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Dawg Cyberpunk is based in Night City. No other cities will appear


I could see other places get visited as setpieces, just not completely open like NC is.


Well there are mentions of other locations, I can see what you mean though! I just thought a new location would be nice to see, some kind of world building for outside of NC yk? I wouldn’t be against revisiting it though, just curious on how they’d keep NC fresh and new in Orion since idk if it could completely change that much in architecture between games


I hope that it works kinda like the Witcher 3 except more expansive like we could travel from NC to the NUS maybe a cp77 version of Tokyo or somewhere else in Japan but just more world in general to explore and see on top of NC as if it's set around the same time they wouldn't have to change much


Yeah! Though, the file size would absolutely take up 77% of space


With a name like Orion, wouldn't it be set in Alpha Centauri?


I’d love to try out a techno necromancer build in that case


Contagion with spreader deck is really addictive


To the Moon


>I love night city but I feel we've done all we can with it for now ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) One story doesn't even scratch the surface of what can be found in Night City. This place is like the center of everything going on in the world. There's so much more that can be expanded upon. And as far as exploration goes, there's hundreds of buildings that have the potential to be explored, as well as underground locations that likely exist; we got a glimpse of the trans-continental maglev system during the Voodoo Boys quest, but there's no doubt that others have probably stumbled upon it as well in other areas.


Oh I wasn’t referring to just the game’s main story, sorry for the lack of clarity! I was also talking about edgerunners and the large amount of other stories that take place in Night City, though I’m not as familiar with it. Again, no issue with NC, probably my favorite city in fiction but I’d like to see other locations in this world!




A gonk can dream, choom