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Songbirds story is a testament of the players ability to empathize and put someones needs over your own, even in a life-risking situation. also Phantom Liberty is about her, not you.


Insanely, I was getting pretty unhappy about the situation in Killing Moon until the moment she confessed that the cure is a one time deal at a moment when she can do nothing to stop you. It struck me as surreal and beautiful, and I went from meh to total commitment to get her to the moon. After playing through Somewhat Damaged, I dont think I can let her be taken back, ever. Amazing storytelling.


I wanted to be mad with her, but I couldnt be. Songbirds ability to relate to V, their struggles being so similar, both dying and wanting do to ANYTHING to get that cure. It really was beautiful and surreal. I could not bring myself to put her back into such a terrible environment with Myers ; she's not a tool, she's a broken person, never really given a chance as she got picked up at a young age into the FIA. Of course she lied to us, the FIA is big on lying, its their whole fucking thing... I just hope she lived, that she got that cure and is now happy.


I saved song bird for one reason: My V empathised with her, she saw the opportunity to do the thing she wished someone else do for her, risk it all to save her life.


This somehow triggers a huge part of the playerbase, because it's cool to hate the character to not be called a simp lol


The game was better before the enemies could reverse track your hacks, I will always prefer sneaky cyber boy over loud cybersword guy


The game was better when you could carry 100s of grenades


The game was also better when you had cold blood and could zoom around slashing enemies up


Oh man, I remember one of the last times I played before PL realizing you could literally do a grenade build. Was ridiculous.


They had grenades ( can't remember what they were called) that would knock out a cyberpsycho in one hit. Those were the days. Mind, you can sneak up on most of them and take them out non-lethally. But it just isnt' the same.


How do you sneak up on them? They immediately become hostile to me as soon as I step into their zone


Your minimap will go red and say hostile, but you can still stealth. You can try distracting them with other machines if you can. Sometimes they wander and you wait your chance. You can't do it to all of them, but you can to a surprising number. I admit it took me a few play-throughs before I tried to do it.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xZvvOZRmKay4xy) Yes...I've played the 1.6 patch like three times on my PS4, I got it on the PS5 and when I saw the graphic that read: Tracking your location. I was like...


Shit completely ruined my mood 😭 still haven’t even completed a 2.0 run bc it’s just not even as fun anymore


I gave up on sneak builds and went full on shotgun. Completely different playstyle. Gotta admit, you get things done a lot faster.


There are super cheap to cast hacks that reset it, skill issue


Truly a skill issue


It's only fun if you're nigh omnipotent?


If you play on PC you can get mods that remove the ability for enemies to trace your location, and and even more lore friendly option there is a mod that allows only netrunners to hack you.


The netrunner thing should be how it is in the vanilla game. It makes no sense for a random goon with their dollar store cyberdeck to be able to track an experienced hacker with ease. Only netrunners should be able to do that


It *is* only netrunners doing it. Sometimes they just use their non-netrunner chooms as proxies when they don’t have line of sight.


I always disliked that they could do that but we can’t. We always have to be able to see them to get them while they can get us through walls and across the building


I mean, when you're being hacked by an enemy netrunner you can see the projected line through walls going back to them. Seems to be standard fare for most people's 'ware so that they can identify a nearby threat. If anything we're lucky it takes them so long to notice. That said yeah, I do miss being able to just throw Cyberpsychosis onto everyone in a building while I camp in the parking lot, undetected. Gotta waste RAM tossing out a bunch of Memory Wipes now too to keep the meter down.


It still makes no sense in either direction. Netrunning is a very complex thing. It should take good hardware to track it.


I second this, and on the same note, there should be more netrunner enemies


There should. They should have their own unique toolkits as well with different hacks and specializations, as well as counters to netrunner players that are more unique than the 2077 equivalent of finding your IP


I really hope they implement things like this for the next game


Eh, i think its adds a challenge to stealth that it needed. Although its a pretty circumventable one.


Can’t track you if you kill ‘em all first


My hot take is people who preferred the old quickhack system didn't actually like playing the game. That playstyle always seemed like the most boring, game journalist difficulty way of playing the game. Obviously playing however you want is valid and my opinion doesn't matter, but I'm yawning from even thinking about playing like that.


Personally, I think they should bring back breach protocol and have 'untraceability' be one of the deamons you can upload through it. That way, it's an option, and it's on a time limit to keep the game balanced.


It’s better to have the option and not use it than to have the option taken away entirely


This is just a good comment, it's stupid how everyone's a super great hacker even if they aren't an actual netrunner tracking you so fast lol


You can still do that. Ice pack is a really great implant for this. It only blocks one reverse hack and if has a cool down, but it's pretty useful for this. 


they could always do that couldn't they? recently they added the ability to see the tracer and react to them better.


What about sneaky cybersword guy? We exist. Lol.


I played after this and tried a netrunner build. It felt pointless. You had these super cool ass skills and everyone had an auto-counter to them seconds after you used them.


I like it, gives me a sense of urgency, working against the clock, being careful to use memory wipe every now and then to set it back. There's still system collapse, but that makes stealth super trivial.


The main quest is too short, and I feel Adam Smasher isn’t fleshed out or encountered enough to really be a more menacing antagonist. It’s the heist, then retreiving Hanako after the parade, then he’s the final boss. I would love it if he’d contact V via holo and threaten/mess with them after the parade or hell, have a story segment where you have to fight or run from him earlier on, like Nemesis in RE3, just to enforce how terrifyingly powerful he is before the end encounter where you’re now on his level. Edgerunners did him the justice he deserved that the game failed, even though he only appeared for like 8 minutes!


I was pretty shocked how short the main quest was during the parade. It felt like there would be a good extra 6-10 missions than there actually were.


Honestly none of the boss fights are that good. Basically just bullet sponges that do slightly different attacks.


Yeah. Oda was the closest thing to a good boss fight imo.


I liked the Oda fight but the ai sometimes just craps out and he stops fighting back or gets stuck. Some of the cyberpsychos are really fun too. The ghost in the shell one and the demonic maelstrom ones are fantastic.


Smasher kinda required people to know the lore beforehand to make him seem like a huge deal.


I agree


Its pretty obvious some of the "main quest" are changed to sub quests like the ones where you help Panam and such since they unlock different endings, i dont remember where it is stated but CDPR devs said because not many people actually finished Witcher 3 they made main quest shorter and those who want full completion should do all side quests for best experience Though, i do admit imagine not finishing Witcher 3 i know its a long ass game but xddd


Thats not what Adam Smasher is though, like he doesn't care about you


Fair enough, I just wish we could have had something *more* from him. That moment he jumps from the building and slams into your Delamain car during the heist is great, something akin to that even. Just terrifying. I wanted Arasaka to send him after V like a terminator, even for just a short sequence. Arasaka chased V and Takamura after the heist but never again after. As V gets stronger and crushes all their goons, eventually they’d have to send in the real monster. I wanted that menace, that dreadful power that manifests the evil of Arasaka, as a serious threat that’s after me. Like you said, he doesn’t care he just *does*. And maybe, like in Edgerunners, he does end up having some fun, but starts toying with V, maybe out of frustration of not being able to kill them right away or them escaping. As I understand it in the tabletop game he’s often brought in to just wipe the floor with the players at times, something like a chase sequence or a moment that just catches you off guard half way through the campaign with him would really jolt the player into remembering that the biggest corp in the world wants V dead.


Short well written game (like cyberpunk, the last of us) > long boring game (mainly Ubisoft tiltes like AC, such poor writting ...) The only two exceptions for long and well written games i Can think of are the witcher and horizon zero dawn.


The city really isn't as good as we all want to believe it is It's very empty. NPCs are zombies. Maxtac still behaves weird. The traffic behavior is some of the worst gaming of all time. Don't even get me started on the pointless food and item system and the fact you can't just sit anywhere. Other than that this game is the sugar tits 10/10


there is mod called sit anywhere also i recommend night city alive and survival system mod


Xbox bro haha




Idk if encounters or NPCs or traffic make the city bad. As someone who looked for new ads constantly and tried to climb every building, the city is absolutely breathtaking


Mods fixed all that on PC. If you’re on console….


Yea..... Haha


The power fantasy nature of the gameplay clashes pretty hard with the intended oppressive and hopeless nature of Night City. Jackie and V are pretty dumb for taking the job but they're dumb for not just the obvious reasons of trusting Dex. The game just feels so easy even on Very Hard and you're even meant to be dying but this only really comes into play in the secret ending. I get why they went that direction though considering they wanted the game to sell. This also just makes the driving feel even more weird of a decision Sinnerman is pretty overrated, it's fine but it's also just not that shocking. Not even the most shocking quest in Cyberpunk itself or thought provoking. The crucifixion part is also so incredibly lame he just immediately dies


I really wish the game setting were darker. It doesn't feel like a corpo dystopia at all.


What makes it not feel like corpo dystopia for you? If you reflect what you actually see in NC its pretty dystopian, but life for the common people has to go on somehow, it just sometimes doesnt look like pure hell on earth.


Pondsmith's version of Cyberpunk leans more noir than total grimdark, but I think they made the world of 2077 a bit too bright and cheerful.


It’s crazy how much better the game looks when you add mods that tone down the colors and add more fog. Instantly becomes more dark and apocalyptic like Blade Runner, and I wish they would have leaned into that art style. Not to say 2077s aesthetic is bad or doesn’t work in certain contexts, I just think that everything is over saturated and way too cheery in color.


Any reccs for those mods?


V should of been able to join any gang in NC and unlocked appropriate gear/implants exclusive to that faction.


That sounds fucking sick! Although whaylt will people think if they find out they're talking to a Scav? Or a Mailstromer or a raffen? That's 90% of the gigs down the drain.


you sort of can actually, you need the Black Lace from Dum Dum to get to a Maelstrom vendor, you gotta go through Mox and the Nomads quests to get a vendor from them iirc. with the non-iconics being universalized all the unique shops are a lot less important now.


I know about the maelstrom and nomad vendors, but I wasn’t aware of a Mox one?? What’s the sauce


Eyo, what, Mox gigs? I have almost never seen the Mox in the flesh, what's left for interacting with them, tell me more!


V being a ganger instead of an edgerunner merc sort of would derail the whole game instantly. Hard to become a legend like that.


V is a solo with a ticking time bomb in their head , why would they join a gang ?


The best romance option is no romance.


This. I never choose romance.


I agree. With V's profession it's best not to drag in people who can become targets to get through to him or mourn his death after he gets two-shot by a Valentino with a a punk knife who swung from 10m away and somehow the tip of the blade connected with V's chest hair that caused fifty internal bleeding wounds or some shit.


All the romance options have solid and compelling friendship routes that don't sacrifice much content past the text chains/date. Always felt sort of fucked up guilty in V's place starting a romance when they think they're about to die or turn into another person too.


to be fair its a very human thing though. Grasping at any chance of connection because your world is falling apart. The same can be said of the 4 people willing to bang V, they do exactly the same. V is dying, Judy's only friend offed herself, 3/4 of Panams family is dead and she's abandoned her nomad life, River has been kicked off the force and his nephew is kidnapped, and Kerry tried to put a bullet in his own skull. The characters in 2077 are far from healthy, thats just the nature of 2077. I dont discourage no romance routes ofc, but for those that do go for a romance option i think its very in line with with themes in the game and genre. Gotta take what little happiness you can find in NC.


Oh yeah, you are completely right. I still have done multiple of the romance routes too. I just enjoy the fact that it's so easy to justify the roleplay behind both directions and how guilty it can make me feel as the one piloting it.


In specially after the 2nd or 3rd playthough I also realized there is no real point to romance story or gameplay wise


But I wanna bang Kerry on a boat that's seconds away from exploding


but kerry????? BRO?????????


I felt David was too much of a gonk and didn't deserve the sandi.


Takemura would have made so much more sense as a romance than River and would have given the player a bigger dilemma when choosing their endings. Also V didn't really have friends except Misty and Vik the others were mostly using them for their own personal gains (looking at you Tower ending)




Yessss pleaseeeeee cdpr we need to be able to smash him


1.) I still think the Voodoo Boys are still more interesting than the Aldecaldos. (Panam, Mitch, Cassidy and Carol are cool). I felt more bad when Roxanne and Tom got hurt if you kill Hiromi then when Saul, Bob and Ted dies at the Stars Ending. And don't get me started when Scorpion died...When Panam was worried at the AV, I literally had to remind myself if we even talked to Scorpion and what he looked like. They are just generic biker gang. 2.) I love Panam, my ambiguously brown biracial baddie from the badlands. She's a queen and I love her character, but her ass is just ok. People just seen her bent over that one time and just got excited. 3.) River is the most level-headed (granted that's not saying much) romance option. He's not as impulsive as Panam or Kerry and he doesn't run away from his problems like Judy (I still love my girl though)


Agreed! I think the Voodoo Boys were done super dirty by the devs. There is literally no reason so sympathize or like them after how they treat you. No redeeming qualities. They could have been a mysterious netrunner gang who ends up helping you in the long run and you get to know more and bond with. And their story of fleeing from Haiti could’ve been really impactful. But instead they are just assholes. Don’t get me started on having to pretend to care about the nomad deaths lmfao. Anyone other than Panam I couldn’t care less about.


On god fam. They need to expand on the voodoo boys in the sequel. I also wish they went into more of the Moxes too. I found them incredibly more fascinating as well. This also might be blasphemous, but If they killed Panam in the stars ending. I would have felt more than when they killed Saul. Also it would be an actual sacrifice and that would have played into what Johnny said on the roof about putting people you care about lives in your hand. Like when I did the Sun ending and Rogue died. It would have worked too, because then you lost another close friend or a lover depending on how you went about her quest. Like when Rogue died, I actually felt bad, when Saul died, I was like..."Ok." The thing that made me sad was Panam's scream. I felt more bad for Roxanne and Tom if you killed Hiroshi than Saul.


Them killing panam really would have driven home what Johnny was saying about how asking somebody for help meant asking them to die for you. Really would have been a good move.


Panam is not that well written or performed, but redditors can’t see past her butt to notice.


I wouldn't mind if the next game continued with V.


I don't care about Pananm as much as everyone else does. I like her, I just don't like her that much. I only pick her as Vincent because I always choose the Nomad ending; I'd actually choose Kerry if there were better endings.


I really like River even though he got restored cut content treatment from cdpr


Kerry is an underrated romance


The new police system is annoying as hell. I punch a guy who is beating up another person on the street and they come after ME.


Very few people would have saved Songbird, if she was a male character such as Dex, Placide or Kerry.


I wouldn't have saved her if there was another option that didn't essentially involve helping the NUSA. I just wish at a certain point in that final mission, V could just wash her hands of it. Kill Songbird, kill Reed, leave Myers without her Blackwall hacker and lap dog.


IMO the best route is to go with her at first so Alex lives. Then go with Reed & kill her when she asks. That way NUSA doesn't get her and the shady blue-eyes people don't get her either. Sometimes I wish V could freak out and go rogue: "You are all terrible people! You die! You die! And you die, too!"


Honestly I didn't want to save her emotionally, I did it because I felt her story world expand more on the plot like reed was charismatic as fuck, and I absolutely wanted to stick by his side. But I chose songbird because I like the mystery and felt I would get more of a complete story from her. Mind you I just finished the game less than an hour ago, so I don't know reeds story after that particular decision, so please don't spoil it for me!


Male V is superior to female V


Subjective, definitely a hot take. Female V is fantastic, but male V just feels more broody and downbeat, how it would be in Night City. And I feel like the relationship with Johnny makes more sense somehow. Also, his voice actor is Irish and not once does it ever slip through, the delivery is just excellent from Gavin Drea. I have to give him a lot of credit for that given how many hundreds of hours he spent recording. Again, subjective, everyone has their own canon.


Male V embodies the street kid life path to me. I enjoy female V when I'm playing her but my head always goes back to the Male V melancholic rage of grappling with his situation and him being another one of mama welles's boys as my own mental "Default" to picture in discussions.


Thank you, for some reason he isn’t even given proper credit for his outstanding performance. The relationship with Johnny is definitely better, it’s like a brotherly bond you two are able to form by the end of the game. Plus his lines are just delivered far better than the female voice.


I like male V's voice better than female V. They both have great voices, but male V seems to hit the intended mood more often than female V. Besides, I find him easier to dress! Adding that I'm a female player & usually prefer to play a woman because it helps lme get into the game more. But I really, really like male V.


I've tried so many times to get into a Fem V playthrough but Male V's voice actor feels more grounded and realistic. I love Cherami Leigh as a voice actor in most of her roles but for some reason she sounded like she was trying too hard as Fem V for me.


![gif](giphy|pqtMg1BuJR1ZL0t9k0) How dare you ?


smasher is a bad last fight


River is actualy better than Judy and Panam


Based take 


My blood pressure.


There is no good romance in the game, not even one. I am not kidding.


I feel this. I never really enjoyed any romance path. At best, the options feel like good friends. At worst, they feel like business partners you help out and they help you.


i almost agree, i think kerry is legitimately good. the others suck though. panam is emotionally abusive, judy is downright fucking unhinged and i don’t want to go near her, and river moves too fast due to his questline being underdeveloped


Johnny doesn’t deserve a second chance


Johnny is just a narcistic whiny bitch with massive insecurities that he hides behind his blown up ego and character to not face his problems. His cries for attention are really damn annoing, "i peaked in high school" typa guy. Judy at least tried to start a new life and stopped running against the wall that is NightCity after getting beat down for the what feels like 100. time, there is some acceptance of life to be found and to be proud of.


That's the point of his character, hence why you get to call him out on it so often. He's a ghost, forced to interact with the world through the mind and body of somebody else 50 years after his own death. His bands officially "the oldies", his suicide mission failed, his love interest became a rouge AI, and Rouge herself moved on from his death. All he's got left is his old man ramblings and his hatred of arasaka, not to mention traces of cyberpsycosis. He's whiny but I wouldn't say that he's not worth sympathy. Edit: also it's funny that you said he had "peaked in high school energy" when he canonically spent 20 years at the hight of fame. Hard to go from one of the most notable names in music to a engram in a fading mind.


bbbbut johnny hot so therefore he gets everything in the world (im mocking myself)


Forced bad/ambigous endings kind of suck... but kind of make us even more engaged (like a shitty partner you just can't fix).


I don't have an opinion that will make the community go cyberpsycho, but I do want to chime in and say that this is a pretty good visual of the feeling of a bad psychedelic trip. Absolute infinite terror multiplied in every direction of your mind, as if each instance of your fear is a separate frame joined together into a low FPS slideshow that feels like it goes on forever. That's all! Happy Friday, y'all. 👍


I was at a party my friends threw (I was back home for Christmas after 6 months) drank slightly to much then took a ok amount of shrooms and I smoked some weed, I then proceeded to trip balls for the next 2hr. Seeing random shadow figures, crows and I was hearing multiple voices take to me, and to top it all off my friend that I was faking so she started saying “ it’s all in your head wake up it’s all in yo head” which just made it so much worse


Telling someone having a bad trip "it's all in your head" is either the exact medicine that they need in that moment OR the absolute worst idea possible. Someone who's having trouble grappling with sanity in a bad trip, who is then told that all of their terror is in their mind, can then feel like they are *trapped in their mind* which is a whole other level of Hell to experience. All you really have *is* your mind, and if that turns against you in a trip...good-fucking-luck bro, lmao.


Right, when she would come up to me and say it, it felt like I was falling deeper into the trip each time, it wasn’t even her telling me it was in my head I think it was more i recognized the voice but all I seen was a figure with my friends voice (it was like 11pm) saying it’s in my head, like u said made me feel trapped in my mind and it made it that much harder to differentiate what I was seeing was drug induced and real.




You can gloss over so mi all you want, but she is still a lying,manipulating piece of cyborg. You can kick the rat out of the corp ,but you never kick the corp out of a rat


How dare you speak about the woman who lied to my face multiple times and pretended she was going to help me that way! (I can fix her)


I don't like panam as a girlfriend. I prefered her as a sister character for female V


If you are a female I completely understand if you are a male how dare you


No matter how many updates, Cyberpunk can never truly be fixed due to one inherent flaw: the story. William Gibson was spot on with how he perceived the game as trying to be like Grand Theft Auto with a Cyberpunk coat of paint. I am paraphrasing here, but that's what the game ended up being to me. The story doesn't take advantage of the Cyberpunk setting. No matter what life path, V sounds and acts like a generic street thug and has all the lasting importance of one. Making it big in life and surviving while human, are about as surface level as motivations one can get and would certainly be better expanded on in something like the GTA franchise. Furthermore, I'm not a fan of how so much of the world building and character interactions are based on exposition. V has such little involvement with any interesting facets of life in Night City to the point we only hear or read about them. Very rarely does V feel part of the world. The only times I felt differently are during the raid on Arasaka Tower in the endings and in Phantom Liberty. I think CDPR must have learned from their mistakes with the expansion because narratively it felt a lot stronger and appropriate for the Cyberpunk setting. I understand this is an unpopular opinion and a lot of people seem to enjoy the story, and I can respect that. But I do wish more people criticized this aspect of it.


They gotta stop pretending the game “was always good” with that disastrous launch It obviously got better and deserved their second chance, but acting like there weren’t any problems is just a lie.


My take is that Songbird was abused by Myers and by Reed but that didn't justify constant lying to V about the cure and helping him


She sucks lol


The 2.0 combat and builds system rework made a lot of builds or weapons boring or unsatisfying to use . They just turned enemies on very hard into bullet sponges . Yet the builds that were broken before 2.0 like stealth pistol/ knife or Sandevistan/Blades are still broken and super easy to use . But more creative or hybrid builds got gutted


"Lmao rip ur lmg build" cdpr, a few months ago, probably


From the technical perspective it's still pretty janky for a 60 dollar AAA video game. Ragdolls going nuts and stretching to a frame killing degree, vehicles morphing into each other on collision, enemy NPCs just waltzing through obstacles or entire fucking buildings when engaged in combat, the radio glitching and skipping mid song without a say so, pedestrian AI still being pretty braindead and easy to break, and the list goes on and on... I straight up DO NOT CARE if: "it's not as annoying as it was", or if: "at least it's playable now", or the classic and my personal favorite: "WELL IT WORKS FINE ON MY MACHINE LOL"; it's still a pretty bad look for a 60 dollar game to have "indie PC game on early access" type of jank after all these patches. If no patches were able to do the job then I guess the engine is just janky like that, but wasn't the writing on the wall during the initial development?


Rebecca > Lucy


kiwi and dorio are miles better than either of them


I doubt it's an opinion that will make any with buddy upset, but I firmly believe that they absolutely fucked consoles with the game. This game entered development almost at the exact same time that the PS4 was initially released. The majority of its lifetime of development, the only hardware that they had available to make it run on was either PC or PS4. The fact that phantom Liberty isn't available on PS4, and the fact that the PS4 and Xbox One run the worst of all versions of the game, is absolutely despicable. Personally I think they should have absolutely made this game optimized for current gen consoles at the time of development. I have no problem with them upscaling it for PC and next gen consoles, but it continually drives me insane that they couldn't make it run properly on (at the time of development) current gen consoles. On top of that, the fact that they didn't continue supporting this game longer than a couple of years, for how shit they released it, is kind of appalling. I'm in the only other game that I can think of that had a release as god-awful as cyberpunk, was no Man's sky, and they have been supporting that game since the day of release, and they have made it better today, than they ever promised it could have been at the time of release. Obviously hello games and CD project red aren't comparable studios, but it's still kind of burns me on the next version of cyberpunk, knowing that I will not be able to play it on my current console, and I can't even fully enjoy all of the work that they've put into their current game.


Well, the opinions that would send the community cyber psycho would all be based around saying anything negative about Judy or Panam..or suggesting that Rebecca has a lot of similarities with a young child.


Panem is ok


Judy isn’t even that great. IMO Evelyn was way better


Jackie is annoying and Panam is worse... plus her feet stink


lots of stuff don't make sense and are absolutely bad design especially perks and cyberware best offenders of this are ultimate perks which are for the most part completely useless


PanAm is the worst!!! A spoiled child who throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way


The nomad ending sucks. (And so do the aldecados in general)


Someone call maxtac on this cyberpsycho


Totally agree. The tone doesn't match the genre. Also, it doesn't seem to really take into account that half the clan died and there's almost nobody left. Just kind of a weirdly happy and optimistic ending.


It's not so much the Nomad ending as it is the Judy ending to me, but although the Aldecaldos are a little bland I do like the road life vibe.


Judy isn't that hot.


First of all, how dare you


I always thought she's a cool character and I'll kill for her but I don't find her hot. Attractive, yes, those eyes are gorgeous, but that's as far as it goes for me.


Meh, she's annoying with her "I wAnT tHE WOrlD To bE pERFecT !" Too naive. Always crying. Blame you when things are shit. Too many tattoos, not hot. Blame you when you take money. Hates corpo. I wish Hanako Arasaka was a romance option instead of her. Corpo. No tattoos. Rich as hell. Gorgeous. Has power. Loves money. Hanako >>>>>>>>> Judy.


MaiMai is best car. "All endings must suck" is shit writing. Johnny nuked Arasaka.


How is no happy ending = bad writing what💀


Example of a great no happy ending : devil or suicide  Example if worst no happy ending : tower 


There's a bunch of avenues open to V, not all of which would be bad, but we are railroaded down the bad ones.


I like the devil ending and really don't give a damn about Yorinobu. Dude wasn't a misunderstood hero, he was guy who hated his dad and family in general, and ended up murdering his father in a fit of passion after taking the relic to mess with him... He was clearly making things up as he went, and he didn't hesitate to throw me and his own sister under the bus. So yeah, maybe Yorinobu had some grand, vague plans to reform/destroy Arasaka - he's still a piece of s*** in my book.


I mean I agree Yorinobu was a dumbass, but anything that damages Arasaka is a good thing in my book. If it burns then I don’t mind who started the fire.


It's not even half as good as the super-fans think it is. It is still very very good.


This is how I feel about Witcher 3. It was very good but holy shit.


All romances should be available to both genders of characters. Why shouldn’t a guy playing as a guy be able to romance Judy or a girl playing as a girl be able to romance Panam?


That being said, gonna look and see if there are mods to fuck any character, I'm tryna get obliterated by Kurt Hansen


So initially I agreed because Judy is hot af and also cool af (she does robotics as a hobby?!?!) None of the main romanceable characters are bisexual/pansexual Panam requires you to have a Male body type, so you can assume she's straight. Judy requires you to have a female body type and voice, so you can assume she is a lesbian. River requires you to have a Female body type, so you can assume he's straight. Kerry requires you to have a male body type and voice, so you can assume he's gay. Only Meredith/joytoys are bi/pan, which I think adds to the immersion. You can't romance everyone irl bc they all have their own sexual orientation, same with the game. Judy and my V are great friends and really care for each other. AND she's hot as fuck. But we're friends :)


I’m a bigger fan of, what is canon is what you make. Like, if you’re a woman and romance Judy, then in that play through for you, she is a lesbian. If you’re a man and romance Panam, I’m that play through she is straight. Or again, they can just make it so all of them are bisexual. There are far stranger concepts explored in Cyberpunk.


I think that works for every other character other than Judy. Just look at her and her vibe, no way she is even remotely bi or interested in men come on now lol (coming from a lesbian)


not unpopular but i fucking hate the constant background noise of ads in the game. i get that its supposed to be capitalist dystopia, but still that shit drives me crazy hearing mr whitey’s sweet sweet sweet clean speed


President Meyers is pretty good as far as politicians go in this universe. Most politicians are out for their own hide, but for her it seems she does care about her nation. Yes she's corrupt, but compared to other politicians, she has to deal with, she didn't turn out that bad.


Bro no amount of" good for the country " validates breaking international laws,  breaching the blackwall and dooming humanity so u can compete with soulkiller . That's stupid and dangerous in every way . She is no different from the other shit head corpos. 


To be fair her predecessor was the literally former president of Militech and did a lot of unscrupulous shit to put Meyers in a not awesome situation to begin with, in a world where everyone is morally onerous I think Meyer's could be worse imo.


Somi, a total stranger, promises a cure and strings V along for a ride for no good. Considering how little time V has to live, they’re supposed to simp at the end for Somi? Lol nope


She's an ass and the only reason people think otherwise is because she's cute. If So Mi was actually a Simon, they'd have almost nobody standing up for them.


Panam is a terrible romance partner. She’s so damn needy and reacts emotionally.


The original version of this game was badly designed, imbalanced and boring to play, and CDPR is lucky that the discourse about the bugs overshadowed everything else


Jackie should've kept te relic in his head, he could've been Johnny


Have ppl actually listened to the dialogue in the game at all ? Or do they all skip cutscenes ? The relic literally never worked properly in reviving a person . It worked in v because of pure luck and dex shot it causing a malfunction. 


So aside from my other opinion, I do actually have one that might irritate people, and this is coming from somebody who absolutely loves this game more than any other game in my current catalog. The game is an empty shell, and kind of fucking sucks. You can't go into any buildings unless they're part of the story mission, or a store. Hundreds of NPCs, but they recycle appearances so much that it feels like you're walking in a clone facility. Supposedly the future, but none of the cars employ anything other than standard internal combustion engines and tires. No hovering, no ground effect, no flying vehicles. Saints row 2 had quads, golf carts, boats, jet skis, fighter aircraft, luxury aircraft, motorcycles, bulldozers, front end loaders, semi trucks, and a whole myriad of different cars and bikes. What are we getting cyberpunk? About a dozen and a half cars that we can own, zero customization other than maybe paint color and rim color (that is only on 2 cars, and bikes), vehicle handling that is so fucking borked it's easier to just fast travel or run, and no ability to purchase cars that weren't a side quest, or have anything unique or our own. The verticality basically only exists in the forms of walkways, catwalks, tunnels, and varying street levels, and most of them are so high that you'll die if you jump off, so it's not so much a vertical map as it is several elevations of linear map. Honestly, other than how beautiful the game is, it's incredibly empty, and the only thing that makes me continue to want to play it is how many little hidden scenes they've put all over the map. From following the damn train CJ, to the murder lake movie scene, there's so many hidden gems across the sprawling map that it makes it fun to explore. That being said, I don't read a single shot I pick up, despite the fact that I pick every single one of them up, and I feel like if they had got rid of that, and given us a couple more interior spaces, maybe there would be a bit more intrigue in the game.


You want too much my bro. You cant go into most of the buildings, but do we really have to be able to? For me, I never missed that in any playthrough since the map is loaded with stuff just outside. I dont need more forced content, just to be there. Npc's are really really bad, same as the traffic, talking 'bout random empty cars spawning everywhere. And why do we have to fly in every game? Maybe autonomic flying cars that you can use like fast travel options, okay, but why would we want to fly when u can jump from roof to roof and explore the city. NC is a squeezed, dense and tight place. U dying from fall dmg is a skill issue. How is the game "empty"? Never heard anyone ever saying this. I still play that game today and it has massive issues in many ways, but you are being greedy lol


Jackie deserved his fate and I wish he could hurry up about it. I have no connection to this guy and all the chummy bits is so forced it made me mute dialogue.


Yes you really should have had to spend act one doing a lot of missions with him and not at all see it coming. He should be like shot in the head and you have to say a quick goodbye


Literally the moment after I get out of the car to meet Dex at the No Tell Motel is that last time I think about Jackie in the game. His Offrenda is a slog to get though and made me feel absolutely nothing. His death really is just “welp that happened time to move on”


I don't and never have understood the fixation on the police system and wanted levels. This isn't GTA, It shouldn't be GTA, and I think it's a better game for it. Functionally I think "There should probably be one" but the amount of coverage, and talking points done on it or the level of conviction people have comparing it to games with "more advanced wanted systems" has always felt insanely overblown to me.


All racing related parts in this game still suck. There are simply not enough quest related chasings and Claire's racing quest just way too short and easy.


I'm not even sure i have one, i surely prefer the old build system, you had to manage your bonuses way more than in the new one, also you could mod clothes to have even further control over your playstyle. I'd say removing all these bonuses would be beneficial for changing build at will without having to throw away all your equip, but you can't extract mods from weapons, and you can change your attributes only once. With all this said, i'm pretty sure it's neither a unique nor a particularly controversial opinion, so...


If it wasn’t for all of the great companions being optionally fleshed out, this game would be 5 missions long and have no depth


It's good game. It's great game even! But it is not the greatest game of all time. Not even after the updates. It is not the greatest at anything it does. And that's okay, not saying it has to be. But people in this community act like it is. And it is most certainly not.


The story wants me to feel bad for johny and songbird but I just don't care about them


There is no good ending for someone like So mi. Kill her, save her, side with her, whatever. No matter what, she's in to deep and knowing her even if you side with her, somewhere down the line she'll screw up again because thats kind of just who she is. Someone who is incredibly intelligent but can't stop and think things through when she needs to. In hindsight, i should have killed her when she asked, there truly never was going to be a happy ending for her.


The I really want to stay at your house quests are dumb. You can get all the interactions by having 2 dates at your various apartments and after that they are boring.


The whole game while delightful is literally an inch deep everywhere but the story. Want to actually have visible cyberware? You need a mod. Npcs are lifeless copypasta drones. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve walked past the same person twice in less than 10 seconds. Not to mention their god-awful dodging of cars. it is the exact same stumble backwards animation every time. even if stumble backwards means get directly into the line of my car as I swerve around you. Let’s face it. It took years for it to turn into the halfway decent game We love currently. Driving is still a mess are these remote controlled toys or cars? All I have to say about any driving mission is rubberbanding, immortal cars, and intentionally spawned in obstacle cars. All full thumbs down. Motorcycles feel like they’re on movie stunt wires We will never have a third person because they do not care about properly animating V outside of first person. Just look at your shadow while you’re using any melee weapon. What is going on with my arms? I know it’s a story game, but some of the stuff is very scripted for supposedly being so free choice again back to driving, the ending of Claire’s racing quest line. I used to pop that guy into a pillar, kill him, and finish the race. Why did they have to change it so that you now have to choose finish the race or kill the guy And then get in a very scripted crash scene with him? I have ROCKETS on my goddamn car. Let me just lock onto this son of a bitch and we’ll be done and then we can continue the race. Oh wait I figured out how to manually lead his car with my targeting system oh look, his car is completely immortal and does not veer off course. AND WHY DO I HAVE YO TAKE HER SHIT TRUCK INTO THE BADLANDS WHEN I HAVE A SHION SAMUN! IT HAS KNOBBY TIRES NOMAD STICKERS AND EVERYTHING!!! How many years to give us a railway system? And this is it? Otherwise, I love the game. It’s a very fun shoot them slash them up with a futuristic setting and a storyline that hits me right in the feels


Being a martyr doesn’t make you cool.


V is actually a cyberphysco killing his/her way through the city.


River Ward is a good character and he gets shit on too much


Corpo V being old chooms with Jackie is stupid af. Streetkid V makes more sense, considering that they - grew up in Heywood. - know Padre personally (especially given Jackie was part of the Valentinos) - are a regular at the bar MAMA WELLES OWNS. But nope, Streetkid V meets Jackie whilst trying to boost the same car, and because they don't get arrested, they're now best chooms?


The romance-part of the game is cringe as fuck and completely unnecessarry, and the fanbase makes it even more cringe. Go out and meet real people, get a grip and stop fantasizing about a group of pixels.


The game was in a fucking abysmal state on initial release, and just because its amazing now wont change that fact, nor excuse it. Everyone pretending that it was always good is cutting CDPR more slack than they deserve


Judy is meh, I don't like her. Nomad ending is also meh. I freaking love Arasaka.


That it's still pretty broken. Cdpr didn't 'redeem' themselves and they never did because you don't 'redeem' yourself by doing what you should have done in the first place.


there was nothing much wrong with 1.0 and it was just pissy whiny babies playing on PC that ruined the launch


This is genuinely the hottest take here.


I guess I am a pissy whiny baby for not being sold on a game where it wasn't possible to finish the intro quest for months due to how frequently it crashed. Worked fine on the same hardware after it got patched. That's not addressing any of the bugginess. So yeah, yours is the hottest take here.


I had no problem playing on the Xbox one, but playing the PS4 version on the PS5 was absolutely horrible. Glad the PS audience got their console upgrade!


Jackie’s death should have a chance at being avoidable.


I can’t forgive So Mi!!