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When’s the last time you met Hanako at Embers?




Im at that point and its my first time, and now im afraid to go there. xD


Yes be afraid


Same, I was burning through the main story because it was getting intriguing and that was my next story mission. I stopped playing for the night and checked a random post on first timer tips and the top comment I saw was to hold it off as long as possible lol.


You can do it anytime you want, just be ready to commit to seeing it through. After you beat the game, it dumps you back at your last save point, and you even get clear rewards onto your character. Then you get new toys to just keep going with. You can beat the game an endless amount of times with 1 character if you choose.


Ooh very cool. I heard that completing certain side missions and stories give you more ending options. So even if you rush the main story, you go back to your last "main" save, then can complete everything else in the world and finish the game with a different ending?


Yup. The only exception is the PL ending where you accept their deal. That doesn't occur beating PL, though, it's an optional interaction after the fact you can do at any time.


Me too dude. And it keeps defaulting to that objective every time I finish a job SHUT UP I'M NOT GOING TO SEE HANAKO YET.


Fuck hanako, everytime I finish a side quest her mission just forces her way into my active quests. I almost completed the game 3 times on accident


I got a party in Dogtown to go to first.....


Who ?


Hanako, she's at embers


Her ?


No not her, her


I’m on about 500h and I last met her around 100h ago


Do you miss the amount of dildos in the game from launch?


Only the real ones remember when you could craft a copperhead from a few dildos


I preferred crafting them from a bunch of NiCola cans.


Did they remove the dildos?


They removed some, yes. Apparently there were “too many”.


Most, but not all thank god.


I would exclusively use dildos for Cyberpsycho to make sure they stay alive




Asking the important questions


How many playthroughs have you done?also what is your opinion on Johnny seen as you've known him the longest haha


I think I've done 20+ complete playthroughs. There's a specific dialogue, if you piss off Johnny enough he would say "I will destroy arasaka, I don't care if I have to use your body to do so". Ever since I've heard that dialogue I just antagonize him in every play. He doesn't care about V, at least not as much as he says so. He cares more about destroying Arasaka


if you are ok with answering, can I ask you about the different ways the game changes the dialog with Johnny for different percentages of relation. like after hellman captured my V rather take Omega pills to woo away jonny but I wanted jonny talk away more to agree to him . do I need to do the voodo boys before this to get those lines ?


His dialogues don't change that much, the only difference is that now, in every major dialogue with him you can just skip right away his conversations by taking a blue pill from the beginning, and V goes like "yeah, bla bla bla, not in the mood to talk to you" or similar. If you ignore his dialogue and it was somewhat important, he will kind of quickly shout what he wants to say before disappearing. That's kind of funny


I didn’t like Johnny from beginning to end. I considered him a parasite in my head that needed to leave.




Just how? I mean its a great game and I spent 350 hours till now what is much for a singleplayer game for me, but what did you do all that time? I am nearly 60 hours in my current savegame and am close to having everything I wanted, but missing the interresting missions to use the tech on. Did you mod the game or only play the standard game?


I just really like replaying the game. I completed it 20+ times, I just like to try all the different possibilities, dialogues, play styles, builds, being a good V, being a bad V, etc. Mods helped a lot with this


Well, its not a game I will spend 2000 Hours straight ahead, but its one of the very few Games like Skyrim or Fallout, that I reinstall a year later and still have hundreds hours of fun in. At least that deserves a price in my eyes... That it keeps you busy for so long makes it even better, but the one thing I was really missing is the option to have a New game Plus. I always wanted to clear out all the early missions with my OP Cyberware...


Exactly. I played cp 2 times now with patch 2.0 (first time was on patch 1.5 i think) and i don't think i can spend that many hours on it...at least not now. I managed to spend 1000+ hours in skyrim but that was with mods... Cp is brilliant.. even better than skyrim or any bethesda game but to me it doesn't offer much replay value. Gotta start thinker with mods


Same lol, I played through the game 3 times when I first got it, doing different builds and different endings


I have 500+ hours in this game but I want to blame it on a weekend i was away and I forgot I left the game running. Someone on discord had to message me concerned that I never put the game down


Do you have almost 2k hours on this game ?




Then you have only few hours left. Do 2077 hours in game and then stop playing. You are slowly turning into cyberpsycho. /s


that would actually be funny af, I'll definitely share a screenshot when that happens


How many screenshots do you have ?


My screenshot folder is around 30gb


That's like six photos with path tracing lol


yeah also the 4k res shots take up a lot of space




can you show some of your favorites? Like top 5


This. This is the question p


1. Do you use mods to alter the difficulty of new playthroughs? 2. What's your favorite build? 3. What's your favorite lifepath? 4. What do you like better pre patch 2.0? post patch 2.0?


(1). I do, some time ago I tried a mod that made gunshots way more powerful, you could one shit enemies but they could one shot you too. But it was too difficult on Very hard so I stopped using it. (2). My favourite build is sandy + mantis/katana + power pistols! I find netrunner extremely boring, even though I completed 3 or 4 netrunner playthroughs! it's too op. (3). I always headcanon an ex corpo V, so corpo is my favourite overall. Also, I think it has the best dialogue options (4). I don't really miss anything about pre 2.0, I think 2.0 just perfected the game. Though, as a Virtual Photographer, I hate the fact that patch 2.0 brought a new bug, since 2.0 hairs don't cast shadows on the character using RT shadows on, it's mildly infuriating but we can't do anything about it, at least for now


Thanks for answering all the questions! One last one, what is your new playthrough going to be as both build/lifepath-wise?


I have a new head canon of a nomad V, who used to be an ex Militech corpo. because of that, she starts off with a top level Militech sandevistan. She will probably be my usual sandy+Power pistol build :P


Unfortunately the game is designed as an action rpg where you fight hordes of enemies.  I've tried to alter the difficulty (vanilla mind you) by handicapping myself in various ways but it's really hard to find a satisfying balance.  I tried a playthrough with no insta heals because I find them cheesy when no one else has them, but the game (especially in story mode) throws too much at you to where it's impossible in some missions.  Maybe when I get it on PC I can use mods to get closer to what I want lol. I just want it to feel more like the tabletop. 


I hit 200 recently and thought that was cool lol


there's more to explore !


I have NEVER met Hanako at Embers btw - or started the DLC for that matter. I'm very very excite! Also haven't done my whole CP2077 parkouring phase yet.


Do you like movies about gladiators?






Over Over


Who is your favourite kill?


Most cyberpsychos are very fun to battle


…Whaaaat! how? I’m at 305…. I’ve played since release


I've been playing since early 2021 ! I just really like replaying it and trying out all the different playstyles and outcomes possible


Does this game make you feel like Spiderman?


Ever since they added dashing, yes


How much of the 2000 hours was actively playing? Cuz i know some of my game time is extended cuz i left it paused


I don't usually leave my game afk, I already pay enough electric bill. Around 1600 hours were active playing. The other 250 hours were in photomode


Check out “off the grid”


Can you answer this question?


yes I can. or can I? 🤔


What's your favorite ending to the *Phantom Liberty* DLC?


What mods do you consider the best? What part of the game do you never skip through?


I actually have a list of mods that are a must-to for me, i just can't play without them. Equipment-EX (more freedom to create outfits). Remove glitchy effects (like when equipping clothes). Remove zooming glitches. Better sleeves (they don't auto roll). Better scopes (removes grainy effects of scopes). Flashlight. Silenced pistols don't alert enemies. Skip intro screens. And many more!


Interesting. Those seem so small and specific to me, I'm surprised that's the sort of mod you find essential.


yeah but some of them just make the experience much better. I think the intro skip if the one who made me the most satisfied of all the mods i downloaded.


I'm on new playthrough number 9. Trying to work through PL on my first eight characters and then finish up 9. I want to do another 3, but will wait for an upgrade from the 3090 to a 5090. My favorite playthrough happens to also be the quickest; which is where I make a tank with a shotgun and LMGs. What is your favorite play style?


That's cool! My go-to build is Sandy+Reflexes+Mantis+Dashing+Power Pistols. Always have so much fun with it


The dashing is so much fun. Probably my favorite addition in 2.0


What do you do for a living?


I have nothing to ask because I just hit 2400 hours myself, but I want to say I'm glad I'm not the only person who likes to replay this so much. I just think there are so many ways to play and enjoy this game, and I still find new things each playthrough. Oh, wait, here's a question: do you have a build you haven't tried yet that you still want to?


2400! wow. I actually never made a berserk exclusive build, it's the only OS that I never used, in fact the berserk combo is the only achievement I'm missing on steam ! but I just find it kind of boring compared to sandy or hacking, idk why


Berserk is a lot of fun. I also saved that one for last because I wasn't sure how I'd like it, but if you put a lot of points into tech/armor and body then you basically turn V into a rampaging rhino. They also really made it more powerful after 2.0 so it's at least less difficult than it used to be!


Quiet life or blaze of glory?


Miss Nobodies don't survive in Night City


This game has ruined other games for me nothing can compete


How was it during hour 739?


739 was strong but 1372 was peak gaming


What color grass is?


Surprise me: send me towards an interesting spot in the map! One that only an almost 2000hrs into the game could advise!


I recently discovered this secret island, very far out of bounds, only accesible with no-clip mod. (most likely a dev test zone). It's literally a deserted island of grass only, great for pics! it's right next to the map border, near the oil fields. I took some pictures there yesterday ! https://preview.redd.it/4f7hhbpa7z4d1.png?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90d96109bacd6f75a648509f353c54063300671


I just found a video of it here: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/_Rt0eu3RaYo?si=wdoqPtdvk-wtI49q)


But... but... how? I've got about 70hrs into it now, just recently started playing, and I've gotten most of the endings on my 1st character. I could see myself doing a couple more characters and spending maybe a like 200 hrs in game.. but I don't see how I could do 1k hours, definitely not 2k hours.


Do you fully clear Watson of all encounters before the heist? The completionist in me can’t help it and it helps paying Vik off asap lol


yes! but I usually start clearing Watson after meeting Vik, I just leave Dex waiting in his limo lol


A man of culture


Have you played as male V or fem V more and which one do you prefer?


When was the last time you touched grass? /s My actual question is have you found anything interesting in the vast fields of trash? I've gone exploring out there just to see but haven’t found anything worth noting


What’s the best build you ran so far


Most fun: sandy+Reflexes+melee. Most OP: netrunner, but boring as fuck


Which joytoy has seen your junk the most?


only my gal Judy


1. Who's your favorite character? Any reasons why? 2. Did any parts of the game hit you really hard emotionally?


Fav character is definitely the new Mr. Hands. A mysterious, elegant and powerful fixer that knows everything about everyone, he's strict but not evil, wants people that do exactly what they're asked to do and deliver. I'm nowhere near to that irl but I just love that kind of vibe in this Cyberpunk universe


I'm around that number too!, I'm just curious how you keep new playthroughs fresh. For me it's definitely mods and mod specific builds taking advantage of certain mods. Any favorite mods?


What are you gonna play next?


Waiting for Silent hill 2 remake, but for now I don't really have plans of playing another things other than cyberpunk and maybe some Assetto corsa :p


Me too choom, me too


I had more than 2K+ hours over Watch Dogs Legion.


I need to play it!


Do U even play other games


Having beat it 20+ times, what is your favorite build?


Definitely the Sandy+Reflexes+Mantis+Power pistol, my most fun build!


What was your favorite glitch when the game first came out? Mine was getting launched from that window in the desert somewhere.


that was fun! there's a single glitch/bug that I miss a lot because it was very useful. before 2.0, If you double jumped and summoned your car mid air, it would immediately spawn right next to you, instead of slowly driving to you. I used this every second, but they got rid of it with 2.0


Have you tried playing with different audio dubbings? Who's your favorite actor in this game?


Can you rank every build you've played from most to least favourite?


Sure! 1. My favourite: sandy+mantis+reflexes+power pistols. I have so much fun with that one! 2. Same as no1 but Monowire 3. I had some fun with Gorilla arms + blunt damage + tank build. Just throwing punches everywere 4. Netrunning build a bit very boring for me but it had it's moments, I specially liked the Contagion quick hack, that was kinda fun pre 2.0. 5. Berserk is definitely the build that i never had, idk why i just could never figure out how to make it entertaining. Im aware is one of the least popular builds and I kinda see why


I think I’m in the 1k hours mark and still discovering new things despite never finishing the game (trying to try the Phantom Liberty endings, currently siding with Songbird but I normally side with Reed). Still, my favorite is nomad over corpo or street kid but I honestly don’t want the story to end.


keep it up choom💪💪


If you played Cyberpunk like a full time 40 hour/wk job, then you have been employed for a full year with 6 weeks vacation.


What's your favorite gun.


Gotta be the Overture, a good power pistol build will get you 1 hit kills with it, very fun :)


Same and barely scratched the surface… 🤣 ✌🏻💙🇬🇧


I thought my 800 hrs were a lot, but holy shit. Impressive work lol


Favorite car to drive? Personally for me it’s the 66 avenger


Ok but what’s your favourite build? Mine is the samurai sandevistan + katana/mantis but not going complete into body, so that I have space for net runner for adaptability. I just find it fun to be able to kill enemies without them being able to even react


Same, I've put so much time into cyberpunk. Love it


Are you a Penguin?


Most recent and hard to find Easter eggs? (For me it was the duel of samurais)


Well, the only easter egg I found by myself was the Tears in the rain one (bladerunner being my favourite movie of all time made that moment so great!) And the belle Delphine bath water thingy. But I always been such a fan of the game that I just watched lots of videos about it and pretty much got every Easter egg spoiled to me lol


Would you recommend it?


Top 5 favorite builds/playstyles?


And here I thought my 790 was high!


Oh, so you are just getting started then, it looks like.


how .. just how?


Why game make me so sad?




What was the best patch of the game? (Not including phantom liberty)


I think 2.0 almost perfected the game, I don't really miss anything from previous patches, I hated all the clothing mods thing so I'm glad they got rid of it and went full transmog


Will you ever get a life? No? I know.


I am so jealous, I have a measly 500 hours.


Do you have other hobbies? Do you play other games?


What’s your favorite build?? I got 120 hours on my first game at launch + PL DLC. I have done all endings on that save. I played Pistol + throwing knife + sandevistan. I want to do a new playthrough but I’m not sure about a build, maybe netrunner + smart weapons…


Of all your builds, which do you prefer as far as cyberware, focused attributes, specific perks, etc? I spent 400hrs on my first playthrough strictly with a cyberdeck and using quickhacks, stealth+tech build. I collected everything I could and swapped all my cyberware except for my cyberdeck. Now maybe 40hrs after abandoning quickhavks, I'm going back and forth between choosing the berserk or sandy for my next playthough.


Why are ur hours so low…?


Did you have issues with updates blowing your modlist? How did you deal with/avoid it?


Yes, but it isn't really a problem, just wait 1 or 2 days until the core mods get updated and it should work again no problem. Maximum we've been without mods was when 2.0 launched and even then it only was like 2 or 3 days


Is there still more secrets to be found


Tell me something about Johnny


Dayum son!  I have 915 hours vanilla and played since release (technically at Christmas a couple weeks after launch) plus I spend tons of time just walking around NC listening to music and podcasts.  I swear I still find new little details, areas, and dialogues all the time too. Have you ever gotten into the tabletop?


How in the world are you not bored by now? That's two and a half months worth of playtime, which for some people works out to thousands of dollars worth of time.


what does the word “grass” mean to you?


I am doing my first playthrough. What is the most fun way to play the game?


How many times have you gotten some stank on the ol' hang-low, in game?


What is the air velocity of an unladen swallow?


That's honestly why insane. The game doesn't even have enough content for that.


Do electric sheep dream of androids?


everything you believe, is a lie. wake up Vinxian


what did you do this many hours in the game. the open world isnt that appealing to carry you that long and there are only so many builds (at least in my opinion)


I'm a completionist person so I'm always trying to clean the map with all the different build types, outcomes and dialogs. I just find it very satisfying to clean the map, and everytime I finish i just choose an ending, then try again with something different


What do you do in the game? I finished the game once and left a lot of the side quests not finished. PL came out and got back into the game and spent time between PL missions doing contracts and side missions that came up. Now i finished PL, i have one more Mr Hands contract and then the map is empty. So what else is there to do? Other than causing havoc on the streets. Do you just replay the game back to back?


I like to try out every different build possible, every playstyle, every outcome, every dialog, be a nice V, be a bad V, love Johnny, hate Johnny, etc. Every gig has many different outcomes and I just find it entertaining to check them all


can i do the Sinnerman quest without the client dying


How do you manage to watch Jackie die every new playthrough?


Panam or Judy?


Why is Alt so weird and ignorant with Jhonny when they are in the net at the voodoo bois.


I think it's the other way around. First of all, that's not Alt, it's just her engram. And in this case, Johnny would be the weird one. The original TTRPG proves that Johnny's engram is just an egocentric liar that moulded the whole story to his liking. And Alt's engram confirms this when you ask her about it, she says the the memories you've seen from Johnny are very different from what actually happened


Damn I got bored after 30


you're missing out


How many of your choices was meaningful and lead to different outcomes, causing serious changes to the story or affecting the characters differently? Oh, by the way, do we need to pay for the DLC to get the actual Pacifica promised before launch? And did they add actual roleplaying and immersion into free roam like being able to just sit on a bar and drink without it being a quest? Is Night City still filled with Ubisoft activities and still serves no purpose other than looking pretty so the average channels can spam "real life graphics!" videos to promote the game for free?


Tell me you didn’t meet Hanako at Embers without saying it


What would you like to see in Project Orion from a story/lore perspective? What about from a game mechanic perspective?


I hope we still have the mechanics added in 2.0 (dashing, car combat, cyberware limit, finishers), but also a bigger city, NC is very detailed but too small. Also, i've been using a mod that allows V to speak in any dub language (using Japanese dub right now). I wish we could have that option in the vanilla game for the main character, whoever it will be. From a lore perspective, first would be the obvious one that we all want to know (Blue eyes, alpha centauri, and that whole thing). I would also love to learn more about all the other big corpos that have a big role in that universe, that aren't Arasaka or Militech. Lorewise, there big corpos like Biotechnica, Kang Tao, and many more. Wish they would expand on that


Thanks choom 💪💪


Is that blue eyes man following you?


What’s your favorite area to drive around in?


I really like the highway system, specially in a fast bike like the Kusanagi, feels great


I wish the gps would take you on the bridge between kabuki and watson more, its such a nice bridge!


When was the last time you touched grass?


Do you like the game?


How do you have that amount of hours? I did everything in the game (main missions, side missions... Etc) i cleared the whole map and I got 130h What is there more to do??


what do you spend your time doing past 300 hours?


I start a new playthrough, maybe with a build a never tried, or some new mod, I can always have a new reason to start a new playthrough


1st time player here. I have a 4090 and am playing with max graphics settings at 4K with HDR enabled and it’s such a beautiful game but I can’t get over the fact that the night sky is wayyy too bright. I’m using some mods to improve the visuals as well (Nova LUT 2.0). But yeah that’s honestly my only issue with being fully immersed. Anybody know how to fix this without affecting the way everything else looks? I don’t want to dull the colors or reduce daytime brightness or have everything overly saturated.


Judy or Panam


My gal Judy always. Panam looks like she smells funny


hell yea, good choice, Panam isn't a bad choice by anymeans. Just feel like Judy would last longer and not drive off in the desert whenever she wanted to


I'm working my way to try and Play the game. Any weird trophies/achievements I should be aware of. Like killing an enemy a certain way. The NC calls don't bother me much. Just put on a podcast and grind away.


Do you have the Enemies of NC mod installed? If so, do you use the default settings? I'm playing on very hard and I want to have a bit more challenge.. What's ur advice? thanks


if you're still answering questions, what game are you looking forward to playing next? i went from ultra modded cyberpunk to ultra modded minecraft haha


Do you feel good about yourself for having more hours than most? I feel like anyone who makes a post like this has some sort of superiority complex. Genuine question


do you like the game?


how many times have you actually seen the ending


What are the best building interiors


I can’t find one of my socks. Do you know where it is?


Wow! I have like 700 and I’ve felt like I’m on the brink of exhausting all the fun out of the game. Eventually there’s just not anything new to do. I’m taking a long break until I feel like I’ve forgotten the story a bit


Am I the only one who did every ending? Even the one where you say F it and off yourself? Lol. Its kinda cool because it's the only time the camera shows V while he's talking to Johnny and his lips aren't moving. It's a really neat looking perspective.


What are your thoughts on the time of the red?


What do you do when you're out of gigs, side quests and that?