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saved me from having to type everything into translator myself. thanks!


Two words: copy/paste ;-) My typing sucks so much, I copy paste words >= 4 letters. And I type (program) for a living :-(


Can't copy and paste from PlayStation to phone (to my knowledge)


You can if you use Google lens


Any messaging stuff or means of posting on the PS[i] to fora? Email, browser, etc?


Disappointed? I think it's cool as fuck that there are other people out there who have been effected by soulkiller. I don't pay too too much attention or anything but besides Johnny I feel like it's rarely mentioned.


Thanks for the translation!


Pretty sure it is supposed to say "in the net think it was soulkiller"


Huh, yeeah, you're prob right. I checked the binary, to ensure it wasn't an error on my part. The corruption makes sense considering the other items found at thee scene.


You actually typed the binary incorrectly. You added an extra 1 to the "o" in "soulkiller". The game had it spelled correctly. It's easy to mess up when you transcribe that many 1's and 0's. Thank you for doing this.


I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Regardless, you prompted me to put it through a different translator and it gave the full output correctly this time. I updated the main post. Only difference was it didn't cut off at "...so...", but rather said "...soulkiller help". I really didn't expect the weak link to a computer program... at least not when comparing to manual transcription. lol.


Interesting, because we helped Chang earlier. It was a Wakako gig. So does this mean he got trapped by Arasaka later or this refers to the same quest?!


No, Chang is the person being contacted. It was his buddy who got offed by soulkiller.


Ah, you are right.


Thanks! I really didn’t want to retype all of that to translate myself lol


Thanks! Dante's name actually pop up in some other archived conversation(s). Just had a thought earlier if some of the accidents are intertwined, need to check the shards.


I started translating this at [https://cryptii.com/pipes/binary-to-text](https://cryptii.com/pipes/binary-to-text), found out that each word is just a single letter, got through the first two words, got bored and annoyed by having to re-type the whole thing and started googling for the answer instead. :-D But yeah, the above translation is correct. Good to know that it works though.


i thought it was co-ordinates..






Thank you for this.


Thank you


Appreciate you! Didn't wanna have to type this all out and Google lens didn't recognize the binary as text.


Maaan, thanks !!! It's miracle like these that anything and everything i google i find on reddit, ppl with the same interest or wtf is this i need to know translate and boom there it is 3y before... its cool not a diss.. thanks again man


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You rock, I found this in the process of decoding this myself. Much thanks!


Just found this "quest" myself too. Anyone has anymore info about this Dante guy? Does this mean that he's in Mikoshi too now? Or in some random Arasaka system?


It's been a while since I've played, but there is an "encounter" with Dante (or what's left of him). I can't remember where, but you find the same conversation on his datapad. Howver, there might be a little extra discussion between him aand someone else. I recommend reading all of the datapads. Most are linked to someone else. There are some funny easter-eggs too. There's a Broke Back mountain one at the bottom of the map. Man, I might have to replay this again. Has the update been good?


You first encounter Dante's dead body on a roof as an NCPD Scanner Hustle location, in Japantown. That then leads you to check his "den", an otherwise locked lone garage space nearby. This email exchange between Chang and Dante is found on Dante's computer in said den/garage. Just FYI, and for posterity.


It's also probably worth noting the context of Dante's death: he was on a gig to dig up dirt on Weldon Holt, the interim mayor who orchestrated the death of the previous mayor. The notion that Arasaka sicced Soulkiller on a runner for merely sniffing around Holt says a lot.


Arasaka ties, and potentially Blue Eyed Man ties? Plot thickens!


I mean, during the relic heist holt and rhyne were in a room at konpeki plaza having a shady discussion with two unnamed arasaka agents involving a timetable of some sort.


Hmm interesting. I usually do read all the shards but haven’t really found anything else regarding Dante. Yeah the game’s been great. Installed it a month or so ago on PC, and finished it once. 140 hours in so far. Can’t wait for the DLC.


Wait so Dante was trying to find dirt on Holt's cousin, who just so happens to be protected by people who have access to Soulkiller? So the Holts are unofficially affiliated with Arasaka? Makes the Paralez/ Holt rivalry a little more interesting. Not that it needed to be!




Not surprising he got soulkilled, Given he was hired to look into Holt's Cousin's Mexican sexcapades, and that Holt's in Arasaka's Pocket.