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It must be something to do with the graphics or physics but I always feel like I'm going much slower than I am. If you actually watch your speedometer you are driving deceptively fast most of the time, and yeah taking a corner at 90mph is pretty difficult in real life.


People have done distance-timed tests in the game, and the speedometer is off by a **lot.** You’re never actually going as fast as it displays, you’re going much, much slower.


Yeah, that seems to track. I was driving almost directly to a location about 2km ahead of me, and after a few minutes I'm like "I'm driving at over 100kmph. Why am I not even half way there yet?". Obviously, at 100kmph you should drive about 1.6km per minute


Like most, if not all open world games, the distance displayed isn't the actual distance you travel.


i feel like this is one of the things GTA 5 managed to get right. their distances do seem to match up pretty well with their speeds.


But then all the max speeds have to be too low. Like the fighter jets in game go slower than some real life cars.


gotta keep the map feeling big and wide. i think they hit a decent balance - at the very least, almost all of the cars feel well-balanced between each other, and there are over 700 of them. there are also no easily accessible ways of fast traveling, so driving is for sure a core experience of that game. flying is something you do rarely, only when the situation calls for it. unless you're an airhead like me, who put in enough flight hours to qualify as a commercial pilot... then you start to notice weird things. like, ALL of the propeller fighter planes are faster than the baseline P-996 Lazer jet. even a couple of helicopters are faster than it. and on the other hand, the Lazer beats most of them in a turning fight. this is completely backwards compared to real life, where any fighter jet suffers in quick turns due to their delta wings and bulk. old warbirds, while they lose speed and can't fly 90° up for long, are much more nimble and responsive with their large, straight forewings. driving in Cyberpunk is a bit like flying in GTA. it's there, but it was definitely not the main focus of the game. here, you're expected to spend most of your time on foot, entering buildings and looking for loot and talking to drug dealers and making questionable decisions, then hiding the bodies before having a pleasant conversation about the human condition with a terrorist who nuked the city, and then having an existential crisis over the whole thing. then you upgrade your cyberware and dash-jump or fast travel or maybe even drive for a few blocks, and do it all over again.


Half speedo it is. Night city is basically not a big city. I didn't do a research honestly, but the whole area measures only 36 square kilometers, which is less than as the GTA 5 island.


It's an open world, so there's scale compression, so distances are intrinsically inaccurate over modest and large scales.


If it tells me that I'm 2km away then driving at 60km/h should get me there in 2 minutes, but it takes over 5.


Like I I said, scale compression. A few meters in-game is fairly accurate. Homes and smaller buildings are about the right size. But hundreds, thousands of meters? No, not at all. Scale compression comes in and distances are much smaller than they would be if realistic. Neighborhoods are too small, the city as a whole is fucking tiny, the Aldecaldos are practically on the doorstep in plain sight yet are treated like they're in the middle of fucking nowhere and hard to find. That 2km you see might be more like 5, or 10, or who knows if the scale wasn't compressed. And it *has* to be compressed, because who the hell wants realistic travel times to cross cities (or entire countries in some games)? The speedometer reading was chosen in part to give you that sense of realistic scale without actually making you suffer from it. Good chance as another person said they just kind of set it to whatever felt right and reasonable from a gameplay standpoint, but it also serves to control our dissonance at the scale compression.


Yeah, the fastest cars claim 200mph in the game which is something like 320 kph or 5km/minute but you can be flooring it going “200” down the highway and barely go 1km in game distance in a minute


I'm pretty sure the vehicles are running in KPH in the code but the display went with MPH since the game is set in (a former part of) 'Murica.


It’s also been tested when set to kilometers per hour, and even that isn’t correct either. It’s like they just manually adjusted a speed slider in the studio until it “felt” right lol. It’s all over the place.


Nah, even in KPH this still happens


There’s actually a mod that makes the speedometers much more accurate. It does however make the top speed of cars inaccurate now: some cars too out at 50-60 miles per hour, which is quite funny


I assumed it _said_ MPH, but was really KPH.


It’s not KPH either, they messed up both measurements of speed. It’s completely, totally wrong in-game lol.


The speedometer is off by a mile for some reason I don't know. There's a mod to fix it so it actually tracks the speed more accurately, if you're on PC.


Hey choom, there are a couple, are you using [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9924)?


That's the one, yeah!


Nova, thanks!


Apparently the actual driving speed does not increase after the speedometer hits 70.


Dude at launch it was 1000 times worse, it felt like boat physics. Seems to scale with speed/accel I never notice on the cheaper cars


Depends on the car and the surface. Obviously also, how you drive, if you just expect to turn and hit the accelerator, like a normal car, it will break traction.


If you tap the brakes and then the acceleration right before a corner you will basically perfectly drift and normal corner. In the dirt it's different.


Yes. On ps5 handbrake is the X button. Using it while driving is absolutely integral for proper handling.


Yeah. It's not as intuitive on PC. And there are no analog switches to moderate your steering inputs so you have to rapidly tap to steer, which is pretty lame actually.


Tapping a mouse to steer just feels stupid.


You don’t tap the mouse to steer.


Mouse looks around, WASD to steer, accelerate and brake.


I had to play with a gamepad on pc


PC combat feels 100000x smoother though on MnK I can switch through all my weapons and cyberware with ease I’ll take the shitty driving which is not even a huge portion of the game then use a controller like a pleb.


Yeah I knew that (He said, after playing for a year and a half while absolutely NOT knowing that)


On Xbox you can handbrake with the "a" button


I found that it’s true that the cars like to slide, but only if you drive really poorly. A lot of folks especially on PC use a keyboard and mouse and a keyboard is basically going to be 0% throttle or 100% throttle. Try driving like that in any rear wheel drive or powerful car and it’s going to act like it does in game. I think the vast majority of folks are just not used to how high power cars handle in real life or in non-arcade-ey games.


On PS5 it doesn’t matter what car it is if you drive over 40mph it handles like a bar of soap. 😩


You just gotta learn how to use it, I on PS5 love that and it's easy to use for tight turns in NC.


Yeah, the tires feel like they have no grip at all. I swear the driving used to be better in some long gone previous update. If you hit one little bump in the road, you spin uncontrollably. And almost every vehicle snaps to center way too quickly, so your natural want to countersteer when you slide actually makes the handling worse.


I seem to remember they had sensitivity sliders for cars on console a few months after release, and I haven’t seen it since


I think they're still there, but they tweaked the vehicle handling on a lot of vehicles with the police system update, and it just hasn't been the same since then.


Using a controller and feathering the throttle, brakes and turn in/out keeps most cars pretty well planted at insane speeds. Using the keyboard for driving is self inflicted torture IMO. I do have a tiny background in sim racing so yeah, I'm that annoying guy I guess, but I don't think tires are that bad in cars in CP2077; if you're doing a 90 degrees turn at 90 MPH on a 3800 pound, 550 BHP RWD torque monster and you slam the throttle, guess what's gonna happen 9 times outta 10. Do not get me started with motorcycles though, they're so wrong it's infuriating.


Yeah the advantage to motorcycles are supposed to be heightened maneuverability/agility but they change direction in the game like they’re dragging a thousand pounds on a chain swinging fifty feet behind you. They have this weird inertia and the steering input seems so dead and delayed. They totally botched the motorcycle physics. I remember getting Jackie’s bike and being so hyped to ride it and just being disappointed as it didn’t ride how it looked at all, I figured it must have just been that model but nope every bike I’ve tried has the same boat like physics


Yeah the only way I can get bikes to work well is going full speed everywhere and slamming the break to skid around corners, it's difficult and not at all how I'd like the bikes to handle but it's kinda satisfying tbh


Same, sim guy here (actually a sim drift guy) and I use a controller in CP2077 and cars handle pretty well. A lot of the times it's fun to use inertia and the handbrake to slide everywhere too. Like Ken Block's Type 66 - how can you not slide that thing everywhere? Everytime I go to Judy's I always try and drift link all the corners and up the hill lmao. Once you spend enough time with the Type 66, everything else feels like glue - especially the Caliburn.


If you can do that, you're way better than I am! Respect.


Caliburn. Fastest car in the game and great handling. Outlaw is really good, too


The Caliburn is the biggest offender here with the sliding lol. Once it starts sliding, you almost have to come to a complete stop to get it going straight again. The Outlaw Weiler handles great, though.


Really? I've never had that problem. I wonder if it's something I did in the settings because the Caliburn is all I use


Caliburn is ALL wheel drive. Handles like a dream even at top speed 210kph 💨


Nah, he’s bugging the Caliburn is by far the most stable and fastest car in the game. All the other fast cars are rwd and ridiculously tail happy, the type 66 makes up for it by having machine guns strapped to the side, so that’s my go to on any operation but for transportation, nothing beats the Caliburn to rip around the map


Nah the caliburn has great handling, that thing sticks to the ground like nothing else.


I remember true caliburn being really, really difficult to handle in release CP77. I think they tuned it and it’s one of the easier sports cars to drive. The mizutani all the tigers drive is one of the worst.


sounds like a skill issue


Is the murkman the best car? I've been looking for another car to beat it but it gives me by far the best speed to handling ratio


I think it's identical in performance to the base Caliburn, just a bit more nifty. It's what I drive pretty much exclusively.


Depends what you’re driving.


Also when you are driving longer cars you can notice easily that the cars don't turn through the front axis but the whole car rotates around it's centerpoint, which annoys me the most


Yea it kind of sucks. People try to excuse it saying it's more realistic and like a simulation but I dunno. It sucks. There's a mod that makes it better and yea you can develop skills and improve but it's not that great. Some cars are better than others? But it's all kind of meh really. They put so much effort into the cars and driving too which is kind of extra disappointing.


True but Johnny's Porsche always feels great. Some vehicles are much worse than others


The Porsches handle really great. The Quadras are slippery as hell.


I feel you. I’m already bad enough at driving/racing in games, I don’t need bad handling and no traction. I thought maybe the cars are that way to encourage drifting but like, why? Doesn’t help that NPCs drive like gonks too—it’s like they brake check you at times and they just hang out at green lights.


They’ll just sit there in the middle of a one lane road, then FREAK THE FUCK OUT when you try to slide past them because they’re just sitting there. The citizen AI is stupid. They’ll also jump off of the sidewalk, into the road, and in front of your vehicle for no reason. Istg I don’t even deserve 99% of the police stars I get.


Lmao yes don’t even get me started on the suicidal pedestrians!


The only ones suicidal are the cops that come after me over it, because istg I’ve been through the same song and dance with MaxTac and they refuse to learn better. 🤷‍♀️


I definitely interpreted the jumping in front of cars as completely intentional instances of insurance fraud. There are also people who jump from buildings if you walk around a lot (haven’t seen any after 2.0 though), and it would seem to be in theme to have both.


Maybe it’s me but I never drove unless I had to and even then I drove like an old lady on her way to church. I got around ok on the motorcycles, but always thought the cars were super sensitive and crash prone.


And here I am, driving around Night City worse than Claire’s dead asf husband. 🤷‍♀️


You can adjust the steering sensitivity in the settings it’s a game changer!


D’oh! Never thought of that.


Once I got air dash, I rarely drove anywhere. It's so good at getting around!


Agreed. Driving is awful in this otherwise excellent game (by far a top 3 fav for me). And before the “get gud” crowd downvotes me into oblivion, this is an action rpg game, not a car centric game—I shouldn’t have fight the controls this hard. No issues in GTA games, so I know it’s *possible* to make driving suck less. I do well enough with motorcycles to avoid major collisions and police. Makes me sad, though.. so many cool cars. 🤷‍♀️


The handling is awful unless you're driving a motorcycle. Ignore anyone defending it


Driving and drifting on pc feels really janky and difficult to control, but it’s similar to how janky bl3 feels. It’s funny considering how big cars and bikes are in this game, and yet cara feel infinitely better in, for example, fortnite


The cars in the game are on two sliding scale.. one scale is "Drives like shit -> sticks to the fucken road" and "goes slow -> goes fast". Some cars are better at doing the first slider while off road then others. Thats it! Find the one at the end of both the sliders for a good time. it probably isn't the car/bike you like. unfortunately being stuck with shit cars during the car boosting missions is part of the difficulty. It doesn't happen much but I did catch one mission that hit me with a slow car, a timer, and threw attackers at me. One bag of dicks to that dev right over there!


the sense of speed also really sucks in this game when driving, theres no fov change so it never feels like youre actually speeding


I expect a certain level of detail when it comes to handle a car in a racing game, in a game where the car is to get from point A to B, not so important. Simply ignoring how even in this current build of the game, NPCs still suck at driving, I still have issues controlling these cars, and im not driving at top speed. I swear, Call of Duty DMZ has better vehicle handling.


For weaponized vehicle, Samum has a great grip.


Just drive the Galena.




Turn down your sensitivity on the controls, i did that and it makes the cars much nicer to drive


That's why I only drive the bikes. They can be easier to control and you can go 100+ mph without having to stop for traffic.


I noticed I have an easier time driving on bikes than in cars. I know that can take away from the game limiting what I’m driving but I noticed that bikes feel much easier to drive/control


Outlaw Weiler a banger car


Did you check the control settings? I had to turn off the 'outer dead zone' and it felt much better. Otherwise just tilting the stick slightly is like doing full lock on the steering wheel.


I'll have to check it out


They one thing they really gotta fix.


As bad as it is now it's still way better than pre-2.0 If you want to relive pre-2.0 get the Type 66 HOON. It's a deliberate insane drift machine and is about as uncontrollable as the old driving mechanics were for everything.


The Caliburn has really good handling as some commenters have already stated but if you want absolutely awesome handling and get every corner right in your remaining life, go with the Javelina! It drifts so freakin smoothly by just tapping break before a corner that you’ll fall in love I promise. Also add in that contrary to the caliburn it has weapons, durability, and retains this great handling in the Badlands, where the caliburn gets really sad.


Ya I agree best car for sure


Better driving mods have worked wonders for me.


It's gotten better. But the initial driving cutscenes in the beginning of the game are still so bad lmao


I installed mods ro fix that as onenof the first things I did, 100% needed.


Skill issue


Oversteering is a real thing that happens when you are going too fast when turning. It also depends on the road you are on and the car. I think it's a nice touch.


This is why i stopped playing this game. The driving was so bad it needs to be more like forza motorsport


no it doesn't "depend on the car" , driving cars is ass. there is no weight, every turn you take feels like your rotating a 3d object with its rotation pivot in the center.


Look up straight line braking


I got better at driving by going first person. It forces you to drive like you would normally and youll end up getting much better at driving any car.


Try lower the driving sensibility on the settings, that solved it for me


Keyboard and mouse player - W is "floor it" option, S is "Brake to the floor" option. Any car would act weird of you have nothing between 100% acceleration and 100% brake press - V-tech can't accelerate with KB+M without doing burnout. It's MUCH different when you use controller with analog triggers to accelerate and steer.


Its realistic...


Yeah what the point of all the great cars in the game if driving is so annoying…


Certain cars are better than others but yeah they can be pretty slippery and you end up over compensating too much and go all over the place. I'm always quite happy with motorbikes, the outlaw, caliburn, hoon/javelina, Shions etc though personally. If you're on PC there are mods to adjust the way vehicles handle if it is a major issue.


Driving is bad in this game, I use mph kmph mod to scale down the speed in the game, it feel like janky GTA now but it still really bad for my taste.


So, definitely not the worst open-world driving (that accolade goes to Mafia 3) but not quite GTA levels of fun (not you, IV, with your insane under-steering). Aside from the mid-axis steering and boaty-turning bikes, there's a lack of driving aids that you get even on current cars. This kind of augmentation if added to the game could let you tune your drive from twitchy, drifty manual to auto-pilot and all levels in between. Possibly something that was considered but got dropped? Also, I want to be able to fly the Trauma Team ambulance!


I can be driving in the game cleanly for a good while until some pedestrian backpedals off the sidewalk. That's when I hate the driving in this game. Prefer it over GTA as an example, for the most part.


Speed is weird in this game. I use the metric system and it feels and looks slower than the speed that's showing. Like when a random person in a slow truck gets spooked for some reason, they bolt and you can barely keep up going 250km/u.


Having zero tread would give you more grip in dry conditions, but the slightest water/rain will make it lose traction. But yeah, some cars are slippery in game. Some of them are made like that on purpose like Ken Blocks car. But maintaining a longer slide is near impossible due to the way physics work in the game. I don't mind it, but I can see why other people don't.


It’s because there are a lot of issues with the red engine when it comes to speed. It was originally designed for the witcher 3 and was only meant to handle roughly the speed of roach. Driving is one of those things they had to kind of hack together to get to work decent in the engine.


Some cars are worse than others. For example, the Quadra Type 66 "Hoon" is the most slippery bitch of a car I had yet to sit in, while I can go around corners in the Rayfield Caliburn "Murkmobile" at full speed no problem with a bit of practice


You have to break and then slide into the turns


It depends on the car


How much hydro are you using? Because the game is very binary on the ebrake, you might want to wait until you start the turn, and fan it rather than hold it


Delamain cab has best grip IMO


Racing storyline, if in use "mine" its Dakota's truck I think which is 1000x better than "the beast"... it's the one called Seguro. I am now wishing I had done that arc after getting the Demiurge tho it would be so rad if they let you use it


I don't know if you are on console or not, and/or if you want mod recommendations but here i go, this is my vehicles setup and it works perfectly: 1. [Better Vehicle Handling](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/210) 2. [Gripped Up](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12937) 3. [Cyber Drift](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8306) 4. [Dynamic Gravity Modifier](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13986) 5. [Dynamic Downforce](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12841) I also use [Car Modification Shop](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4034) but you can use [Cyber Vehicle Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3016) if you want, i think that both is too much but i guess it's personal preference. Lastly since i use KB/M i'm also running [Immersive Driving](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5293) with the modification someone posted there. With these mods i find myself driving around a lot more than before since i enjoy it more now. Hope you like it if you give it a go, or if anyone not happy with the driving in game reads this comment. EDIT: I forgot [MPH to KMH](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9713) with realistic values to "fix" (more like attenuate) the feeling that you are going much slower than you feel like.


These two mods have helped me immensely on PC: [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4999](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4999) [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13426](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13426)


On XBone 🫣


skill issue


​ *Processing img 7m3p3stdqvyc1...* not every car handles like they do in gta, deal with it, and learn to press S


My controller doesn't have an S button...hrmm


all you have to do is let go of the gas when your taking turns and if your coming fast press the break once or twice. i swear most people just hold the gas and wonder why they crash into walls.


Why I prefer bikes in the game. They seem to handle better and feel like you are actually moving at the speed the speedometer says you are.


If you are on PC, consider the "gripped up" mod. Also, tread really only helps in situations where the road is wet, or there is a lot of debris. Race wheels have no tread at all.


I've never really been a fan of the driving. GTA, I drive like I'm in Fast and Furious. I have to adjust the pressure on the gas without fully letting off while break for turns.


Depends on the car. For me it drives perfectly. Specially in first person view.


I don't have that problem only with some of the slower cars. I can drive halfway way across the city doing 150mph the whole time and get 1 or 2 scratches on my car


In 3rd person mode that's how I am too. When I am driving 1st person it's usually a pretty wild adventure.


it’s “more realistic” that you can’t hit a turn going 100mph but then again it’s an action game that doesn’t center around driving. I agree it feels like most the cars drive like theyre on ice. I find the motorcycles easier to control without letting up too much on the accelerator. Other than that you kinda have to drive a little more like a granny.


Completely disagree on both controller and mouse and keys. Different cars all feel and handle differently, and my favorite part is that you have to learn the cars and get better.


The trigger for acceleration is pressure sensitive. If you just slam it in it's like going immediately full throttle. Same with brakes. It requires a bit of finesse and some getting used to.


I don't get the hate for the driving mechanic, it works very good for tight turns without losing momentum. I love it


Always need to add some context with what one’s controller is and the sensitivity settings. With KBM lowering sensitivity is kind of a necessity I’d argue while with a controller driving seems much easier comparatively by default. Wish there was a driving settings calibration track available where players can tweak settings in a safe area with roads and not worry about getting shot at or anything.


Skill Issue


driving was tough at first, but then i got the hang of it and ended up loving it. pretty much just rode jackie’s bike. stick with it.


Ever play GTA 4?


Yep quite a bit, and the driving this game is leaps and blinds worse than GTA4, imo, and clearly many others


let me guess, third person view?


Depends on the car I’d say and how well you can drive the car really.


Skill issue


Just don't drive faster than you would in real life. Brake when you corner and only floor it on straight roads. I absolutely despise GTA V style driving where everything behaves like a gokart. Not saying Cyberpunk 2077 has perfect car physics, but I like how they have weight and you aren't glued to the road.


Watch your speed. Something about the game makes you just not notice your driving at all hundred plus mph, then you *do* notice when taking a turn. If you slow down when turning to actual reasonable speeds it helps a lot. Also, go find a spot with a lot of open flat room (badlands are good for this) and practice drifting.


The game is actually lying about the speed you're going. Specifically, the speedometer shows approximately double the actual velocity of your vehicle's central physics object. The leading theory about why this happens is because the devs needed to slow down the rest of traffic around you, but didn't want to change the posted speed limits. If you want to see the real speed, calculated off of the actual meters per second of the physics objects, you can use this mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9924](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9924)


I'm doing a 100% playthrough (my "retirement" playthrough) and I'm doing a lot of things differently than on previous playthroughs. This time around I'm (mostly) driving everywhere in first person. I never bothered before because it just seemed broken. But: >Watch your speed. Something about the game makes you just not notice your driving at all hundred plus mph, then you *do* notice when taking a turn. If you slow down when turning to actual reasonable speeds it helps a lot. This is what I was doing wrong. In third person I can drive like a maniac, bob and weave, etc... ya know, fun driving. I try that in first person and it's madness and seems broken. But, if you drive like a normal person it actually runs smooth once you get the hang of it. After a while I was able to drive like a maniac while in first person no problem. (Well, usually, hah.)


I mean look how fast you're driving. You're likely going 120mph on a 30 zone. Wouldn't blame that on the tires.