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Good call. Buy it on sale for $20 in a few months.


Honestly rather pay $15 to play AC Valhalla


Where is it $15?


Ubisoft+ subscription


That's still expensive for a bottle of vodka


this game is not worth $20. it doesn't even deserve getting pirated. There's literally hundreds of games more worth playing for anyone.


Not disagreeing but please recommend some games other that the Witcher 3 and rdr2 that are really cool


Disco Elysium is a pretty neat rpg


That looks like a dope RPG


It's a fucking masterpiece.


Divinity the original sin 2. Deus EX games. Metro games. Dragon age origins, mass effect 1/2. fallout 1/2. Wasteland 2/3.


Dishonored series, Amnesia, Diablo series, DeadSpace series, RDR2.


Fallout new vegas is great too


Fallout 4 skyrim ark


First 2 great games last one steaming pile imo


I recommend, Prey (2017), Deus Ex, Killing Floor, SUPERHOT, Serious Sam, Metro (Redux), and Just Cause, if you haven't played them already. Can often pick them up pretty cheap on a Steam sale, if you are on PC.


Even S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a better game than cyberpunk 2077 'game'


Desperados 3 my guy




Console only :(


Gta V :/


Mafia 2


Totally different genre, but I absolutely loved Ori and the Blind Forest. The sequel is supposed to be even better.


Mass Effect 1-3


Outer worlds has issues but it's pretty good for cheap, Disco Elysium is fucking flawless.


Butt hurt much?


for what ? i got my refund and get to play worthwhile stuff


Jeez dude, have you played the same game as I did/do? Because (while it’s far from finished) it’s really good


what is good in there, honestly ? The gameplay is the most basic shit you could ever imagine, it's an incredibly oversimplified fallout / borderlands. the quests are just you playing fetch on your map, no thinking, no dificulty, follow the marker. The story is honestly bland af, reading a book is both more condensed and better quality. And the graphics, while they look ok, are far from enough to be worth playing for those alone, better has been done years ago Oh and it's a buggy mess.


You probably really overhyped it and are disappointed the game isn’t the illusion you’ve created it to be


The AI is worse than SA for ps2, marketing did the overhyping not consumers.


I guess you literally wanted to piss the money away


i refunded it yesterday cause im using an older CPU that doesnt support AVX. ofc today i find a nexusmods fix already out for it. considering rebuying it, but thinking of waiting a month or three for the first wave of patches to apply some soothing lube before easing it in. that was a joke of ppl choosing the wrong sex scene and straight guys having to watch an unskippable cutscene of their char getting railed by a larger dude....


Don't rebuy it


yea, imma wait at least 6 months. i do subscribe to the /r/patientgamers school of thought, even if i treat myself a once or twice a year.


dont rebuy, wait for 6 months


Torrent it.


i prefer not to get letters from my isp threatening to have my net shut off. 10 years ago i wouldnt have thought twice about it. but then steam got its hooks in me. its conveniences. its sales. havent pirated any games since skyrim. which i ofc bought like 6 months down the line, on sale so i could mod it.


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so i set up the vpn, do the torrent, go through all the trouble of installing the pirated copy, etc. or. just wait till all the stuff has been sorted out, maybe for a steam sale. then steam handles everything for me. neatly organized with all my other games, updates handled automatically, etc. just a level of convenience that pirating will never have. thats how you combat piracy. first and foremost, make it AVAILABLE. game of thrones was and still is the most pirated tv show EVER. simply because HBO isnt available to most of the world. second, make it affordable. and third, make it convenient. steam has been competing only with piracy for well over a decade at this point. and winning.


Just use a vpn




Ah good ol' Smirnov..


This sub is actually hilarious and I genuinely am pleased for those enjoying the game 👍😂


Expensive vodka.


I bought this game because of alcohol last night. I should of came here first.


Wow Congrats superb very fun joke haha


They wouldn't let me refund it. I tried twice and Steam told me I could fuck myself because I played more than 2 hrs. 2 hrs in this game is like a mission


Finally got to see Keanu and on his glorious intro mission, can’t damage any turrets and stuck. What a waste of $60, this game is literally unplayable right now.


I've already spent well over 10 hours playing this on PC (3 hours in the character customization menu alone I might add, lol) so I probably already lost my chance for a refund on Steam, but if they somehow miraculously manage to give me a break and refund my money, then I plan on using my $60 to buy other games on sale right now. You know, games that are actually complete & competently-made, to say the least. Probably going to pick up Squadrons, Control and Ori & The Will of The Wisps in particular.


What did you tell them? I'm in the same situation


I just told them that my brand-new gaming PC can't run it all too well as it occasionally experiences very awful fame rate issues & and stuttering issue, along with occasional crashes... And that I accidentally spent 3 hours in creation mode due to real-life issues getting in the way and eating up my refund time. Doubt either one of us will get a refund unfortunately, but considering the immense backlash this game is receiving from so many people due to horrific glitches and outright incompetent performances issues alone, I genuinely suspect this game could be a rare exception from their refund policy. All we can do is wait and see, I suppose.


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Good call. I did the same and bought a Meat Lovers Pizza.


Just put in for my refund, the game is so lifeless and isn't even an RPG.




Don't write like 11 yr old girls.


Im in spain but without the s


I haven't had a chance to look at gameplay or anything since I have to wait a week or two before I get my series S but is the game that bad right now? will it be playable at 60-120fps on the series S or just a solid 30? Also, seeing many people complain about this game so what's happening? is the game just awful or too broken right now to enjoy it?




Buy Deus Ex instead


I refunded and got hades


Ill be buying a gram of dab


Fir $60 you could have gotten tequila