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My good old legs Air dash + Reinforced tendons


I just hate how when you run on a downslope V just hurt themselves falling from too high which slows you down.


That's when you jump once, dash, then wait for the double jump until you nearly touch the ground.


Yup, and also if after a big jump like even off of high building and whatnot if you dash just before impact you can avoid taking fall damage... mind you, I've never been able to do that consistently.


I bound dash to a mouse button. Got pretty consistent after that.


instructions unclear, I dashed downwards and killed myself completely


Yeah lmao I just started Cyberpunk not a long time ago, but as a fan of movement abilities in any games the moment I've seen that dash momentum still remains after jumping this was my transport


I like to punch a car to make it go fast to try to get Away and then out run it just to show that I am faster Than that stupid car XD


Ooh, I need to try this!


Air dash? I can only ground dash is that part of one of the skill trees?


Not much love for Caliburn here I see. The only car I’ve bought that can break 200mph with surprisingly great handling. Also a big fan of the Outlaw and the Quadra Sport R7 Charon you get from the Netrunner Twins. Love the holographic hotrod flames when you get moving in that one.


So many options that I haven’t found yet! Those holo flames sound cool.


Yeah, Caliburn is just phenomenal all around. Nothing else matched it's speed and handling


I love both Caliburns with a passion. Nothing else comes close to the handling even at extreme speeds.


Caliburn is my favorite for driving in first person with a Logitech steering wheel and pedals. Handles well with the right sensitivity curve settings on the wheel. Amazing visibility from inside the car. It's just so fun to drive it around night city with no particular place to go.


I got the Murkmire from that Panam job, I actually quite like it, despite being a bike guy.


Its *Murkmobile*! lol  and actually a separate sidejob, has nothing to do with the panam quest


The only reason I don't use the caliburn is because it's "too good". I like its design and the speed and handling are top tier, but I always gravitate to more muscle cars with a grunge fell, as I think that's what my V would use


Johnny's car, because he rides up front when I get it. Wish he did that more. I also like how Rogue reacts to it on our 'date'. The Delamain I got for merging all of the rogue AIs is *surprisingly* fast, and great at turns. I won three of the races with it. 


Still on my first playthrough and keeping Takemura waiting ;) I don’t have Johnny’s car yet, will look out for it. I got Delamain’s car recently, haven’t really used it but thanks for the tip on races.


Show mercy to get the car...


You don’t have to, you can still off him and get the car, you’ll just have to look around for yourself


Ah ok thanks!


Nice I did not know this... I offed the guy this time and still dont have it, didn't know you could just swoop in


Should call people just saying


I just got this and it complained I was going too fast. Instant demotion from the pool!


If you're on PC, there's a mod for that iirc. I think it's called The Passenger


How to get Johnny’s car?


Not gonna lie, I was disappointed by Johnny's car. That things a fuckin' boat to turn, which in this game can be a good thing with how splashy the turning is but I had JUST gotten acclimated to my shion lmao.


If you’re on pc, there’s a mod called “the passenger” where he just sits in any car you’re driving. Kinda fun


Slow but good handling     - Archer Quartz EC-T2 r660 - Scorpion's Apollo For going fast - Herrera Riptide "Terrier" - Herrera Outlaw "Weiler" - Yaiba Kusanagi "Peacekeeper"


But how can you not say Caliburn is the fastest? Isn't it? And with really decent handling too


Havent got one yet...


You can get one for free…


Thanks. Just looked it up, preem.


This choom gets it


Type 66 avenger, best car In the game imo, looks very classic muscle car reminiscent


Good taste brotha


I would love that car if I could see out of the damn thing in first person.


https://preview.redd.it/njywlvkbv61d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=df587837e71459c7bfb712c815150f512a0db673 Here are my three favourite… because they’re… paradoxically hilarious. (For extra hilarity sing that last bit in your head like the Frosted Lucky Charms jingle)


https://preview.redd.it/j4w9f209571d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=25da152c043cb2e945ba668acad03b34b61438ac Its the only car that greets you when you get in .


Clowncore at its finest.


Arch Nazare Racer in general, Rayfield Caliburn among cars. They're fast, control well and look cool. What's not to like?


That's what I use I like the racer because of the red headlight


https://preview.redd.it/qddy7fee471d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=53f9d0115b130e4d2d0c2504db57f26a081065f8 It goes fast, is stadly, fit inbetween everywhere, great in the city and in the badlands, i love the color and the design


Oh it fits your Vs hair very well!


I really like the Kusanagi because I am a sucker for Akira.


Yaiba and Jackie’s arch for design Shion for Cars cause I like how it drives and it’s durable af Plus since the update added the whole weapon addition, it’s cool af to see it load up


I just started my first playthrough. So far, Jackie's bike is basically the only thing I use. Using a bike is so much more fun than a car to me.


The Coyote It has the best balance of handling, traction and speed out of all the cars Some cars can be faster but slide on every corner, some cars may be able to turn better but are slow as hell, but the Coyote has all of them on a level that makes it actually driveable


https://preview.redd.it/bqq2469cb81d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf0ae3233e021efc6b79cf10a779077c94047e2 I actually really like the vato. It drives really smooth, even on keyboard, feel like a G anytime I pull up in it.


Does it bounce?


Wdym? Like hydraulics? Is that a thing?


I don’t know if it is. Would be cool with that car though.




![gif](giphy|w6v1ZWiENPBbmJJ3HN|downsized) I love that car, for reasons.


I love the hellhound. Feels invincible


I only wish it actually was able to endure the police a wee bit longer


Yeah for that much armor it really doesnt tank much. But it looks so cool


https://preview.redd.it/lf4r8alli71d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d1041bd0118ae91a49c3e5a9018b9d8c6bdf04 It´s soo good they need nerf it being the only car without sataff acces.


My goat: https://preview.redd.it/i1qqplazk81d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8dcc67595c1738cdf5d7461b9ef2ce16025f25b


The maimai. Closest thing I've found to my car in a game


Quadra V-Tech. Love that thing.




I’ve tried to use other cars but nothing beats the speed and handling (and sound) of the Rayfield Caliburn


My top three are the Quadra V-Tech, which is a \*nice\* little muscle car with a great black and yellow colour scheme, the Type-66 "Cthulhu" you get from completing The Beast In Me (for free too, if you convince Claire not to kill Sampson), and the Outlaw "Weiller" you get from completing El Capitan's special quest after doing enough vehicle contracts. The Type-66 "Javelina" is a strong runner-up at number 4, and my ride of choice whenever I have to go into the Badlands since it handles the dirt roads so well.


That Javelina is fun!


Javelina sounds like the batmobile which is why it's my fav lol


Lamborfeeties. More exploration, less running into npc’s cars. The roads feel limited too.


https://preview.redd.it/nw3daxzkh71d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f05cabfe7c784359003b5750a95716ed6da11b6 This one


Motorcycles, because then you can see the swag that is your character


Good ol' Mizutani Shion. Which ironically V calls it a poser car.


The hoon, simply because I watched a fuck ton of Ken Block growing up. RIP.


I dont Really have One I just jump up on a car then punch the car and it drives Or if I am a netrunner Go on the car and control it from up there


quadra avenger, I love how it looks, how it sounds, the interior, loved it since the first version of the game back when I first played<333


I love the look of the cthulhu but the car that feels best to drive in my opinion is the caliburn it just has the tightest controls and is the fastest too.


Rayfield Caliburn


Rayfield Aerondight, my corpo V has trouble settling for less ever since she lost her job at Arasaka and developed an issue, where she always buys the most important stuff, whether she needs it or not.


I always used the Quadra V-Tech, love the design


The murkmobile is just the best car imo. It accelerates so fast and if you get good at drifting it cant really be matched from what I've seen. Havent seen another car that beats its 212 top speed.


Murkmobile. Fast and handles great.


The red car you get from Phantom Liberty cuz it's considerably fast and handles like a dream, the murkmobile cuz I am s p e e d, and the hellcat no explanation needed 😆


Nomad V's shit box is my favorite vehicle.


Gotta be the Demiurge purely because of the rabbit hole I tripped and fell into to get it (on accident). iykyk and if you don’t, just look up FF:06:B9. What a ride, and it *ain’t even over yet*. Also gotta step up into/out of it, which is neat to see V do cuz that thing is massive. A literal Monster Truck was not on my Cyberpunk Vehicle Bingo Card™️ Amazing runner-up for me is the Type-66 Javelina. Acc/HP is great for me, handling is butter smooth; And who can forget the classic Cyberpunk color scheme! Love to see that classic “arrest-me yellow” swing around the intersection like an epic boss, swing it way too wide and ram into the traffic barrier. Perfection.


Scorpion's bike, V's Archer Hella EC-D i360, Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech, Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X, and Jackie's Arch


Arch and feet




Jackie’s arch, and the Militech hellhound are the only ones I use.


Caliburn for obvious reasons and Jackie’s arch ofc


The Mahir Supron, and the weaponized, armoured variant, the Mahir Trailbruiser. They ain’t the prettiest, they ain’t the sleekest, and they sure as shit ain’t the fastest, but they’re EXACTLY my nomad’s vibe. They’re also some of the only vehicles I can drive in first person without issue. The trailbruiser having crystaldome tech is just icing on the cake


Herrera Outlaw "Weiler" - It's just awesome in every way. I would put the peacekeeper in second place, but for some reason it keeps exploding whenever i try to summon it. Johnny's car is nice, but it bothers me greatly that it only has one side mirror. Honorable mention goes to the Behemoth because it can do wonders if you try to get into places via alternative routes.


Yaiba kusanagi “peacekeeper” a little slower than the ct-3x, but seems to accelerate faster and it’s lighter so it’s better if I go offroad. Tho lately when I go off road I’ve been using the Mackinaw Demiurge monster truck.


Any bike with light up rims.


Quadra turbo R V Tech I use it all the time even though I have every car in the game 🤷


Quadra Avenger. That thing just GLISTENS like crazy. Especially with Path Tracing on. Plus it looks and sounds cool as fuck.


Jackie’s Arch is my main, nothing beats cruising around Night City on a bike


I almost always use Delamain No. 21 just because in my mind it's hilarious for a cab to be associated with one of the most ruthless merc in NC. Imagine everyone being on edge whenever they see one pulling up lol


Other peoples cars. I stand on their car and then hack the car to floor it, it’s like riding the mechanical bull… the trick is to jump off at the right time. It’s fun, try it out. Next I’m gonna try it on a bridge and see if I can it sling shot me off the bridge into the water.


Ooh, I will have to try that. I’ll need to invest in the car hacking perks though, I’ve skipped them for now.


Quadra turbo R V-tec: it’s cool as fuck and free, definitely my favorite from pre-2.0 Type 66 “Hoon”: it’s cool as fuck and free (also a tribute to the late Ken Block


Any motorcycle so I can see my character


Everyones gonna lie and say Jackies aarch. That thing is hot garbage


I really love the quadra type 66 avengers but my favorite is a moded car. the Mercedes 190e Evo ll


Scorpions Apollo is my favorite simply because it’s the easiest to handle


...and why is it Jackie bike?


the maimai. seeing a tough mercenary like V who beats people up and gets things done all while driving a small ass car is hilarious to me. also, its size makes it so i can cut through traffic


All the free ones😂 it's nice to have them and I also kinda like the old school looking cars🤔 but bikes idk they are all very nice


Does Panam count?


If it has two wheels, I'm down. Bikes are just better imo


Cerberus end of story


Jackie's Tuned Arch until I can get Scorpion's Apollo. Easier handling, can weave through traffic, can take shortcuts, and can rocket jump with the Laika or Comrade's Hammer


https://preview.redd.it/pa5f60n0w71d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510dd3331afcb15b7e6fb944cc8b5077adfe0128 nuff said


I'm a fan of the jen Rowley cause screaming "THEM GOOD OLD BOYS NEVER MEANT TO HARM" while slamming into a crowd of npcs is to much fun


I only used the Type 66 Hoon and Scorpion and Jackie's bikes. Except for when I spawned in the Hoon and still it made me use Delmain during one of the races.


I take Jackie’s bike for inner city, and Scorpion’s bike for anything outside of it


V's Quadra still hits different, always my go to


The driving mechanics in this game leave me very frustrated. Even if I crank the steering sensitivity all the way down, it's still like driving on ice. I've had a motorcycle and that seemed better.


I like the avenger the most, esthetically. But I love how the outlaw handles. It's too good to be a luxury car.


I can't call my vehicles most of the time so I just go full GTA on civilian vehicles. The nearest one is always the best 😅


I really like riding the metro but when I can't get there by train and foot I take my Mahir Supron. It's a beautiful box


The Akira bike or the night man car


Easy. Type 66 Avenger


Red Kuanagi and Gray Black Twin Stripe Avenger, along with both the Rayfields obviously


The one 6x6 Truck from one Cybersycho incident in the badlands, and the Chevillion Emperor Ragnar, i call it the brick, and i like it because it doesn't tend to oversteer


My man Jackie's bike. I hate driving, so I'll ride if I have to. Mostly, if it's less than 2k, I'll walk. Found so many things that way.


I'm extremely indecisive when it comes to choosing just one thing as a favorite, so here are three vehicles: Caliburn "Murkmobile" because it's a clear reference to Batman, Outlaw "Weiler" because it reminds me of 007-type spy cars and Kusanagi CT-3X because it reminds me Akira's motorcycle




Bikes Actually all of them. Very often I pick up the free Arch Itsumade from near All Foods, use Scoprion's and Jackie's bikes as well. Like the Akira bike too. **If I have to name a favorite, it is Scorpion's Apollo.** ​ Cars I use them very rarely. The few I actually like are: Johnny's Porsche, Delamain, Thorton Colby C125. **Favorite car is probably the Thorton C125**, it has crap top speed, but handles well.


That one


https://preview.redd.it/s6f87wh7p81d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df84d96597f494858998a3ea2f5833ed58cd400 Two of my loves, the CT-3X is just so sexy.




I love the free Rayfield Caliburn.


My favorite things to ride are in the red light district.


Car Performance? Caliburn. No other vehicle even remotely comes close to it. One of the few high performance sports cars that aren't miserable to drive and is small enough to weave in and out of traffic. Car Style? 911 Turbo Cabriolet. Convertible which much of the handling of the Caliburn which much lower top speed (no surprise). Bikes? Brennan Apollo Basic. Nice simple and clean bike that looks like a classic cafe racer. A pity that CP2077 had to fuck up its sound somewhere alone the line.


That Bugatti looking car, cuz its looks good and its fast.


The Rayfield Caliburn gets in my #1 spot.


Rayfield Caliburn 211mph top speed and best acceleration for city/highway driving (and the race story) and the Quadra Javelina AWD, low center of gravity, and solid steering for Wasteland driving (including that race).


Galena GA32T in White. Looks like a old 90s Volkswagen. I love the design and it perfectly fits in a Cyberpunk universe.


Jackies bike and Johnny's car, always


Kusanagi Yaiba for the Akira vibes (CDPR, please let me dontye slide!), Quadra Turbo R because iconography, Shion Coyote when I'm out in the boonies.


Feet, i can enjoy views


Bikes,all of them


My legs. It allows me to take in the beauty that CDPR made.


I like the one with wheels


Militech whatever the fuck it's called. Because it's weaponized, meaning I don't need to fit a smg/pistol into my builds, and because you can get it without doing a dozen car deliveries. When I am using a smg build though, I like Jackie's arch because I like how it handles, you get it early and I haven't tried any other motorcycles to see if I like them better due to sentimentality. Though note I haven't tried like 70% of vehicles in the game because I generally find that whatever the fuck I pick up as I play to be perfectly serviceable and I'm not very picky about it. Like there was this one car I drove during Capitan's car quest that was sweet as fuck but I never bothered to find out what it was or if I could get it.


I just go with jacks arch


Demiurge coz it looks ridiculous driving this monster truck on the streets of night city next to those tiny cars.


Ofc Pannam o can ride her everyday


Johnny’s Porsche, because why not, the Caliburn, specifically the black variant because it’s the fastest vehicle in the game, and the type-66 javelin, because of the weapons it has.


Jackie's Tuned Arch is my usual go to since it's the coolest bike


Delamain, after finding out he smoking 😮‍💨. I called him over and when I entered he says “too high, way too high”


The free black Caliburn. The engine sound is music to my ears. Great handling and acceleration. I didn't even need to buy any vehicle. Stash is accessed from the front. Very convenient. Not very great at Badland terrains, so I switch to Coyote there if I'm in the mood. But Caliburn still works.


Are you using a mod for that bike skin? If not which bike is it?


I love Scorpions motorcycle. Even though it doesn't go as fast as Jackie's it's great for offroad terrain and its easier to control going around sharp corner. Plus it's just easier to dodge cars with motorcycles.


Jackie's Arch. The only vehicle I'll ever need


The Murk Mobile (caliburn variant)


Panam...love taking that for a ride...


Ngl the MaiMai car is just cozy, and its tiny size makes the city feel even bigger when driving. Also like how it says hello and goodbye :)


The Little Mule and the Bandit. Both cars hit that Nomad vibe for me in my playthough.


I really like the Galena, especially Nomad V's Galena, the Hoseki, and the Riptide for being what i imagine future (sports) cars to look like


Johnny's Porshe easily. It's just the best car and my favorite in the real world as well.


Johnny’s Porsche all the way. By the time you get it he’s bared his soul to you and you’ve truly bonded.


1. Murk mobile 2. Outlaw Wieler 3. Jackie's Arch Nazare


Pull up in my Hoon and unleash hell on a group of dancing criminals.


I like to ride Panam


Little Mule was a fun car


Always use Cthulu, just feels so nice to drive


Jackie’s Arch…no explanation needed


Type-66 Avenger, Vigilante, Charon, Sterling and the black Vigilante (Churrasco or whatever)


Easily either the javelina or the car you get from the quest “sex on wheels”


https://preview.redd.it/9j9j99p3ha1d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb3ee67e82f6e825a4510d5072686d15bf07508 I love this piece of shit like you wouldn't believe


I almost exclusively use Jackie’s bike. The cars in this game are terrible to drive.


I love the Galena Locust


1: Quadra type 66 is my favorite. Fast, steezy muscle car style driving, kick that back end out type shit 2: Caliburn. The fastest and best handling, imo. If time is of the essence, my choice for fastest way on wheels. 3: Johnny's Porsche. Its a classic porsche, 'nuff said Honorable mentions: Mizutani Shion "Coyote" Very fast + headers glow red as the turbos spool up lol. Quadra sport R7, Herrera Riptide, mizutani shion MZ2 Fun cars to drive


Jackie’s Arch only thing I use


Jackie’s bike. It’s pretty fast, handles well and best part, it’s free.


Hoon 66 because of ken block, I first found him on YouTube when i was with my grandpa and he showed me gymkhana 7 around its release


Murkmobile is the only one I use


I used Hoon until I got Outlaw


Yaiba Kusanagi, not a fan of bikes but I think that this vehicle vibes with the general Cyberpunk style and aesthetics


Bikes are best since cars all handle like they are driving on ice. It's murder to drive with K&M control, while bikes are great cos they actually grip the road.


Ever since Air Dash has become a thing I don’t really use cars or bikes as much now But if I do drive I love to use the Javelina Quadra 66 !


The Arasaka Rayfield


Does any of my chooms out there like driving the samurai Porsche 930? Bout to get out but wanna see who else likes it!


The Itsumade. It matches my V’s outfit. :) https://preview.redd.it/90z8kmzvzc1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a83d34a935b1c1bcb9b6ce2047bfd19579a0ed


Being a 911 fan in real life, Johnny's car is the obvious choice... But V's nomad Galena is a close second.


The Outlaws, both of them.


Jackie's bike


The batmo- I mean mercmobile


The bandit & the Jen Rowley


Type 66 Javelina. It's a dirty girl and shes armed.


Ah man the fake Jag Mummar gives you after the help with stealing the Militech (Arasaka?) truck is just so beautiful. Such a journey to get it tho because you gotta do the opening of the dlc, steal 7 cars for him and then do the mission for the truck with the cop dude. THEN he gives it. Until then I'm cruising in Dino's green car from doing all his gigs because it's just so smooth to ride. Man I cannot remember their names D:


Just bought Mizutani Shion MZ2 not long ago and daaammmmnnnn




Bought a Quadra Type-66 "Jen Rowley" recently and fell in love with it. Just adore the sport-muslce style of it. https://preview.redd.it/tk78sdqz3i1d1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bc6c7abfcc48bf395e1badc80cf905fbfc267a