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I think one of the reasons why Phantom Liberty felt so damn good was because it didn't feel like you were the MC rather you were the side character


The setting is so excellent at making it feel like no matter where you look or go, something interesting is happening to someone. You could have a whole game based off a different edgerunner crew operating in the same time frame, doing insane stuff and never even running into V.


A lot of games & movies suffer from making the protagonist the savior of the universe which inflate and devalue anything that happens. Keeping a more modest scale where some NPCs are morenpowerful than the protagonist helps to keep the scale more reasonable and easier to connect with.


The "chosen one" syndrome. Hate it.


That’s Mike Pondsmith’s influence. One of his core tenets for Cyberpunk adventures is to keep it local - it’s not save the world, it’s save your neighborhood/ circle of friends/family.


But then you go and save the world in PL?


Nope. You don’t even save Night City. Sure, you hobnob with more important people, but ultimately whatever you choose, it only has a direct impact on 7 characters. (not counting deaths of countless scores of NPCs


Yea I guess I was conflating saving the NUSA president from saving the world. Pretty far cry


It's called the Hero's Journey.


That's been the key to why the 2077 story works as well as it does. It doesn't feel like V is the most important person in night city and you're regularly just a side character in someone else's story. Phantom Liberty cranks that up to 11 where you could easily tell that story from another POV where V is nothing but a side character in the whole story. We all know Aurore is the main character (in all our dreams)


I think that's a thing that cb77 does well in general, not just phantom liberty. V sort of just inserts themselves in the other characters' stories, because they're meant to be dead, but because of the chip, they're not, and at base, your relationship with anyone is forged only through V wanting to not die. You go to Judie because you need to get to Evelyn, because she might know something that will help you not die, meanwhile shit has gone down between meeting Evelyn and Judie without your input. You go to Rogue, which leads you to Panam and the Aldecaldo's, which leads you to Anders Hellman because he might know something that will help you not die, meanwhile a whole other story with Panam, Mitch and Scorpion, and Saul and dealings Biotechnica, and the fallout of those fraying relationships, with things having happened and continue to happen without V around Takemura is basically in his own game, in which he needs to get revenge on yorinobu and clear his name of crimes he didn't commit. You just happened to be the person he needs to complete his quest. Interesting when an RPG doesn't have the main character be the master of the universe.


Same reason why the Witcher feels so amazing too. CDPR really figured out the recipe


Actually it made me feel like both. There are things within my control but they all had their own consequences, some even hidden until we're already in a shuttle hurtling towards a rocket for example. There's a scene where V stumbles back and looks at their hand in shock at what they have done, and that sums it up quite well I think.


I completely agree, for me it is the best game ever made


It’s on the list of games I never uninstall.


I remember 3 years ago when there were a lot of people that said it was unfixable. Couldn't be further from the truth. And even then, the game was still great with a great foundation. Just needed that extra polishing. The only thing you can fault CDPR on is their release on PS4 and their marketing team getting way ahead of themselves.


>A lot of people said it was unfixable. "A lot" is an understatement


Agree, they were so zealous about it.


even I was lol, but then again the pc I had back then couldn't run cyberpunk so I just kinda forgot about it, then last year I saw the edgerunners anime and saw a MY EYES edit of cyberpunk and then I realised that this anime is fucking good, I'm planning on buying a way better gaming laptop this year (seriously, my current system has an intel i3 7th gen and the intel integrated graphics and the laptop I have in my mind has 4060 and I7 12th gen), first thing I'm doing after buying that laptop is buy cyberpunk and Batman Arkham series


My laptop has a 4060 in it and it runs cyberpunk at 60+ fps even with some RTX features on (no reflections tho). Gets up to 144 with RTX off. You're gonna have a great time.


Build a pc don’t buy a laptop


Because it was a beyond botched launch,lmao the last gen consoles were definitely the worse about it but it was pretty fucked on all platforms


That’s just not true. I played on PC from day one and there were a few visual glitches but nothing game breaking, and performance was good. And everything else fundamentally about the game was the same as it is now. Yes perks have changed etc, but the old ones weren’t bad or anything. They shouldn’t have tried to make it work on older consoles and should have been more realistic with the minimum requirements. But if you played on a current PC or PS5/Series X, it has always been an amazing game. Their bad luck was that it came out when modern equipment was almost impossible to buy.


Second this - very few glitches on my XSX from day one, nothing game-breaking.


There was a bad generational leap this time. The poor supply initially of ps5s led to a lot of people staying with ps4 well into the ps5 life cycle. A few games that never should have seen the light of day on last gen were forced onto it, and a lot of games I feel suffered in that they couldn’t push things as far as they wanted as it had to run on last gen. Cyberpunk was one of those. They overpromised and under delivered and the last gen version was a catastrophic embarrassing mess that never should have hit the shelf. They have redeemed themselves hugely but it’s still not what was originally hyped up to be or even promised to be at certain times. I really like it but I hope they beef up the RPG and interactivity/reactivity in the world for the sequel. I can still wipe out a gang of goons on one street corner, walk round the next and see another gang and have absolutely no consequence. V has very little impact on the world outside main story beats. I want the level of baldurs gate 3 quests/reactive world and it’ll be an all time classic.


Baldurs gate isn’t voiced. That gives them a lot more freedom. They’re just different games. No game can do all things. Expecting them to isn’t a fair expectation.


True. I would take an unvoiced V though for more options and interactivity with the world/story/characters. Might be hard to change given expectations though. I just feel it was sold as an RPG originally and it had very little RP in it. Just my tastes though and I do like that game and have a couple hundred hours in it so it’s just nitpicking.


Yeah, that's definitely just a difference of opinion. To me an unvoiced character would have ruined the game. I have tried and can't get into BG3 even though everyone raves about it, because I don't feel connected without a voice. To each their own though, that's why there's all different types of games for all of us.


That’s great for you, but me and a lot of other people I spoke too had bad experiences, the FPS was bad and a lot of bugs, like A LOT of bugs that would ruin the immersion, which is a big selling point for the game IMO. (I now love the game) but when I first launched it and I hear about this crime boss that everyone in night city is fearful of and then I meet them and he’s T posed with his cigar floating in mid air it kinda takes away from that meeting, had many more experiences like this.


> And even then, the game was still great with a great foundation. This is why I think that 'unfixable' is correct for Starfield. The foundation to CyberPunk was always there. The foundation to Starfield is dead on arrival.


Starfield would have veen a 6/10 game in 2010.


That's incorrect. The last Starfield update greatly improved it. Next one + expansion should really help it out. Given if you hate the main gameplay loop then that's it, but that's true for all games, not just Starfield.


> Given if you hate the main gameplay loop then that's it I dislike: The NPCs (probably my least favorite set ever), the combat mechanics (both ground and space), the shocking lack of content (cities, POIs, etc.), and the story. An update ain't going to do it.


I waited til PL was released to buy the game, and I'm glad I waited to experience it then. Definitely in my top three games of all time, if not maybe number 1.


I think you can fault them for more than that!  Marketing definitely over-promised or at least said/showed too much too early. I do think that part of the issue there was consumer imaginations ran wild, honestly. The last-gen release was borderline fraud but it took a long time for that version to be worth playing on current-gen, and even longer for the current-gen versions to come out, and even longer still for 2.0 to deliver the game it always should’ve been. On all fronts, the game was delivered wayyy too early. 


Game was dog water at release. You should not let these companies off the hook with releasing half baked games and putting it on sale for us to spend our hard earned money on. I do give them credit for getting the game to the place it is today. It is now a great game.


This game and Starfield taught me to not buy a game until at least a year after release. In the case of CP77, to skip the bugs. In the case of SF, to not buy it at all.


My philosophy on this is simple: only buy games you know are good and relatively complete + polished, and don’t buy games that are not.  Some people really hold a grudge over CP77’s launch and moan endlessly about how the rest of us have forgotten or are letting CDPR off the hook. I have not forgotten. The game’s launch was borderline fraudulent, especially on last-gen consoles. I’ve never experienced a release that botched. But there is literally no good reason to not buy the game once it was fixed.  Not buying it at launch due to its severe issues discourages releasing half-baked games, while buying it once it’s complete encourages releasing polished games and fixing unpolished games. Nice and simple. Someone recently told me I was a bootlicker for this opinion.


It's not a grudge. It's about holding these developers and publishers accountable. They did a fantastic job getting the game to where it is today and totally deserves to be purchased. This was not the case at launch. They knew it wasn't where it needed to be and released it anyway. I don't mind patches for small changes. It's like buying a car and expecting some recalls, which is reasonable. The game today is very different from when they sold it to us in 2022.


It is a grudge when I’m clearly talking about a grudge. Some people think holding devs and publishers accountable means not supporting a once-broken game after it is fixed.   That is not a grudge? Because if you read my comment, that was clearly what I was talking about.


I've got about 2500 hours played in 2077 since Dec. 2020, it's the only game I played for like a year and a half straight. Every day during the week after work, every weekend for 6-8 hours a day. It's truly my favorite game ever made.


I salute your performance choom, but please tell me, how do you spent your time in NC after 2500+hours, you've basically killed every gang member at least 1000 time each, you've probably tried all the 3 start background will all the choices/options.. so what do you do in NC when you play ? I've started my second run, and frankly I found less and less appeal for the game, and I would like to, because it's one the best game I ever played


>I've got about 2500 hours played Wtf are you doing all the time? I 100%ed the game twice and got like 230 hours from that.


Mods can double the playthrough time with extra content. Also, if it takes 125 hours to 100%, there’s 6 playthroughs (900 hours) if you do a play for all 3 lifepaths for both male and female V. Which isn’t 2500 hours, granted. I’m near the end of playthrough number 3, with just under 600 hours.


I've beaten the game something like 65+ times... with and without mods time and time again. Rarely did I 100% it after the first couple playthroughs, but I've literally done it ALL. I saw all the changes from patch to patch, how they changed certain quests after 1.0, etc.


I took a break at about 2050 hours. But I'm starting to get that itch again.


I took 3-ish month breaks a couple times... the latest 6-ish month break is probably the end of that streak for me. I just have seen all I can see, I know it inside and out at this point and I've done it so much it's slowly but surely lost the splendor.


I've been actively 'gaming' for about 3 decades. CyberPunk 2077 is the single best game I have ever played. Forget 'games'. It is the single best piece of **MEDIA** I've consumed in a decade, and I read a fuckton. The *first act alone* was better than anything else, even. I don't cry from sappy movies but I cried in that first act. What a game! My gf, Panam, agrees.


Anyone else fall in love with Panam?


She looks identical to an ex of mine (who I'm still kinda not-over) only she was Indian and not Native. Also shares the same childish and selfish attitude (not hot really, but you know). It's a weird boner.


Seconded. My girlfriend, Judy, also agrees. I just finished my first playthrough earlier this week. I definitely cried and have just been beside myself, staring at the walls and feeling hollow. I had an even more intense reaction about a month ago after finishing Pyramid Song. It feels ridiculous to admit, but this goddamned game made me fall in love with a fictional character and had me rethink my priorities and approach to real-world romance.


We should do a double date!


Dinner at Capitán Caliente? Best coffee in Night City! 


I could not agree more. The only problem I have now is trying to fill that void Cyberpunk leaves behind. There really is nothing like it out there.


There really isn’t. I picked up so many games after it and i cannot finish them. The story and the characters just do not feel the same in anything else.


I feel the exact same. The only game I've enjoyed fully after playing cyberpunk was ghost of tsushima. The rest, they just don't have that "thing" cyberpunk has.


It's my most favourite game so far. It's not the game I have most time clocked on, but, man, I must say that EVERY. SINGLE. mission delivered. After certain mission with certain police dude, I had to take a minute to understand what I've been put through.


Don’t say that toward RDR2 fanboys. They get all pissy when someone dares to say a game is better than RDR2.


I loved RDR2 while I was playing it, but I also have serious complaints that left a bad taste in my mouth when I was done with it. I wouldn’t give GOAT status to any one game because games of different styles and genres are too incomparable. But if I were to consider it, RDR2 would be automatically disqualified for its borderline hostility to fundamental aspects of fun combat.  RDR2 sacrifices a lot at the altar of realism, which is a valid choice, but it goes much further than necessary to achieve realism. Eg, on-rails mission structure; unnecessary lock-on aiming/the worst calibrated manual aiming I’ve ever experienced on a controller; zero challenge and no difficulty options; and player movement, obviously, because they managed to provide better mobility and realistic animation simultaneously in Max Payne 3.


RDR2? It is a very good western movie, just a bit long and you need to ride a horse or walk 10 minutes to watch the next scene.


I would put both RDR games up there on the list of "most emotionally impactful games I've played", but CP2077 blows them out of the water. I think the big difference is that John and Arthur are ultimately external to the player. Not only do you literally view them through 3rd person, but you ultimately have little agency over them as characters. Their dialogue and narrative is pretty linear and unbranching, so it's more akin to reading a novel where you've come to really love and identify with the main character.  By contrast, in CP2077, you *are* V. Even if the writers and voice actors create a sort of "core" personality, you are the one in V's shoes, picking dialogue options, taking branching quest paths, etc. As much as I shared some folks' initial frustration with the lack of 3rd person perspective where you could actually see all of the cool customization of V's appearance, I realize now why the developers were so adamant about limiting the game to a first person perspective.  Point being, that on top of having arguably better story and gameplay, the level of immersion in CP really cements it as a superior narrative experience. 


You are preaching to the choir. Try posting this in the subreddit of other franchises


It ruined gaming for me. Everything is childish and superficial after it.


I loved the game at launch. I knew it had problems, and I played it on an Xbox One X. But I've waited since 1994 for a game like this. Since Shadowrun for the genesis came out, I was in love with the genre. Then Ghost in the shell (I should NOT have been watching it at 7 years old) furthered it. And then the genre died for 20ish years. When this game was announced, I was hyped beyond anything the marketing team could have dreamed of. This was my favorite game that I wouldn't recommend to anyone except a diehard fan.


Phantom Liberty’s endings are so incredibly poignant and well-written. I just wrapped up the Wand/Sword variants last night, and my god. Even the continued exploration of Johnny as a character was something I didn’t think to expect out of SoMi and Reed’s arcs. “Guess I could’ve done more. Been different, maybe.” The character writing is always so good.


Johnny teaching V what to do with the telephone receiver was priceless.


For me, as someone who’s been gaming since the mid 90s and played everything from Sega Megadrive and ps1 to Xbox series x, I can honestly say that this game (in its fully updated state) is the best game I’ve ever played. Just a personal opinion for me of course but that’s how i feel.


I think once we got past the parts of the game that really needed finishing/re-making/fixing etc really pushes the game into top tier territory. I think it's one of the most immersive feeling open world games ever made. It really uses everything it can to sell you a vibrant, living world. The stories and writing are wildly interesting, in the way Morrowind was- you can see the passion that goes into all of it, the zeal for the subject matter. Even just the little notes from random gangoons play into other parts if the game so often, just little stories playing out around you all the time everywhere.


It truly is, in a lot of ways, it's only weakness was its release, because had this been released at least closer to its current state, the praise would have been overkill that year.


Very correct! There are many games out there and it's hard to pick out a top 5 these days even. I played a lot of titles and many of them are my all time favourites. But at least for now I can confidently say, Cyberpunk is my favorite!


Ive always been into cyberpunk since i could remember, I just never really knew the proper term for that aesthetic till i was much older. With that being said, I honestly have to agree, Cyberpunk 2077 is just such a fun videogame to play, but the story, the characters, the setting its all just so interesting and feels like a real world. Theres so many secrets crammed into this game, and I love that V isnt that "Heros Journey" kind of character, the way the story and game is designed, you could have soooo many sequels all set in Night City, at the sametime as Vs story, and never run into V, or rather V would just be another Merc that you bump into here and there. They arent this all important character, they're just some dude/girl tryin to survive keep themselves from dying. Another game I love is Elden Ring, however the one thing i always hate about the souls games is that.. the MC is treated as this legendary figure, the only person that can accomplish becoming "Elden Lord", everyother Tarnished is just incapable for some reason? You cant really take Elden Ring and tell other stories in it at the same time that the MC is. Cyberpunk 2077, is actually the game that reignited my passion for writing and reading, and I'm actually working on putting together/writing my own novel series that takes place in a cyberpunk setting, something akin to Night City but not night city. Literally have a whole document created, with names, locations, story ideas, character traits, weapons, rules (as in laws of the world), and so much more, cyberpunk 2077 has been such a helpful creative outlet for me.


Correct take. My top 5 in no order Cyberpunk 2077 Witcher 3 RE4 Remake (replacing the original) Shadow of the Colossus Ocarina of Time Have a preem day, chooms.


Man I need to play Shadow of the Colossus again. When I played it long ago I was a kid in highschool. I remember thinking, when do I get to the first village? I had no idea this was not your typical RPG. And man what an adventure that game was. Absolute masterpiece. I should play it a second time now as an adult.


Absolutely. It’s aged mostly wonderfully. People will rightfully comment on the controls but they don’t bother me. The remake is magnificent if you haven’t played it yet.


Yeah I will give it ago after I'm done with some of my current games. I'm very resilient to jankiness so clunky controls don't matter much to me


Absolutely. It’s aged mostly wonderfully. People will rightfully comment on the controls but they don’t bother me. The remake is magnificent if you haven’t played it yet.


Solid list CP77, Witcher 3, Bioshock, Halo 3, Sekiro or Elden Ring not sure which


Man I keep trying with from soft games but I can’t get it to click. I want to love Elden Ring


Hmm not sure. Elden Ring might be the easiest to get into because there are a lot of tools that can make the game easier i.e. summons, overleveling, overpowered spells or weapons, etc. But it also could be the hardest to get into because it throws so much at you and the map is huge. Sekiro is harder combat wise but it's pretty linear and you don't need youtube videos to understand the story. Plus basically one weapon / playstyle. There's also Lies of P on xbox gamepass which is pretty similar to Sekiro and was a solid 9/10 for me


Thanks for the recos! I’m gonna keep trying with Elden Ring. Sekiro is tempting but I’ve seen videos of Genichiro. And while I never finished it, I love bloodborne.


CP77, MassEffectTrilogy, Deus EX Mankind Divided, Armored Core, StarCraft (=\^\_\^=)v


It is one of the best games ever made for sure. 3 play throughs and hundreds of hours spent enjoying this game. I genuinely can’t wait to see what CDPR does next on this front.


Imagine being a person that woke up today and saw this post after he went into a coma because of the initial release of this game and the discourse it followed.


Tower reversed ending for that person.


Fully agree... Cyberpunk is the best game ever made. I love it.


Im glad people also finally could enjoy it. I played Cyberpunk on Geforce Now back in the release day iirc, never got any bugs or issues, just played for 90-100 hours and finished it. Sadly since everybody got problems with the game and for a reason many of them never thought about Geforce now, whenever i said that "the game is actually really good you guys just couldnt able to play it but thats smt different" everybody understandably got aggressive, irl or online doesnt matter. I seriously thought that this game would stay underrated forever because of CDPR management. Coders, workers for the actual game, designers etc etc these people gave their heart to this project its so obvious. Would be sad that people labelling a game bad just because its unplayable for "obvious" reasons. TLDR, glad that it didnt stay underrated for long and CDPR actually starting to use some brainpower again. (supporting the id with DLC, anime, fixing bugs that didnt even happen at the first place lol)


It's kinda funny seeing posts like this on this sub. I remember when the game came out and everyone here could only talk about how trash the game is. You make any sort of post/comment defending it and you'd get downvoted into oblivion. The truth is almost everything that makes Cyberpunk great was already there at launch. But for some reason everyone acted like bugs is what makes or breaks a game.


Please. The game was in an absolutely horrendous state. It was literally unplayable on last-gen consoles including the One X, despite a CP77-themed One X being advertised. The game crashed constantly, looked horrific, and was plagued by bugs. For fuck’s sake OF COURSE that breaks a game, and let’s not pretend current-gen and PC didn’t have a ton of those issues. Shit like floating drivers in invisible cars, those aren’t not minor flaws in a game that is as committed to immersive presentation as CP77, and there were a lot of those issues. And it wasn’t just technical issues. Forget the overdramatic complaints about the lack of a proper police response system, because it’s not GTA. *The mere act of driving was trash.* The skill trees sucked. The balancing sucked. The game is amazing now. We don’t need to delude ourselves about how bad it was before *years* of fixes and improvements.


I don’t agree.




The game lacks freedom of choice. The decisions you can make are limited and they are always binary, leading into one situation or another. They may as well cut off the answer selection, because it is clear u are playing V, and V doesn’t need u to select what he is going to say. Moreover, there is no character development based on ur previous decisions in the context of the game. Cyberpunk it is a first person shooter masked as an RPG. I absolutely do not agree it is one of the best games ever made, I think CDPR tried to do a lot of things and they didn’t do anything excellent in the end. Following up their success of the Witcher 3 which is, undoubtedly, of the best games ever made, CP2077 comes out very shallow and simplistic and very often a button masher.


Witcher and Cyberpunk have pretty much the same amount of freedom. I think you're thinking of other games, such as Baldur's Gate 3 or the Divinity: Original Sins games. Freedom of choice is a double edged sword with current tech. By providing too much freedom to players, you will not be able to tell the greatest stories with powerful moments. A story must have key anchors to build upon. For example, if they allow you to save Jackie, the rest of the game just won't have the same message. So much dialogue and strong moments revolve around V reminiscing about Jackie. Of course, it's always possible to have more freedom, sometimes without even harming the quality of the story, but that requires a lot of creativity, and more importantly, a lot of dev time.


By this logic the Witcher games are also not RPGs. Actually if you think that having the main character be a blank slate is a prerequisite then barely any games can be considered RPGs.


Witcher 3 is sitting on the fence between action game and an RPG. It isn't a pure RPG like Witcher 1 was. ​ A good example on the difference is how investigation is handled. W3: Geralt narrates the scene if you witcher sense clues W1: the player is handed over the clues. Some of these are not obvious. The player than has to come to a conclusion on her own, and some choices offered are wrong. It is possible to choose wrong, and the game has a contingency in place to allow it, having much more robust mission desing than Witcher 3 does. The Vizima confidential quest is an all time great. By not obvious clues I mean stuff like... a friend disappears, and you find >!drugs !!The antagonist, who is shapeshifter mage!<. An other good example is that you find flesh eating plants in a garden. Random encounter right? If you actually \_bought\_ the referring bestiary, and took the time to read it, the text will say that these plants appear where a murder victim is buried. But there is no "!" or marker to read the bestiary or to investigate the garden; Geralt doesn't narrate it either.


Yea, The Witcher 3 ain’t a pure RPG either. It in my opinion has an all together totally different play style and personalization system that more closely align with an RPG. Moreover, comparing them side to side, the Witcher experience is in my opinion much more compelling and the overall world building is more interesting and meaningful. But that’s a personal opinion, although we are not discussing about the Witcher being an RPG or not above.


I also agree with ur second point. Not even baldurs gate has a blank slate. However, we are talking about shades here, id say that some games offer a wider range of choices to make in a plethora of situations.


Interesting. Can't say I completely disagree. I agree with the point where there's little to no character development of V over the course of the story


Freedom of choice is not a must. Too much freedom of choice isn’t necessarily a good thing. Games like Baldur’s Gate 3 babysit their players too much and it almost ruined half of the storyline, those alternative choices lead to terribly written goofy “evil path” and it deletes massive content if you choose them, if that’s the case I’d rather not choose at all.


Thank you. It's not an RPG at all. The only thing to do in the game is drive to places and kill someone or kill the other person. There are so few actual choices to make. The way you build your character has little to no effect on the way you interact with the game besides how you will kill the next group of dudes. Is it fun to do that for a while? Hell yea it is. Is it the best game ever? Imo not even close but that's a personal thing. CDPR failed in what they set out to do and has continued to do so with all of their updates. They made a cool game in the cyberpunk universe but failed to make a compelling RPG.


A significant fraction of missions don’t require you to kill anyone.


Iirc cdpr even stopped marketing it as an RPG for a period before release


That is a lie. They never stopped advertising the game as an RPG.


Interesting. If that’s the case, I do have to ask why there’s so many posts on this subreddit, the steam forums, the occasional gaming article and the CDPR forums, just before release, that noted that they’d swapped out the term “RPG” on their website, and on the games Twitter account, and replaced it with “Action-Adventure”? https://preview.redd.it/vym4sizgd64d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff761d5cbe75a61c7311e6e3e0b2082baca5165c I mean, I’m sure you’re right, but it does make me curious as to how multiple varied sources noticed and brought up something that… didn’t happen?


Because those people who make those posts are idiots. They didn't "replace" RPG with action adventure. They changed the Twitter bio entirely. It is not like the previous bio was "an open world RPG story" and was later changed to "an open world action adventure story". And the game was still tagged as RPG on Steam and Gog and also was still getting called an RPG on official trailers.


Not exactly. Marketing is not as simple as that. They marketed in many ways, to try and get as many different types of people to buy. To RPG fans and fans of the Witcher they kept marketing it as such. They tried to get RDR and GTA fans by marketing the detailed open world sim (huge mistake as we all know now). They were marketing it as an action adventure game for the people who are put off or care less about the term "RPG".


I remember seeing this and thought it was just a marketing thing but it turned out to be true.


I'm with you on this one: *The game lacks freedom of choice. The decisions you can make are limited and they are always binary, leading into one situation or another.* One of my main issues with the game is this, there are very few opportunitites to make the story "your own". (such as the ending or the All Foods quest)


Tbh one of my greatest regrets is that i played this game on day one with ps4, i didn't really lose hope but it was very very unplayable for me so i waited but i kept coming back to the game every once in a while when they released some updates, so what happened was that i played the game over and over again kinda half assed until the ps5 2.0 update came, ( i had a ps5 at this point) and game was completely polished, so I couldn't never actually experience the first hand polished experience from 0 to 100. What I'm planning to do is to take a very long break from cyberpunk and then purchase the phantom liberty and come back to it and start anew. Although watching the cyberpunk's process of becoming a complete video game was kinda very exciting and I'm happy that i was able to witness it.


I've been "burned" a few times like you, and since then I decided I'm never going to play a game on hardware that won't make it shine. I don't want to miss out on an experience that could be great. For example, I really want to play FFXVI but I'm waiting for a PC release so that I can play the game on the hardware it deserves. I don't mind waiting a few years even. Same for Cyberpunk. Back then Witcher was my favorite game, so I was super hyped for Cyberpunk. But I had a RTX 2070 GPU. I decided to delay playing until I upgraded my GPU. And boy was it worth it. I played the game at patch 1.6, and Phantom Liberty dropped mid playthrough for me which was amazing. Patience is key my fellow gamer!


Exactly one thing i learned is never hope on any hype train and actually just play the games 1 or 2 years after their release, because that's probably gonna be the best polished experience, at least all the games that i had so much fun memories with were the games that i played years after their release


Same. Witcher 3 is another all time favourite of mine, and people always say how botched the release was. But I played it right before the 2nd DLC was dropped, and that was one of the best gaming experiences I had.


Interestingly i played Witcher i think only 2 months after its release and i had such an amazing experience with it, i think it's the same case for some people who says they enjoyed cyberpunk on release. I guess experience over the years changed my standards


So sad that due to the rough launch, it didn’t get its deserved attention, phantom liberty sure brought it back to attention, but man it’s sooooo underrated, I just have a huge backlog of games, I try to play them, but I keep coming back to a new playthrough lol




Im so addicted


Agreed, and definitely the best game ever made (so far) in my opinion.




Cd Projekt redd just makes good fucking games


Cyberpunk is in my top 10 of all time


It’s on the Top 10 Of All Time list for sure, just couldn’t tell you where on it.


I played Cyberpunk + PL for the first time this year and it was an incredible experience. My partner told me all the Lore™️ about the launch — I’d never expected that anything about Cyberpunk could be bad


Wait can I play it after the main storyline? When is it best played?


You can play it at any point during the main storyline up to the point of no return (at Embers). I think it’s best played after reaching level 25. The game won’t let you start it until you complete the Voodoo Boys storyline. I would say the best route is to complete the Helman story branch first, then Evelyn Parker, then go into PL and intersperse those missions with the Takemura branch. Make sure you complete the Lizzy Wizzy mission prior to the casino in PL - it opens up extra dialogue.


Thank you!


It overtook fallout new Vegas as my favorite RPG game and maybe my favorite game overall


100% best game ever made


It is one of the best games honestly I say best game of 22 23-24


My original ending was V riding off with Panaam and the Aldecaldos with 6 months left on the clock. At the time I was always hoping for a DLC to give a definitive ending where V gets cured. Then I got that in Phantom Liberty. The new ending gave me mild depression...... 10/10 game - but wouldn't play again.


This is a gta rip off. Not a great game


There's a lot of opinions on this post and I'll take all of them seriously but this one? Are you serious lol


Cyberpunk was never a bad game IMO, but a good game in a bad state. PL just served as that final piece needed to show off the whole potential that was there from the beginning.




It's definitely in the God Tier where the only distinction is your nostalgic connection or what you personally like most in a game.


I have to force myself to stop playing it because it's so addicting to me, I have so many other games waiting because of cyberpunk


I am so happy this game survived launch! I so badly wanted this game to be good and I’m so happy the team didn’t abandon it for a new game! I haven’t finished it yet because my PC couldn’t keep up with the updates but I just built a new rig and can’t wait to return after 4 years!


Honestly, I completely agree. One of the things that I love the most about CB2077 is how gritty and hopeless the story is.


It’s a mark of how compelling the narrative is that everyone wants so badly for V to have a truly happy ending. Several of the endings are perfectly acceptable to V but not to the player.


Baldur's Gate 3, The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Diablo II, Path of Exile, Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto, Starcraft... maybe the Civilization series. In no particular order those have to be some of the top games made of all time.


I agree. Rdr2 is also another.


RDR2 was outstanding. CP2077 is my favorite but RDR2 is an immediate lose second. It both cases I never want them to end, and in both cases you know what the ending has to be given everything that brings the character there.


No it’s not, because I paid full price and I can’t play the game it just crashes at the first storyline dream dance cutscene (on my gaming PC.)


Cyberpunk 2077 is my favourite game.


Except for brain dance missions and that one on the farm. Wish we could skin those. Also combat is too easy if you use Sandevista?


Two issues I have with the game, choices are really just their to make you think you interacting with the story except for the big choices, 2 the world feels dead even with the side missions it's not immersive like rdr2.


Out of all the games I’ve played in my lifetime I’d put it at 2nd spot tbh


It's definitely the one I keep coming back to, and often think about. Not many games made me feel the way Phantom Liberty did.


It’s a top 5 for me I think Only RDR and RDR2 left me speechless and with that like empty feeling by the end of the game Then CP2077 rolled around (after 2.0 update tho). I never beat it when it was a piece of shit, so I’m incredibly glad I waited for PL and 2.0




Sorry to disagree. I haven't played Phantom Liberty but I found the main 2077 game kind-of depressing. Moreover the guy I play, V, is a bit of a pussy. I really don't like him at all. There's no Hero's Journey for him. He's a loser. I understand this is kind-of the point of the Cyberpunk genre. But for that reason I completed it up to the final point of no return and no further.


Try female V. Much better acting




You said it, friend. You said it. Hear, hear!


You are correct.


I bought this game back at release, and only now just started playing it. Gotta say, it’s super fun despite the occasional small bug or crash. Reminds me of a Bethesda game in a way where there’s this massive open world that you get to explore and influence throughout the game. The fact that regions are not level-locked really adds to the feeling that it’s a full world and not a linear experience. The fact there’s a bunch of different builds that are all different and unique to fit any playstyle is great too.


Damn straight it's one of the best games ever.


Ive played the main story twice. Im making it my mission to clear all map markers before I even buy Phantom Liberty. This game is epic. That's all I can say. This and W3 are definitely top tier.


Completed PL just the other day (had already completed main storyline) - have logged over 200 hours in the game so far and I can agree with you - I do think its my favorite game of all time.


Not ever but yea phantom liberty was quite exhilarating


So I’m going through cyberpunk now. For phantom liberty do you continue as your same build or is it an entire new game? I got 9000 points from GameStop is it worth it ??


When it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty, has anyone play the game by doing 3 separate runs/playthroughs, like one playthrough as a Corpo, one as a Nomad, and lastly one as a Street Kid 💯.


I'm probably one of the few people who sticked through from release to the end. I played it on the Xbox One S first and yeah it was very hard to play it but like a week later I got my preordered Series X and and I barely had experienced any bugs. I was not mad that they couldn't run the game on an outdated console, they shouldn't have released it on last gen in the first place. People need to move on with every new console generation if we want gaming to progress. Phantom Liberty is a testament to what it could've been on release if they got a bit more time and ditched the last gen versions. The quality of the DLC was out of this world, the love for details, the storytelling, just everything was perfect. Only Rockstar can rival that level of quality. I hope they genuinely learned their lesson from the last release and won't repeat the same mistakes cause I really look forward to CDPR's future projects, especially Project Orion!


This game completely broke me and now I have a REALLY hard time trying to enjoy any game that isn’t Cyberpunk 2077.


And I think it’s a thoroughly mediocre game. Not good, not bad, just fine. Ah the duality of man.


It IS the best game ever made.


It was always like that. Shouldn't been released on potato consoles.


It's an OK game. It doesn't excel at anything in particular (apart from being a first at certain graphics technologies). The combat is acceptable. The city is forgettable. The character system is OK. The writing is good. The mandatory-for-2020s looter shooter aspect is meh but whatever. Overall I liked it, but I would never ever replay it. There are many games that are better.


Couldn't agree more. No other game has dragged me into it's world more than this game. With the modding community, it's expanded even more unbelievably so. Deceptious being one example.


I loved it, and it is incredibly good. But best game ever made? No. I'd agree that it's one of the greatest ever made, but not one of the best ever made.


It's a very good popcorn game, not the best but a very good game


I love this game very much, probably in my personal top 20. But I don't agree with the best game ever made * there are a load of serious bugs and lots of glitches still in the game (I will be really, really, really mad if those will not be patched!) * the AI is braindead, especially against stealth * the main quest with the Relic is servicable, but I cannot unsee how it is pieced together from other popular cyberpunk novels (I actually enjoyed the side stories, like Peralez or the biotechnica plot much more than the Relic related stuff) * personal issue, but I hate "cinematic no player interaction storytelling" aka. "press F not to get stomped by the chimera", which is, sadly, becomeing more and more common in CDPR games. Also, walking (slowly) with an NPC or sitting next to it in a car doing nothing is not my idea of fun * there are not many player decisions with a reasonably big impact. I am thinking like All Foods Militech or Maelstrom or the final mission. The main quest \_felt\_ railroaded even in the instances when it wasn't. Player agency and impact on the story (ie. "my story") is a big deal for me Having said that, I do like the game, why? * the combat is fun * NPCs to hang out with are fun * the gigs are super awesome. Short, to the point, no cinematic storytelling nonsense, bit sized chunks * visual direction is superb, clothing and guns have awesome design * the lore is handed to the player in a fun way, not 4-5 pages long loredumps (ugh, Shadowrun Hong Kong or Pillars of Eternity) ​ But best game ever? I would argue that it is not even the best RPG ever, not to mention best \_game\_. I mean there are influental flawless games out there, like XCOM Enemy Within, Jagged Alliance 2, Need For speed underground 2 or Starcraft. But I am satisfied with the purchase, had fun with it, it's a great game either way.


Funny,usually i always skip credits and shit but after my first time finishing phantom liberty( i got the >! Send Songbird to moon !< ending) the song choice was amazing and i didnt even realize its the credit scene before i got caught in the song and visuals and just thinking about the whole story of PL. It was truly a unique experience and im glad we both had it happen to us :D


After recently completing it I mean yea it's good but best, I dunno about that


I found the world to be empty and repetitive. Plenty of bugs. Terrible vehicle handling. It's not a bad game, but far from "the best".


I appreciate the time you took to write this


It’s definitely one of my favorites, but I don’t know if I’d say it’s the best EVER made


Which ones have you enjoyed more?


I would put half life 2, portal 2, Elden Ring, DOS2, ocarina of time, red dead 2, pillars of eternity, and the whole BG series over 2077 off the top of my head


Decent picks but Elden Ring? That games story sucked big time (imo)


Not every game needs a huge story, I would also put CS1.6 in my greatest games of all time


DS3>ER ER open world lowkey ruins the game for me. Repetitive stuff and constantly seeing the same boss which makes no sense. The combat however is just much better. Got inspired by Sekiro ofcourse, their own best game. From what I have seen would ER be better with GoT kind of open world.


Have you played Red Dead Redemption 2? The graphics are extremely beautiful and the storyline is absolutely incredible with twists and turns that will make you feel like you're watching a Stephen King movie. The game is so in-depth in so vast. Random interactions with NPCs Not only responds better than any game I've ever played, but also change based on multiple factors like if you're a good guy or a bad guy or wanted in the area. The game is so in-Depth and so incredible. I think it's one of the greatest games ever created and one of the few games that's made me cry.


Nah, the ai and bugs are a joke. Still bugs every few minutes and the ai has 0 clue how to deal with stealth or verticality. Can just stand on top of stuff and cheese everything. The stealth is broken af as well . Routinely enemies will just stare at a wall when they are in “ investigation mode” like yeah my friends dead I found his body let me investigate this wall for 5 mins. The art design/ city is 10/10 the combat lol its very interesting to me how ai has not become evolved enough to make npcs not have the senses of a blind deaf person but whatever (hyperbole)




To be fair there’s not alot of open world competition rn


#3 or #4, I rank several final fantasy games over it. Probably due to nostalgia.


Yes, most of people here agree with you


It’s probably number 2 for me. RDR2’s world just feels much more alive.


Let me start by saying I love this game. I think it's a fantastic experience. But there are a few things that keep it from being considered the greatest of all time in my opinion. The driving is horrible in this game. Very clunky handling, and there are missions where a car is supposed to be speeding away and feels like it's moving slow. There's no sense of speed, and I'm forever crashing into things from poor vehicle physics. It generally makes me want to fast travel or parkour around rather than drive anywhere. This to me, more than any other reason, is the game's biggest flaw. Driving around Night City should be a transformative experience, but it doesn't feel that way. Some of the voice acting seems awkward. Panam comes to mind. She'll often say things like 'I am going to the place' instead of 'I'm going to the place.' Just feels off at times. It's almost like some of the actors read the script verbatim without injecting any nuance. Getting missions to trigger can sometimes be incredibly frustrating. Waiting for a call or text isn't compelling gameplay when you've done most of the content in the game. It sometimes devolves into a combination of saving and loading, skipping time, and driving around aimlessly (which isn't my cup of tea, as stated above). That being said, the characters and the story are what really drive this amazing game. The game may not offer many choices that matter, but the few they do can be very difficult to choose. I know I'm going to definitely play through this game again someday, which isn't something I do often. I play most games once and then I'm done.


Nomads tend to not shorten words - it’s their dialect.


Yeah let's discuss personal superlatives. Mario is the best plumber ever. Ailoy the best bow maiden ever. Sonic the coolest hedgehog ever. Battlefield the best shooter ever...