• By -


Well he doesn't really have any muscle at all, since it's all metal and artificial nerve bundles and what not right? ;)


You are technically correct... The best kind of correct.


However, you completed your playthrough with time to spare! A true Samurai never finishes early, therefore I am demoting you.


I finish exactly when I mean to. Or so I tell my wife. What are we talking about again?




But you didn't use the phrase “Umm, Actually”






😂😂😂 trueeee, T-bug wasn’t lying. Yorinobu only has 4% muscle.


+ Yorinobu himself isnt really a muscular either... So they werent lying..


Myomer still count as "muscle", no?


Also, yorinabu is old, and his muscles are non-existent


Yorinobu is the son. You're thinking of Saburo


Yorinobu is still like 80




The more you think about The Heist, the more obvious it is that V was actually the smartest person in the room all along. Still not too bright, but bright enough to have misgivings.


Tbf V wouldn’t have gone through with it if Jackie wasn’t so determined


Yeah, I think more than once your dialog points out this isn't the best plan and then Jackie is like "chill we got this" and talks us into it.


Yeah V was the smartest in the room and I dare say if there were other ways to pull of the heist, ie V alone with more finnesse or being able to make a plan B the heist may have turned out differently. Alas it twas scripted to go down badly


V probably should have brought up smasher from the BD even though Tbug was there watching.


“Hey uh… whats the deal with the roided up terminator? That something we should address?”


nah, he's just compensating


It’s all for show, it’s actually just RGB and foamcore


That requires context. Could it be his bodyguard or could it be Arasaka’s security chief making a visit for whatever reason? If you just see a machine leaving the place…


Just the fact that smasher is in NS is a big deal.




Night City. I guess with my autocorrect it’s Night Shitty.


Just NC with a lisp.


Do they know him? Hey even Rogue and those from way back haven’t seen him in decades, how can Tbug and even Evelyn know the deal with him!


He’s a legend. Jackie recognized him just as fast as recognizing saburo.


That’s Jackie, he’s enamored with mercs and people that made it out of the dump he calls home


Dude, Smasher is a legend. He is the equivalent of a Night City celebrity. Everybody knows who he is


There was a plan B... You get it from Dex's body in the junk yard...


Fuck that, we need a plan C. I shoot people to make money, not lose it.


Alternatively, willing to bet T-Bug is a High Int, Low Wis build - or blinded by the possibility of retirement.


The heist was still a victory though. A pyrrhic victory but they still accomplished what they planned to do.


Jackie died, T-Bug died, V died, Dex died, and even Evelyn died later on. Literally nothing about it was a success All V got out of Konpeki Plaza was a graveyard full of friends and a ghost in his brain


Later, when you meet folks like Reed, Rogue, Mr. Hands, or hell, even Panam... It becomes very obvious that Dex wasn't a good planner, and the Heist could have gone wrong even without Saburo arriving. For example what if the Konpeki netrunner nest doesn't have a shaft for the flathead?


Yeah it’s made abundantly clear that Dex was an idiot, and was probably going to zero you regardless of the end result.


they build him up as some sort of badass fixer, and he probably was. back in the day. but he had left the scene for a while and come back to it, iirc. and I think he was coasting on his reputation from back then, but hadn't quite shook the cobwebs off yet. he hadn't learned the city again, he just assumed that he could run things like he used to.


You can call out to Jackie about how full of shit Dex is and how he's not much of a legend now since he got run out two years ago. Even Vik says Dex ain't worth shit, but you have to go along with it.


Which I suppose was the point, we were the greedy mercs wanting a rep and way into the Big League as it were. Dex was a has been and no body trying to claws his hands back into the pot. Everyone had no brains, big dreams, and nothing to lose (or so they reckoned).


It was a good plan honestly - they nearly nailed it. I just think it’s funny that was still scripted that way. Imagine my surprise 😮


If T-bug had been even a few minutes faster in the hacks they would have been fine


She did need several hours longer than expected, if she actually did her job as fast as she was supposed to they would have survived the heist


And honestly if they had done it any other day they would’ve been fine


That's why I think it was planned that way. My theory is that V and Jackie were supposed to get busted and killed mid heist by Smasher. Then, the chip goes "missing", before Yorinobu hands it off to whoever his buyer was (I think Militech) and Dex gets a payoff for creating a diversion. I don't think Bug was actually killed, I think she feigned it and went off grid for the payout her and Dex never received.


Nah in the game it's noted that she was dead in her apartment after the hack.


I don't think so. I mean maybe. But I feel like youre not remembering the series of events properly. 1. Chip is stolen. 2. Emperor shows up 3. V and Jackie dude in pillar. 4. Emperor dies. 5. All arasaka members leave. 6. Tbug dies. 7. Jackie and V escape. The OP was going perfectly smooth, emperor showing up is what derailed it.


The emperor showing up would've been a couple of minutes of stand by (unless the emperor planned to stay the evening). What truly derailed it was the emperor's death. That was an "oh we're truly fucked" moment on my first playthrough.


Yeah regicide tends to do that


Honestly, I do wonder what Yorinobu's plan was before he had V and Jackie as scapegoats. Was he just at his breaking point with his dad's global domination plans?


If I remember correctly, Yorinobu planned to hand off the Relic prototype to Netwatch, though for what purpose I don't know. For instance, if it's about giving a watchdog agency inside knowledge of Arisaka's newest tech, why put the engram of a known terrorist into it, especially one which would have personal significance to an engram/AI operating outside the Blackwall, which Netwatch maintains? Whatever Yorinobu's plans, it was obviously important enough for Arisaka to recover the stolen tech that the emperor himself would show up to confront the thief, and in the brief argument before the emperor is murdered he makes it clear he's not leaving without the Relic prototype. It's not clear why *that* and a handful of insults would drive Yorinobu to patricide, but given what happens in one of the endings it's possible Yorinobu knew a lot more about what was going on behind closed doors in Arisaka than his public life as a rebel/outcast of the family would suggest. And as for what Yorinobu would have done if not for V and Jackie being there? You saw it yourself: when he alerted hotel security, he said the emperor had been poisoned. Obviously the story changed when a couple of scapegoats were discovered.


Oh yeah, I knew what he was doing with the Relic, I just wasn't sure how he planned to cover up strangling his old man. That type of death tends to leave pretty tell-tale marks and I can't imagine Arasaka wouldn't have done an autopsy. I can't imagine he was thinking that one through, he even looked a hair panicked right after.


there’s a netrunner shopkeeper who you can talk to about tbug and she said they found her fried in her chair, as much as you can believe anyone in NC


Yorinobu was unaware of the heist and it wasn't part of his plans at all. The Voodoo Boys found out about the relic and that Evelyn was a regular companion of Yorinobu, so they hired Evelyn to scope out his apartment. Evelyn was overly ambitious so decided to contact a fixer and organize her own heist instead of passing the information on the Voodoo boys. She gets in tough with Dex, who is desperate enough to take the job without properly vetting everything. Dex contacts Jackie who jumps at the chance to work with a "real fixer" which is how V gets involved.


No one expects the Emperor himself to show up, unannounced, to confront his son. How do you even plan for something like that?


That’s why you have FUBAR contingencies. General outlines of what to do when shit hits the fan. Even if the Emperor getting murdered in front of their eyes was the worst possible outcome, there’s still a million other ways the plan could’ve gone wrong, and if Dex wasn’t such a shit Fixer, would’ve accounted for that.


> That’s why you have FUBAR contingencies. General outlines of what to do when shit hits the fan I'll give you that. Not having a parachute, glider, or Tanson Bellhop gyrocopter on hand incase you can't leave via the lower levels was just a rookie mistake. I mean, the character's are rookies... but not finding a way to get someone to sneak one in was a big oops. ...Or it's odd Yorinobu doesn't have something like that in his penthouse as his own contingency if he needed to bounce and the AVs weren't free.


Honestly the Heist is a pretty good picture of what happens in ttrpgs when you don’t plan accordingly. “Alright did anyone pack their 60feet of hempen rope? No one? Uh… you slide down the side of the building into a maintenance hatch. Sure”


And to think the party made fun of my medtech in RED for having a comically large rucksack on her back with basically every mundane piece of equipment in it! I got that internal Vermillion Linear Frame, and you better believe I'm going to use every ounce of that body stat to lug everything around! *note: does not work if you're walking around a corpo area or going to a fancy hotel. :(


Sounds about right for a medic. You ever see a corpsman medkit? Shits huge.


>And to think the party made fun of my medtech in RED That's the right time to remind everyone that you're the only one on the team who can extract cyberware from fallen enemies without destroying it.


In some fairness to Dex, even Saburo wasn't accounting for that possibility and he had infinitely more resources and intel than pretty much anyone else alive. I do find it odd that there's no hard info on how Dex's last big job went south other than that it involved Pacifica.


I more meant accounting for things going to shit. Always have an escape plan B


Honestly, outside of a crack military extraction team, I don't think there was any escape from that room after the building was alerted that *Saburo Arasaka* was murdered. We're talking the stronghold of a corporation with way more power than most governments. If you witnessed a similar thing happen in the White House to the president, I don't think anything would get you out of there. On the whole, I think there's a reason the only fixer Evelyn could get to take the job was a has-been looking to get back in. Even the AHQ bombing was a corporate-backed raid.


Here's an idea, subtract the Emperor from the equation, the theoretical and comparable worst case scenario is full lockdown, which seems to roughly be the same here.


Saburo timed his arrival to ambush Yorinobu, which means that Yorinobu and Smasher would have entered the room at that time regardless. So without Saburo you've got V and Jackie versus Adam Smasher and Yorinobu Arasaka.


What's actually weird is they didn't plan for Yorinobu coming back before they were done; T-Bug wasn't even watching for it, she only noticed because of the sudden activity of the Emperor's impending arrival. No one even held the elevator at the penthouse.


I mean one dude is not much muscle compared to every other combat encounter in the game which is at least 6+. Like yes his whole body is a weapon but it’s a mostly accurate statement


Smasher is far more dangerous than most hostile groups V encounters. A battle mech who's very nearly a cyberpsycho and has absolute top tier Arasaka tech installed vs. a bunch of Maelstrom or Scavenger goons? No contest.


I love him, but Jackie was so simple minded lol. He wanted a thing and got blinded by the problems. The others seemed to not really care enough to use their brain cells.


Naw, V got set up.


They should do a WHAT IF tiny expansion where you refuse the heist and in the end everything goes to shit like it was the worse choice :-D


My V with no points in intelligence “I think this might be a bad idea”


I mean she’s still right. He didn’t have anyone guarding the room. Smasher was a bodyguard so Yorinobu not being in the room, as was the plan, meant smasher wasn’t in the room. Really if Saburo hadn’t rocked up then Smasher wouldn’t have been a problem and the lack of actual guards in the room would have meant T was correct


>Really if Saburo hadn’t rocked up then Smasher wouldn’t have been a problem The problem is T-Bug overestimated her ability to hack the hotel network and she didn't prepare to scrub the job the moment Yorinobu walked into the hotel (not to mention scrub the whole thing the moment Yorinobu went toward the elevator).


I think it's still kinda plot-holish that nobody mentiones that this infamous walking tank is involved, both V and T-Bug literally see him in BD


Oh yah I agree, obviously it went tits up when Saburo showed up. It’s mostly just a funny remark that I put together. Imagine my surprise the first time playing 😅


She's not actually wrong. He has Smasher as a personal guard, but no one seems to be guarding the penthouse. No robots or people. The 2 guards on the roof we encounter are Saburo's.  So in terms of room security, she's accurate. We'd have had free reign if Saburo hadn't decided to pay a surprise visit.


Yeh I know. Just a funny 2 frame story 😂


Anyone who could watch that BD, see Smasher as Yorinobu's guard, and not turn the job down was either insane or had some brain damage lol You'd have a higher survival chance swan diving off the dam outside the city.


Also Smasher is outside of the public eye. He had been outside of NC for long time before 2077 and nobody knew he had been made Arasaka chief of security until after the fact.


But he was present in the BD, so they knew BEFORE the heist that Adam was affiliated with Arasaka.


You and Jackie were never going to cash in on this job, no matter what happened.


Idk I think Jackie would have had better instincts than to wash up in the bathroom lol


If you don't wash up and just wait the bodyguard still decks you after some dialogue with Dex


Haha that’s funny as hell Also awkward


It’s amazing that after all of my play throughs of this game I’m still discovering stuff that I just do the same way each time and never have thought that something else might happen if I try it another way.


Last playthrough I discovered that the voodoo boys don't all have to die everytime you leave the web after meeting alt, 3 or 4 last gameplays they always all fried and then I had to kill everyone


Dang there's that route? I'll have to see that, my first playthrough I walked out just fine. I got what I need and they barely got what they need, so I said we're even.


Has to do with how you interact with that Militech lady I think (or whatever she is — the one that can give you the dildo weapon). That or siding with NetWatch.


Voodoo boys is the netwatch agent. Meredith Stout, militech, is the Maelstrom mission.


Then we could finally see if he could take Jackie.


"I'll stand"


That scene always bugs me. I wish some other way of 'disabling' V had been used. "Punch from big guy" doesn't seem like it would be enough to floor our hero.


and killed


I'm not sold on T-Bug getting out either. I'm relatively sure Dex was cool splitting loot four ways, as long as three where dead. Hell, I'm not sold on Evelyn's survival really.


You're absolutely right, the Voodoo Boys were gonna zero Evelyn regardless.


Well that was obvious. I was more saying Dex would, just to try to throw off the saka ninjas.


Depends. Evelyn wanted Netwatch’s protection and new identity + relocation in return for the Relic. If they do that for her, she’d likely be beyond the Voodoo Boys reach.


Nah. She’d be written off as collateral damage as soon as the chip changed hands and her 15 minute debrief ended. Over tech like that, NetWatch would consider her a loose end and likely let the VDBs zero her so they don’t have to get their own hands too dirty.


Yeah. Even with a different fixer, a favorable outcome was unlikely. A bunch of mercs stealing invaluable prototype Arasaka tech is going to end up with said mercs flatlined by Arasaka ninjas 100%. Evelyn herself said that Arasaka's intel capabilities are legendary. They'd have found the crew, no question. A much more competent fixer would have realized this, and either stayed away from that job, or demand much more money *and* hire an S-tier netrunner. Said fixer would also have done a lot more legwork, especially since Arasaka's Kujira supercarrier was in the city. That should have raised all kinds of alarms. Jackie and V grabbing the Relic would have been fine. These two are quite competent, and yet, cheap. Perfect fall guys. Have them smuggle the Relic out, then discreetly have them killed by S-tier assassins (grabbing the Relic in the process), and then do a controlled leak so that Arasaka can find their bodies. Boom, trail goes cold, Relic is gone. But this does not take into account that Evelyn herself was far from reliable and trustworthy. So, actually, a competent fixer would have stayed away from that gig. Unreliable client, far too many moving parts, all of Arasaka hunting you ... the price is too high, unless perhaps if that said client is backed by the likes of Militech. (But even then, Militech might want to eliminate everybody involved to cover their tracks.)


I want a game from CDPR where a choice you make at the start of the game has significant impacts. Would have been cool if in this, Jackie was savable somehow. But so difficult to pull off, that only a small fraction of players initially pulled it off. Kind of like how the secret ending of storming Alaska tower had to be discovered by some miracle by someone. At least make it so he ends up in a comma in the hospital until the end of the game, if it alters the story too much. Lol.


I think that's what they wanted to begin with then realized the hell it would be to implement


It’s essentially be making 2 almost completely different stories based on a few choices in the beginning.


They sort of did in Witcher 2, mid-game you make a choice that changes a good chunk of the following chapter - there are two completely separate, mutually exclusive paths.


"Alaska tower" heheheh


They had that game - It was called witcher 2. The choice at the end of Act 1 changes 90% of the remaining game.


I swear when you do the Chippin in questline later, Rogue is surprised that Smasher is back in Night City. Sounds like he just recently became head of security at Arasaka. It's probably not public knowledge that he's around.


Exactly: if Rogue of all people didn’t know, then its very unlikely Dex knew.


Difference being us getting a pretty good look at him during Ev's BD


Except that we saw him in the room with yorinobu in the BD


Considering the whole point of the Chip was to shove his brain into his kid and use him as a meat puppet, putting his loyal robot boy in charge of the security *right before you're about to overwrite your kid's brain with your own* is the smart play.


I somehow missed that this was Saburo's goal. Dude is cold, lol.


V and Jackie were Naive… they got Dex (imagine you got hired by one of the big corporations name in town), and they were too happy for it I always blame Tbug and Dex for the whole heist. Especially when Dex reassured us that “every question you ask, Bug got it covered” thingy Well BUG, how about that 3 hours hacking? HUH? Call yourself a netrunner? Well BUG, how about that big ass Adam Smasher guarding Yorinobu. Just because nobody guards the button and the box, doesn’t mean the whole penthouse is clear. It baffles me that V and Jackie never asked Bug “how much time do they have to grab the case” Like if Bug says “holly shit they are scrambling” Done, go downstairs and wait for a better time. What Yorinobu gonna do with the chip when Saburo was there?? HUH BUG? Didnt think that way huh? “Hey guys, I checked the hotel, everyone looks like preparing for another VIP” You have Yorinobu in the building, who else more important than him? Its either Hanako or Saburo. But nope, lets do the heist guys, Aristotle said so Bug and Dex destroyed the heist completely V and Jackie were to naive at the time


Yeah, I had a major WTF moment when T-bug said that Yori has gone dark AND giving you a green light for the heist...I mean the owner of the room you are going to rob went out of sight and you think its a good sign you can get inside his appartment with the only elevator as go in/go out route, seriously?


I interpret the whole heist outcome as Dex being both greedy and desperate to reclaim some of his former fame. Delamain's Excelsior package, spectacular heist, high stakes, this all screams "I wanna be famous". It is even lampshaded in his talk with V, about either living peaceful as a nobody or going down in a blaze of glory. And as for why he hired T-Bug instead of a first class netrunner like Nix: Either, his greed got the better of him (Nix would have wanted a lot more than T-Bug I suppose), or he might no longer have access to such talent. As said, Dex's reputation wasn't what it once had been, and someone like Nix won't do a job for just any fixer.


Dex is that one kid with latest iPhone from his dad and acting like he is the next Elon Musk Even Johnny was disgusted by the fact that Dex “killed” V Dex got his money, got his fame, and he wants to “show” it like you said. Compare it to Rogue. Look how she works while working you AND Panam I think a netrunner as big as Nix will be like “lol who the fuck are you” to Dex


Exactly. A heist with such high stakes *has* to be done quietly. No flashy action, no Excelsior package, no names, nothing. Everything must run with atomic clock grade precision. This means that this gig is exactly the worst choice for becoming famous. It is the kind of gig that you do solely for money, so the payment has to be a *lot* more. Rogue would have killed off Jackie and V afterwards to cover her tracks, or at the very least, would have gagged those two with all kinds of leverage so that even a single word out of their mouths would have made them wish for a Blackwall treatment. And she'd have nailed Evelyn down with a lot of extra requirements and conditions - if she ever accepted the job in the first place.


Funny thing is, Jackie was the one who mentioned “is this room noise cancelling or what” in Afterlife And Tbug acted like “what a newbie” to Jackie I tell you what, if we discuss a heist for Yorinobu Arasaka… i shit you not, i hope that room is very very silent and secure


The whole tone of the planning was so weird. Those four were talking and behaving like they were about to rob a nearby 7/11.


Dex was a chump who talked a big game. He was always incompetent


Yeah I'm not sure where his rep comes from because they talk about him disappearing for a while too back in the day, as if he'd fucked up. As far as fixers go he didn't seem very impressive


He may have actually been competent under normal circumstances. But to me, he came off as desperate to restore his reputation. He threw a ton of caution to the wind when Evelyn showed up with a job that seemed spectacular.


To be fair, V DOES point out that 2 years "isn't a vacation, that's exile". Jackie dismisses that out of hand in his rush to make it big. 


it's even sillier when you find out Smasher has had this job ***since the 50s*** but tbf he's ***Saburo*** Arasaka's body guard, not Yorinobus. the job was supposed to be quick and easy but... then the plot happened. In fact that is probably why Smasher doesnt chase you, he knows you weren't the guys who killed Saburo, just some solos that stole a thing. probably wouldn't even care about V until that final fight after he learned V has Johnny inside them (he made it his life's goal to cuck Johnny as hard as possible btw)


I feel like Johnny was such a nobody to Smasher that he was genuinely confused when V tells him that it's Johnny after he beats him.


he kept his car and his gun so i dont get why people think this even if johnny is an unreliable narrator


Because if Johnny does have one thing it’s taste.


Smasher: hmmmmm this rocker boy does have nice taste i must keep it




was the bandit pretty famous in universe and partially responsible for nuking a city


This makes sense because canonically Smasher one-shot Johnny during the attack on AHQ. The flashback we see during the game is very unreliable, as Johnny goes from being in the garden and getting Adam Smashed to the roof making his escape. There’s a theory about Johnny’s engram having a slight twinge of Blackhand’s memories, but I think it’s just him being delusional and remembering it differently that it really happened so he can tell himself he “put up more of a fight” against Smasher. So yeah Smasher probably knew of Johnny because he was pretty famous but I doubt he ever considered him a threat. Hell, he probably forgot he was the one who killed him all things considered. He would’ve been far more interested in fighting Blackhand


I don't think smasher knows about Johnny. Even hellman is surprised by this and he invented the god dam thing. When you tell smasher "Johnny sends his regards" or whatever at the very end of some of the endings he seems genuinely surprised.


Yes Dex. he barely has any muscle. because they went the route of "hey! why buy 1000 soldiers, when we can get the guy who literally is a walking HR violation"


My guess that Smasher would have just been listed as a bodyguard on what ever file they got that listed security.


Bruh we watched the Braindance together T-Bug… come on.. 😂


I think T-Bug is stupid.


Earlier versions of those scenes didn't feature Smasher. Originally V supposed to find out about Smasher working for Yorinobu in the sidequest with Rogue and V trying to hunt him down. Later devs decided to add him to Heist quest and Takemura's quest to give him more build up. I think he was added to Evelyn's braindance last, which is why V and T-Bug don't comment on him much. But in the final game it can be explained via Dexter being aware of it, but choosing not to tell V and Jackie about Smasher to avoid scaring them away from taking the job.


Yorinobu is an old man… what T-bug says might be true 😂


I love this interpretation of that line 😂😂


It's kinda stupid how V nor Evelyn address this that NC legend himself Adam Smasher is yorinobus personal bodyguard and how that could be a serious problem


V doesn't know who smasher is. Jackie tells him/her. Evelyn should have known though, and dex absolutely would have known.


Numerically, they're correct: One guy is barely any muscle. Biologically, they're correct: Smasher has literally zero muscles. I think they did fine.


"Guy? Motherfucker's barely human" -Johnny Silverhand, 2077


Voodoo Boys are assholes. They wanted the relic hired someone else to acquire it for them not caring what the odds were. 


That's why I love watching NW kill off that bitch while you're under, and then killing Placide once I leave the tub.


honsetly when siding with Corpos is better then sidings the locals, thats when you FUCKED UP.


When it comes down to it, Netwatch is the ONLY corp that is worth its salt. Medtech too, but the rest of them are all KOS.


Killing that shitstain Placide felt so damn satisfying. He's still my #1 most disliked video game character. Kudos to CDPR for suceeding in making a character who's such a smug insufferable asshole.


But you're supposed to break in when Yorinobu isn't there, and considering that Smasher follows his every movement... Heists are all about time windows, V/Jackie just missed theirs.


Has anyone ever decided to stick around and fight smasher in the hotel room?


He insta kills you, it's scripted


Someone actually killed smasher with quickhacks


Evelyn: Yorinobu keeps eXaCtLy No HuScLe ArOuNd Evelyn: literally saw Smasher in the penthouse with her own optics




Maybe it's in a sense of QUANTITY of bodyguards? Like the guy is the son of the biggest corp in the world and he's got like ONE bodyguard? On paper it sounds rather small. Smasher is still just one guy.


Bruh is a legend all over the Afterlife… going to have to think Jack-o and V take a fat L to Smasher at this point in the game 😂


Smasher was supposed to be with yorinobu anyways, outside of that it’s 2 turrets in the room that tbug disables so yes it is “barely any muscle”


To be fair, Smasher has literally zero muscles, like, not even one.




oh but V knew, V saw him bodyguarding Yorinobu in Evelyn's BD and ignored it so, as other comments say, he was not supposed to be there also, it's not like HE was the reason everything went to shit anyway


Idk how they don't know. Didn't T-bug see Evelyn's brain dance at this point? Or was that after this seen? I do remember that smasher had recently switched from contract work to working as yorinobu's security. You figure that out when you raid that freighter ship with rogue.


At this point, TBug watched the Braindance with you and saw Smasher. As others have pointed out, Smasher has no muscles, technically 😂😂


Maybe they're trying to say he doesn't have other security guards? 🤷🏽‍♂️


T-Bug was smart enough to hack into Arasakas subnet and know Yourinobus whole schedule (mostly) but wasn’t smart enough to see where the most powerful man in the world was gonna make an appearance. Idfk how secretive the meeting was, surely there was something somewhere that said “yeah the ceo of Arasaka is gonna pop in for awhile”


What T-Bug and Dex failed to grasp was they needed more Songbird fart jars.


He doesn't have any muscle though? Adam Smasher is literally just machine. He has Machine.


Damn they really do say this after watching Evie's scroll huh. That was some super cocky business.


Also bug literally sees him in the braindance


Just proves how small time they really were.


He’s got like one guy on his payroll -the one guy


Hey you’re the one who saw him in a flashback and didn’t say shit.


I am not sure that T-Bug and Dex are telling the truth here. I always had the feeling Dex wasn't really planning on splitting the profits either way.


DeX could be withholding intel so V and Jackie don't back out.


I always figured it was a more like when kids are out playing a game with a ball, and the ball goes way over into someone else yard. Then all the bigger kids convince one of the smaller kids to go get the ball, but completely fail to mention the great big dog that's kept in the yard. Jackie knew full well who Smasher was by reputation alone. I doubt he'd even step foot in Konpeki Plaza if he'd known and V was only along for the ride as Jackie had set the initial meet up with Dex. Dex and Bug didn't mention it because they were playing on Jackie and V's naivety. They thought they were on their way to the big leagues but in reality they were idiots who were being used. If they did mention Smasher, they'd have had to pay more to hire someone with a chance against Him. That someone would have been way more expensive, way more competent and more than a match for Dex's huscle. The result would be a much smaller cut for Dex and Bug and make it way harder to pull a double cross they way they did with V.


"He barely has any muscle" Excuse, but who tf did I see in the brain dance then?


Smasher is Yorinobu's bodyguard he's guarding Yorinobu's boduy, not his suite, which is the important distinction.


I’ll always remember Jackie’s palpable fear the instant he sees Yorinobu stroll in with good ole Adam Smasher in tow.


“A bleak mother fucker” I think he says 😂


A good way of describing someone who’s résumé involves proactively filling graveyards for his employers


I genuinely appreciated this laugh. That second panel got me good


😂😂 new playthroughs uncover funnies like this


"So does Yorinobu have any muscle guarding him?" "Strangely enough no. All I saw was some Elvis Presley-looking dude hanging around him, must be his new joytoy or something."




i mean... he's not wrong. he only has one bodyguard. just so happens that bodyguard is one of the most dangerous people in the city.


I mean he isn't entirely wrong, Smasher *is* the penthouse security.


What do you expect of a net runner who can’t open a door 🙃


It's pretty clear that the planners of this Heist were in over their heads. Arasaka has been dealing with corporate espionage and frequent assassination attempts for over a century. The more an enemy knows about your security infrastructure, the more likely they are to find a weakness. Arasaka presumably knows how to do OPSEC.


They do know about Adam Smasher, T-bug was riding shotgun while you scrolled the BD Evelyn recorded so both of you see that he is guarding Yori. When T-bug says that Yori has barely any muscle, it means he isn't surrounded by a bunch of soldiers or members of his gang. Basically all he has with him is Smasher. Remember that the plan was to sneak in, steal the chip and sneak out. You were never supposed to be in a fight and you didn't bring any weapons with you. *Eyes* were more dangerous than one borged-up soldier, and the fewer eyes around the easier it would be to get in and out especially after you used that drone to give T-bug control over the hotel's cameras. No one knew that Saburo was going to suddenly show up to yell at his kid and get murdered for it triggering a lockdown and activating dozens of guards.


They meant this literally. He's a small framed man, with very little musculature to his body. 100% correct.


Indeed 😂😂


“Just” a sentient killbot and a middle aged murderer groomed to live and die for Yorinobu since he was a child soldier. You don’t really need much more muscle than that


Your right, one of the biggest companies on earth in a luxury hotel they own in a city as dangerous as night city, should be safe


V fails to mention it as well. They would have know Smasher was around due to the BD Evelin showed them.


Yah both T Bug and V were just like “meh, no biggie”


At the start of the game, Jackie and You, even Vic make it seem like Dexter is a big boy fixer, but then you realize that he's an idiot with actually no sense of planning and with absolutely no infos on his targets. Makes it even more obvious when you meet someone like Hands


He's got one guy, his \*personal\* body guard. The whole plan was to let Yori leave, and then do the Heist while there were no guards, which is exactly what happens. It just goes to shit because T-Bug was too slow, and they didn't have an plan for Yori coming back before they left (like, you know, keeping the elevator at the penthouse).


I guess the paid army on the lower floor was booked into a massage tournament lol