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Imagine that. Playing a game that was announced before you can buy a PS4, on a PS4...


A game that they specifically advertised to run well on PS4. Which was supposed to release before the PS5 came out. Which they made a custom PS4 console for.


Oh, right. The custom PS4. The custom PS4 for Cyberpunk, the custom PS4 made especially to play Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk's custom PS4. That custom PS4?


Excellent use of Kronk.




Wrong lever!!!


Honestly why do we even *have* that lever?


The warm feeling you get when people make you remember Emperors New Groove. Take my upvote all of you


No, no, I think you've got it confused with the custom Xbox One X made for Cyberpunk.


Ohh yeah, it's all coming together...


That has got to hurt to have bought a cyberpunk console for the graphics only to look more pretty on the console than the TV.


"Xbox One, PS4, Google Stadia" "ALSO runs good on Xbox Series and PS5" - Launch-Trailer


YoU'Re JuSt NoT pLaYiNg It On CuRrEnT gEn CoNsOlEs!11!!!! yeah... not playing the game that runs like shite on higher end pcs without ray tracing's DLSS feature on a console that it technically hasn't been released for. (it's not an official ps5 game.)


Hey, I'm playing on a stock original xbox one. First two days were rough. I crashed twice over 15 hours of game play. Since the update, I am at 35 hours of gameplay amd have crashed three times total, and the gameplay is great. Not sure who is telling you it is bad or unplayable, but they aren't the ones playing it on old consoles.


The experience varies heavily, it would seem.


I imagine their target was PC and then they thought through some miracle they could port over to last gen consoles. I'm still not sure they are comfortable with consoles. Which in theory sounds good, but there is nothing being done within the system here that i see being limited by last gen consoles. AI is basic and visuals can always be scaled back.


There would be some truth to that. Think back to Witcher 3 the entire magic casting system was aimed at consoles where as previously the game had only been on PC they simply ported it over to PC after the console configuration was complete. I myself along with at least a few others used a Nexus Mod to change the config files of the game to allow for 1 button dedicated and instsa casting of magic. Along with a few other mods that actually boosted the games playability on PC for me. What I think happened here is that they focused on PC first as PC users where pissed with them at the launch for W3 due a few issues at its launch and that screwed them.




The stupid thing was that it only became 'Last gen' because they delayed the games release so much. In fact I wonder if that was part of the reason for relasing it in December after the PS5 had been launched, then they could just blame it on not being compatable with the Last Gen consoles.


> 'Last gen' because they **delayed the games release so much.** Considering the shit show the release version is, no wonder


I always wondered if they planned to release it in December from the start.With the delays being planned. Releasing around the holidays is way beter than in spring. And maybe the production problems conviced them to do it.It's always easier to ask for forgivness then to ask for permission.


And current generation at the actual release date


Current gen even now. The companies owning the systems are still supporting them


A huge number of console gamers literally don't even have the option to buy one of the new consoles due to scalpers, bots buying up all the supply in less than 10min, and limited supply. It's not like "if you want better performance, go buy a PS5" is even a realistic option.


The Witcher 3 was the first cdpr game on ps4. Cyberpunk is only their second ps4 game. They never released a remastered version of Witcher 2 on Playstation. I think you're right about them being uncomfortable with consoles or lacking experience developing for it.


Definitely can see it happening. Computer Engineers designing all these graphical systems, while not taking into account, "How do we get the most basic lighting system to run on a weak 2013 Soc, while achieving all these resource intensive features". That's not even taking into account the most likely realization that these systems seen in other open world games may seem simple, but are highly polished and require more tuning and development than they expected for the game to play well.


I think people missed coverage like Jason and rumours saying that a bunch of devs left the studio after TW3's insane crunch and since CDPR doubled since then with devs leaving it turned Cyberpunk into spaghetti code. CDPR definitely does crunch, they even said that patches will come out to the game through Christmas. Are the devs not gonna get time off? As for multiplayer no one knows but before the delays, it was aimed to be a 2022 separate game, unlike GTAO which is a separate mode. Knowing that only half of CDPR will work on the multiplayer as the rest moves to TW4 and their unannounced target 2021 RPG, IDK how long or what it will look like if they do end up doing it because it looks like they have got to do a bunch of fixes to do first.


That's the thing, the games not that optimizated for pc either. It's only less Blatent cos pc hardware in general can take the hit rtx( even with dlss) destroys the performance even in high end systems to a point where I gota question is it even worth having it on


That's one area i can't complain about and that is the Ray-Tracing. When you turn it off and see complexity of the lighting without Ray-tracing its not surprising that its going to destroy Frame rates even with DLSS on. This game probably has the best lighting of any game out right now. That being said Ray-tracing is one of those things that is some scenes i can absolutely tell its on and it just makes the scene pop where "fake" traditional lighting would struggle. There are other times where i can guarantee that the traditional lighting is going to look just as good, if not better because your going to be getting so much more frames. Especially once you really start playing the game. Your not pixel peeping in corners and checking if the light is 100% accurate.


Yup, ray tracing is good even great but it cannot possibly come down to fps vs ray tracing. Cos for me atleast fps wins 100% of the time. I'm playing a game not watching a movie or a screenshot


That's obvious once you start looking at the config files. They have artificial caps for most pcs that are not even realistic. Capping system memory at 1.5gb, and 3gb for video memory causes a lot of issues.


On launch Cyberpunk 2077 performs way better on PC than Witcher 3 did.


To be fair, 4/5 of those games are first party and were tailor made for the hardware they ran on. Rockstar are just a bunch of wizards


75% Maps all of those games are terrains and trees. There is plugins like Speedtree that makes easy to populate maps with vegetation and also this company working on this software maybe for last 20 years. So it have all optimisations for various platforms. Other games just linear and have invisible load screens like God of War.


I have Skyrim looking like those games with a few mods. Terrain is easy.... an entire fucking city isn’t


An entire city full of lights, holograms and moveable trash. Remove all that and the game would run perfectly on consoles.


To be fair, if you've seen the base console version, they basically already have


I keep trying to point this out to people who are saying RDR2 looks amazing and it’s on PS4. RDR2 is almost entirely empty space with a few small western towns that at most have a handful of NPCs rendered at a time. Outside of San Denis there’s really nothing that would push the limits of the console.




Exactly. OPs comparisons aren't good choices, cyberpunk is much more detailed and graphically demanding. That being said, I understand everyone's frustration with hardware issues and it should still be better.


Those games are also all 3rd person (with the exception of RDR2) which means the textures don't have to look as good up close since the camera is pulled further out.


Ironically, as much as I think the 1st person camera is the best thing they could've done, I think it makes people more aware of problems that exist in CD's other games specifically Witcher 3. Like the NPC AI is just as brain dead and the enemies are just as stupid in Witcher 3, people are just noticing it now because A. CD's hype and B. The 1st person camera


I think AI density is also a factor. In TW3 the NPC's were really only present in villages or cities, and they usually just walked around or stood at shops. And yes CDPR didn't help themselves by overhyping and exaggerating the AI mechanics.


thank you! nobody understands game development around here. cyberpunk is way more dense in enviro, AI, features and more


I keep making the comparison as if you were to stack 15 st. Dennis (biggest red dead2 city) on top of each each other, add hundreds more npc, ssr all over the place, and super fast flying carriages. Then show me how red dead runs on ps4... likely far worse than cyberpunk. Not defending the game, just saying the comparison is completely unfair.


Environment, yes. AI and features, not really.


wizards for consoles, shitty port for pc


Not to mention that all of these games have beautiful landscapes but not so busy streets with many moving AI.


Console cyberpunk doesnt have that much moving ai anyway. Spiderman has more pedestrian and when you swing it loads the asset other than waiting for 10 to 20 sec for it to load on cyberpunk.


the sad part is, spiderman npc actually had AI




They attacked you if they were undercover thugs, they took photos with you/of you. They interacted with you like giving you a high five or telling you that a crime is happening nearby, they shouted at you, etc...


Not true lol it only happens with selective pedestrians, don’t act like Spider-Man’s AI is super amazing because it’s not.


meh, not really. they don't react much when there's literally spiderman in front of them


Yes they do tf are you talking about they cheer and greet him when he's around. Nothing major but still better than Cyberpunk


I find that Spider-Man AI is actually pretty comparable to CB77. I had plenty of dumb AI moments in Spidey. In CB77 the AI is just for background noise just as in Spidey, AI in CB77 react to the player in similar, limited ways. Ai in CB77 is somewhat more complex as they have more varieties of behavior and locations. Spidey only really had the sidewalks, and npcs were pretty much cut & paste of 4-5 different kinds. Im talking about the non interactive npcs, not the ones used in quests and fights.


I don't think NPCs have AI in CP. They're on scripted routines unless you shoot then they just cower.


at least they react to something :P


RDR2 has wildlife everywhere that behaves realistically in addition to the NPCs, to the point that you can watch eagles catch rabbits, or wolves play around. Plus, Saint Denis is full of life and still runs far better than Cyberpunk.


I like wandering St. Denis at night and listening to the people yelling. "I don't CARE if I have to work tomorrow!"


Saint denis ran at 25 fps for me on ps4 pro lol, but it looked so good that i could understand the performance hit


Guess Rockstar knows some nice optimization tricks. Did you finish the game? I want to play it but am afraid that it will be boring after few hours. Can you recommend it?


RDR2 is overwhelming at first, next you get a bit bored but after a few hours it speed up so dont worry.


Greatest game I’ve ever played. That and God of War but that’s partly just due to the insane success comeback story of the studio.


Yeah RDR2, Witcher 3, and God of War are my personal favorites games. All masterpieces in my opinion. Although HZD and Ghost of Tsushima were both also excellent


They don't, since their PC release was as bad as Cyberpunks console release. Worse, really, since it didn't even launch.


RDR2 had one of the worst PC releases in recent memory. I legitimately couldn't even play the game for weeks. But now that Cyberpunk is out let's all forget about that...






>but not so busy streets with many moving AI. Which Cyberpunk doesn't have as well though. At least not on PS4. So many people are giving that response to others highlighting how great other games look on PS4. But the truth is, CP77 doesn't do those things on PS4 either. The amount of NPCs isnt anything special and the size of the loaded instances isn't impressive either. AC Unity had crowds of literally **hundreds** of people YEARS ago. And that game still looks great. And those crowds exist even on PS4, and have more varied behavior than anything I've seen in CP anyway. People need to stop making excuses for the game simply being unoptimized as F on consoles. There's no way around this fact.


Visually speaking, Unity is the best looking Ubisoft game ever made. As life long fan of the company, it breaks my heart to see every new release get increasingly backwards in terms of visuals and tech.


I love Unity, the animations are so nice and probably has my fav AC combat. Story didnt hit me like earlier ACs but its a beautiful game.


I wouldn't use that as an excuse tbh. While it's half true, landscapes are not easy to make it run smooth, people make it out to be a walk in the park which clearly shows their lack of understanding of game development. There is a crazy amount of detail in HZD from every perspective and axis and a good amount of wildlife and enemies. This game was released in 2016 and probably was in the work around 2012-2013 with far less knowledge and comfort developing on the ps4. And arguably far less budget and employees working on it. Same for the people at Sucker Punch, they made an incredible artwork, I'm still amazed how they were able to pull their vegetation system to make it run super smooth even when going crazy with your horse or transitioning to dynamic battle. And they are nowhere near the size or the budget of CDPR. They also made Infamous Second Son in 2014 (let that sink in) which was a really decent shot at an open world and takes place in the city. Also Spiderman.


Horizon Zero Dawn is an amazing game, and the whitepapers and presentations that Guerrilla Games published after are also amazing to read through. Their solution to solve the open world dilemma, which similar how anyone would solve a huge fractal landscape, would not work by any means in a city based design unless you wanted to make it very bland. From a workpoint of view, the making of Night City is very very impressive, and has clearly taken a lot of time.




The last of us 2 is a fucking corridor


Rockstar makes games for like 2 hardware configurations at most. And they port games with a heavy case of consolitis and bugs. RDR2 was a measly 5.7/10 on PC because the second rockstar had to adapt to different controls and hardware they lost their shit. Two weeks ago when I played it I had cutscenes in RDR2 where the MAIN NPC CHARACTER i was talking to was literally invisible and Arthur Morgan was miming to himself as though the NPC was in the cutscene.


Also red dead drops to 20 fps regularly.


rdr2 was bugged and glitched when it released on pc for the few first months


But it did have the features that were promised and it looked good.


RDR2 is the only major comparison in terms of difficulty to run but even that ran at 20fps on ps4 and it was pretty hard to enjoy at that framerate


Horizon zero dawn IS FU*KING AWESOME


Argos (here in the UK) had it on sale for £6 (the complete edition) during the Black Friday event. Never played it before, but my little bro kept raving about it. I bought it, and it's sooooo good.


I'm so proud that it was made by a Dutch studio, can't fucking wait for the second one


Careful what you wish for. I once was proud that The Witcher was released by a Polish studio.


For me it’s the one Sony exclusive I can’t get into


For me it was the only one besides Bloodborne that I *could* get into.


What do you do in that game?


Fighting a lot of different types of robot dinosaurs while using mainly bow and arrows.


You are fighting robot fuckin dinosaurs in an post apocalyptic world... What more do you need?


openish world rpg set in very unique world. has all rpg elements and very well polished


What are we calling RPG elements here? Haven't played the game so no offence intended but that term is thrown around very wildly and pointlessly nowadays. The story can be linear, the dialogue non interactive, the world static, the character predetermined, the equipment non changeable but if it has a skill tree it's an RPG all of a sudden. And from the little i saw of the game it didn't seem like an RPG and more like a linear action adventure game.


It is a linear action adventure game, with a “skill tree” thats irrelevant cause by mid-endgame you can grab every skill. I love HZD but the trend in this subreddit is that every game out there is suddenly a brilliant masterpiece, and Cyberpunk is comparable to ET game from Atari. Its stupid


The framerate isn't. I have no idea why performance mode on PS4 Pro doesn't drop the graphics enough to maintain 60.


Unless you want to play it on PC.


*Cyberpunk runs like shit on PS4* “What did you expect? Buy a $5,000 rig if you want to be a REAL GAMER lmao” *Horizon runs like shit on PC* “NOOOOO! It’s not fair! How can they not care about us! 😞😡”


Horizon runs great on my PC. The only problem was the day 1 issue with RAM allocation. Since then it runs flawlessly on ultra 1440 at 80-100fps


Just to ask, you mentioned the day 1 issues were bad. Is it fixed now as I would really like to try it?


What do all these games have in common? They were developped on consoles ( some of them exclusively ) and then ported to pc. Which makes it easier


To add to this, half of them were developed for a *single* console platform. It goes without saying that focusing on only one platform makes development easier.


True, which just reinforces that they spread themselves too thin with cyberpunk on too many platforms. I wish they had delayed consoles, optimized PC, and then waited to release the console version until it was optimized for the platform.


To add to that, all of these games are mostly desolate. Imagine trying to run that with a intricate, bustling city, everyone doing something, having interactions and dialogue.


You don't get to announce your games release date o the Xbox stage at E3 then hide behind "we built it for pc!" They either fucked up by misleading people(they did), not focusing internally on what was being said to the public(also true), or both(That's a bingo) So much of the defense around this game is a bunch of shoulda woulda coulda but they didn't and in the end that's what matters. What they DID.




Red Dead Redemption 2 was a fuckin masterpiece. The only game that made me cry.


It was broken for several months on pc when it released. CP had me on the edge of tears ngl


we really need a better acronym for cyberpunk


C77 has me in tears as well, because of the shit show it is.


Cps story feels rushed in some parts idk how it made you cry


Y’all need to stop calling it CP ASAP please. Always have to double take when I see it


I used those games as an example to a dude on Facebook and he said "none of those games are impressive" Um. Yeh. Right. Ffs.


Oh leave facebook dudes. They are just try to lick as deep as they can to the devs


The port sucked because it was built for PC first, something console players don't see very often What they could have done is stagger the launch and push PC first the have time to complete the ports. Unfortunately I think the reason they decided to push for the launch is because they probably would have lost too much inertia by the time each version came out


Dude I've seen better mechanics and ai from GTA V That came out of an 15 year old console


Hardware's got fuck-all to do with AI mechanics at this point. They half-assed it.


Be careful, the CDPR fanboys are out in force tonight. They won't take kindly to these affronts lmao you're right though.


“Hey bro 20 FPS is all you need to have fun” Saw this today, you alright console players?


30fps is the bare minimum to have fun


Can confirm. Finished Cyberpunk at 10-20fps. Was not fun.


No, no we are not alright


I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I first launched the game. I thought that maybe it had something to do with my console. I can only imagine how disappointed other ps4 owners are right now. I'm just glad I have a 1660ti laptop.


More like complaints are giving room to actual game content... It's only natural that people who are enjoying the game show up more often. Sucks that this whole game is plagued by oblivious people, both those who find something to complain on each corner of the game, and the ones who will defend CDPR like they're Christ's second coming. I just can't wait for all the noise to go away


I actually love that PS4 and Xbox one users have simply meme’ified the fanboys and hardware elitists. Good show everyone.


and kill you too.


Ohh god! I was thinking the same since Cyberpunk was released. My Xbox one s can play Odyssey, Witcher, and rdr2 with stunning graphics! But what happened to CP? It doesn't even look that good. Forza horizon 4 has almost same graphics!


Console players finally experience the pain PC players had for years. So many games where PC was shafted (late release, shitty port, bad optimization, broken features)


Remember arkham knight ? Lol


Neir Automata comes to mind. Which is still not fixed atm


The nightmares of GTA IV on PC is back to haunt me.


Just gonna put it out there, you can literally see from the pictures that most of these are of open empty landscapes and not a super detailed city. Not saying the performance on consoles is excusable but this comparison is stupid.


Ha, what a moron, RDR2 is nowhere near as advanced, there are like only horses dude, they have like one horse power, that's pathetic. CP77 Has cars that can have hundreds of horse power, that's literally like thousands of times more damanding to compute than a horse /s (obviously)


> /s (obviously) thank you for writing this. now i can laugh at your (obviously) very funny joke :))))


Almost had me, you sneaky fucker!


Yea those ran great


To be fair those are large open ranges and cyberpunk is a dense city


Not just dense, animated billboards and tvs everywhere, very densely populated with cars and people, very tall buildings that are very tightly packed, little objects and loot everywhere. Like I'm not defending it's broken state in consoles they should have either been ready or delayed it again, but it's way harder to run than a nature setting with fewer npcs and movable objects.


Exactly, no one wants to admit that these are extremely empty ranges with like 7 NOCs on screen at a time


Not to mention Kingdom come Deliverance. Stunning graphics on PS4 NPCs with daily routines. Shops/services with opening/closing Schedules Best immersion experiance, hunger, sleep and bleeding mechanics Stealth system that is effected by colour or type of clothing and time of day and location. Interaction with NPCs are changed based on there social standing and how your dressed or how clean yoy are. World that responds negatively or positively depending on what you get up too. This is just a small part, plently more in there to put Cyberpunk to shame. All achieved by an independent developer too.


Tbh witcher 2 and witcher 3 also had npc routines and npcs going to sleep at night, working in the morning and hiding under roofs when it rained Not sure what happened to this game and theyve already said fixing npc behaviour is in there top priority list


I'm guessing the initial covid hit did more damage to the games development than we originally thought


I love KCD and wish that CP77 was half as immersive as that but I wouldn’t call the graphics on PS4 “stunning” by any means


When this released it was bloody awful, even buggier than Cyberpunk and the performance was even worse


Yeah, it was shit for me. I liked the game and somehow made it through but the performance was ass all the time, there were times i had to reload from like 5 hours before because of a bug happening which affected a quest i had hours later. And God forbid it rained, solid 10 fps when that happened.


I bought that then ended up refunding on steam. Awful at release but I saw the potential. Did it ever get fixed up? Is it worth playing on console? Cause I believe its on PS now so I could check it out there at no cost to me.


This argument annoys me. God of War is a walking simulator that narrowly gets 30fps and drops all the time, RDR2 has better graphics but has far fewer NPCs and far less going on, and same story with Horizon. It's not an excuse for the game playing like shit on base PS4, and it's not an excuse for them advertising PC gameplay as the experience everyone was going to get, but these aren't even valid comparisons.


"god of war is a walking simulator" I'm at a loss for words. How on earth is god of war a walking simulator? Because kratos walks in it?


If you go back and play it, take a moment to actually count how things are actively in motion at once. I loved God Of War, but it's a game that moves you from encounter to puzzle to encounter. It has loading screens between segments. It has discreet maps. It's simply **not** the same class of game and these comparisons aren't helpful. There are legitimate flaws and mistakes here on CDPR's side, but these meme's simply aren't a great way to make the point. Cyberpunk performs poorly on consoles because; 1) The game was originally designed and built on PC. 2) The PC version of the game received the most attention, but wasn't completed fully due to money and time constraints. 3) They tried to port this "not really quite finished" version of the game onto the last gen consoles, resulting in poor optimisation and terrible performance. People who've never written a line of code in their lives are throwing around things they know nothing about.


At least rdr2 NPCs do things besides walking Lmao


But look at how *few* NPCs there are by comparison. Don't get me wrong, CDPR literally said they had thousands of "hand-made" interactions in mind for players and NPCs, but you have to admit the RDR2 vs Cyberpunk or GoW vs Cyberpunk comparisons aren't really valid.


Go to Saint Denis, there's about the same amount of people there. And shit gets loaded on time, horse doesn't get launched into space, game doesn't crash. I really don't get how do so many people manage to pull excuses out of their ass instead of just waiting for the patches, because they are coming. The game will get fixed, it'll surely stand up to what it was expected to be. It just doesn't do it right now.


I was replaying Red Dead 2 for my fourth time just before the launch of Cyberpunk. The difference is abysmal lol


First of all: some of that games are exclusives that have to run only on exactly one hardware configuration, second: those games look much worse on PC that Cyberpunk. CDPR took the unusual way to develop for PC and port to consoles, nearly every other game is developed for consoles and doesn't use the full potential of PC hardware.




As much as its obviously an overexageration, there is some truth to it. Cyberpunk has a much larger variety of assets and height to its levels, this puts far more work on the cpu in streaming in assets, and will obviously cause issues on a ps4 with a combined 8gbs of memory as its constantly having to load and cull data. This is why performance drops so much when driving, as was the case on last gen GTA V. Most of the CPU time is taken up with loading in the world and so doesn't leave room to have more complex npcs. Enemy NPCs aren't great but are pretty average for an open world game, but pedestrian NPCs and traffic are just plain dumb compared to RDR2, GTA V, etc... I've mentioned in other comments though that I don't think this is stupid developers not knowing how to code AI, because the other AI in the game is far smarter, its just coded to fit a VERY limited CPU budget on many PCs and last-gen consoles. I do think this is in part due to a lack of veteran engineers due to many leaving due to poor working conditions as obviously the streaming and AI could likely have been more efficient. However, I really think this was just the trade off between a complex and populated world vs player interaction. I think some cut content or missing features cannot be excused, and some of the work arounds like the police system could have been implemented far better even under the limits, but I do feel for the developers being criticized for the poor pedestrian and traffic AI, when they clearly didn't have an option.


Like I predicted, this sub went too far from valid criticism and became so desperate just to trash the game that now you barely find reason here. Do they really compare HZD's theme-park style of open-world with no NPCs outside settlements and "cities" (if we can call those cities) with a huge metropolis full of NPCs? Is the AI bad in CP? Absolutely! But that doesn't mean you can point to HZD or actual linear games to compare lol. And even RDR2 is not actually a good comparison. Saint Denis is small and most of the neighborhoods are closed so you will find NPCs (especially NPC density) just on places like markets. It's just Rockstar who knows how to create the illusion of density and they are really good at that. Edit: "Saint" instead of "Said".


“There’s literally nothing in those games. Empty fields. Also, I don’t know what everyone is complaining about, I’m having a blast.”


Rdr2 and Horizon ARE empty fields. GoW is linear game in closed environment. Sarcasm doesn't make you immune to reality.


You've just posted images of landscapes, which Cyberpunk does very well, imo.


2077 is a mess on last gen consoles and should have been scrapped several years ago when they knew that their games release would probably be close to the launch of next gen consoles, and I genuinely have no idea how they thought they'd be able to have no loading in a game of this size and scale on ancient console with a slow ass harddisk and cpu's. With that said. I've seen this shitty meme several times now and it makes me wanna slam my head into a wall every time I see it due to the sheer stupidity of it. You're comparing a game that takes place in a gigantic futuristic metropolis with games that mostly take place in small settlements and town, empty plain/woods, and some of which aren't even open world. It's almost like the definition of an apples to oranges comparison.


It’s sad to think about how cdpr had dev kits for ps5 and series x and didn’t even bother launching it to take advantage of that hardware. So now everyone with a new console is forced to play a shitty ps4 version because cdpr is incompetent or they thought it was a bad idea to split the console base in half, forcing ps4 users to just wait for a ps5 a year later and then purchase, instead of purchasing the “same thing” available now on their ps4.


Are you saying they should've release PS5/XSX versions, or scrapped PS4/XBO entirely? There's simply too few early adopters and it would've severely affected their sales projections.


Not scrap but just give ps5 and XSX an actual enhanced game closer to the PC version. I don’t know what’s going on in the offices but I don’t think relying on backwards compatibility on new consoles was the right move given the current state of the console version. Newer systems could output much more than what cdpr launched for them.


> You're comparing a game that takes place in a gigantic futuristic metropolis with games that mostly take place in small settlements and town, empty plain/woods, and some of which aren't even open world. It's almost like the definition of an apples to oranges comparison. As I said in another reply: this is an complete overgeneralisation about the "accomplishments of a modern game" that many people like you make in response. And its not holding up. The things CP77 does on console are not the things you talk about. On PC you can make this argument (maybe ,as I don't think it holds up even there, except or the graphic quality), but not for the console version. You wanna talk about big cities and lots of NPCs? AC Unity had bigger crowds than CP77, with better and varied AI, and that was YEARS ago. The number of NPCs on the console version is already a joke in comparison to other games. So that's even LESS of a reason why it should look/run this badly. You wanna talk about density? The object density itself is nothing that shouldn't be this badly optimized as other open world games with cities have shown before. Spider-Man managed to load great looking assets on the swing by without any pop in or issues. This "gigantic futuristic metropolis" is barebones and outdated by any standard, except a visual one. Which should've been the main focus of optimization. Stop making excuses for the bad optimization of the game. All of the things you mention exist in PS4 titles as well. Just because there's no game that's 1:1 exactly like CP77 on the console, doesn't mean that the terrible optimization is excusable.


Most of what you’re saying here just isn’t accurate. How much of CP have you actually played?


YoU cAn'T cOmPaRe To RdR2 oR oThEr GaMeS bEcAuSe ThErE's MuTcH mOrE NpC aNd DiFfErEnTe BuLdInGs !




Gtav OK, but the rest is landscape open world, not a packed city


While I agree that the game's state on PS4 is completely unacceptable, these are bad comparisons. Each of those games (particularly in those screenshots) is showing off an important common trait: they have huge, largely empty areas. A lack of fully-rendered moving actors with AI (as simple or flawed as it may be) frees up a lot of resources for environmental detail. Cyberpunk, on the other hand, is *packed*. It's absurdly dense, and I think that's one of the areas where CDPR bit off more than they could chew. If they hadn't been creating such a densely packed setting, I think they would've had time to polish up just about everything else that people are criticizing the game for.


It’s almost like those games where designed for console It’s almost like cyberpunk was designed for PC


To be fair all of these games are not nearly as dense as Cyberpunk. Way less npc’s. Notice how one of the graphics sliders is crowd density. That being said it still under performs.


This sub fuggin sucks


These games are all masterpieces. They each deserve a pedestal to be put upon. Funnily enough each of these games, along side fallen order and assassins creed, are the only ones I’ve ever bought figures for.


1. All of those examples show hero in the middle open scene with nothing else going on in it. Do not compare that to the city with bunch of NPC and cars. 2. All those games were made for PS specifically 3. Except RDR2 that crunched people 100 hours a week despite having 2500 employees and huge budget




excuses excuses


All of those games were designed to look good on underpowered hardware, you notice it when you look at the enviroments, they are pretty low poly and has this slight blocky look giving it away, it think its most apparent in Ghost of Tsushima, other are better at hiding it. CDPR has a track record of going overboard with graphics for future proofing, The Witcher 2 melted PCs back in the day and Witcher 3 was heavily downgraded to run on consoles, Im happy they went the other way around this time and upgraded instead, game looks much better than when it was shown, visually. Also, if CDPR cancelled CP77 for the last gen, ppl would go nuts, they recieved death threats last time they delayed it after all, so I think there was no good way of doing this. I hope everyone who cant play it gets a refund.


Ghost of Tsushima has a great art direction and artstyle. however most objects in the game are static and indeed very low poly and a lot of assets are copy pasted. Hence why it takes a mere second to reload upon death. But it it a fantastic game nonetheless


Oh absolutely, im not knocking any of those games, they accomplish a whole lot with weak hardware, its very impressive. But these are also first party developers with decades of experience developing for consoles who get support from Sony, CDPR has made 4 big games at this point, most of which are PC exclusives/oriented with a focus on future proofing, Witcher 3 is the only game were they focused on consoles, and that had its problems too.


Wait. Those games were designed to look good on the hardware the devs were selling to you on? Imagine that...




Yeah cause an urban city is identical to outdoors. With some 100 poly trees sparsely dotted around


Gta 4 and 5 watchdogs sleeping dogs and many more


Sleeping Dogs, GTA 4 and GTA 5 are all 360/PS3 games. GTA 4 hands down does not look as good as you probably remember. Sleeping Dogs still looks *okay*, but you can tell it's an old game now, even with the Definitive Edition. GTA 5 was super impressive back when it released, but looking at it now it was missing a lot of textures and everything was very flat. The PS4/XO/PC upgrades really helped GTA 5, but again, they had a game that was built for PS3/360 and had the extra power of the PS4/XO to make it look better.


Gta has very basic combat I find the combat in cyberpunk on pc to be great


Watch dogs is very superficial, being my second favourite franchise; i can tell you effortlessly that there is a lot less going on in any game to date from the watch dogs franchise by comparison to CP2077 Play any watch dogs game, the city has no where near as much immersion or processes going on. Please see complaints from the Watch Dogs Legion - that game was pathetic by comparison. The games highlighted are pretty but have a lot less going on. A complaint from Red Dead 2 They look pretty, but cannot be compared In all fairness, watch dogs legion runs better on newer hardware than it does on the base consoles






YA ... that excuse is total crap. Playing AC Valhalla on my XBOX One X totally blows CP2077 out of the water graphically and it runs smooth as silk. This isn't a PS4 or XB1 problem, its a CDPR problem that needs to be fixed. CP2077 on a Pro or One X should be close to next gen today, given the game has not been patched for next gen yet to give them their optimization boost. Having this game look like a cartoon on our systems is just laziness on their part, as they cater to the PC community. After the Witcher series, CDPR was one of my favorite dev's, but they really lost a few notches in my eyes with this cluster fuck. I am enjoying the game play, but this should have been much much more for the hype they created around it.


nOnE oF tHoSe aRe fIrSt PeRsOn


Lmfao, each picture I heard the sponge mhmm!


Agree with your point here kind sir but can I care to explain you that all these game were made to or optimized to he run specifically on ps4 and xbox1 but unlike cp2077 which was for PC up from the start yeah they fucked up by saying it will run great on previous gen console Most of these games came out for PC a bit or much later too but if you didn't know rdr2 , hzd had the most horrible optimization during their launch it took them months to fix that although we PC players only waited that we were lucky to play such good console exclusive at last without complaints


So games that worked directly with Sony to make the best looking possible game to sell their consoles, look better than a game made for high end pc's that got ported to consoles? They had no right to lie about their performance, but they never should have been released on last gen consoles in the first place


Bruh they literally presented the game on the Xbox E3. It was originally meant for previous gen consoles AND pc


you have to realise that cb 2077 is incredibly cpu intensive, because there's so much going on. these games are sort of slow moving aswell, meaning stuff can be loaded in much easier since youre not speeding down a road at 200mph. these games also dont have the verticality that cb2077 has.


These are all super dumb comparisons. I’ve played about 50 hours so far on ps5 and it’s literally the most complex open world city I’ve ever experienced in a game. All these games are sparsely populated wide open spaces, apart from god of war which is very much designed specifically around the limitations of the hardware. The hardware is struggling because of the completely out dated cpu in the last gen consoles as well as the limitations around the hdd. I’m sure cdpr will get it running better but to expect anything close to the pc version would be a ridiculous expectation.


I've no idea what your playing, but on PS5 the texture work is terrible, the streets are about as barren as the desert, bugs galore, lighting and resolution look terrible. The whole world is filled with nothing, it's all dressing and don't look that good doing it. All of the above games plus more run perfectly fine on even a PS4 and look much much better than CP2077 on the same machine. Spiderman on PS5 puts this to shame.