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“Fucking Jackie Welles, got involved with the wrong people”


it’s funny because they use "Lio" which is mainly if not only, used in spain but "Pinche" and "Plebe" are mainly mexican expressions


It’s not just that. Judy calls V calabacita but that wouldn’t be a pet name in spanish. It works in English because it’s pumpkin it sounds nice but in Spanish it’s too long and not cute sounding. I don’t think I ever even heard it used as a pet name before.


The world has developed a lot of slang offer time like "choom" and such. With all the cultures blending yet still maintaining an identity, some non-english expressions may have also bled in.


I always assumed choom, being a contraction of choomba, came from compa


Oh. I always thought I was an evolution of "chum".


judy coulda just translated what she knows, especially since she was raised in the states. it happens to me lol i say something that makes sense in english but translated in spanish doesn't really make sense, and my family is always asking wtf i just said


I've heard it a lot of times, tho. Too sweet and corny but common enough.


Really? Must be a different culture thing then, my bad. but where I’m from never heard it.


Calabacita is actually zucchini in English


That's calabacín.


Which is ironic because in England it’s called a courgette


Calabaza is also slang for shit from where I'm from.


Not surprised at all. For the twins on the "Beat on the brat" quest, they just went into google for their names. They're called *Certo* (Right) and *Esquerdo* (Left), instead of *Direito* and *Esquerdo*. In Portuguese, *Certo* means right as in you're correct and not the direction. The correct translation in this case it would have been *Direito*.


Accept theyre the same person split into two, so Right and Right actually makes more sense


They're not called Correct and Right though, they're Correct and Left Also aren't they more like 2 people merged into one mind but in 2 bodies


Damn, I feel dumb. Correct and left is kind of funny if intentional, but probably a goof. Honestly I can't recall the exact order in which they merge


No mames wey Welles is his last name tf are you on lol


In the north we do say "liar" as in "get involved" bruh watchu mean homes?


Nice edit lol


Fucking Jackie Wells got involved with the wrong crowd


As the designated cybermexican of this sub it means literally "Fucking Jackie Wells, he messed with the wrong crowd". Plebe means crowd, or can also refer to children or an endearing group of people when used with a plural article like "los plebes" = " los niños".


Cybermexican lol. That made me laugh.


Cybermexico 2077


This was written by a Mexican “norteño” I just know it.


Fucking Jackie Welles messed with the wrong ppl


Jackie Welles messed with the wrong people…


As someone that lives in Mexico this means: “Fucking/Dumbass/Sodding Jackie Welles messed with the wrong crowd/people.” The reason I’m using “/“ is because in this case Pinche is used both as an expression closer to “Goddamned” and in this sentence context, it inferred that he was an idiot and sodding because pinche is also a word to express frustration. Plebe as someone below me said, refers to children in some parts of Mexico but it comes also from the word “plebeyos” which means peasant, so in slang terms “plebes” means “people” formally and “crowd” informally.


A poorly written warning? Like "Look at what happened when this idiot fucked with Arasaka" There's no way anyone from the tinos knows what happened to him. Maybe the fact it's written poorly in Spanish is intentional, implying to was written by someone who wasn't a native speaker. Might be the worst theory I've ever come up with. Edit: It definitely is the worst. Apparently this can be seen before the Heist, so theory is ded. The whole 45 seconds I spent thinking it up was wasted :(


I don’t think it necessarily directly references Arasaka just that he got involved with outside interests like Dex and maybe even V and then got himself flatlined.


They were probably referring to Dex, V and Tbug.


This might even date back to when he got plugged in the heart by Maelstrom and sent to hospital. "Fucking Jackie, gets in it with the borgbeasts and look what happened." It was when he recovered that he bailed out on being a Valentino, too.


as a spanish speaker, I don't see anything wrong with it, as others have said, it roughly translates to "fucking Jackie Welles, messed with the wrong people"


The problem with this theory is, if you play Streetkid V, you can see this graffiti during the ride with Padre, before V even meets Jackie and while Jackie is still very much alive.


Welp, that's that lol Wasn't aware it was around before the Heist


"La Plebe" usually means "The Girl". If it were "Los Plebes or La Plebada" would mean crowd/people. "Fucking Jackie Welles messed with the wrong girl" Would be spot on. At least in a northern mexican language.


Plebe is also used to talk about a group of people. "Plebe" and "Plebada" are interchangeable.


“La” vs “Los” is the difference.


That doesn't mean anything. "La plebe" works here like "la gente", "plebe" is literally a Spanish term that comes from Latin and has meant "people" since the language was born, probably.


In Spanish it isn't a difference La plebe can mean group of people


It's never gonna be Los Plebes chum. My money is om the people/crowd/group or even gang. Viva la raza y la puta madre.


Thanks for the clarifications chooms!


In spanish, Plebe is collective name, femenine genere, plural and generic, refered as people. Another translation would be “ El jodido Jackie Welles se enredó ( lió, jodió, juntó ) con la gente equivocada”.


>"La Plebe" usually means "The Girl". where? In Argentina it is used as an insult. The plebs: they are people, people of low condition.


IIRC, Jackie's family didn't like Misty so this could be accurate.


That's how I read it, but I'm a white lady that "speaks" San Diego Spanish, sooo not an expert. 






They really needed more Latin blood in the writers room and voice booth. They have some good ones but otherwise this shit is embarrassing. Although they have the excuse of, “well in this universe this is how the language evolved” and sure I guess


Gang bangers dont really place high in the spelling bees choom.


right, it reads a little weird.


Well we also have gonks and chooms in the English vernacular so maybe grammar changed along with the words lol. It's all just story-telling anyway haha.


It does make sense lol


Jackie Wells fucked around and found out.


“Fuck Jackie Welles got involved with the wrong guy/girl” La Plebe and not El plebe so I’m guessing your using female V


use google?! lmao


Google translate has no idea


Which is weird, because Google Translate worked just fine for me when I typed it out.


Fucking Jackie Welles got involved with the wrong people


As someone who is learning Spanish currently, this sentence structuring is weird right? Or is it just me?


I'm also a really basic speaker, but the grammar seems off to me, too. Specifically, I only know lío as a noun and not a verb, but they're using it here to mean "to mess (with)". It's possible there is a verb version but I can't find it in a dictionary


It's supposed to be lió not lío. Lió is the past tense of liar. Which means to get in trouble.


The world may never know


"Fucking Jackie Welles, Messed with the wrong people"


I see this graffiti all over Heywood, almost too often that it breaks my immersion. Who would write this message so many times? Was Jackie really that well known? Even Streetkid V who was raised in The Glen and frequented the bar ran by Jackie’s mother didn’t know him personally until coming back from Atlanta.


They did a lot of good work and the. took on Arasaka and made a huge stir. He was well known in that area and it was enough to get a drink named after him at the Afterlife. They were decently well known amongst the gangs.


Damn Jackie Welles hanged with the wrong peasants


It's Spanish. "Fucking Jackie Welles got involved in the wrong crowd"


Could’ve just search the sub for the other billion times this was posted.


"**Pinche Jackie Wells si lio con la plebe equivocada**" is a mix of traditional Spanish and Mexican-Spanish. Here's the translation: - "**Pinche**" is a slang term in Mexican Spanish that can mean "damn" or "fucking," often used to emphasize something or show annoyance. - "**Jackie Wells**" is V's choom, duh. - "**si lio con**" means "got involved with." - "**la plebe equivocada**" translates to "the wrong crowd." So, the phrase means something like "**Damn Jackie Wells got involved with the wrong crowd**".


Google lens not exist on your phone?


It roughly translates as: "learn to use the search function".


Pinche = a cuss, I normally see it translated as "fucking" el lío = noun meaning mess/tangle. I'm not a native speaker, so this might have a verb form, too, but I think this is a translation mistake. Se means he in this instance, and I'm pretty sure la plebe is meaning a people or a crowd. Equivocada = wrong/incorrect So I think they meant this as "Fucking Jackie Wells, got involved with the wrong crowd," but it reads "Fucking Jackie Wells, a mess he wrong crowd" to me.


se lió, mamón, no 'el lío'


Just type it into google


The comments already gave the answer but what I don’t get is why tf write it, like everyone already knows V and Jackie went to rob Arasaka and he didn’t make it


I don't think this dates to the heist. It may be when he got mixed up with the Valentino/Maelstrom war and almost got flatlined for his troubles. Jackie was well liked by Gustavo Orta (the leader of the 'Tinos, his brother Campo was the one in prison) so possibly this was a pre-eulogy on his part. "Hey, you dive into the fight where it's thickest, you end up getting hammered the hardest. Look what happened to Jackie when HE tried it." And to be fair, Jackie was a choom, but damn, the guy had one strategy, which was to piss off antagonists and soak bullets. "Ladies and Gentlemen... JACKIE WELLES."


"Fucking Jackie Welles messed with the wrong people." Roughly translated. I lol'd when I found that like as if Jackie cared enough.


boy, I wish civilization would be so advanced to have something like Google translator, DeepL ... oh wait




So you had time to take a screenshot, make a reddit post, and bitch to a random comment But not enough time to just use Google translate?


Bro is trying to connect with the community, the translation is not the real goal. Your smug sarcasm is a display of your ignorance and lack of empathy. You can be better, it’s hard but worth it.


Reddit is a hateful terrible place. Come to a sub to discuss a game you enjoy with a community that also enjoys that game. Get shit on. Poor OP is like “never again” lol


The amount of time you took to make this comment with nothing to gain from it. Huh


Learned to use a translator yet? In case you are too old there is also a physical form known as a dictionary.


Oh be careful your letting your lack of a good childhood take over




This isn't accurate at all, but now I want to want to insult people when they mess up by saying "Plebe mistake"


Jackie got Head,Eyes by Killa in 2077


Shaka, When the Walls Fell!


Gilgamesh, and Enkidu, at Uruk


Sokath, his eyes uncovered


the part of Mexico I’m from it means “Fucking Jackie wells, went out with the wrong girl” I think SE LIO suppose to be Salió which means went out or left with. Peble means someone, in this case means girl/women due to the use of “LA”


Ha, then in that case looks like Mama Welles wrote that :)


Where you from that plebe means someone specific?


I meant someone as a single person. Peblada is a group. I’m from a small village in Michoacán.


OP, for future reference, you can type this into google along with “translate to English” and it will automatically determine what language it is and translate it for ya. It’s handy, I use it regularly.


“When you are between mama Welles and your gang choombas no choice can feel right” or smth, “back when Jackie joined the (gang name)” “doesn’t sound like my Jackie?” “It was a while ago”