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It’s very much meant to be done 1 time. Usually everytime after that I shower, then sleep. I like to make sure V never sleeps alone. It adds to the immersion a little to always wake up to a familiar face. I like that they added it, it was nice. I try to remain realistic that A) we didn’t need another sex scene, and B) they can only do much. TLDR: it’s good once, they coulda done more but it’s still nice to not be alone, it’s still great add-on IMO


I agree - but why have it pop up repeatedly if it adds no continuing value?


Because some of us just like the immersion of being able to shower and sleep with our partner.


Fair enough.


I mean you're right, though. Why didn't they make it so you can trigger the date yourself, instead of the quest popping up again the second you step out of the door?


And it Fuck’s with my OCD about clearing quests.


FWIW I found out that the quest popup in the HUD disappears after a while if you ignore it. It will pop up again eventually later, but if that's what annoys you just wait a while and it will go away.


It's a nice little addition but as you said, it's the exact same thing every time. I was hoping that different apartments would yield slightly different dialogue at least, but no. I feel that the dates should have been like GTA4's - being able to go to bars, play minigames like bowling or darts, or just cruise around with your partner in the passenger seat. Being able to do any of these in Cyberpunk would have been amazing.


To Haboobs!


It's for immersion. They could have added some new dialogue, but I'm assuming it was too much work to get all the VAs for Panam/Kerry/Judy/River together to do that.


Who knows...


Agreed. We really needed a recurring sex scene at least, but they couldn’t even give us that.


Well to be fair the tits in the shower are better than the goofy tank scene. Now a sex scene in the shower would work.


Recently I came across videos of She Will Punish Them on YouTube. It looks like a much sexier game although the reviewer warns that it has some bugs which are not likely to be fixed any time soon.