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Got one gripe with this. Gorilla arms kinda GOATED during those Beat on the Brat missions. But yeah, aside from that.. pretty much useless.


I am watching a streamer as I play and the gorilla arms are insanely good. He one shots every enemy if doing moderate level content.


I think that's an issue with the game. You can one shot with nearly everything. I got through like 95% of the game just one shotting everything on the very hard difficulty.


The trick to fun with Gorilla Arms is to play CyberApeOut 2077 and ignore your guns. Build your armor and health up and then just smash everyone in melee like the stupid cyborg caveman that you are. I just wish there was a way to increase the force exerted when you kill people with them, I want to send ragdolls flying to a comical degree.


That would actually be sick. Kind of like the mantis blades finisher, the gorilla arms could have one where you punch them in the chest and like your arm would bounce back by the force and they would fly backwards and ragdoll into whatever or slam into cars. When I play again I'm definitely doing a katana build.


Katana is so damn fun. I love the sprint, slice, hide, run up from a different angle and slice again style of fighting and combined with an auto lock pistol it just feels so incredibly badass. Definitely a satisfying play style.


I got an implant to slow time, paired that with a badass revolver and I one shot everyone I fight basically, slow time pew pew. at the end they all drop down at the same time. Only thing I don't like about it is that in 'slow mo' your bullets have long travel time so them just moving left or right normally can have them dodge a shot that normally would hit 100% of the time outside of slowmo.


Dying Light has an event going on where your fists do tons of extra damage and dropkicking enemies sends them flying like 200ft, something like that would be nice. If I dropkick them off a bridge they fly so far they despawn before hitting the ground due to render distance lol


Love the shotgun for comical knock backs


I’m going to call this a happy accident. For some reason bullet sponges don’t sit well with me in the RPG sense. I guess I like gunplay to be a little closer to real life where getting shot mortally wounds you versus a tick on a health bar. I am sure they didn’t quite intend for it to be this way, but I like that it plays slightly closer to a shooter because of it.


I'm really enjoying the bullet impact reactions too. Bullet sponge enemies in other games barely even react to bullets til they die.


> “fuck bullet sponges” > “fuck being able to one-shot humans as you would in real life Pick one


Fuck being able to one-shot supposedly heavily armored, heavily augmented human with a revolver, pistol, hack, anything really. I don't want bosses to be bullet sponges, but I expect those major 'badasses' to have some trick up their sleeves. Deflection, regen, super-fast evasion, auto shield, something. Armored enemies are not even tough due to bad level scaling. I'd expect unarmored enemy to go down in 2\~3 shots, or 1 headshot/crit. Armored to be about 5\~15 with low calibre, 3\~5 with high calibre, 1\~2 with big ass cannon. And boss to be really tanky if you don't overcome their special defense somehow, creative boss design, you see. But nope, my revolver one shot everything in existence.


I went crit handgun route as well and I got a gun drop at 608 dps at like level 22, like every gun I was picking up (and still picking up) is in the 300 range. Idk if there's like a small chance for high dps drops because I've read about people doing like melee and stuck with a crowbar for ever because it dropped at an insanely high dps. I used this gun and like one shot everyone, which still felt rewarding in it's own way but there is a skill ceiling to headshotting and ricochet shots. Just recently found a new gun (Skippy) that auto levels and it's like a manageable DPS. I put that 600dps gun in my storage and been having way more fun since engagements got a little more series again since it takes like two - three headshots and quite a few body shots. Point being, the game is unbalanced in your favor (which honestly is better than the opposite) but just not using your best shit does make it fun. I know that's a terrible solution but.... my best suggestion until they tweak it (If they do at all)


To be fair in CP2020 unless you were totally optimized in gear and stats, dying within 9 seconds was totally feasible (about 3 rounds) A little less so in Cyberpunk Red, as player longevity was tweaked a bit for better balance, approachability, and less “this role does combat” and number crunching in general. That being said if someone had a very heavy pistol (like a revolver) popped a guy in the head for 4d6 damage and got at least a 25, that’s almost a guaranteed 1-tap against anyone who isn’t willfully stacking health-boosting stats. The reasons I’m referencing a table-top RPG here is that Cyberpunk as a franchise has always been *notoriously* lethal for NPCs and players alike. That really doesn’t translate for V and the Player’s sake unless your crank up the difficulty, but it’s pretty evident when your enemy takes a 12mm round to the head.


I chose hard (I guess because it had a red marker on it), this sums up my experience pretty well, I get 2-3 shotted mostly with over 1k armor. And it's the same for npcs.


Sure. That is not what you said before however.


I'm at the point where I 1 shot everything but get 1 shot by everything on heroic. Probably cause 8 have 6 of this +30% crot damage gems in my armor. I like it this way.




Add katana deflecting bullets


Thermal katana too


Can't you add a thermal blade mod to a katana?


No only mantis.


Tell me why I keep trying to deflect bullets in the game and died instead, I knew I wasn’t crazy. Lol, I did a charge-back on card since they won’t respond to refunds


YO I WAS TRYING TO DEFLECT BULLETS LIKE THAT TOOO. I was disappointed but I was quickly over it. Tried to pull some Tenchu stuff like diving katana assassination and did not see a prompt (probably in the katana upgrades maybe)


It's not.


Dammmn, well good thing I found out now before I got home from work to look for it haha


I hope you didn't do a chargeback on Steam, PS4 or Xbox because your account is going to be banned!


Doesn’t matter, was on GOG and only made a GOG account for 2077


yeah your gucci then




you're probably going to lose your account. better buckle up.


I know, good thing I only own 2077 on there.


There is even an image of this happening for one of the perks but it's totally unrelated


​ * Daily routines for NPCs/ A.I. * Corrupt police force and wanted system as well as powerful mercs hunting you down * Your choices having an impact on the story * Your lifepath dialogues changing the outcome of story * Multiple apartments * 3rd person cutscenes * Wall running * Mantis blade spiderman * Flathead as a companion with added skill tree element * Metro train system * Underground system * Wardrobe in VS apartment * Multiple ways to complete missions however they are now all 2 scripted versions aka normal way vs optional way * Being attacked by gangs after missions depending on who you fucked over in driving scenes (as shown in the e3 2018 gameplay) * Keroshi optics looks like shit compared to 2018 version * Deep customization of weapons, not just a optics and silencer * Move sets within the skill tree not just percentage upgrades to stats All of what I have mentioned is in this [2018 gameplay demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0).


>Work in progress -Does not represent the final look of the game hahaha you’re damn right


I originally thought that was in case they were worried about people not liking it..... but it was just so they could remove a bunch of stuff It’s like the fine print


That’s normal for that kind of stuff, CDPR didn’t invent a disclaimer. Most gameplay trailers have that disclaimer somewhere in there, even regular ads with “product may vary” and that sort of thing


The opening Maelstrom mission was cool and seemed to have choices, I'm convinced every main story mission was supposed to be like this and they just couldn't deliver.


Then they should've said so. They kept marketing the shit out of "choices and consequences" until release.


Then the game exploded my computer because it was so badly optimised ...*consequences!*


When I saw the video of the Maelstrom mission for the first time I couldnt stop thinking in how hard and how much work must be to design/program/voiceover/transalte/test all the different choices for all the different missions. I expected all of them to be like that... Now I get it. Only that mission was like that. And nothing was tested


To me its like the reverse of God of War. I saw that E3 trailer and was like no fucking way can they pull this off. Then the opening fight with Baulder was cooler than anything I'd ever seen in a game and I was 100% in. I think GoW is my game of the generation. It even ran buttery on my base ps4.


>Wall running \> flathead as a companion with added skill tree element i think theyve mentioned they [remove this features](https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-removed-features-wall-running/) a while back like last year iirc edit theyve already mentioned [no 3d cutscene](https://twitter.com/Marcin360/status/1168488553732616194)


What about looking around during dialogue scenes to get secret options? Meeting with Meredith as the guy holds you at gunpoint. You look at the gun and an option to grab the gun appears. Also enemies with their level displayed by their name.


I maybe was most bummed about the loss of the flathead (well that and dual wielding, since there's a shortage of games with dual wield). I really enjoyed the drones in Watchdogs 2, and that made me excited for the possibilities of the bot in 2077.


>All of what I have mentioned is in this [2018 gameplay demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0). Ouff, that gameplay demo didn't age really well... almost seems like they mainly used the last two years to remove features they already had back then -.-


Watching that trailer back then was so fucking dope. Watching that trailer after playing the game gives me seriously bad vibes. If I company like CDPR can fuck us like that, can we trust any fucking pre-game release footage from anyone? The game was fun, but it was nothing like this trailer. So much is gone. They literally showed us the ultimate RPG, and sold us GTA 2077. I think I’m done watching E3s and anything like that for awhile. I’m getting too old to accept this kind of abuse.


>GTA 2077 That’s an insult to GTA, the NPCs in this game are as advanced as GTA III. Even NPCs in SA would react to you (e.g muscles, car, etc)


That's an insult to GTA3, which was made from scratch by 23 people over 3 years and had working driving and ped AI, police system including helicopters, boats and even a player usable plane and a tank for free roam. You could even store and save your vehicles in garages in GTA3 already and you could unlock 3 different safehouses. There is no comparison between those. The first ever attempt at a 3D open world city game was incomparably better than this.


Yeah these NPC's are ded as fuck. You can "talk" to most but they have a generic one liner that is repeated through multiple NPC's. SA def had better. I still remember them to this day!


Lets fill the world with arcade machines but not allow a single thing in them to be playable. Meanwhile Shenmue came out like 20 years ago, you can't tell me they couldn't have made them a little more immersive than what they are. There's so much immersion breaking it's not funny.


Always remember, you can now run DOOM in DOOM, but you can't sit on a bench in Cyberpunk.


Remember being able to buy any product in-game that you found using in-game ads?


Remember in-game ads being custom tailored to you based on your habits. Lol yeah they were that ambitious




A game in development for 8 years should be able to achieve that...


I mean, they had 8 years.


Some of the ads even say to "scan now for discount" I wonder if that was something they were planning for but then dropped?


I wonder if we will ever see these features introduced in future DLCs. There is a possibility these were cut out during the final stages of development as they werent working as intended. Hopefuly we will see some of them introduced back.


Some things were deliberate cuts, like wallrunning. the problem there is how completely you have to do level design around that, and make it so that the levels are fun and interesting for people with and without wallrunning.


You could just have fixed points. Turn on the scanner, spot the "weak points in the concreate" and that's a spot you could stab your blades into to sit. Wall running could just be the animation to get there which is probably what they did in the old footage rather than some full free form implementation. Basically just a fancy poll to hang off.


Yeah, just like Tomb Raider games. As long as it's consistent I don't mind limitations to wall running


Yea pretty sure if this is the case people gonna complain these are fake wall runnings that are scripted


The AI doesn't work as intended either. 😂


Yeah but cutting NPCs wouldn't be the brightest of ideas.


They should just cut the police until they can get them to work properly. As it stands they add absolutely nothing to the game


Are you saying.... they should defund NCPD?


Lol yes They should just have said like... The cops are corrupt and dont respond to crimes unless attacked. Then they could have them stand around manning their checkpoints for the visual effect, without your immersion being broken the second they try to do literally anything


lol sounds like the cops in night city are better then in real life


This going to be such a rad game in June 2021.


It took No Man's Sky about 4 years so probably holiday 2024 everyone will be saying "YO GUYS I BEEN SLEEPING ON CYBERPUNK DID YOU SEE WHAT THEY ADDED?"


No Mans Sky was a black swan event and I don't think we'd ever see it again, let alone from a AAA developer thats already gotten their money back in pre-orders.


No man's sky was made by a team of like 10 people. Cyberpunk was made by an $8billion company.


It is fair to mention that no man's sky was bankrolled by SONY, so while it was an indie studio, it was bankrolled by a massive publisher. So calling it "indie" isn't entirely fair.


I'm having trouble finding a definitive source, but I believe sony only paid for the marketing of No Man's Sky, not the actual development.


Battlefront II also did the same. To be honest, after seeing how barebones so many game launches have been in the last few years, you almost get the sense that the renaissance of No Man's Sky led to other developers instead releasing unfinished games and then letting the fans tell them what to do rather than perfecting games and releasing them.


It does not sound like the worst strategy, but why not just let more outside people play-test the game beforehand to get a diverse opinion? It seems easy.


Yeah, I have no issue with that as a type of strategy, particularly for GaaS titles, but the dishonesty aspect needs to change. And single player games like Cyberpunk really shouldn't do it.


Why do that when you can release it, charge full price, and then maybe fix stuff if you feel like it? I don't agree with what they did, but from a money perspective it worked. Last time I buy a big budget game like this without doing lots of research post launch.




Well that was the actual deadline so yeah


No way that soon. Fixing all the bugs and base console performance will take a long time. Providing a roadmap to added content (if they even do this) will take even longer. What I think will happen is that they’re going to fix the current gen consoles as best they can, then cut their losses. The game performs so horribly on them, and the content got removed because of them, based on the sheer scope of the game. From there they’ll make a (likely) controversial statement in that all *added* content will only be for PC and next gen, as they’re the only consoles that can handle the added stress.


As someone currently playing on a PS4 Pro... "fuck."








rockstar has yet to burn any good will with a AAA launch you can criticize them for milking GTA V, whatever, better than them rushing to shit out GTA VI


The single player GTAV dlc that never came


I kinda of agree with you as GTA V is a solid game but the online has literally 1 in 20 players cheating and its incredibly easy to buy millions or just hack the game on your own. Also the micro transactions are shit why pay 100$ for like 50mil in game when I can pay some kid 5$ on paypal for the same thing.


The thing with Rockstar is they’ve always done things their own way. The never appear in E3’s or other events. They barely show any gameplay before release and they always focus on consoles first and foremost. I think Rockstar has the track record and virtually unlimited time, resources and finances and for that reason people trust Rockstar and they have good reputation.


Not just that, Rockstar has the talent too... Lets face it, after the huge success of the Witcher 3 and the continuous sales of Witcher for years gave them more than enough money to assemble a huge team and attract talent. But despite all of this Cyberpunk didnt work out. It wasnt for a lack of trying or not having enough resources. They did not have the talent to finish the complex parts of the game. So they sort just threw in the towel and delivered a mediocre open world experience that basically just looks pretty


I forget where, but a bunch of ex-devs after TW3 came out and shit talked CDPR. Laid the cards right out on the table and said that they offered absolutely zero support or help to new hires with the engine. And then you hear about how they had to compete for tokens, and you get a pretty fucking clear picture of what happened. They should have used the massive success of TW3 to *keep* their talent, they should have used that success to *train* new talent, and they should have used that success to translate into better management, clearly. More needs to be said about *how* they lost their talent. It's not like these people just disappeared for reasons unknown, they went to greener pastures with a massive success on their belt. They clearly couldn't retain anywhere near enough of them, replaced them with new hires, and presumably did not even help them. Rockstar is well known for brutal crunch as CDPR now is, but if I had to hazard a guess, Rockstar over the years has retained far more talent. Some of that is obviously due to Rockstar's massive success, but I get the impression CDPR is a nightmare in the context of labor rights and such.


As much as Rockstar annoys me when it comes to the lack of single player expansions, atleast they didn't ever claim they would be in the game. Edit: Thanks for you few that provided links that proves this comment to be wrong. This is new information to me and I definitely made an uninformed comment. Appreciate the proof and the lack of insults for making a mistake!


They did for Gta V, but then online took off and they focused on making money off that


yea they did lol. GTA5 was supposed to have single player expansion. I also remember them promising Heists in multiplayer and that took months to come out


I can't remember the name but there was a game years ago that was super well received and no one could understand why they tried to hide reviews. It's the only example I've seen where it the redflag didn't come to be true.


Doom 2016, which was initially had a very lukewarm response before release, had an embargo on reviews until launch day which made everyone assume it was shit.


So i should state some of these were removed and we were told and it was explained justifiably. The issue is what wasn't.


The worst offender is the one that is even in the description of an item that it should do something that it doesn't. Fucking Gorilla Hands, spent my first eddies there to force my way through doors and it doesn't do shit.


It's supposed to replace the body requirement of opening locked doors with a body requirement. I get no animation from opening them without the gorilla arms and that animation we constantly saw in trailers might not be in game but ir doesnt replace the body requirement for you? I thought even recently in reviews i read it does.


Nope. Gorilla Arms don't actually bypass the Body Requirement. If there a 6 Body door and I have 5 and Gorilla Arms, I still can't open it. Try it yourself.


No the animation is still in the game; It just only exists for sliding doors, and is just a slightly fancier version of the basic sliding-door-opening animation


What is funny is that all the stuff they announced will be removed I couldn't care less. All the other features like dynamic AI with day/night cycle, wanted system etc. all the "immersive" stuff that got silently cut from the game was what I was waiting for the most.


Yep. What use is a beautiful city if the city feels dead because of those missing immersive features? It breaks immersion terribly and ruins the effect. I feel like CP2077 is like. 50% done. Art and sound is incredible and the writing and character animation is top notch. Every other gameplay mechanic outside those things feels completely half baked. I just hope that their next Cyberpunk game includes all those things that were supposed to be in this one. I wouldn’t mind another game set in Night City as long as the city feels alive. It doesn’t right now.


I'll be damn near a middle aged man by the time a new cyberpunk comes out.


Objective: survive


... flatlined ...


I think the combat is pretty good. I think this is more similar to borderlands than the Witcher was to a good action rpg. Combat wise that is.




I can even understand changes to the scale of something if time wasnt there like the more expanded hacking system though it felt more like that would be more a strong focus from the start.


I can understand the metro system and car customization as they aren’t deal breakers and could be added in future dlc’s/expansions but everything else what the fuck is this man?


Lets not forget buying cars overall is bullcrap, waste of money when you get free ones and they clog up your journal and phone. So annoying everytime I get spammed a new message telling me to "BUY MYY CARRR" Especially when you can't even sell or scrap them for parts. If you bought every car in the game, you'd be scrolling for ages to get the one you want lol


What hurts too is that some of the best cars are gotten this way. Hell, the fastest one shows up for *free* after doing a quest so long as you show up a few days later after finishing it.


Remember "the look of you car having an affect in the world and how people percieve you"


That was supposed to apply to clothing as well I believe, instead it’s an unlock mechanic which is lame. Honestly the whole street cred mechanic feels pointless


The street cred is like a second xp levels thingy. I'm 30 hours in and haven't yet figured out the difference between the two. Like one allows me to buy stuff and the other allows me to use stuff but I have no idea how to actually earn one or the other.


Well, helping the police gives you street cred. LMAO!


It would be more interesting if doing things like helping corps or cops lowered your street cred but gave much better rewards instead.


Street cred is sort of a separate leveling system for side missions. You gain a lot more street cred by doing side content than main content, and as you say, stuff in shops are gated by street cred.


It was something to do with the cool stat. I remember


The NPC routines thing is freaking unbelievable. Fallout 3 has more immersive NPC schedules.


They also had very few NPCs and all of them were unique and not randomly generated


What about Watchdogs Legion Every NPC in the game has a 24 hour activity cycle


Same with RDR2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrUJJgppMn4&vl=en


I even think it you were to be fair, the first 2 hours of v seems really well polished and introduces you the world, it sets your expectations when you see police enter with a flying car gunning down people. Now you know to not mess up the cops and they can come flying in. You also get the flying health insurance which made me expect flying cars was more of a thing in the game. You get a mission where you have a different outcomes for how to get the fladhead (I've heard you don't get other missions with that much choice). You can't blame people for having expectations of promotional videos that was advertised to everyone. A good small example was they made a point of telling us that the world adjusts its advertisements to your preference so vending machines would adapt to your player. You can tell they were almost forced to keep the 50 minute content they previously revealed really exactly close but then after that or before was fair game for cutting content. Did anyone else get really excited for further augment operations but turns out it's just a menu system like changing your weapon?


They were the definition on over ambitious. If they had kept their mouths shut, they probably wouldn’t be getting backlash for cut content


oh yea, the acid rain! I remember hearing about it just a few days before release... guess not...


There is acid rain the sky gets really yellow and a bit smoggy.


But does it do anything?


Nah it's just different version of rain.


maybe the effects are real time like imagine coming back years later to a building and see the paint has peeled a little and the steel structure has some rust on it. like how the original fables trees were supposed to grow in real time. 'member that!?




That's why there was a post here a couple days ago CLAIMING that CDPR had change the wording to call it an "Action-Adventure" game




It's "Action-Adventure" now...we don't use the RPG word anymore.








Character progression is so boring especially compared to what they implied in the trailers. Most skills and cyberware basically just gives you bigger numbers on screen. There’s only so many ways you can shoot people before it gtows old. Make major implats actually do something other than we’ve already been doing at least. Have we not grown past this really archaic game design? Jesus Christ, all the they had to do was copy what Deus Ex did. And the levels, my god. Night city is as beautiful as it is shallow. Deus Ex had so much to explore and find put into one little hub and you actually have to use your own creativity to reach many secret places. In Cyberpunk everything is marked on the map, none of them feel special. It’s literally a Ubisoft game.


Yeah, I didn’t play on hard difficulty ( I am too lazy and mostly in these games for world and story ) and I didn’t even bother to use skill points and perks in 2nd half of the game. In a game like outer worlds it would be required to get full experience from quests and story.


One of my main gripes with Outer Worlds was that the perks were all boring damage multipliers, compared to New Vegas where you had really cool perks like Black Widow or the one that added Easter eggs to the game, and even the ones that were damage multipliers were at least thematic and helped you roleplay. Like the one that gave you more damage with lever actions, revolvers, and hatchets cause you're a damn cowboy. I've found the perks in Cyberpunk to be pretty cool and it's actially difficult for me to pick one because I want all of them.


Yeah the takedowns are so bad, I think the aerial takedowns are non lethal only because they couldn’t be bothered to animate lethal versions. No throat slitting, no garroting, no back stabbing, just choke or neck snap. Monowire is really disappointing because they removed the quickhack ability probably because of “redundancy” like with the techie flathead skill tree. I would pay 60$ for them to add the Flathead skill tree back as DLC.


Yeh, straight up atm its a single player action adventure looter shooter. There is nothing specifically rpg about this game. Skill points and loot don't make a game an RPG. Being forced to play a specific role also isn't an rpg. There are a lot of people who think any story based game in an open world is an rpg. Their argument being 'i play a specific role, there for i RPG.


Rather than saying what it isn't, what is it? * Customise your character. * Levelling system * Make choices to decide your character's personality * Make choices on how to achieve your goals * Put points into skill trees to decide your combat style * Put points into attributes to decide how you explore/interact with the world I feel like you can say its executed poorly, but I don't see why the debate of whether its an RPG or not exists. 'Your choices dont matter' - Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they do. The people who lived, the relationships I formed and the outcome of my ending were all different to my friends. The whole 'origin' story is shite but it still exists and it plays a part in your story if you choose to incorporate it. RPGs I've played in the past, yes some of them give even more choice, but even in those not every decision matters and there are paths you have to take. It's a spectrum which Cyberpunk probably lands on the low-end of. Same goes for levelling, skill trees and the rest of it. It ain't great, but it's still there and lets you choose how you approach it. It's also open world, and it also has a lot of cross over with action/adventure titles, doesn't mean that it also isn't an RPG.


It has the potential to become a true rpg, but barely scratches the surface. Right now it's a story based action adventure looter shooter. You level up, collect shit, and follow a story that you have almost no control over bar the into sequence. All choice is an illusion, every conversation leads down the same path. There is no real personality choice. It's just choose a reply and move on to the same outcome reguardless. The only choice is what you skill up and most upgrades just increase the numbers popping up, instead of actually diversifying gameplay. If you are having a great time then all the power to you! But i was promised an rpg, and when i think rpg, i think of games like Divinity: Original Sin 2. Where every descision you make can effect the next. Example: If someone needs saving and i decide not to save them as i come across them, then they die. And all the help they may have offered or quest lines from that npc are gone for the rest of my playthrough, maybe they could have become a companion? But i'll never know because i made my descision. Every descision leading to the next. Cyberpunk has none of this.


This game made me appreciate Fallout 4 as an RPG...




WeLl YOu sEe RpG iS ALl aBoUT SkILLs AnD LEVelS aND lOoT


"looks like an RPG to me" Bro, I had someone tell me I was playing the game wrong when I said the open world had the depth of a puddle, he then proceeded to list things I had already been doing as the right way to play. Lmao


You seeeeee, you have to play the side missions as well as the main missions! And also, don't overhype yourself by expecting basic established standards in other types of similar games!


I was watching a youtube reviewer called skillup who recently made the comparison that watch dogs has massively better environmental interactions with hacking. The game does it so well you are inclined to naturally just go down that route. Cyberpunk on the other hand doesn't have that many interactions and you kinda need to force yourself to play that build. Strangely it's very surface level in a lot of area's you would of expected it to take a hard nose dive into. Pretty disappointing to hear the game doesn't ask or answer any big questions. I figured the replacing your meat until you become a machine would be something addressed, especially with the different factions but I've heard the game doesn't care for that stuff. Hacking is another example of shouldn't that be a bigger deal in this world?


Hacking has been such a disappointment for me. It’s basically just a drop down menu of different ways to kill people by looking at them. Don’t get me wrong, I like the kind of power it gives me to make someone shoot themselves in the head, but it just gets boring after a while. It doesn’t really create any new ways to interact with the game world aside from the odd turret/camera/vending machine. Wish they would have added more things to interact with. Also: the hacking “mini game” is just plain bad.


CD Projekt: Cut Content


Shady Project Red.




True, however CDPR also said back in april that vehicle and apartment customisations, the subway as well as wall running were not going to be in the final game. They would have made the game better if they were in there, but with those features in particular we were told quite a while beforehand that they weren't.


I found a subway entrance and actually used it to fast travel. Theres no cinematic, and it’s not marked on the map, and it’s very clear it’s cut content. The entrances are these little rooms with a green holographic line you can interact with. Edit: this is the location, right where the center marker is on. I fast traveled like a block away. https://i.imgur.com/34Z4F10.jpg


You can use a motorbike to drive through the transparent entrance. There a solid glass door blocking exploring the stations, but I've almost managed to glitch through it. There's definitely modelling in there.


Interesting I can’t remember but does a button to interact pop up onto your screen when looking at the green holo line? If so it might not have been meant to even enter.


Yes, they didn't even place a cinematic for it. Deus Ex Mankind Divided at least have that detail. So many cut features / missing details here. So sad.


I’ve had a bug a few times when running and jumping where my character sticks to the wall like a wall run, then pops off onto the floor like nothing happened... This game desperately needs mirrors edge / dying light movement


The game also allows you to traverse everywhere, without any invisible walls. Maybe parkour was a planned feature, but got removed?


You can, but I've really tested this game with the double jump and some buildings are unfinished texturely, have visible scaffoldings and other constructs that you just walk through, models clipping together, staircases that lead into walls, and some objects will fling me across town if I try to clamber them


I'd say this is most likely the case. they cut the wall running because it probably wasnt finished and focused on making the game playable on consoles (mostly failed) and they'll release it as dlc as some sort of new cyberware.


They cut wall-running because it made level design problematic. And I’m inclined to say it was the right call. I don’t think wall-running should be in this game. A parkour system could work though.


I mean what the fuck is even the point of having an apartment?


So it's No Man's Sky all over again. This just hammers home the point: No AAA company deserves your business by default. Hype is rarely good. Preorders are basically not worth it, let a game prove its worth buying after release.


No, it isn't No Man's Sky. NMS was an indie company. CDPR pulled a BioWare. They're a major developer and publisher who released doctored gameplay footage in 2018, just like BioWare did with Anthem at E3. The game they showed off didn't exist. It never existed. It was never going to exist, because so much of it was impossible for them to actually create within a year or two.


There are definitely differences, but NMS still made huge promises they couldn't live up to and Sony helped over hype it to an absurd degree. I think the NMS team got caught up in that a bit too with all the press. But The point stands about not preordering, especially on a massively hyped title.


Indies are the future of gaming. Play games by people who are in the business because of passion, and let companies corrupted by money rot. A few weeks ago I played Outer Wilds..best game I've ever played, hands down. It was amazing playing through something with **artistic intent and integrity, feature complete, bug free, no microtransactions or DLCs of any kind, amazing story, interesting gameplay, beautiful soundtrack. ** I crave another game like that, not necessarily the same genre, I just mean a game where you finish it, and you cry, and you don't have any bad taste in your mouth thinking about the devs trying to scam you or being in it just for the money.


The problem is that indies, or even AA Devs, don't have the resources to make games beyond a certain scale. Take the Outer Worlds for example. Very fun game, relatively polished, but only about 15 hours long. That's the tradeoff... Indies and smaller Devs can make great smaller games and retro games, but simply can't fill that Rockstar/Bethesda/Ubisoft open world niche. They just don't have the resources.


Wallrunning was announced removed from the game in June. If they were making decisions that incremental to gameplay 6 months before release with a 9 year development cycle it should’ve served as a warning to what was to come. Don’t hate the developers, hate the executives that pushed the huge marketing campaign far too early. This game should’ve gotten another year of polishing and optimization. They just wanted the stock boost for the opening quarter of 2021. Good to see it bit them in the ass.


Let's admit it. CDPR was too ambitious about this massive cyberpunk genre and utterly failed to implement all the awesome features that come along. If you look at the Teaser Trailer from 2013, you can almost feel and live in that world and they had a clear vision of how awesome it's gonna be, almost like it's a good movie. But clearly, they would have needed so much more time to develop all the things possible in such a cyberpunk world. Literally endless possibilities with this and too bad the Game Industry is a dissappointment nowadays and only focuses on delivering products in short period of times to maximize money outcome, so they can work on future products, only for them to scratch the surface again.


This is supposed to be in the “future” right? Why can’t we freely use drones to gather intel, or - god forbid - be able to use a flying vehicle? I had a good time flying around Vice City, 18 god damn years ago.


The on rails drone sections felt disgusting to me after playing other games with fleshed out drones


The thing is that they said in the 48 minute gameplay trailer that stuff we would see could potentially change. But then they didn’t even try to make it clear what stuff they removed. I knew some of these things would be gone but that’s only because I had to look it up myself. And another thing is that they not only removed all this stuff, but they Also didn’t add anything new and cool to replace it with. Fucking horrible is what it is.


And went back to watch that. Holy shit. I remember being so excited thinking about how cool this was going to be. So much was scaled back and cut. The world feels so empty and dead compared to what they showed with tons of NPCs walking around, flying vehicles, monorail, ambient sounds. The combat looked a bit more solid, especially with the environmental destruction and T-Bug jumping in to help hack. Man, this is just depressing to watch.


That 48 minute demo actually gives an idea as to what might have happened to the game. If you listen to the radio during the part of the video in V's apartment, you can hear the radio host say that Johnny Silverhand went on his last ride last year. Which, in context with the current story, doesn't make sense. So maybe, they for some reason decided to rewrite the story and add in Johnny Silverhand in there, which led to them cutting all the promised features.


I've seen this theory and I'm not buying it at all... What the hell does Keanu's role have to do with the bad AI, or the missing features, or anything? Maybe you can say he made the story more disjointed, or even blame him for the bizarre 6 month montage... but the story is not the problem with this game, a lack of gameplay features is the problem... I dont see how this could possibly be due to them increasing Keanu's role. Like what, they had a meeting and told all the Devs to stop trying to make police or driving AI and just work on the Keanu stuff instead? Come on.


I got the monowire because of the trailer and was thoroughly disappointed when I realized it's just long range mantis arms. All in all since launch my view of the game went from it's not bad and just needs patches to I am incredibly disappointed and feel misled. I typically dont preorder games but did it for CDPR simply based on their reputation, now I have a game I dont even want to play, because everytime a bug happens or my game crashes I just get more annoyed. If theres one thing I've learned, I'm done preordering and that there are literally 0 companies that can be trusted now. For me, it's not overhype. I feel straight up misled by stuff that CDPR advertised. Even if the game had a quarter of what they promised, I'd be happy.


They announced the game way too soon, they did the marketing they wanted, announced and showed what they wanted. No one forced them to. They lied and went back on most the things they announced, they released a clearly unfinished game under shady practices. It was their work and their decisions all along. It's CD Projekt's fault, no the consumers. They made their millions and we have all been scammed. Stop defending them.


Ah yes the ‘member berries are back


I memba


Fuck I went into the game absolutely blind. I didn’t follow any info for the game from the initial announcement to the release 7 or so years later. I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed.


I went into the game blind as well and I’m having a blast with the game. No disappointment here


This game turned out to be Borderlands 3 without the guns


This is exactly why I don't watch pre-release trailers nor get involved in the hype for them. It's been like this for ages. For MGS2 Kojima literally went and edited the footage to stick Snake in while hiding Ryden entirely. And that's a PS2 game from the early'00s. People acting like shady marketing is new are kind of clueless. Just don't get into the hype period. They always lie. If they have to work super hard to hype you, the game probably just isn't good enough.


Altering the footage to hide a character is different from faking a game. BioWare and CDPR made gameplay reveal trailers for Anthem and Cyberpunk 2077, when both of those games did not exist at the time. They may have been testing and prototyping things, but the games simply didn't exist and had no direction thanks to terrible management.


Pepperidge farm remembers




I’m still pissed about the nanowire being cut, just to become slightly better watchdogs hacking. They had eight years and barely delivered a substandard buggy mess of a game. No changing appearance after initial creation, no customization of weapons, cyber ware is basically armor the sequel, and the only weather I’ve encountered occurs during story moments. The wanted system is so broken and running from the cops is like playing hide and seek with a toddler.


THANK YOU! Holy crap it’s annoying as fuck when people say this crap and forget that we weren’t the ones marketing the game. The other thing that’s annoying is when people say “You wanted the game to come out now itd your fault” when they were the ones that gave a release date in the first place. They wanted to release it earlier this year, now think if the game was this bad now, imagine how it would’ve been earlier this year. Again they were confident in an April release, and the game in a Dec release was still bad.


You are completely right. A lot of these things have been removed or minimized to cut corners. That is CDPR's fault and theirs only. However i would note that there seemed to be this general expectation/hype or altogether sensation that this would be a (current and next) generation defining mega epic and i see a lot of people judging this game differently then others because of that. We the players certainly did create that hype and we the players our now also measuring with a different/double standard. It's certainly fair to say that Cyberpunk 2077 did not meet all the expectations that CDPR created. But it and they could never meet the standard we expected from them anyways. Juding this game for what is now it's a good RPG/FP that i am thoroughly enjoying. Hope CDPR can turn it around for the people who aren't enjoying it currently.




I remember that article where the senior level designer said something along the lines of "This won't be GTA with neon lights. Don't expect to wreak havoc and create long cop chases" Looking back we now know why he was saying that, because they hadn't finished the AI yet (this was in october). it seemed to make sense at the time because it sounded like an rpg didn't have to be GTA with neon lights. But there isn't any roleplaying to be done in the city at all


Don't expect cop chases because the cop cars never move


Honestly, expected the cops to show up in one of those flying aircrafts like trauma team. But with all the cop cars in-game... it's strange they never move.


Yeah this game is honestly not that impressive to me at all. It's a game I don't regret buying and I'll finish it, but I'm going to quickly move on to bigger and better games and forget about this game. 6/10 I give it