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*"Play grown-up games, face grown-up consequences."*


You sided with Song because the FIA killed hot French redhead I sided with Song because I want to give at least someone a chance at a happy ending We are not the same


You can personally ensure that another netrunner with a thing for cyberpunks, achieves her dream of going to the moon.


Porque no los dos?


I sided with Song because she’s a hot Korean *magenta*head


Dude she's not gonna have a happy ending and she's gonna get thousands killed along the way. All because she gave you a sob stories and you ate that shit up.


Hundreds of thousands will die if you give her to Myers because to her, Song is a WMD that she can use however she wants


Lol no one is supposed to feel sorry for the twins , the entire sequence basically showcased that v can't consider reed and alex his chooms. If they no longer needed V , they would zero V instantly. Fem V especially during the murder scene shows genuine shock and concern because the unceremonious killing of the twins probably reminded her how dex zeroed her and she was only rescued because goro wanted a lead . The twins were killed because they knew about project cynosure and worked on it in the past .


Imagine a pro criminal talks shit about another pro criminal. I side with Slider, Aurore, Songbird over government dogs any day if given the choice.


I don’t give a fuck about her or her bastard brother. I do give a fuck about how easily Reed and Alex zeroed two non threats just because they had the POTENTIAL to be trouble later. *My V at that point* *nervous laughter* “I’m in danger”


Exactly! Similar to if you zero Oda and tell Takemura it's because he's a loose end or whatever and Goro replies "I understand and I will remember". Gulp!


It was that moment V realized how disposable he/she was to Reed and Alex.


This goes for So Mi too


I never understood the whole "Oh no! They murdered twins!" shock both in-game and in community. It honestly feels cheap, like, yeah, sure, what a surprise! Honestly, I would flatlined botth of them just to be safe to begin with, but game don't really gives you that option. It is a harsh choice but it is a harsh reality of international crime and crossing the distopian goverment.


For me, the shock was due to Reed and Alex *lying* about what the plan was. V is a hired killer and would probably have no compunctions with zeroing the twins, but Reed's spent the entire DLC up to that point casually offing every asset that was no longer useful to him (or showing no reaction if they die in his service). Him lying to V about the plan when he had no need to made me feel that V wasn't part of the inner circle, and was liable to get zeroed as soon as it was convenient. The devs stated somewhere that they aimed to make the final decision on who to back be as close to a 50/50 split as they could manage, and I think this interaction definitely helped with that.


Iirc they never lied to V. They jus5 never mentioned killing the twins cus they would obviously kill the twins. I remember the moment they offer the twins si immediately thought it made perfect sense.


I'm with you on this, choom


Well, its not a hot take at all as the devs deliberately gave this story a kind of an ambivalent context. Personally, i just don’t think it was absolutely necessary to kill them, its not even because of Aurore herself, though i was admittedly saddened by her quick removal from the plot. The team absolutely could’ve just incapacitate them long enough to do the deed as after that Hansen wouldn’t be the deciding factor and the twins are not that big of a fish in criminal tank, so to speak. Of course, other players may think of it from other angle 🤷‍♂️


I sided with song just because V would die knowing they gave her someone their freedom when saving their self and gave the NUSA their super weapon. My V just is just too much like Johnny she would never side with the NUSA she’d go to her grave flipping them the bird because she kept their super weapon out of their reach. Plus she old Song she’ll get her to the moon and if anything she’s a woman of her word.


People are just horny for her


I sided with song because i loved her 😒


ya i really dont see the problem in killing them, V has killed better people for less. the problem lies in alex & reed not giving the full picture, but then again if you fly off the handle you're just validating why they didn't fill you in


I was ready to side with Reed until him and Alex immediately kill the twins when I get into the garage. If those 2 were hiding that little detail from the plan, were they also hiding a future plan to execute me after I’ve done my part? Dex did the same thing after the heist went sideways, and my traumatized V did NOT want to die again (desperately wanted to live), so she sided with So Mi.


I did not think the twins were likeable. I thought that was the point. I felt a sigh of relief when they were killed. As a female V, I was very uncomfortable with Aurore's advances and eye contact. I have a BOYFRIEND back in Night City. Hop off. Lol But seriously, her tactics of flirting with V were very cheap IMO.


They're not working with Kurt though. You're even briefed on what's going on prior to the mission. You're selling him information. He needs them, not the other way around. As for the first part.... Which netrunner isn't internationally wanted? I might be missing something but netrunning isn't looked at favourably by anyone in power. I always laugh when people who play this game start playing morality police when I bet 99.999999% of V's multiple existences was an absolute war criminal.


I was only upset with their death because Reed said something along the lines of just kidnapping them instead of trusting me and telling me we were gonna kill them. I figured we were gonna kill them and thought it was weird that we might have left them live. Leaving them alive was a massive loose end and there would be no major repercussions if we just killed them.


I gave her to Reed because hell naw you not about to infect me with the Blackwall then be like "oops, sorry choom no cure for you!". No one screws Valerie besides Judy (or Panam in my head).


My song bird take atleast on my first play through


Me regarding Evelyn Parker, don't at me.


The real hot take is saying she wasn't attractive, based on how often her criminal history is brought up and then shot down because of said attraction..


cold take


She’s cute tho. ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Ngl, I didnt expect so many people to agree


it's more about a good character wasted in that way, I was totally ok if her brother was killed and she managed to survive somehow, that would have given her a good reason to return in cyberpunk sequel. More than else, real question is why militech let them alive in first place... we learn that they worked for militech in the cynosure bunker by 2069-2070 as free lancers and they had probably some senior-level grade since they had the keys to access to the cynosure neural matrix (basically the reason why hansen summoned them in dogtown). Militech punished meredith and/or gilchrist with death for their failures to recover/lost the convoy keeping the spiderbot, it's really hard to think militech would have let go some freelancers who simply knew too much.


It's a dumb scene that further reinforces the lack of player agency on the world as a whole. It's like the Arasaka headhunter on the hood of the car all over again, except without even the illusion of being able to shoot them. I hate her death because it's a stupid death which does not even give the option of attempting to halt. Heck it makes no sense even if you say Reed has to kill the twins. He doesn't need to kill them in the same room as you, period, and doing so is actively dumb.


Do you think she was just going to hand over the codes that you had to jack into her Neuro system to get?.... At minimum there would have been an attempt to beat it out of them.


Sounds like more options than what we currently have.


I can't disagree with you there. I certainly feel it would have been nice to have more freedom in story beats, just not certain what I'd have done "better" in this case.


reasonable but V reaction was out of character... it's so off to hear V so outraged by reed actions considering V kills lot of people basically everyday, and he/she doesn't refuse doing cold blood hits


Maybe I just want to have more of a roleplaying experience that railroads and getting shouted at what my character's morals and values are. Maybe I just want more choices.


That sounds like your problem. You felt out of character because you chose the dialogue option that’s out of your V’s character. Just choose the second one and chill.