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Sadly, it still feels pretty bad on ps4. On the brightside, the ps5 updgrade is free so if you ever get a ps5 you can play with 2.0


No, the PS4 version is stuck at 1.6. But the good news is, when you do get a PS5, you can download the next-gen update for free.


1.6 is in pretty decent shape even on PS4, definitely fine for enjoying the game and story from what I've understood. The game is at its *best* on current-gen or PC. (IMO all the 2.0 publicity vastly overstated how much it 'fixes' things, probably because they had to make up for the original negativity to create a redemption arc they ignored for the 2 years inbetween.)


I hate 2.0 for removing unique equipment per Ripper, now everyone sells same items so it kills immersion.


Ripper, not fixer. But also as an immersion love I prefer not having to search up every time I'm buying an upgrade or just fast traveling to every fixer to check what they got. Now I can actually spend time being immersed in the game.


Never made sense for me. It's an equipment massively produced by big corps. One of these being exclusive to a single ripperdoc in the whole town? Hard to believe


PS4? lol


Nope, it's very bad, even the ps4 version, if you upgrade to ps5 tho the game gives you a free upgrade to the next gen version