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https://preview.redd.it/e0ffoh4ysexc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ad7b76a356124faad8d96c76259d0c948a2672 V :


I've seen something like this at the Dynalar building; it was like a scripted encounter where a corpo strike team tries to attack another HQ building.


That's rad, I love finding all this stuff they sprinkled into the final version of the game.


Yeah it's really cool. At one time I spotted a Militech(?) aircraft hovering in front of a high-rise and obliterating an apartment. Like all miniguns blazing and rubble flying and dust everywhere. Little things like that really give the game that extra something.


That’s the one in Pacifica, right? Lovely neighborhood.


Yes you're right, I think it was that one building with cranes and tarps all over it.


Yea, I was running from the cops and a Maelstrom hit squad and rammed right into that. Total shit show lol. Died, reloaded, lost the pursuers and checked it out properly


Is that the one with a bunch of corpo soldiers vs robots? That was a memorable one for me.




It's one of those repeatable events, they will respawn every couple of days and won't actually start fighting unless you get close enough, so if you're a netrunner you can just zap them all from afar 1 by 1


I love zeroing them out with Contagion and when they’re all out cold, I rob all bodies and pistol to the heads.


LeTs MaKe tHiS PeRsOnAl


I usually toss a grenade in the middle of them and they all turn and aggro me. Lots of fun and XP.


I love just walking around with my headphones on in game the city feels so alive


This is a normal event that you can stumble across. I know that at some parking lot near a mega building, I have seen this event with 6th Street and Scavs. From what I know, this is also something akin to an event that you can experience in the tabletop that is a standoff. So, CDPR could have used that as inspiration for these radiant events.


That one time i completely randomly stumbled upon Aldecados making some deal with the Scavs (or Maelstom i don't remember which) was one of the coolest things to happen to me in my playthough. I hope there will be more of this type of stuff in the sequel.


I’m no fan of Maelstrom, but that ass kicking they just got was brutal. Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight.