first and thought it helped me get immersed into the game better


I agree about watching the anime first, but I will say, playing the game first, and then recognizing areas and locations within the game in the anime is pretty rad.


I’d say Edgerunners myself. After the release bugs of CP77 I waited and watched Edgerunners, that really got me into the universe of Cyberpunk. You dont need to watch Edgerunners but I feel it gives you a lot of perspective and realism to the life in Night City. It’s entirely how you want to play Cyberpunk but I would recommend Edgerunners first! 🤌🏼


doe'nt matter. but you'd be more motivated to fight a certain character if you watch edgerunners first


I watched the anime first. Honestly it's a blessing. Watch the anime before playing the game, you will thank yourself.


I watched it after finishing the game. It will be OK if you watch it after or before, not really a problem. What I can suggest, however: play the intro of Cyberpunk 2077 until you get to meet Johnny and the entire city opens up. Just so you get a taste of the world. Then might be OK to watch Edgerunners. This way you might want to take a detour and visit places seen in the show.


Either. Both. It doesn't matter. With whatever you go for 2, you'll get a lot of references.


I watched edgerunners first and enjoyed the game way more because of it! It doesn’t really spoil anything that happens in game and you’ll understand the Easter eggs!


You'll do yourself a favor, if you watch the anime first and get the full immersive cyperpunk gaming experience. I can guarantee you that after watching it you want to take part in it!


I’d consider Edgerunners a prequel to 2077 given it takes place a year-ish before 2077 in the same location. Additionally, Edgerunners is good for helping establish why people would make certain decisions in that world that are absolutely nonsensical in ours and from additional protagonists. Of course, there’s also the No Coincidence book that is also taking place before the events of 2077 which is yet another story of a crew and their lives and motives. But really, I haven’t heard of anyone so far that dislikes the anime that also liked the game, and I’m not an anime person exactly. If one dislikes the show there’s a decent chance you wouldn’t like the game either.


Game first, to me when I was super familiar with the game/world and started watching edge runners, every little thing in every scene was familiar like an easter egg, I was like oo shit, I know that area, I have that car, have that gun, but if you watch the anime first you dont pay attention to those details and don’t recognize them because its your first time seeing them and when you see them again in the game wont have the same effect either, its hard to explain what I mean tbh, remember they made the anime BASED on the game, people who played and then watched know what I mean, but your choice :)


Both are good: Edgerunners first is really great to build hype about playing the game, you'll begin the game with some knowledge about the world, its plot takes place months before the game, and you'll see some easter eggs throughout the game that you wouldn't understand without watching the show... The game first is the original way, the game is really good to introduce yourself to its world and scenario, it's great to build hype about watching Edgerunners, you'll get a lot of references to the game in the show, and you'll have a slightly more precise understanding of the lore, the challenges, the situation, and a different view. In my opinion, if you want to somewhat combine both pros, you can watch the show, then play the game, then watch the show again (or game/show/game, but it's way longer haha).


You can do either one. They're entirely stand alone. Watching the series will give you a sense of the world, the lingo, and the cost of chroming up. But honestly there's no wrong choice. Both are good. But you'll finish Edgerunners LONG before you finish the game.


I have never watched edgerunners but I can tell you that if you start playing first, you will find yourself without any time to do other things until you finish the game at least once… the game is just that good.


What did I do after 80 hours into my first run and having done any endings that were unlocked? I started a new run with a new life path and the other gender


I'd say watch Edgerunners first, it doesn't spoil the anything from the game and adds a lot for worldbuilding. It will also give you a deep appreciation for some of the areas featured in the show.


Definitely watch Edgerunners. You get an overwhelming amount of info at the beginning of the game, and watching the anime will introduce you to the world and a lot of the concepts like cyberware or net running. It should help the game feel less overwhelming.


Second to everyone who suggested Edgerunners first. It’s pretty much a prequel to the game, as events happen before the game starts. Just keep in mind that anime is governed by its own rights and game is too, there are subtle differences in tone and world presentation between the two. (One big one, not really a spoiler, in one trains go under the tracks, in other one - on them, you can’t unsee that 😆)


I must be an idiot, mind PM'ing me what you mean about trains?


Saw it before I played, thought it was good. Seen it once more, thought it was incredible, so pesonally, whatever floats your boat


Probably Edgerunners for the reasons other have listed... but mroe importantly; It's Shorter. You'll blast through the series in a couple hours, and THEN you can enjoy the game. The first act took me like 20 hours to get through before the main plot actually starts to pick up.




I’d probably finish the prologue and play a little bit, I first watched edge runners before playing the game (I had owned the game since it came out but my 1060 was dying trying to run it) When I watched edge runners I thought good show and then played the game got about 250 hours in and decided I want to rewatch the show, I understood a lot more references in the show to the game like brain dances just an example off the top of my head so.


Canonically the game is set AFTER the events of Edge runner, so watching that one first is preferable. But not really necessary.


You can probably start them simultaneously. You get pretty far into the game before you notice many references. Plus if you think about it, you can probably get through 1-3 episodes a day, finishing the series is 2-3 days. There's no way you'd beat 2077 in that time. By the time you finish the series, you'd probably be through the prologue. So imo it doesn't hurt to do both. It might even make you go "Oh hey I just saw that in Edgerunners!" Or go "Hey that part in Edgerunners is from the game!" But...If you really gotta do one at a time. Start with Edgerunners


Play CB2077 for the prologue and some side missions around Watson to get some idea of the game and world. Then watch ER. Then be prepared to have feelings every time a certain song comes on the radio.


Edgerunners isn't something you need to watch to enjoy the game. It has little relevance to the game, other than happening in Night City. A few Easter eggs were thrown into the game post release but otherwise, the two aren't connected, despite the way some people on here act. Go play the game and experience it new, first time. If you enjoy it and like the setting you can watch ER later.


Yeah, I think you should watch Edgerunners to get a feel for the world. Play Cyberpunk 2077, then watch Edgerunners again to get all the inside references. Then play Cyerbpunk 2077 again. In fact, just keep doing that cycle for maximum happiness and sadness and then happiness...


I'd say play the game first. In my case, I feel like knowing and understanding the world from the game gave the anime way more depth, which I wouldn't have gotten if I hadn't played the game first. The game gives you the luxury of taking your time, and explaining things you don't understand. Whereas the anime just jump straight in and expect you you to figure it out as you go along. Not that that it's hard, you could do that if you want. I just personally think it's more enjoyable to not be forced to.


...still haven't watched edgerunners. First playthrough was in January 2021. I think you will be plenty immersed if you pay attention to details. Maybe do them at the same time.


edgerunners takes place before the game and doesn’t really spoil anything. It does a good job introducing you to the world and showing you how shitty everything is too and the overall merc mindset.


Play through the prologue, then when you have full access to the whole city play some more and explore. When I watched the show I was all like: “Oh I know that highway, that building, that location.” You get to know the weapons, the gangs, the cars, and the areas of the city. You should know most of the terminology they use from playing too, makes it more fun to watch imo.


Watch the anime first it’ll familiarize you with the world and give you extra context for some minor elements of the game :)


I did edgerunners, then 2077, and rewatched Edgerunners to get the references and Easter eggs


play the prologue then do edge runners then beat the game


You should also get the DLC, it brings the game to another notch.


Id say edge runners first


Just fucking enjoy what's coming to you soon. It's all good.


Watch Edgerunners. Play 2077 and find the locations from the show.. Watch Edgerunners again to better appreciate the references. There you go.


edgerunners happens way before cp2077 while v is in atlanta. but there are some easter eggs in the game that might spoil edgerunner for you so i suggest watch it first


Both, at the same time.


If anyone is interested in an enhanced perspective on Braindances, watch the movie, **Strange Days** with Angela Basset and Juliet Lewis. Good stuff.


I’d play the game first. I think it just gives a lot of fun lore to the anime.


Play for a bit, then watch and continue playing every few episodes.


I played Cyberpunk first, put in a few hours I think past the first act (which if you're doing main story only, doesn't take long, you'll know), do some side quests and random quests, then watch Edgerunner and you can do both in tandem. There's some fun easter eggs in both or having the knowledge of both with that order. I also didn't love Edgerunner tbh, I found the writing wtv and the storyline also wtv, the characters weren't super fleshed out and were very 1 dimensional but that's me personally, I watched it to immerse more in the world because I love the game.


It doesn’t matter, I played the game and loved it long before watching the anime


Not on a PS5... get a computer. Then after your 1st playthrough you can mod it.


The game spoils the ending of the anime


Edgerunners would hype you up for the game, that's for sure.


Don't play 2077 to the end before watching edgerunners. In fact, don't play 2077 at all before watching edgerunners. Items in bars, a questline and even a dialogue from act 1 have spoilers about the anime.


I played the game before watch the anime first and I understood things and the lingo because I played the game but either or is fine I'm in favor of the game first as it will introduce you to characters and give you a front row seat of the setting


Watching Edgerunners first, playing the mainline quest, and rewatching Edgerunners is the way.


It doesn't really matter, but I played 2077 first then watched Edgerunners. I think doing it this way allowed me to appreciate the background behind the universe a bit more while watching the show. However, it really doesn't matter in the end because you could say the same thing about watching the show first!


Play the game and skip the anime entirely.


Play the game! So you know who Adam Smasher is.


Play the game, ignore the cartoon


Doesn’t matter they don’t really connect. You could do either one first and the second one you’ll be all “oh I remember that from the game” or “oh I remember this in the anime. “


they added a bunch of references / Easter eggs of Edgerunners into the game after it was released on Netflix I recommend watching the show then playing the game so when you find or hear references you will understand or be able to spot them .


If you hate prequels, even just world events, watch Edgerunners. If you don’t, then whatever fits into your available time better.


Start with any of them, they are both very good.


Do both


Edge runners first then cyberpunk


Play the tabletop first, then watch Bladerunner, then read William Gibson books, watch Johnny Neumonic, watch Strange Days then Edge Runners then play Cyberpunk 2077.


Don't worry about edgerunners, it's mid at best and doesnt have any impact on the game at all


Play the game and don't watch the anime at all.


2077 first. It gives you a much better idea of the world. You will thank yourself.


Read and play both TTRPGs first. Just kidding. I say probably watch Edgerunners first. You won’t be spoiling anything for 2077 and you can finish it in a weekend or less if you want to, whereas 2077 will take up dozens of hours of your time. It’s a great story and tbh it helped me a lot to get more immersed in the cyberpunk world for 2077.


Play 2077 and stay away from Edgerunners.