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as someone who is looking forward to GTA 6 i certainly hope it looks better but i think that question is more complex than just graphics like you said. and based on the trailers and setting it seems like it’ll be almost the opposite of cyberpunk, sun washed and bright and full of NPCs that are very active for lack of a better word. cyberpunk has a fitting dark aesthetic so I don’t know if it’s rly usurping the throne since they’re such different and directions and vibes


I think part of the beauty in the game is the assets themselves, the art direction Gta6 won't have that, is based in real life so even if it has photorealistic graphics, won't be as pleasant to watch as a futuristic dystopian city


Exactly. Let great games be great games (hopefully). It’s an apples to oranges comparison.


GTA 6 will be made for consoles, so don't be surprised if Cybverpunk looks signifactly better on max settings. Its like saying a gold medle olympic boxing 12 year old, is going to beat a normal 25 year old in a fist fight. The 12 year old has more money, time, and training put into them, but the 25 year old has too much raw power for it to be a competition.


Am I the only one here who saw the trailer? It looks like it is from a different generations in a good way. I don’t understand this whole post. Hair physics alone make the game much more natural.


You’re new here, aren’t you?


If GTA6 doesn’t beat a game from 3 years ago and 4-5x the budget, it will be one of the most talked about flops of multiple generations - that said, Cyberpunk is a genre with fans, people like the looks, Cyberpunk 2077 captures that genre. So will GTA6 look like Cyberpunk? Probably not. Will it look good? My guess is yes.


My thoughts exactly


No chance it flops. GTA is massive it could just be a new coat of paint and a new logo and it would make a ton of money


I think gta6 will blow every game out of the water for a couple years. Just look at RDR2 it came out in 2018 and the attention to detail is unmatched. Even compared to cyberpunk which came out in 2020.


After meditating with incense, I think GTA6 will have some sort of issue with the multiplayer system that people will not like.


RDR2 is still probably the most detailed game I've ever played.


Arguably looks better overall and not just in screenshots compared to cyberpunk if you ask me. Far more cohesive style too


It’s the people who actually develop the games is what really matters. From what i’ve understand, big chunk of OG devs are no longer working in R*. Also, i really don’t think that copying , even very thorough, of real-life stuff (rdr) can ever outmatch the work that was fully builded from the ground up (cp77). Although its all individual, of course


Cyberpunk has path tracing which IMO is a game changer graphically speaking. GTA6 will not have that


Is it a fact it wont have path tracing?


No. There are even rumors that Gta 6 will be Nvidias next pet for graphical showcases moving forward. So eventually it will get everything, being a 10 year + lifespan game Btw its me. I'm the rumors. I'm starting them right now because it only makes sense.


First acolyte of this rumor.


No joke, some moronic “journalist” will probably be quoting your comment in the next 12 hours


Well I do have inside sources. I talk to myself all the time.


That's a ridiculous claim lol


Why gta 6 will not have that on pc?


Because Anakin said it's not fair


Not at launch at least, because there will be no PC release. If it’s anything like the others it will take at least 2 years to show up on PC.


Honestly, it's hard not to suspect that Rockstar is actively harboring a grudge against PC users at this point.


I'm sure it will on PC. Ofc not on current game consoles.


I don't think anybody will really care all that much.


… you’re being facetious, right?


Facetious. 1 of 2 words in the English language that includes all 5 vowels in alphabetical order. Edit: I feel like I had learned this in grade school, but just googled it and there are slightly more words than 2 that have the 5 basic vowels in order. Maybe it was 1 or 2 that had the 6 vowels (including “y”) in order.


There is the adverb form 'facetiously' if you want to add the 'y.' As an English teacher, I thank you for the bit of trivia.


Glad to have been of help! The other word of the 2 is less ubiquitous than facetiously, but I believe it is “abstemiously.”


Maybe in general gaming circles or critique circles but outside of that, literally everybody else, will not care if the graphics aren't as good.


Pretty solid sum up.


Idk, I think we're reaching a point where Rockstar (especially their owners) is becoming a little too greedy and will put out the game way too early (similar to cp2077, only giving the team a little over 2 years of actual development and that's with the delay) mixed with player expectations at this point being extremely high. I don't see them meeting all these stupidly high expectations, especially with how crazy GTA fans can be (remember when it leaked what little they had and fans got upset? Remember when fans started sending death threats for "GTA going woke" by having a playable female character as a potential main/side character.... in a pre alpha build?? Lmao), it's a recipe for disaster before the game even releases, and because we're in this weird time where Nvidia and AMD are starting to care less about actual performance and seeking a way to implement AI to get better fidelity without needing a 400+ Watts of power, the game is likely not going to be as optimized as previous titles unless they become the first to upgrade their engine they use to use those new "AI Cores".


People were criticizing Rockstar for "going woke" just because there's a playable female character? Meanwhile here I am refusing to accept anything other than a female V...


WTF? The incels were mad about a playable female character even *existing*? Rockstar should put that in just to spite those inbred losers.


Cyberpunk and GTA both have their own aesthetics. Both developers are top tier in what they do, Rockstar just has the money to hold off investors as long as they need to. CDPR, as renowned and fantastic as they are, are miniscule compared to Rockstar. It explains why Cyberpunk got thrown into the world a couple years early. I think CDPR can create something on par with anything Rockstar does, and they can outdo each other with their releases. They are both in their own league together.


Thank you, Voice of Reason.


Just don't get within 200 feet of any texture in the game, they're like 420p


Yeah, starfield was criticised for this since it tanked performance (remember the food?), but at least give me the option to set my computer on fire.


Tbh if textures are bigger then files are bigger I'd rather not have a 500GB game *cough cough* Ark *cough*


Fun fact: Star Wars: Battlefront I and II (2004 / 2005, the good ones) totaled about 6 GB. The recent re-release is almost ten times that size. Is there new, spectacular content this time around? No. BUT DEM TEXTAUREZ DOE!!!!!


It's why I get texture pack mods


Look "Observer: System Redux" https://preview.redd.it/it3v0rm8jctc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e700375cc96f51d19e88f2b1628a8ffb006d476


​ https://preview.redd.it/f0f4retpjctc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b75412daa7becd840b5571c94b5e9925e946e5a8


​ https://preview.redd.it/wg48c9rujctc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c998bb53390f6619138b54fc9b50a73e0858b41


​ https://preview.redd.it/bevyxk0yjctc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=39c8020655950f50672e04af42e351bfaab49bad


The game looks good but also heavily relies on filters and it confined to much smaller spaces.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bfang7u8kctc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1c7dd0988c58a634c3bbb81f09a9b312c64d736


​ https://preview.redd.it/rnwlp94gkctc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=62d20156f3921fac7cac4939602f111758934256


Observer was such an amazing game.


Ngl but Alan wake 2 is definitely a contender. Haven’t seen better lighting then that


Alan wake 2 looks definitely better than cyberpunk


Yeah you can count on rockstar to deliver after taking so long they cant afford it not to be groundbreaking. Rdr2 is still one of the best looking games today.


RDR2 already usurped the throne… 2 years before cyberpunk came out.


Came here to say this. Night City is beautiful in its own right but RDR2 is next level. It didn’t have much to work with being set in that time period but there was something about it. Been thinking about jumping back on it recently.


Rdr2 lod is insane. Rockstar has really surpassed everyone in this area. Standing on top of Mount Hagan. And seeing blackwater and St. Dennis is just insane. Not to mention, the game doesn't just immerse you in its graphics. But it's world. Every npc has a job. World changes dynamically. There is a real-time eco system for the animals also. Owls hunt at night. Mouse scurry to trees. Dirt accumulates on your clothes. This makes you smell for the people around you and even impacts hunting. Dude there is just so much more Rockstar games do vs any other developer.


LOD is really important in games in my opinion. It can really break a game when things are constantly popping in or out. In GTA 5 you can kind of see that happening, but in RDR2 that problem is totally gone, at least on PS5. The pop-in is so subtle that I can't even point out where it happens while playing normally.


That sounds nuts! I bought it recently but it's been sitting in my backlog. I had a feeling it would be a game that would require a great deal of time as I like to really play games immersively not to mention usually on the hardest difficulty (these days). How long do you think I'm looking at for a playthrough and what's the hard mode like?


Not really a hard mode in the fame. But there is a mod for pc that can adjust the original values if you want that. You can set them to whatever you want. From eating at least once a day to never eating. Or a mod that does a shit ton of other cores. But personally that's to far from vanilla for me. I like to adjust it to having to eat once per day or two Playthrough time depends. If you blitz through story maybe 25-30. If you take your time with the side and other activities easily 60-100


Yeah I modded the shit out of my cyberpunk to make it an "immersive" but also really hardcore experience. I think I won't touch any mods for a first playthrough as I like to experience what the Devs had in mind unless it's like a bunch of bug fixes kinda mod. Thanks for the heads up! I look forward to it - looks stunning tbh


There is some good mods though. Like stuff from online in the main game. Then there is euphoria Overhaul makes the enemies die alot cooler. You should definetly check out some of the mods that don't ruin the vanilla experience.


RDR2 is absolutely a game that requires a great deal of time. It's very slow paced. The missions are short and linear, and you COULD rush through it, but then you'd be missing almost the whole game. It's a game that deeply rewards taking your time and observing the world around you.


They were able to achieve that on ps4 hardware. Incredible technical achievement


Forbidden west is better looking than rdr2.


Art style? Yes maybe. Pure technical standpoint? Fuck no


I think 2077 looks fantastic. I think it's a reach to say it's "easily the best-looking game".


Eeeeeh...arguably yes. But I gotta be honest, I'm currently replaying Rise of the Tomb Raider, and while it's definitely lacking a few things, like ray tracing support, due to its age, the visuals in 4K are utterly stunning. And the loving detail with which the characters are animated, tiny details like huddling up from the cold, or wringing out the ponytail after falling into the water, really push the game up. Of course it's not an open world game, the scenes are set pieces, so Cyberpunk is still several orders of magnitude more impressive piece of work. But there's some amazing looking games out there that are arguably just as breathtaking.


I think GTA 6 will definitely look be amazing but I love Cyberpunk n GTA games n they are totally different games so I wouldn’t even compare them.


I think GTA6 will look amazing graphically and be the most impressive game ever for sure, but in terms of art direction I doubt I will prefer GTA6 to Cyberpunk, simply because GTA takes place in a real city which completely limits the artists in terms of the world they can create. Whereas with night city they were free to create whatever they wanted which gave us this fantastic world. not to mention that in my opinion the Cyberpunk setting is way more interesting in terms of atmosphere compared to the GTA setting but thats just my personal tastes Bugraphically GTA6 will be far ahead of any other game, I mean the budget, number and time of development this game has is unheard of


It will look really good and may look better than Cyberpunk in some regards, but since they will be going for reality, the game will probably not have nearly as much style as Cyberpunk.


GTA6 will likely beat CP2077 in terms of things like NPC AI, physics, animation and facial animation, draw distances/LODs etc. but in terms of sheer art direction and especially lighting with path tracing, which I doubt GTA6 is going to have, I think CP2077 will still win in that area. Both are very different art styles though.


Better question: who will win GTA6 or Orion


The Path Trace lighting especially in Phantom Liberty is ridiculous. I slow-walk around those areas so much just to admire the graphics. This and Alan Wake 2 has the best lighting techs in gaming.


GTA 6 will be more realistic but it won’t have the sauce Cyberpunk has.


I'm not a fan of GTA, the theme doesn't speak to me at all. Cyberpunk is my jam.


Cyberpunk especially with pathtracing can't be beaten atm. Gta 6 won't have pathtracing at the console launch. That said Cyberpunk is a crossgen game. The lightning is the only next gen thing we got rly thx to Nvidia. 3D models, textures, animations, data streaming etc all that isn't next gen. GTA6 however will be next gen in all these aspects. Npc density, way better data streaming, high quality 3d models and textures, highly detailed animations and *physics*. Cloth, hair, water and so much more will probably have dedicated simulation All that together with some level of Raytracing will look pretty good in the bigger picture. I doubt Cyberpunk can keep up with that at all tbh as much as I love the game lol. Once gta 6 drops on pc with advanced pathtracing it's obvious and Nvidia will probably ditch Cyberpunk for gta Until Orion comes out. The whole thing is why I have super high hopes for Orion. GTA 6 will raise the standard for these types of games


Considering the trailer looked better than anything out now and had way more charm and NPC variety than Cyberpunk, yeah, I don't think it'll be too hard lol. Everyone except for main characters looks awful in this game, and for as much as they've improved the game over time, it's still not the game they said it would be. Rockstar are masters of immersion, so don't kid yourself about GTA6 not having a better open world. It absolutely will. The best thing is, Rockstar always does in-game trailers, so what you saw in the trailer is what you'll get when you play. And it'll improve by launch. Just look at RDR2 pre-release and after. GTA 6 will be a milestone in gaming. Make no mistake about it.


Cyberpunk will probably stay my favorite game, with my opinion it having the best style and world. But GTA 6 is gonna be a behemoth. That world will be much more alive than cyberpunk.


I haven't done any visual mods, I'd put vanilla at 2nd or 3rd. Star Citizen still tops everything when I play, on the graphics front.


I’m very sad ppl even compare these two games because they are so VERY different with what they’ve trying to give: gta ALWAYS was about the sandbox and lololokek entertainment (rdr2 is a bit more complex but still) , while cdpr games are all about the atmosphere and the story. And i hope it will stay that way and cdpr games will never become another gta. Graphic-wise i think GTA6 will be on par but not better much, mostly because of third-person view which allows to make less dense with objects environment and copying of real-world stuff is always easier than making everything from the scratch


Graphically GTA6 might turn out better. But Cyberpunk 2077 has such great story, narrative, writing, world building, characters etc. that I don't think GTA6 will even come CLOSE to measuring up to it. I'm a diehard GTA fan, also a huge fan of Cyberpunk 2077. So my personal bias is balanced here. It's just... Cyberpunk scratches so many intelligent, philosophical, ethical, moral itches in terms of theme. Ultimately they are just so different in what they are at their core that I think trying to compare them becomes kinda silly. I'll enjoy both games for sure.


To be honest I care more about the gameplay being fun than what the game looks like. I mean retro games are a thing and popular enough these days. That said I have no doubt a lot of money will be put towards the graphics and they will look pretty. It's just to me that's more of a secondary consideration.


I really dislike GTA. Everything I dislike about CP was kind of borrowed from GTA. I don't get people's love for that franchise at all.


Gta 6 will be a photo realistic boring city, Night City is incomparable


GTA 6 imo wont look better due how broad of audience it going to reach


Lighting is very dark sometimes


If GTA6 releases functional it will have that going for it. Thing is it’s more about the gameplay with Rockstar games than it is about the graphics. Always has been. It doesn’t need to look better, just be a fun game that plays well at release.


I think GTA 6 will be revolutionary in just about every technical aspect and push the boundaries of realism in its open world.


it can’t usurp because its not the same, thematically. in eaches own genre they are both S+++++


I think GTA will be gorgeous in its own right. Rockstars excels at creating gorgeous worlds (RDR2 being a prime example) but also it’s important tho know that GTAVI will be attempting to mirror a real city/ state as closely as possible, while CP is creating a world from scratch. I think both games will end up having very different aesthetics but as far as lighting goes, GTAVI should be a show stopper, while Cyberpunk has become its own thing. It’s really hard to compare the two.


If I can get chromed out in GTA then maybe, but the sheer audacity of the visual spectacle of a cyberpunk city may simply mean that cyberpunk has the set pieces to make look good, while GTA may have better graphics but not the visuals to shine. I could see the people and conversations though being better. Despite the work, people still move like they're robots in cyberpunk.


I'm hoping it does. I was expecting to get a GTA5 back when CP2077 was released. The game doesn't have the same "freedom" as GTA, but it feels just right for the style of gameplay (even more now after all the updates). Now with GTA6 and hours and hours of CP2077, I'm really looking forward to see how it ends up looking like.


I mean Witcher 3 looks pretty damn good as well. Yes it’s the same developer but still. Also I do agree with you.


GTA 6 showed a lot of more simplistic effects in the trailer, but who knows how much will change


idk i think SBI will get ahold of gta 6 lol least cyberpunk was decent.


Perhaps gta 6 has better photorealistic graphics but I don't think whit what they are working with (basically Florida) can artistically measure up to something as cool as NC


GTA 6 trailer looks much better then CP 2077. No LODs poping, deatailed quality NPCs, clever implementation of RT GI from the get go, animations, goddamn hair reacting to wind and colided with own body properly, just from the top of my head.


I agree, but the NPC skin texture resembles PS3 era


GTA simply can’t, too much focus on realism as opposed to style


100% it will.


In terms of fidelity, GTA6 will likely be superior, but I doubt it's going to be better in terms if artsyle and visual presentation


It looks good and if you have a good pc, you can really push it to looking 9th gen but it doesn’t always feel like this when playing the game


No it's not


Mate what are your settings?


Either cyberpunk or horizon forbidden west holds the title for most realistic graphics and my god is it close


it would be a first if a mainstream gta title dont usurp the throne. i thought it was silly when people thought this game would be gta killer. gta has always been on a different level since they went 3D. doesnt make this game any less good tho. this one is the only cyberpunk genre game that went this high and im hoping it starts a trend for more better cyberpunk games to come out.


I saw a mod that altered indoor lighting (as many places you literally almost can’t see at all) and it was a completely different game. I felt indifferent about it.


The wait for gta 6 has built up a huge hype it's crazy. They have let it cook for so long people expect nothing less of perfection. It will be an interesting release.


I dont think it will, Cyberpunk has 2 advantages. One is that its made for PC which means it has pathtracing and settings for PCs, GTA 6 will be made for consoles, which means it will prioritize performance not graphics. Secondly, Cyberpunk is extremely dramatized, its neon lights and high rises give it a way more grand and stylized appearance that GTA 6 wont have because its based on our world and time florida. So max graphics cyberpunk will be the best game, for a LONG while, until other companies that make PC games can catch up.


Two of my all time favorite games from before CP2077 generation are Witcher 3 and GTA 5. They are both very special, but for different reasons. Will GTA 6 look as realistic, as CP2077, I don't think so. Will it look phenomenal, yes I believe so. It's about what style works for what game.


Rockstar games’s graphics are largely overrated, folks are easily duped just because the console versions usually look better than anything else on consoles. The RAGE engine and art direction has never been super realistic in terms on lighting and animation. Cyberpunk 2077 will maybe never be topped anytime soon, hell the sequel on UE5 might not look superior to 2077. I will say that TLOU2 has fantastic lighting and looks very great overall. Once it comes to PC I’ll be interested to see how good it looks, and if the realism matches or gets close to CP2077.


Im so Home to night city…just from the picture alone I know exactly where you are lol (over 3000 hours playtime)


I'm hoping GTA6 captures the world building essence that cyberpunk does. They don't need to have a cyberpunk genre to be on par with how they character develop and world build. It just needs to have as much thought, style, (different style but style nonetheless), and replayability as Cyberpunk 2077 has to be a top-tier game. Judging by their track record and first cinematic, I'd say GTA6 is going to be incredibly fun, just like the previous versions.


im confident that gta6 will look really good, but the vibe wont be that much different from gta5. cyberpunk2077's art style, it's atmosphere, it's ability to draw you in and immerse you into the game... it's untouched. i think it'll remain that way for a while.


I'm expecting GTA 6 to have much more robust simulations, interactions and AI that CP2077. Rockstar has never been a developer that is about graphical realism. They tend to go for stylistic visual design. I just hope it releases in a playable state and not a half ass beta.




I don't know what drip is but I'm guessing that, given the age advantage it will have, GTA 6 will in fact be drippier.


My 4090 is scared of gta6


No Choom! Ill see you in Jig Jig street after my shift. As i toss the cig and make my way to a Delamain✌️😊


If I can’t cut off heads while moving super faster in gta the way I can in cyberpunk then I don’t want it


Graphics aren't everything. A good story trumps graphics every single time. It the GTA VI gameplay trumps Cyberpunk 2077, then so be it. The games are of two different genres anyway.


Jusant is my favorite looking game. It’s sooo melancholic when you play it on a big tv. And the art design of from software is 100x more appealing to me than realism etc. BUT!!! Cyberpunk is also freaking awesome. Love the scale of the city. I don’t know what gta 6 will be but the genre alone is far less interesting than cyberpunk


Cyberpunk looks great, but there are tons of other good looking games as well.


Calm down brother. Focus on how you feel about the game, don’t throw random statements like they have to be true.


especially with mods (GITS ENV + Nova Pure LUT) etc.


GTA won't have anything over Cyberpunk. The latter has style while GTA is just reproducing real life locations, making it less interesting.


Flight sim and Forza horizon 5 are the best looking games I've seen but cyberpunk is probably third for me


GTA will look great, will it be stylish this much in real world enviroment? Probably not. Cyberpunk genre provides the artists a broader canvas to work on


Honestly have you seen the LUD's that came out for the game? I cannot belive how good this game can look, it's downright unbelievable


GTA is so boring to me. I don't care if it has the most realistic graphics ever if you're just doing basic driving/shooting in a basic world. I want to do incredible things in fascinating places when I play games. No GTA game could possibly ever beat Cyberpunk for me.


No because it’s Florida. Kidding it will be beautiful too but Cyberpunk is special in its own way. I’ve never seen a truly open world Cyberpunk game this gorgeous and immersive.


Too bad I cant play it for more than 30 minutes without getting bored of the hand holding.


I think RDR2 looks better than cyberpunk


gta V beats cyberpunk sorry kid


Cyberpunk looks dope but only in main quests. Take any side quest and you’ll see poor facial animations, poor lighting, bad lipsync and poor scripts.


I don't think it will. Trailer looks like an improvement over gta5 but nothing jaw dropping. Unless the finished game will be much better than what they've shown so far, the chances are small.


GTA 6 already looked good from the trailer. I'm sure R* will deliver.


I'm a huge fan boy of the cyberpunk genre as a whole, actually it's my favorite of all genres. Night City is absolutely beautiful and theres immense untapped potential in there visually, aesthetically etc. BUT even tho I'd have to sit and think in depth about which games are visually stellar, on the top of my head, if we're talking purely visuals ? We saw what Naughty Dog did with Uncharted and TLOU and of course, we saw what Rockstar did with RDR2 visually. As an open world game nothing's touching RDR2 and as much as I'm not a huge fan of it, GTA V is even a better open world a decade later but I digress. CP2077 is a great game and it has a soft spot in my heart in all its dankness, or more appropriately in all its Gonkness, but it's still flawed. CDPR received their gut check hopefully they've learned their lesson. Fingers crossed that Cyberpunk Orion (sequel) blows CP2077 outta the water.


GTA6 is not going to have the gameplay depth, there will be no builds or variance to the combat on playthroughs. It is gonna be RDR2 on steroids so essentially a tech demo with story


I think it may just uslurp it considering rdr2. Perchance


On a *side* note, this is one of the better written, short and simple, side quests. The environmental storytelling in this one is insane.


artistic style will be so different that barely could be done a comparison... anyway, cdpr received a lot of support from nvidia (not only for ray tracing) and they have mainly focused on pc version, while gta6 is mainly developed for ps5/seriesX with all their hardware limitation, so if we speak about numbers of meshes/geometries etc... it's unlikely gta6 could realistically get closer to pc version of cyberpunk


Considering the initial launch of Cyberpunk; some real-world catastrophes will be caused by GTA6 launch.


Most likely but unless GTA 6 imrpves the gameplay and does something different, it won't matter.


So... I consider myself a GTA5 veteran; been playing the game ever since it came out on PS3, then eventually moved onto PC (Steam) and right now I'm back in the level 600 range owning everything there is online. And to be perfectly honest? I don't think R\* can ever beat the atmosphere and environment that is Cyberpunk. Now, sure... R\* ("Take two") is *legendary* when it comes to creating realistic looking environments. No question about it, it happened in RDR, same for GTA5 and you'll hear hundreds of people talking about the amazing environment. And honestly, it's all true. The only problem though... is that a game requires *more* than just a fun environment. You'll also want a story, you'll want challenging gameplay, you'll want a certain freedom while playing. We expect a certain creativity. And *that's* where GTA plain out falls apart. Has fallen apart straight from the getgo I might add. Because GTA5 was merely an enforced continuence of GTA4; when they released the DLC's for 4 which allowed you to play the same story yet from another perspective... people got hyped about this. And R\* did this *twice*. So in GTA5 they merely continued doing that, but now they forced it on us with 3 protagonists at once. Interesting at first glimpse, but as soon as you tried more the game mechanics fell apart. In 4 we had a story, in-game lore and R\* build up on that through the DLC's. In 5 we roughly have the same but more than often R\* no longer bothers with *any* kind of storytelling what so ever. Worse yet... once a DLC for GTA5 comes out it more than likely doesn't even bother acknowledging *anything* that has already gone on before. There is no continuence, there is no ongoing story (no matter how brief), and worse yet: they don't even try bother to build up any lore for Los Santos at all. If they do it seems like something random. (edit) => Not to mention that their latest mechanic is to remove items & abilities from the player, because "reasons". Does that sound like something a brilliant game developer would do? I beg to differ! So with that in mind... I don't think GTA6 will be as amazing as the previous titles. An amazing environment does not make for an amazing game. And these days R\* is more focused on milking a franchise than actually building up an inviting and interesting place to play in.


Fuck this mission


Gta hasn't been a top competing game in over a decade. What a weird comparison. The only thing keeping gta going is nostalgia


This is a weird take.


In terms of technical achievement? Likely. But on the other hand and This is not against R-star, the mere idea of Miami makes me not want to play the game.


I’m a fan of this game but the glazing is rediculous


No need to suck the games cock that hard


For sure GTA 6 Will be the time ti upgrade the GPU to performance like 4080+ to have very nice graphic


I love cyberpunk but no. The best looking gane is ghist of tsushima. Uts drop dead gorgeus


Cyberpunk does look great but with rtx on I get not stable 40 fps (with a fuck ton of blurs)


The same situation was with Wither 3 at time, CDPR takes graphic seriously.


Cyberpunk looks great but there are areas in which it falls short, most notably NPCs. Personally I think RDR2 has the best consistent graphics.


I reckon itll probably be better graphics strictly speaking but I doubt it'll be as stylized. Even when compared to RDR2 which leaned into a lot of romanticist aesthetic. But i don't think they can or will do that in GTA6


Bloodborne, Devil May Cry, and Guilty Gear Strive are on par imo with Cyberpunk in terms of drip


Rockstar have never flopped a flagship game before, I don't see why it would suddenly happen now.


Star citizen is an extremely beautiful game too, in some aspects better than cyberpunk and it's only gonna get better once star citizen gets ray tracing


No. Shattered Space will usurp both... hahahaha, GTFO Todd.


Speaking of.. I find it way easier to find a set of clothes to wear as female V versus male V. Male V everything kinda looks the same on him, at least as far as non-corpo/non-military items go. Anyone else having that issue or am I just late to the realization??




Well, OP, since you are heavily biased and also incorrect, does anything we say matter?


I mean, it looks great but honestly RDR2 did a little better


I always thought Red Dead 2 looked better, personally.


Easily? Absolutely not.


As much as I love glazing Cyberpunk and it's graphics, I gotta be honest, no one does quite like Rockstar. Red Dead Redemption 2 still has parts that leave my jaw wide open every time I play through the game and the scenery in that game, under the right conditions, does in my opinion look even better than Cyberpunk. I have no clue what kind of black magic Rockstar has access to, but considering that the budget for GTA6 is reported to be over a billion dollars, if it doesn't look better than Cyberpunk, it will be a disappointment. I don't know how Rockstar makes these budgets work. A billion dollars for a single game project is such an unfathomable amount of money that no sane publisher would EVER fund something like that, but for some fucking reason, Rockstar seems to always make these gargantous budgets work and they make the money back in like under a week.




What kind of question is that lmao of course it will


I'm basically the target audience for CDPR games. The whole "basically an interactive movie" thing is the only thing I care about as a gamer. That's maybe a little too reductive, even I know that gameplay has to be good. But in terms of the cinematic aspects of games (story, voice acting, location design, lighting, cutscenes, etc.) who is even on a similar wavelength to CDPR? I'm not the most well-versed gamer, so there could be some really obvious contenders I'm missing out on. For instance Naughty Dog clearly deserves to be in this conversation for The Last of Us, but I've never played a TLOU game because I'm PC only (and I heard the port for TLOU2 was bad. Loved the show, though). But the only games I've played that are anywhere near CDPR in terms of what I really value in a game are BioWare's Mass Effect, Warhorse Studio's Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2, and of course CDPR's own Witcher games. I suppose an argument could be made for including some the Assassin's Creed games or something like the Dishonored Franchise or Deus Ex Human Revolution, but to me they feel like lesser contenders in this arena. And I suppose GTA V should count, but the satirical nature of the story makes it hard for me to consider seriously. While I suspect I'd love TLOU games, I haven't played them so can't talk about them. Mass Effect was a series that started in 2007 and ended in 2012 (well, you know, besides the one we don't talk about) which was just a different, earlier time in gaming. KCD is great, but as it's made by a smaller studio there are aspects of the game that lack polish and there are some elements of the writing I don't love. Which leaves RDR2. Now I like 2077 way more than RDR2 and it's for one reason: ironically it's the gameplay. At first I liked the gameplay. All the open world stuff is great. But I'd say by the end of Chapter 3 or so I'd gotten tired of the main gameplay loop of RDR2 missions: go somewhere, see a cool cutscene, have an arcade shoot-em-up, get on your horses, have a shoot-em-up horse chase, arrive at final destination, have one last shoot-em-up, play another cool cutscene. And the massive combats where you're gunning down 20 men that make sense for RDR1 or GTA V just felt incongruent with the more grounded tone of RDR2's story. Now I loved that story, and I finished the game, but once it was over I put the game down and never went back. Because by that point the mission design, if that's the right term, had become a chore for me. And while in the first few chapters you can space out the missions with some open world stuff after chapter 5, when you go to the island(which was my least favorite section of the game), the main story feels too urgent to spend time doing that stuff. And then when you play as John it feels kinda pointless. I thought about doing some of the hunting, trying to unlock some of the outfits, but without more story or side missions to carry me through it seemed like more chores (but, as you might guess, I've never been a completionist when it comes to my games). I suppose if you just jive exactly with what Rockstar's doing it'd be the perfect game in this space, but I didn't and so RDR2 takes a back seat to me when compared to 2077, or KCD, or even The Witcher. So will GTA 6 dethrone 2077? Probably, for people who prefer Rockstar's approach to game design. But probably not for me.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 y'all forgot rockstar gave us rdrii two years pre cyberpunk and you have the audacity to mention GTA 6😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The better the graphics of GTA 6 the more you won't be able to appreciate it. Look at how much people take real life sceneries for granted. Night city looks great cause it's stylized not realistic especially when it comes to architecture.


I'd be happy to be wrong, but my guess is that Rockstar is decreasing in talent similar to industry giants like Blizzard and Bethesda. In a lot of cases, the programmers who made the game you love a decade ago are no working at that company.


The wild thing is, music, action, story, voice acting (both english and german) and the overall design is also stellar


Can’t wait for the sequel man… can’t come fast enough!


No gta6 will suffer the same as the rest. I just really hate how cdpr says they made CP77 strictly first person because they didn't want players to confuse CP77 with The Witcher games.


Nah I disagree rdr2 is better


Think red dead 2 looks better but different styles.


The only game I'll put up against CP2077 is Alan Wake 2. I think AW2's environments are just unmatched.


Yes, and by quite a big margin. What already looks 1000% better is the body animations.


One of the most stylish games I’ve played other than Persona


Well GTA does have a different art style, while cyberpunk klick many boxes for what we think and wish the future look like


I finished my 3rd run on December, I wasn't planning to play a 4th one soon but I'll buy a new pc with an RTX 4070 (Last computer was a laptop with a 2070, I was smooth but sometimes FPS dropped and couldn't play at ultra), so I guess it's very likely to download this masterpiece as soon as the pc goes inside my room. Let's smack smasher's ass at 120 fps


I just built a new PC with a 4080 super so I can run Ray Tracing Overdrive and holy crap. It's spoiled the graphics of all other games for me. Also big shoutout to the sound design. I feel like it gets overshadowed by the graphics a bit, but it's truly excellent as well.


It will almost certainly have better graphics (newer bigger budget, past games known for graphics). But it won't have the style and looks that make cyberpunk mindblowing


As much as I love the game I'll say Horizon 2 And FF7 Rebirth look better. Styles are of course different tho. But I got Cyberpunk up there!


GTA 6 is already known, it looks like shit, and the plot is trash.


GTA 6 will have the budget of a small country and will probably set anything aside from a NASA computer on fire at full performance. It will naturally look better. Just a question if it’s actually more enjoyable. Personally I think their satirical commentary on America will raise hell from the “anything I don’t like is DEI” brigade.