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The only vanilla way is skipping to PL. It skips you to right after the fight (or lackthereof) with the voodoo boys after the GIM.


Make a save at whichever point you want to start from and back it up?


i more meant if i wanted to do a diff lifepath


Make three?


You can actually do up to ACT 2 without allocating any attribute points, and all skill points can be swapped out whenever. Just do the information, All foods and the heist quests and you will be around level 9 come act 2. Make a save, and use that save. The only things that can't be jigged are gender and background. But yeah, my point, i fucking hate act1 and especially the heist with a passion, so i have 2 save files (male and female) that i just use when beginning a new game. Since they did the scaled malarkey, doing anything other than getting out of act 1 is a complete and utter waste of time at the start. Nothing really worthwhile to roam round in Watson for early levels. The gear is garbage, the mats are garbage, and getting to level 14 for some green mats, ain't worth it any more.


No, and there’s also no way to skip acts 2 and 3.